Citing, Usage & Republication

How to cite the EAU Guidelines

The citation style used will depend on the specified reference style of your chosen journal. The EAU Guidelines are published as a compilation of all Guidelines (full text and pocket versions).

The compilation of the complete full text or pocket Guidelines should be referenced as:
EAU Guidelines. Edn. presented at the EAU Annual Congress Milan 2023. ISBN 978-94-92671-19-6.


EAU Pocket Guidelines. Edn. presented at the EAU Annual Congress Milan 2023. ISBN 978-94-92671-19-6.

If a publisher and/or location is required, include:
EAU Guidelines Office, Arnhem, the Netherlands.

References to individual guidelines should be structured in the following way:
Contributors’ names. Title of resource. Publication type. ISBN. Publisher and publisher location, year.

Web/electronic resource references should be structured in the following way:
Contributors’ names (Last edited date). Title of resource. Retrieved from. Access date

Usage and Republication

The content of the EAU Guidelines and all products derived from them is made available for personal and educational use only. No commercial usage is authorised. No part of the EAU Guidelines or any related products may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the EAU. Furthermore, the EAU prohibits the usage or upload of its Guidelines and any material derived from these texts (whether in full or in part) on external websites, bots, pages, portals, servers, software, or external applications, including those employing artificial intelligence technologies and infrastructure, such as large language models and generative AI, deep learning and machine learning, unless written permission has been granted for such by the EAU.

National (urological) societies’ translation and republication requests

The EAU welcome requests from national urological societies to translate and reprint their Guidelines and related material. For this purpose a written request is to be sent to the EAU Guidelines Office.

Copyright will be transferred, for once-only translation and republication of all Guidelines texts if they are to be made available to societies national urologists free of charge. Permission will rely on the explicit condition that no commercial involvement can be linked to such a reprint. Funding such a republication through the inclusion of commercial advertisement or financial support otherwise generated through a commercial third party (industry, publishing house etc.) is not allowed. Any commercial involvement linked to EAU Guidelines republication will result in withholding permission.

Furthermore, the EAU does not assume any responsibility for the correctness of the translations which are the sole responsibility of the national society in question. Proper reference to the source material is to be ensured.

By transferring copyright for such a translation and republication the EAU will not accept any financial claims related to the work involved.

Commercial reprints

The EAU offers companies the opportunity to order reprints of original material. This may concern single Guidelines topics or the full EAU Guidelines compilation. In this instance logistics and printing will be handled by the EAU Central Office.

Reprints of Guidelines material published in European Urology are also governed by EAU Copyright, no part of these Guidelines texts or any related products may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the EAU. English language reprints of the texts may be requested directly from the publisher. Translations of these papers are prohibited.