European Urology Today - Manuscript Submission
European Urology Today, its main role is to function as the European Association of Urology’s bulletin, as a platform for the EAU to present their meetings, the various sections and offices, as well as discuss general issues of interest to their members.
European Urology Today, the EAU newsletter is published six times each year. Its main role is to function as the European Association of Urology’s bulletin, as a platform for the EAU to present their meetings, the various sections and offices, as well as discuss general issues of interest to their members. Another important objective is to have a platform that allows for the inclusion of a range of scientific papers which are considered of interest to a large readership.
Editorial Policy
Manuscripts are submitted with the explicit understanding that the decision to include material will be made by the Editor-in-Chief in conjunction with his Section Editors. All authors have read and approved the manuscript subject to submission. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce any parts of other publications (i.e., tables, figures). Precise reference to the original work must be given in the legends.
Statements in articles or opinions expressed by any contributor in any article are not the responsibility of the editors or the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the loss of manuscripts through circumstances beyond their control.
The publisher will commit itself to make judicious use of the article in accordance with the aims and objectives of the association and make the article available to medical professionals at no cost.
Manuscript SubmissionManuscripts and questions regarding manuscript submission may be directed to:European Association of UrologyEuropean Urology Today Editorial OfficeP.O. Box 300166803 AA Arnhem, The NetherlandsTelephone: +31 (0)26 389 0680E-mail:
Submission of an article signifies the author’s consent to transfer copyright to the EAU, publisher of European Urology Today.
All authors are kindly requested to submit a photograph of themselves (and their co-authors).
Submission platformsAll material is to be submitted in English, as Wordperfect, TXT files for text and JPG, TIFF, PPT for illustrations. All illustrations must be a minimum of 300 dpi to meet printing quality. A separate list of figure legends is to be provided, legends are not to be inserted in figures and/or illustrations and artwork is not to be embedded in the text (figures and illustrations should be forwarded as a separate file). For files over 5 MB an upload server is available.
Word count for authors is available on our website (Publications, European Urology Today) and on request at the EUT editorial office.
Accepted manuscripts will be copy-edited to bring them into conformity with the journal’s style. Unless otherwise indicated, proofs are sent in PDF format via e-mail to the corresponding author. Proofs must be returned within the deadline specified by the publisher.
Types of ArticlesOriginal articlesOriginal articles may be solicited by the editorial board or submitted to the editorial board for consideration. In case of doubt, authors are encouraged to check with the editorial board describing the content of their article before submission. Maximum word count for original articles is approximately 2,000 words, exclusive of references and illustrations.
In case authors provide large reference files, the editor-in-chief may decide to either limit the total number of references included in the print, or make references available on request through
Effects and Actions: International Meeting ReportsMaximum word count for submitted articles is approximately 2,000, exclusive of references andillustrations. All material is to be submitted initially to the section editor responsible for this section,Mr. D. Summerton, .
Resident’s CornerThis section is reserved for articles of which the first author is a resident in training. All material is to be submitted for consideration to the section editor responsible for this section, Dr. S. Silay, Reports (General - Accredited/Certified Centres – etc)
General reports and papers on interesting developments/urology departments/accreditation etc. may be submitted for consideration to the Editor-in-Chief. Illustrations are welcome. Word count for reports are approximately 900/1,000 words.
Reviews of books, journals and newmedia
Books, journals and new media to be considered for review may be sent to the EUT Editorial office.
Letters to the editor
Authors are welcome to submit letters to the editor. The text of letters should be limited to 500 words. Letters to the editor will be published as space permits.
All queries on manuscript submission should be directed to the EUT Editorial Office at