10th SEEM: Young urologists present new approaches in Country Competition
With the goal to highlight new work in various urological procedures, 10 young urologists today discussed their innovative approaches and findings during 10-minute presentations before a jury at the second day of the 10th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM) in Belgrade, Serbia.
“These presentations aim to find out not only new work and approaches in the region but also to identify talented urologists. A relatively new feature in our Regional Office annual meetings, the Country Competition is one of the most exciting in the programme and it always generate enthusiastic discussions,” said Regional Office Chairman Prof. Bob Djavan.
Session co-chairman and local organiser Prof. Sava Micic also welcomed the enthusiastic participation of the 10 contestants from nine countries, and said that joining the competition provides a platform for young urologists to present ideas and challenge their colleagues to re-examine standard urologic practices.
The host country traditional opens the competition, and Dr. Uros Bumbasirevic (RS) represented Serbia. He discussed quality of life in testicular cancer survivors (TCS). “Quality of life (QoL) in most of TCS is as good as it is in the population,” said Bumbasirevic , adding that QoL should be examined in follow-up consultations with patients. He also underscored that urologists should inform and assure their patients of good prognosis and QoL expectations.
Denis Godaj (Albania) discussed laparoscopic adrenalectomia and showed a video of his technique. He noted that first steps of the procedure were difficult and that despite the low numbers of cases, his experience have seen improvement.
Ahmet Gudeloglu (Turkey) spoke on the IDEAL concept and recommendations taking as an example robotic-assisted microsurgery in urology. During the Q&A part with the jurors, he was quizzed on the applicability of the concept in actual cases and the possible obstacles that maybe encountered.
Meanwhile, Evangelos Fragkiadis (Greece) presented his findings in his study titled “Comorbidity as a standard prognostic tool for the occurrence of postoperative complications after radical open nephrectomy.” “Patient comorbidity is linked with the occurrence of postoperative complications, but age is not correlated with the incidence or severity of complications,” concluded Fragkiadis.
Dr. Osman Hadziosmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) discussed incontinence after radical prostatectomy. Behavioural training, Kegel exercises and medication such as anticholinergics an alpha blockers are among the recommendations mentioned by Hadziosmanovic regarding treating early post-prostatectomy incontinence.
Ilija Kelepurovski (Macedonia) in his presentation on overall factors in patients with renal cell carcinoma said anatomical prognostic factors are important predictors of survival rates in kidney cancer patients. He noted that survival decreases with increasing tumour and that the survival rate declines with disease progression.
N. Narimanikali (Iran) tackled female urethral stricture and urethroplasty using bladder neck mucosa. “We have introduced a new method of female urethroplasty using bladder mucosa and we achieved considerably good results after one year of follow up in all the patients,” said Narimanikali. “This procedure is actually convenient and effective in comparison with others. We do believe that bladder mucosa as a flap is closer to physiologic covering of the urethra.”
Tayfun Oktar, the second challenger from Turkey, took up postnatal management of antenatal hydronephrosis. In his concluding remarks he focused on the crucial point of hydronephrosis. “In congenital urinary obstruction, the critical point is that obstruction develops at the same time the kidney is in the process of formation,” said Oftar. “Urinary biomarkers of renal injury offer promising potential for more accurate risk stratification.”
Prodromos Philippou (Cyprus) presented his case on squamous cell carcinoma of the penis and gave an overview on safety and challenges in organ-sparing such as partial penectomy and lymphadenectomy. The last challenger, Dr. Stanislav Valkanov (Bulgaria) discussed the efficacy and safety of holmium laser versus pneumatic lithotripters in management of ureteral stones (247 cases). “Holmium: YAH laser retrograde lithotripsy is significant more effective and a safe minimally invasive option for treating ureteral calculi than pneumatic lithotripsy," said Philippou. He also added that laser lithotripsy is a superior approach in managing ureteral stones of 5 to 11 mm in size due to its high rate of stone clearance and short average operative time.
The 12-man jury is expected to assess the presentations in terms of insights and delivery and prizes will be announced tomorrow, the last day of the SEEM.