CEM: More active professional exchange among young urologists
The annual Central European Meeting (CEM) organised by the EAU Regional Office aims to further energise professional links among young urologists in Central Europe by providing an expanded platform for new research, inviting them to educational exchanges and visitor programmes or coordinating for training fellowships in other countries.
“Young urologists and urological researchers are among the key ‘target’ audience of the meeting. Definitely, we have plans to present and encourage their work and to identify promising speakers, researchers and future leaders,” said Regional Office chairman Bob Djavan.
The longest-running regional event annually organised by the Regional Office, the CEM presents the latest studies by young urologists in Central Europe with emphasis on the common urological challenges faced by local urologists. The meeting, which gathers the biggest attendance numbers in events organised by the Regional Office, is also a traditional ground for the CEM to recruit or identify potential opinion leaders.
Djavan, who was recently elected to take over the Regional Office after the chairmanship of Prof. Michael Marberger, also said there are plans to grant new research awards, visitor exchange programmes and attract young urologists to join EAU activities as part of the Regional Office’s goal to further stimulate urology in Central Europe.
“We will further encourage inter-departmental exchange and fellowships in the region. Again, all these plans will be under the umbrella and approval of the EAU board and the offices that are in charge. And I see the Regional Office as one of the instruments to reach these goals,” he added.
This year the 12th CEM will be held in Dresden, Germany with Prof. Manfred Wirth leading local organisers in the scientific programme. The latest updates on urological cancers and prostate diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) will be among the topics to be examined in debates, round-table discussions, updates and lectures.
Previous CEM meetings have seen the more active involvement not only of the host country but also neighbouring countries. News research are examined and given attention during the poster presentations, and outstanding contributions are accorded cash prizes.
Participants interested to present their work have until July 1 to submit via the CEM’s online submission system athttp://abstracts.uroweb.org/. All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement of European Urology. The award winning posters will also be displayed at the Annual EAU Congress in Milan, Italy next year.