E-course: Challenges and opportunities to integrate patients preferences into surgical and pharmacological BPH management

BPH management is changing in the last few years due to the technological advances in minimal invasive procedures and the new patient expectations.

Published Tue, 24 Jan 2023
E Course
Organiser European School of Urology (ESU)
CME 1.00
Duration Approx. 60 minutes

Nowadays, making a treatment decision for the treatment of BPH involves the patient's preference and the need to adapt the treatment to the general conditions of the patient. The new evidence adds new tools to help the clinicians to make a proper treatment decision in this pathology. The main aim of this e-course is to show how to integrate the preference of the patient in the treatment decision-making and how to personalize this type of treatments in the next 5 years.


  • Dr. A. Budía Alba (ES)
  • Ass. Prof. M.D.C. Gonzalez Enguita (ES)
  • Dr. I. Schwartzmann (ES)

Contact our organiser

European School of Urology (ESU)

Email:  educationonline@uroweb.org