EAU to boost ties with partners
The European Association of Urology (EAU) will further boost its links and partnerships with both medical and non-medical groups as part of its long-term strategy to establish urology as the leading specialty for genito-urological disorders.
“We will pursue cooperative goals and further strengthen the future international direction of our association,” said EAU Secretary General Prof. Per-Anders Abrahamsson during the annual General Assembly Meeting.
During the hour-long session, various EAU offices presented not only their achievements in the past year but also the prospects that need to be pursued in communication, science, education and research activities.
Prof. Didier Jacqmin, chairman of the EAU’s Strategy Planning Office, defined one of its aims as establishing the EAU as the “go-to” organisation for all genitourinary disorders on an EU level. Current activities include partnerships with the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) and the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO). Other projects include exploring the feasibility of a Europe-wide digitalized patient data record, and precision medicine and the role of “omnics” in urology. A publication on the latter is forthcoming in 2013.
Abrahamssom reiterated the core of the EAU is Europe and its national urological societies. To improve cooperation, a network of EAU Liaisons has been elected by the national societies. Beyond Europe, the EAU has successful exchange programmes with Canada, the USA and China. The International Relations Office, under the leadership of Prof. Chris Chapple, is also developing an African outreach programme.
Abrahamsson also announced the appointment of Mr. James Catto (GB) as new Editor-in-Chief of the EAU’s journal, European Urology. He thanked Prof. Francesco Montorsi (IT) for his stewardship of the EU, during which the journal achieved an impact factor of 8.943.
International meetingsSpeaking on behalf of the Scientific Congress Office, Prof. Walter Artibani said this year’s congress received 4,168 abstracts, up from 3,303 last year, with video submissions posting a significant increase.
Meanwhile, 2014 will mark the first time that the EAU is organizing the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) Meeting, the annual meeting of its youngest section.
Regarding the Regional Office, Chairman Prof. Bob Djavan is currently exploring the needs of other European regions. The Regional Office will emphasise more training and education programmes during its meetings in Central and Eastern Europe and plans to closely collaborate with other EAU offices such as the EAU Research Foundation, the Scientific Office, EAU Sections and the European School of Urology. The Regional Office is also looking to revive the North-Eastern European Meeting (NEEM) in the near future.
Abrahamsson also invited members to attend next year’s 29th Annual EAU Congress to be held in Stockholm. “It will be in mid-April, and I promise you sunshine!,” he said.
The assembled EAU executives and members also observed a moment of silence for EAU members who recently passed away. Those remembered were Edoardo Austoni (IT), Klaus Brandstatter (DE), Hans-Jurg Leisinger (CH), Jaroslav Novak (CZ), Mirja Ruutu (FI), Vladimir Zvara (SK) and Hennie Zweers (NL).