Japan-EAU intensify links with academic exchanges, joint meetings

The EAU and the Japan Urological Association (JUA) have intensified its collaboration with the recent academic exchange visits of young Japanese urologists and the wider participation of Japanese experts in the recent 30th EAU Anniversary Congress in Madrid.

Reflecting this renewed partnership is the call for two European urologists to participate in an exchange visit programme that will coincide with the 104th Annual JUA Meeting to be held next year in Sendai, Japan from April 23 to 26.

During the Madrid congress, JUA is one of the most active Asian participants with 204 Japanese urologists attending the congress and the submission of 362 abstracts. With 121 abstracts making it to the final cut, Japan posted a 33% acceptance rate, surpassing the average 30% overall acceptance rate.

EAU Secretary General Prof. Chris Chapple and Adjunct Secretary General Prof. Hein van Poppel lectured during the 103rd Annual JUA Meeting held in Kanazawa, Japan from April 18 to 21. Chapple gave the EAU Lecture on the topic of underactive bladder and chaired a session on functional urology. Van Poppel tackled advanced prostate cancer (PCa) in a session on uro-oncology and also co-chaired another meeting on PCa treatment.

Exchange visits

In Madrid, the JUA and EAU also confirmed their commitment to boost the JUA-EAU Academic Exchange Programme. The first Japanese participants, Drs. Koji Mitsuzuka and Ario Takeuchi visited two hospitals in Madrid-- Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón and the Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia. They observed a range of surgical procedures, including urethroplasty using buccal mucosa and laparoscopic total cystectomy, among others.

The doctors ended their visit by participating in the EAU Anniversary Congress where they had the opportunity to link up not only with their European counterparts but also interact with opinion leaders in European urology.

“The JUA appreciates the opportunity for young urologists to attend the residents programme and it is hoped that this will continue in the future. And certainly, the exchange programme is beneficial to our mutual goals,” according to one of the JUA members.

European urologists are encouraged to join or expressed their interest to participate in the programme which will provide a unique opportunity to look into urological procedures and gain insights on the challenges faced by urologists in Japan.

Details of the exchange programme and how to apply will be published in the EAU’s online and printed newsletters.