Finding your way around the new Uroweb

Welcome to the new Uroweb! This is the European Association of Urology’s website, and home of its Guidelines, Educational resources, Events, online activities and its Offices and Sections. This new Uroweb, prepared over the past year, features a new structure, a new design language and new features.

Tue, 8 Mar 2022
WebsiteEuropean Association Of UrologyUroweb

Redesigned Guidelines with advanced search

The EAU Guidelines now have a powerful search feature that shows highlighted search results per section. Navigation and layout are also greatly improved, making for a much more effective way of browsing or searching the latest guidelines.

Topic pages

In addition to browsing individual Offices, Sections or Guidelines, Uroweb now features Topic pages that bring together all of the EAU’s efforts related to a specific urological topic. For example, the Prostate Cancer topic page shows related Guidelines, EAU Sections, Events, Educational resources and news items.


All of the EAU’s activities, both online and in-person are now grouped on a new, sortable and filterable Events page. The distinction is also made between live and on-demand courses that a participant can complete in his or her own time. And of course the aforementioned “Topics” are an important way to filter which events you’re interested in.

We hope you enjoy exploring the new site and find what you’re looking for in order to help you treat your patients!