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EAU UROonco24

Unlock the latest in Oncological Urology at UROonco24 in Budapest, June 2024! Join experts for cutting-edge discussions on prostate, urothelial, and renal cancer.

EAU Talent Incubator Programme

Enhance your non-medical competencies through the new exciting programme of the EAU Young Urologists Office (YUO).

In a series of 4 bootcamps several non-technical skills will be addressed varying from leadership & communication, mental well-being, to digital technology and research & trials. Each module will consist of a combination of lectures by experts, also outside the field of urology, and some exercises.

Cheat Sheets

Cheat Sheet: Erectile Dysfunction II

Check out the Cheat Sheet on the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The management algorithm outlines modifiable factors and current therapies for successful treatment. While ED can't always be cured, effective management is possible.

Cheat Sheet: MIBC Disease Management II

This Cheat Sheet discusses various strategies for urinary diversion following radical cystectomy, highlighting the use of the ileum, colon, and appendix.

Cheat Sheet: Urethral Strictures - Disease Management II

Read about disease management strategies for anterior urethral strictures in males. It details various urethroplasty procedures, including both single-stage and multi-stage (particularly two-stage) approaches, discussing their indications, success rates, and considerations for specific patient groups.

Cheat Sheet: Renal Cell Carcinoma - Disease Management

This Cheat Sheet on Renal Cell Carcinoma provide comprehensive insights on disease management, highlighting surgery's significant role in reducing mortality, evaluating nephrectomy techniques, and exploring non-surgical options like active surveillance and tumour ablation for specific patient groups.

Cheat Sheet: Disease Management Overactive Bladder

This cheat sheet covers the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and various treatment approaches for OAB, including lifestyle interventions, behavioural and physical therapies, pharmacological management, and surgical options. The guide emphasizes the complexity of OAB diagnosis and management, highlighting various strategies to improve symptoms and quality of life for affected individuals.

Cheat Sheet: Male urethral trauma

Urethral Trauma in Men: Understand the complexities of anterior and posterior injuries, from aetiology to management. Find out the recommendations on diagnostic evaluation and management here.

Cheat Sheet: Testicular Cancer III

Check this Testicular Cancer Cheat Sheet for follow-up after curative therapy. The second part covers rare adult para- and testicular tumours. These testicular tumours have a similar presentation as testicular cancer and are only identified after histopathologic examination.

Cheat Sheet: Penile Cancer - Management I

The aim of the treatment of the primary tumour is complete tumour removal with as much organ preservation as possible, without compromising oncological control.

Histological diagnosis and local staging must be obtained before non-surgical treatments can be considered. This new Cheat Sheet on disease management will give you insight into this approach.

Cheat Sheet: Chronic Pelvic Pain - Management

The philosophy for the management of Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is based on a biopsychosocial model. This is a holistic approach with patients’ active involvement.

This new EAU Guidelines Cheat Sheet will give you insight into this approach.

Cheat Sheet: Renal Transplantation - Transplantation surgery Part II

With this cheat sheet, you will quickly gain insight into the surgical approaches to Renal Transplantation.

Cheat Sheet: Primary Urethral Carcinoma - Prognosis and Disease Management

In this 2nd Cheat Sheet on Primary Urethral Carcinoma (PUC) you can review both the prognosis and disease management.