Dr. Vasileios Sakalis discusses the new section in the guidelines for Male Urinary Incontinence

In this podcast, Dr. Vasileios Sakalis, a member of the EAU Guidelines Panel for Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, reports on the new section in the guidelines relating to Male Urinary Incontinence.

Published Sun, 19 Jun 2022
PodcastLUTSOn Demand EducationEAU GuidelinesMale Urinary Incontinence
Organiser EAU
Duration Approx. 13 minutes

Dr Vasileios Sakalis (GR) begins with information on an important addendum to the 2022 Male LUTS Guidelines with regard to the new incontinence section, and the reasons why this new section has been included in Male LUTS.

He talks about an important study that has been included in this section, as well as updates in the pharmacological management of Male LUTS.

Lastly, Dr Sakalis shares his knowledge on novelties in the diagnostic evaluation of male patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms.

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