Urology Week 2013: Benign prostatic enlargement
Benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) affects many men across Europe, and reliable information on the condition is therefore essential. Urology Week, the annual campaign to increase public awareness of urological diseases, will take place on 23-27 September. The EAU will also launch its Patient Information on BPE during Urology Week 2013.
This year the EAU will support national urological societies, hospitals, patient organisations, and others who plan to organise an event with patient-oriented materials on the enlarged prostate.
Traditionally, the focus of Urology Week has been on prostate conditions and prostate cancer. While last year’s events promoted awareness of urolithiasis, Urology Week returns to the prostate this year. Benign prostatic enlargement is the most frequently diagnosed condition within urology and incidence will likely continue to increase in the ageing population of Europe. The launch of a new set of patient-oriented information which deals with BPE is thus timely and can be used for the events organised during Urology Week.
The EAU Patient Information support materials consist of:
- information leaflets on the various aspects of BPE including custom-made explanatory illustrations
- a leaflet with short answers to frequently asked questions about BPE
- a glossary of medical terms
- a downloadable bladder diary
- a poster of the enlarged prostate
All materials become available in September on the EAU Patient Information website. To truly support patients throughout Europe, EAU Patient Information on BPE will be published in multiple languages. So if you are planning to organise an event during Urology Week 2013, consider focusing it on BPE and see if you can use our support material.
Get involved in Urology Week
Every year, numerous big and small events are organised all over Europe during Urology Week, ranging from lectures to free consultations or prostate examinations, walks against cancer, and discussions in local and national TV programmes or radio shows. These events demonstrate the creativity of contributors and their determination to give extra attention to urological conditions and the patients suffering from them; they have made Urology Week a success.
Although this year’s Urology Week support materials are about prostate enlargement, the EAU backs all events on other urological conditions. Every initiative which will help to increase awareness of urological conditions is encouraged. Here are some suggestions on how to make your Urology Week event successful.
Media exposure is an important element and might determine the subject and scope of organised events. It is well known that events which focus on urological cancers, and prostate cancer in particular, generate much media attention. At the same time, if an event is well-organised and properly promoted, it can attract the attention of the media regardless of the topic.
Social media can also help to make your event a success. During Urology Week, the Facebook page of the EAU will turn into a Urology Week Facebook page with regular updates on the various events taking place. Those updates, links, and pictures will also be shared on the EAU Twitter account.
Check www.urologyweek.org for more practical tips on how to organise or promote an event, read about previous events and campaigns, and download available support materials.
Please be sure to register all events on the website. Step up and join the campaign!
The full version of this article is available in the June/July issue of European Urology Today.