EUSP aims to attract best researchers from across Europe

Fri, 3 Jan 2014

The European Urological Scholarship Programme (EUSP) actively promotes clinical and laboratory scholarships for young urologists, thereby providing opportunities that can significantly support or boost the career of young urologists. Besides the current programmes, the EUSP offers six potential one-year scholarships to the largest urological societies in Europe. In October 2013, the EUSP Board has asked the national societies of France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Turkey to promote this offer to their young members since national societies can screen and identify suitable candidates for a research grant and better facilitate access to these opportunities.

Before promoting scholarship opportunities to their community, national societies are also invited to choose and forward their preferred national application to the EUSP board. All national candidates from across Europe, however, will undergo the same review process using an evaluation system that is employed in all other EUSP scholarship submissions.

Moreover, the scholarship programmes for the national societies are complementary activities and do not affect the budgeting expense for existing EUSP scholarships.

Academically interested candidates are asked to submit their application to the office of their respective national societies. Subsequently, thenational societies will evaluate these applications and recommend the most suitable applicants to the EUSP board for final decision.The sponsored nominee either applies for a one-year Lab or Clinical Research Scholarship at any of the host institutions listed on the EUSP website or another institution of choice. A preliminary three-week EUSP-funded visit (or Short Term Visit) - prior to the one-year scholarship - is strongly recommended.

Applicants should present their own research proposal and invitation letters at the host institution of their choice. Applications have to abide by the rules for one-year Lab or Clinical scholarships, as mentioned on the EAU/EUSP website ( Eligible residents or youngurologists must be under 40 years of age and areactive EAU members with at least one mandatory PubMedline listed publication.

Application deadlines are the 1st of January, May and September. To kick-off this new “Large 6” initiative, the EUSP invites each society’s nominee to presenthis/her research proposal at the EUSP session during the EAU annual congress in Stockholm in April 2014, and accompanied by a national society representative.

For information on scholarships, application instructions and guidelines on drafting a research proposal please refer to the EUSP website which contains further details on the EUSP office and its scholarship programmes. For queries, contact the EUSP using the details listed in the website. We encourage young urologists to avail of these opportunities by contacting their national societies or the EUSP. We look forward to receive the best nominees from the six large European societies.

Selected applicants will benefit from these scholarships that will involve them in cutting-edge scientific research conducted in and led byinternationally recognised research institutions.

Here you can watch a short introdution to the EUSP scholarships.