Best Posters at ESUT16: Encouraging results on use of tablets for patient information
The EAU Section of Uro-Technology held its first independent section meeting in over a decade on 8-10 July in Athens, Greece. In addition to the multitude of live surgery sessions and the possibilities for hands-ontraining as coordinated with the European School of Urology, ESUT16 also had four poster sessions for the showcasing of new research from young urologists. Each session produced a “Best Oral Presentation”, which awarded the presenter with a cash prize.
We spoke to Dr. Sebastian Armijos Leon (Puerto Real, ES), who presented on behalf of the team that produced poster O40: MHealth: The use of portable video media versus standard verbal communication in the informed consent.
“Our poster was on the topic of mobile health and improving the provision of information for patients, pre-surgery. We use a tablet computer to show video and pictures to explain what they can expect during and after surgery.”
“Ideally, we would like to use a system like this to replace traditional informed consent. Our health records are digitalised but informed consent is not. The second phase of our research will entail the developing of a concept that would allow informed consent through an application.”
“So far, we have tested around 200 patients in our hospital in Cádiz and the results are very encouraging. Patients are happy to use the tablet, and it really helps them understand the procedure. In the past, patients would simply sign the consent form without really knowing what to expect, and now they can.”
“Patients feel less anxiety, the interviewers concluded. All the patients who were surveyed after using the tablet and application felt more comfortable going into surgery.”
Rather than replacing a personal approach between physician and patient, the tablet and video application merely augments it. The patient is also introduced to “their” surgeon, and is encouraged to ask any further questions.
Dr. Leon hypothesised that his presentation was well-received for three specific reasons: “I was told that the idea is good, that it’s unique in this meeting in that it is not related specifically to urology, and third, they liked my presentation!”
Full coverage of ESUT16 can be found in the upcoming edition of European Urology Today. Earlier reports are available on the meeting website.
Best Oral Presentations at ESUT16:O13: Is self-anchoring suture technology safe? In-Vivo comparison with conventional sutures in regard to inflammation-fibrosis, migration, adhesion and stone formation Yalcin S., Kibar Y., Gezginci E., Gunal A., Ozgok I.Y., Gozen A.S. (Agri, Ankara,Turkey; Heilbronn, Germany) O23: Large percentage of potential TURP candidates: Mid-term results Schonthaler M., Berges R., Amend B., Wetterauer U., Sievert K-D. (Freiburg, Cologne, Tübingen, Germany; Salzburg, Austria) O40: MHealth: The use of portable video media versus standard verbal communication in the informed consent Armijos Leon S.A., Rodriguez-Rubio Costadellas F., Rioja Zuazu J., González Caballero J.L., Sanchez Barrios V., Rebelo Cadena I. (Puerto Real, Zaragoza, Cádiz, Spain; Guildford, United Kingdom) O46: Upper urinary tract urothelial tumours targeted with biodegradable drugeluting stents Barros A., Browne S., Oliveira C., Duarte A.R., Reis R., Healy K., Lima E. (Barco, Braga, Portugal; Berkeley, United States of America) |