ESUT and EULIS merge into EAU Section of EndoUroTechnology

Call for application: Chair EAU Section of EndoUroTechnology

The EAU Section Office plays an active role in advancing subspecialist fields across the full spectrum of urology. It organises scientific and educational events, fostering opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-exchange.

Mon, 29 Apr 2024
ApplicationEAU Section Of Endo Uro Technology

The EAU Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS) and UroTechnology (ESUT), both founded as separate societies, joined the EAU family as super-specialised sections more than 2 decades ago. Under the umbrella of the EAU Section Office, both Sections became drivers of innovation in endourological and minimal-invasive therapies for many indications, always with a focus on optimising treatment modalities to improve patient outcomes. Not only surgical procedures, but research, metabolic evaluation, medical treatment, and training have been important areas of activity. Moreover it includes the involvement of affiliated non-urology health professionals such as nephrologists, dieticians, and research scientists.

Under the leadership of Professors Gözen (DE) and Seitz (AS), both Sections closely worked together, also illustrated by the successful collaborative UroTech meetings in Istanbul (2022) and recently Vienna (2024), for which we express our sincere gratitude. A unified Section evolving from the foundations of EULIS and ESUT would be the logical next step. After meetings with the current respective boards, the decision was made to form the ‘EAU Section of EndoUroTechnology’.

Call for application
A unified Section means a new Chair and Board and therefore we are excited to announce that applications are now open for the first Chair of the EAU Section of EndoUrologyTechnology. The responsibilities of the chair will include composing a board, selecting associates, establishing the structure of the section including working groups, and interacting and collaborating with other EAU offices and platforms. We are confident that there are many exciting opportunities and visions to investigate.

If you feel enthused by this new position, please send your application with a letter of motivation, CV, and your publication list to Application deadline is 10 May, 2024. After the election of the chair, a new Board will be formed.