SEEM15 Day 1: Training the essentials of Laparoscopy
The 11th South Eastern European Meeting got off to a flying start as Regional Office Chairman Prof. Bob Djavan welcomed the large and internationally diverse crowd. “It’s my pleasure to welcome Turkish opinion leaders, and experts from all across South-Eastern Europe and beyond. This is a scientific, political and social event, and everybody getting together as we are today is already an achievement.”
Additionally, Prof. Djavan briefly outlined the various initiatives taking place under the banner of the EAU’s Regional Office, including the Central European and Baltic Meetings. He was especially pleased to announce the Regional Office’s aims to hold a meeting for the Central Asian region as soon as possible.
Welcoming delegates on behalf of the Turkish Ministry of Health, Prof. Mohammet Ihsan Karaman stressed the ministry’s support for all kinds of scientific and educational activities in the field of health, particularly when they contribute to preventive healthcare as opposed to just curative. Dr. Mehmet Bülent Semerci, President of the Turkish Association of Urology also welcomed all delegates, “young urologists starting out and older urologists looking to deepen their knowledge. We hope it will be a memorable experience for all.
Hands-on TrainingThe first day of the scientific programme immediately showcased the large variety of lectures, training programmes and expertise on offer in Antalya, Turkey. The morning’s sessions focused on prostate cancer while simultaneously the first ESU-ESUT Laparoscopic Hands-on training session began. The hands-on training sessions are free of charge to SEEM delegates, and the room was packed to capacity.
Prof. Ali Gözen, the course director revealed that this year would see the 25th E-BLUS exam (European training in Basic Laparoscopic Urological Skills) taking place, which translates to a total of 500 exam participants. Gözen sees much potential in the laparoscopic training and examination programme: “perhaps less so in Western Europe, but particularly for audiences at the regional meetings, in Central Asia and even Russia. In Western Europe, the target audience is the younger residents who are starting their careers, but further East or in Africa, laparoscopic training is in demand for urologists of all experience levels. The EAU can play a central role in this education.”