Register now for the 24-Hour Worldwide Live Robotic Surgery Event

Tue, 29 Sep 2015

On October 26th, at exactly 10am Central European Time, a 24-hour chain of surgical procedures will be performed across the planet. The 2nd Worldwide Live Robotic Surgery 24-Hour Event (WRSE24) will incorporate 12 of the worlds’ leading robotic centres from four continents. All the surgeons operating are experienced live surgeons, who have contributed to the development and advancement of the current definition of excellence in robotics.

Those interested in “attending” can do so from the comfort of their own offices or homes, as WRSE24 will be broadcast on the internet. The event is even interactive, allowing viewers to ask questions, for instance through Twitter. Early registration to access the live stream is free.

EAU Live Surgery Endorsement is pending.