Recording: The complex Peyronie’s deformity- grafting vs corporoplasty

Highly regarded experts of the EAU Section of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons (ESGURS), the EAU Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU), and the EAU Guidelines Office share vital research and valuable insights with you in detail.

Published Thu, 18 Mar 2021
Recorded WebinarAndrologyPeyronies DiseaseEAU Section Of Genitourinary Reconstructive SurgeonsEAU Section Of Andrological Urology
Organiser European School of Urology (ESU)
CME Not approved
Duration Approx. 60 minutes

The aim of surgery in patients with Peyronie's disease is to achieve functional and anatomical success. In patients with a good erectile function, shortening (reduction corporoplasty) and lengthening (grafting) procedures can be performed.

The treatment of complex penile deformities (a curvature degree >60, an hourglass deformity, a notching deformity, and plaque with bone formation) is rather challenging.

The scope of this recording is to discuss:
- The expanding role of reduction corporoplasty (the Nesbit plication)
- The neurovascular bundle dissection, the plaque incision, and grafting by using an allograft or xenograft
- Reconstructive procedures in atypical Peyronie’s cases by using autologous graft material

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European School of Urology (ESU)
