Call for Applications: EAU RF Unveils New Seeding Grant

The EAU Research Foundation (EAU RF) is announcing a new seeding grant, with the aim of supporting highly innovative and original research by a junior investigator. The call for applications is currently open, with the deadline closing on March 2nd, 2018.
Applicants are invited to submit 1-year research projects with a total budget up to €25,000. These projects should be designed to collect or strengthen preliminary data and to qualify for future external competitive funding. Preliminary data is not required in the application. Seeding grants will be awarded in basic, translational and/or clinical research.
Funding for this Call for Application amounts to a maximum of € 50,000 in total for 2 projects. The Applicant must be an academically active researcher/clinician and member of the EAU and be 40 or younger at submission deadline. The total project period is one year. Successful projects will start on April 1st, 2018 and will end on April 1st, 2019.
The maximum budget request is € 25,000. Funds can be spent on salaries (including the grant holder) and/or consumables/reagents/subcontracts. Payment of internal facilities/clinical costs is allowed up to € 5,000. The budget description must be accurate and every item must be justified in the appropriate section of the application form.
Ethical Issues
- Research involving human subjects and/or vertebrate animals must comply with the relevant European and national laws.
- All funded research must be conducted within the research ethics guidelines of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
- Institutional approval by the appropriate ethics committee(s) must be demonstrated prior to release of funds.
- Certification that approval has been given should be forwarded with the application or as soon as available.
The Evaluation Process
Applications that are incomplete or do not comply with the requirements stated in this Call for Applications will not be accepted.
Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. All accepted Applications will undergo a two-step selection process. The Review Panel will be composed of the members of the EAU Research Foundation and an external expert reviewer.
First Step
Each application will be independently scored by three reviewers. Assignments will be made in order to avoid potential bias (i.e. projects will be not reviewed by their own Division/Center/Institute affiliates).
The evaluation criteria for the first step of selection will be the following:
- Originality and innovation
- Feasibility of the proposed experiments
- Potential to be competitive for larger scale funding
- Qualification and research experience of the Applicant
Reviewers will discuss the scoring results of individual applications and will reach a consensus ranking list.
Second Step
The top 3 applicants will be invited to a personal meeting with the Review Panel, consisting of a brief presentation of their proposal (10 minutes) and a question & answer session.
Reviewers will rank the candidates based on the following criteria:
- Ability of the Applicant to analyze expected results in the context of a future larger proposal
- Balance between innovation and feasibility
How to apply:Candidates are expected to submit:
- Completed application form (.docx)
- CV and list of publications
All details on submission can be found on the application form, linked above.
All scientists intending to apply must notify the EAU Research Foundation Central Research Office by email ( no later than February 16th, 2018. The above-listed documents must be completed and sent to the EAU RF according to details on the form no later than March 2nd, 2018 at 12 noon.