UROONCO RCC take home message for 2023
In this podcast, UROONCO RCC board members, chief editor Dr. Carmen Mir (ES), and associate editors Dr. Riccardo Bertolo (IT) and Dr. Teele Kuusk (GB), discuss the progress made in the field of kidney cancer during 2023, and what is anticipated for 2024.
Some topics discussed include the game-changing ZIRCON trial, OpeRa trial, and 3D models in PN and single-port RPN, as well as SBRT – FASTRACK II. Adjuvant IO, first-line mRCC treatments (KEYNOTE-426), and RN is also reviewed.
The main WHO classification changes are highlighted, as well as the classification changes that are expected in 2024. This podcast concludes with a summary of the RCC trials to look forward to in the coming year.
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