EURF looks for research Investigators from basic urology research laboratories
The Research Foundation of the European Association of Urology (EAURF) has the central mission to stimulate, facilitate, organise and popularise high quality clinical and scientific urological research in Europe.In building the infrastructure to deliver this mission, the EAURF have committed themselves to support and develop research networks and links with clinical and basic research organisations across the European research community.
To accommodate this, the EAURF wants to compile a database of all European Urology Basic Science researchers and their groups which can be used to inform network development.This database will allow established and emerging basic science researchers to identify groups with research synergies, it will facilitate clinical teams to identify complimentary basic science groups for translational research efforts and accommodate large and small pharmaceutical and biomarker companies, to identify groups for collaboration and project development.
If you lead a basic science research group in the field of Urology and have an interest in being involved in collaborative networks, we would strongly encourage you complete our short questionnaire (