CEM highlight: Challenges in non-muscleinvasive bladder cancer
The 10th anniversary EAU Central European Meeting will present a scientific programme covering a wide range of topics.
The 10th anniversary EAU Central European Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia from October 22 to 23 will present a scientific programme covering a wide range of topics such as rehabilitation after curative cancer treatment, hormonal therapy of prostate cancer and common problems in office urology.
Amongst the many highlights is a lecture given by Prof. Marko Babjuk titled ‘Challenges in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC),’ scheduled on Friday, October 22. Babjuk is professor and chairman of the Department of Urology in Motol Hospital and of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. His main interest is oncourology and most of his activities and publications focuses on urothelial carcinoma. Aside from being the vice-chairman of the EAU Guidelines group on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, Babjuk is a regular reviewer for European Urology, Urology, World Journal of Urology and Urologia Internationalis and an editorial board member of European Urology and World Journal of Urology.
Talented young urologists
“For me the CEM is an important meeting. All regional meetings organised under the umbrella of the EAU provide young urologists with the unique opportunity to present their results. For some of them it is the first time they prepare an abstract or poster and present it in English,” Babjuk said. He added that by meeting young urologists in regional meetings he gains insights as to the kind of research and clinical activities young urologists are engage in.
“This (insight) is also important for future cooperation especially when we plan to organise local (national) meetings,” added Babjuk. “Another advantage is that I meet friends from neighbouring countries to discuss local topics. This is not feasible when we attend large meetings such as the Annual EAU Congress.”
Babjuk said that despite many developments in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) over the last decade and the improved experience and knowledge thanks to data from many randomised trials, the prognosis for NMIBC patients is far from ideal.
“We are faced with enormously high recurrence rates and a risk of progression that is not negligible. To achieve optimum results we should be able to critically discuss all options and developments and extrapolate them to clinical practice,” said Babjuk.
Latest developments
New imaging techniques, such as fluorescence cystoscopy, are now available which should improve tumour detection rates and the outcomes of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB).
“Thanks to the EORTC and CUETO and their risk tables we are now better able to predict the individual prognosis. Long-term data and meta-analyses regarding intravesical chemotherapy and BCG immunotherapy have also been presented recently. With these developments we can now better and more efficiently tailor the treatment to each individual patient,” said Babjuk whose lecture will provide an overview, present updates and recommendations about NMIBC management.
Babjuk said the CEM, the first regional meeting organised by the EAU, has evolved tremendously over the years with the quality still increasing.“I attended nearly all CEM meetings since the first held in Vienna, and the increase in quality of the presentations from Central European speakers is so enormous that I consider this to be one of greatest successes of the EAU in the region,” he added.