European Urology
The EAU brings you the most important scientific research through its official scientific journals.

European Urology
European Urology, 'The Platinum Journal', is the flagship journal of the EU family and has been published continuously since 1975. It is the official journal of the EAU. All published content is peer-reviewed and available in both print and online versions. European Urology publishes a wide variety of articles ranging from review articles to case series and has a current impact factor of 24.344.
European Urology Focus
EU Focus is a sister journal to European Urology. EU Focus publishes original articles through to topical reviews all with a focus on urological issues. EU Focus has a current impact factor of 5.996. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed before being considered for publication. EU Focus is published six times per year in electronic format. The editorial team welcomes basic and translational research articles in the field of urological diseases.
European Urology Oncology
EU Oncology is the third sister journal to European Urology and the first official publication of the EAU that is fully devoted to the study of genitourinary malignancies. The journal aims to deliver high-quality research by following a multidisciplinary approach. The journal covers a diverse set of topical fields ranging from medical oncology to pathology. EU Oncology has a current impact factor of 8.208.
European Urology Open Science
EU Open Science is the open access journal of the European Urology family. It is dedicated to the publication of high-quality, innovative research that will benefit patients with urological conditions, in keeping with the mission of the European Urology family. EU Open Science covers a vast range of research in the urological field including translational research. European Urology Open Science reflects the evolving publishing model so all published papers will have unrestricted access and be published online-only. Its impact factor is currently 3.000.