
Renal Transplantation

For the 2019 Renal Transplantation Guidelines, new and relevant evidence was identified, collated and appraised through a structured assessment of the literature. Sections 3.1.1 to 3.1.7 were assed via a comprehensive one year update literature search. The shorter time frame reflects the fact these sections were updated prior to publication in 2017 with a 10 year literature search. Section 3.1.3 (Donor kidney biopsies) and sections 3.1.9 to 3.1.11 (Immunological aspects of kidney transplantation) were assed via a comprehensive 10 year literature search. As a result of these scoping searches additional references and text updates have been incorporated throughout the 2019 version of the Renal Transplantation Guidelines.

Specific changes include the addition of a new section, section 3.1.8, on urological malignancy and renal transplantation. At present, this section is limited to a synopsis of three systematic reviews conducted by the EAU Renal Transplantation Panel and will be expanded in the 2020.