Embargo Policy

The EAU acknowledges that media – print and broadcast – are vehicles of public information and that the media have a community responsibility to keep the public informed. We shall cooperate in providing accurate and appropriate information while protecting the confidentiality of our members’ data.

Distribution and use of advance materials from the EAU is controlled by the embargo policy. This policy is designed to provide news reporters an opportunity to write accurate news stories while ensuring that publicity does not appear prematurely. Through consistent implementation of our embargo policy, we work to maintain a fair and level playing field that gives no one an advantage over others.


Embargo includes all published abstracts in the abstract books of an EAU, EBU or ESU congress, meeting or course. Each embargo expires on the day the congress, meeting or course starts. Precise embargo dates accompany all advanced materials. Embargoed information is not to be made public in any format, including print, television, radio or via the Internet before the set embargo date.

Advanced material is for background research only. Journalists may not redistribute the information within or outside their news organisation with the following exception: journalists may share embargoed papers with experts in the field for the purpose of obtaining relevant commentary. The embargo date and time must be clearly indicated on the embargoed materials. Journalists are responsible for ensuring that any third party honour the embargo date.

Supporting materials provided by the EAU, such as graphics, audio and video clips must be credited to the appropriate source. These materials may not be used to illustrate stories unrelated to the relevant article without express permission from the EAU.

Use of photography, filming and interviews at congresses, meetings or course venues (with the exception of material produced in the EAU press centre or the EAU press conference room) is prohibited without written permission of the EAU Press Department.

The members of the Press Department will do their best to accommodate requests in advance of meetings as well as on-site. Failure in adherence to this policy will result in revocation of access to all embargoed material from the EAU.

Release of information

The members of the EAU Press Department are available to help you develop story ideas about the latest advances in urological research, respond to questions about the EAU, locate experts in a specific area of research or provide background or additional information about a news event or release. The EAU shall provide news conferences or virtual press briefings when information becomes available that is most effectively handled this way.

The EAU will work to facilitate an effective flow of accurate information to those who collect and disseminate such news to the European public. Journalists are requested to work with our media contact by phoning or e-mailing in advance to arrange an interview, videotaping or photo session.

Please send any requests to the EAU Press Department:

European Association of Urology
Leiba Stuart-Young
E: press@uroweb.org
T: 0031 26 3890680

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