Let’s Talk Prostate Cancer Digital Atlas launched; shows a variance in PCa outcomes between European countries
In order to map the variance between different European countries in their political and clinical approaches to treating PCa, the Let’s Talk Prostate Cancer (LTPC) Digital Atlas was launched at www.letstalkprostatecancer.com.

Every prostate cancer (PCa) patient should receive the right treatment at the right time. The Atlas provides an overview of PCa outcomes in the 27 member states of the EU and in the UK.
The Atlas is a result of the LTPC campaign: a multi-stakeholder initiative to address the challenges faced by people affected by PCa and increase its policy prioritisation across Europe. The EAU is part of its Expert Group, which is chaired by Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Tiemo Wölken.
Compare PCa outcomes
The Atlas assembles data from a wide range of sources, allowing you to compare PCa outcomes across Europe according to incidence, survival, mortality, spending, and medicines expenditure. You can either click on a topic at the top of the page, or you can click on an individual country on the map to view the PCa outcomes in that specific country. These country profiles also provide details of the PCa care pathway as laid out in the national guidelines, along with a list of the main national PCa patient organisations.
A special topic of the Atlas are the “patient stories”, where seven men affected by PCa share their personal experience or insight.
Action is needed
The Atlas reveals that there is a difference among the European countries in terms of PCa patient care; a difference that should be reduced, according to Prof. Hein Van Poppel (BE), EAU Adjunct Secretary General for Education. “Appropriate prostate cancer care infrastructure has a huge impact on those affected,” he stresses. “Yet, access to clinical support varies across Europe as the Atlas shows. Action is needed now to ensure all patients get the right treatment at the right time. The EU Cancer Plan has to include recommendations for early detection of prostate cancer."
Analyse the Atlas yourself by visiting www.letstalkprostatecancer.com.