EAU24: Highlights of Day 2
See the highlights of EAU24’s day 2, including session reports on prostate cancer screening and live surgeries, PRIME and PROBASE webcast presentations, EAUTV panel discussion on the future of urology, photos of the day, and what’s coming up on Sunday!

Plenary Session: “Are we poised for PCa screening?”
The fear of overdiagnosis and possibly overtreatment is shared among patients and clinicians alike, but specialists have several options to offer careful and crucial patient stratification. Read the report from today’s prostate cancer Plenary Session, with presentations on screening and diagnosis, including details from the recent EU Commission recommendation for member states to rethink their strategy to the early detection of PCa.
Guideline changes in screening and diagnosis for prostate cancer? – PRIME Study
Comparison of biparametric and multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer detection: the PRIME Study (NCT04571840).
V. Kasivisvanathan, London (GB)
Watch webcast here
Guideline changes in screening and diagnosis for prostate cancer? – PROBASE Trial
Challenging EAU Guidelines on Prostate Cancer Risk Definition in the Screening Setting: Insights from the PROBASE Trial
Prof. Dr. P. Albers, Düsseldorf (DE)
Watch the webcast here
EAU Live Surgery: Single-port system, livestreaming from Belgium and an overview
The live and semi-live surgeries, some of the EAU Congress’s pièces de résistance, commenced today and were led by the Session Chair, Prof. Alberto Breda (ES). The Special Session “EAU24 Live Surgery” also featured procedural updates such as the semi-live procedure of the extraperitoneal approach with the single-port system in radical prostatectomy, which was presented by Prof. Ketan Badani (US).
EAUTV: Future of urology
In this edition of EAUTV our experts discuss the future of urology. Moderator Prof. Jochen Walz discusses with Dr. Giovanni Cacciamani, Prof. Christian Gratzke, and Dr. Wendy Yared about AI, Chat GPT, patient data protections and sustainability.
What’s coming this Sunday
- 07:00 – 08:00 Fun Run: Together with our colleagues from AFU and BAUS we are organising a social run of approximately 5km along the streets of Paris.
- 08:00 – 10:00 Plenary session 5: Personalised approaches in high-risk and metastatic prostate cancer
- 08:00 – 10:00 Plenary session 6: How to deal with complications?
- 10:00 – 10:30 Game changing session: Lymph node dissection in prostate cancer: Is the book closed?
Access all EAU24 scientific content
All webcasts, videos, posters and full-text abstracts are currently accessible via the EAU24 Resource Centre wherein delegates have full access. If you did not attend the congress, you can still register for on-demand access to explore all of EAU24 scientific content (accreditation is no longer valid).