E-course: Why is pharmacological treatment maintained in so many patients after BPH/BPE surgery?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)/benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) surgery is one of the most common urological surgeries.

Published Tue, 23 Jan 2024
Organiser European School of Urology (ESU)
CME 1.00
Duration Approx. 60 minutes

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and digital enucleation are progressively challenged by less invasive techniques such as prostatic stents, Rezūm, Aquablation, or endoscopic enucleation; whichever technique patients expect to become free from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). However, current data shows that a high percentage of patients remain on medical therapy after surgery.

Are we selecting the right patient and the right surgery? Are the new surgeries less effective? Are we postponing surgeries for too long? Is overactive or underactive bladder playing a role in LUTS persistence? This e-course will explore the reasons for LUTS persistence after BPH/BPE surgery.


  • Prof. F. Cruz (PT)
  • Prof. Dr. S. Arlandis (ES)
  • Prof. T. Tarcan (TR)

This e-course is brought to you in collaboration with ESFU.

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European School of Urology (ESU)

Email:  educationonline@uroweb.org