EAU Research Foundation Career Development Grant Application

The EAU Research Foundation (EAURF) is calling for applications for a three-year career development post-doctoral position in Urological Research.The EAU Research Foundation aims to build scientific research capacity and promote integration of excellent scientific researchers within the European Urology Research environment. The EAU Research Foundation Career development programme aims to support excellent young researchers to develop an independent research career and in doing so strengthen the urology research environment.

This programme will give the researcher the opportunity to transition from a senior postdoctoral research position to an independent principal investigator with three years of independent funding under the mentorship of an experienced principal investigator. These would normally be in a different host institution to their current post-doctoral position which would build, expand and enrich the applicant’s research skills but we would consider applications proposing to stay in their current institution if they have already worked in at least two independent laboratories.

Applications which would establish trans-institutional collaborations and maximise the potential of the European research community with a strong translational aspect to the project are encouraged.

Eligible applicants must hold a doctoral degree in a relevant subject, and must have a minimum of three but no more than six years post-doctoral research experience. Applicants must not be tenured for an academic position at the time of applying.

For details of the application process please contact Ms. Wilma Klijnhout at the EAU Research Foundation.

The process will consist of a preliminary application (Deadline 6 January 2012) which will be short-listed by 20 January 2012 for a full application (Deadline 17 February 2012) and interview at the time of the 27th Annual EAU Congress in Paris (24-28 February 2012).