CEM 2012: Issues in LUTS, BPE/BPH examined at Dresden meeting

Fri, 12 Oct 2012

A range of treatment issues related to benign prostatic enlargement, (BPE), lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were examined during the first plenary session of the 12th Central European Meeting which opened today in Dresden, Germany. Stephan Madersbacher (Vienna, AT) discussed the role of urodynamics in benign prostatic enlargment (BPE) and LUTS. He gave an overview on the diagnosis of obstruction, frequency distribution of urodynamic patterns, male patients who are at risk of obstruction, and the impact of obstruction on surgical outcome.

Prof. Zoltan Bajory (Szeged, HU), meanwhile, tackled the issue of weighing surgical and medical options in patients with BPH. He said that in Europe around 24 million men are afflicted with BPH, and with the average number of patients aged around 50 years.

Miroslav Zolesky (Prague, CZ) lectured on LUTS and looked into the challenges urologists often encounter when LUTS persists even after surgery.

In his key messages, Madersbacher noted the following:

  • On diagnosis of obstruction: pressure flow studies still the gold standard, with combination of non-invasive parameters, bladder wall thickness
  • Impact of obstruction on the surgical outcome remains controversial, and urologists should especially consider the cases of patients with detrusor over activity (DO)/detrusor under activity (DU) without BPO poor outcomes.

12th CEM chairman Prof. Manfred Wirth opened the meeting and welcomed around 200 participants to the Regional Office’s longest running regional meeting, and noted in his remarks the importance of collaboration among the region’s young urologists. With Germany hosting the annual event for the first time, Wirth said the CEM has grown over the years and has become one of the most well attended regional meetings.

Regional Office chairman Bob Djavan said the CEM will be in the forefront of supporting the work of urologists in Central Europe and expressed the confidence that the event will continue to provide an effective platform to innovative research and clinical work.During the meeting nine poster sessions will be held where participants will give brief summaries of their studies. The six best abstracts will be granted awards at the end of the meeting, and the posters displayed in the main hall at the next 28th Annual EAU Congress to be held in Milan next year.