EAU co-chairs prestigious European Personalised Health Congress

With today’s fast-evolving scientific developments and the expanding use of Big Data, there is a need to deliver technological benefits to the 500 million potential patients across the 28 EU member states. The European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) brings together European healthcare experts and patient advocates to create a wider understanding of personalised strategies in treating major chronic diseases.
As the European discussion on personalised medicine gathers pace and prompts a more integrated approach among lay and professional stakeholders, the Alliance is organising the first major European Personalised Medicine Congress in Belfast from 28-30 November with the theme ‘Forward As One: Making personalised medicine a reality at national level’.
The Congress will be held under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the European Union (EU), reflecting the country’s expertise in genomics and e-health. During its presidency, Estonia will integrate e-solutions and aspects of the information society into EU policy areas, including the right of individuals to have digital access to their own health data and the means to share this data securely.
EAU & EAPMUrology, genomics and economics are the main areas in the agenda of the EAPM’s Inaugural Congress. As one of the partners of the EAPM, the European Association of Urology (EAU) strongly supports the gains in personalised healthcare and actively contributes to the meeting. Professor Hein Van Poppel, EAU Adjunct Secretary General and Executive Member for Education, is one of the co-chairs of the Scientific Board and is involved in preparing the Scientific Programme.
International speakers will gather in Belfast for this special event to critically assess the latest advances in precision medicine and personalised healthcare. Among the key speakers are:
- Desmond Schatz, President, American Diabetes Association and Associate Chair of Pediatrics, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
- Eva Weinreich-Jensen Vice-President, HOPE & Senior Advisor, Danish Regions,
- Alexander Eggermont, Director General, Institute Gustav Roussy, Paris, France
- Denis Lacombe, Director General, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Brussels, Belgium
- Martine Piccart, Director of Medicine, Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels, Belgium
- Lillian Siu, Professor of Medicine, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Canada
- Richard Sullivan, Director, Institute of Cancer Policy, London, UK
Submit your abstractSubmit an abstract and get excellent critique from global experts in your field. Post-graduate/doctoral students are also encouraged to submit their abstracts. Note that abstracts should look into or examine one of the Congress' themes listed below:
- Cancer Biology Discovery
- Precision Oncology: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment
- Driving the Innovation Agenda
- Precision Diagnostics
- Big Data for Better Health
- Value based care and Precision Health
- Personalised Health: Pushing the Policy Agenda
- Personalised Health and Human Disease
- Food, Nutrition and Health
- Keeping the Person in Personalised Health
- Northern Ireland Clinical Innovation Collaborative
You can submit your abstract online until 29 May.
Early Bird RegistrationThe annual life sciences event will bring together professionals who contribute to the vast content and knowledge exchange. Don’t miss the opportunity to join over 750 industry representatives, government regulators, patients, academia, and exhibitors to drive insights to action. Register now to avoid delays and benefit from reduced fees!
Europe advocates that health equals wealth and that investment in research and innovation, alongside laws and rules that are fit-for-purpose and reflect the rapid changes in medicine, are vital. This event is the perfect occasion to get updates on the latest developments and breakthroughs in cancer research, healthcare and cancer policy.