Researchers can submit their work for prestigious awards bestowed at EAU20

Quality work can lead to breakthroughs in medicine. The EAU endeavours to optimize medical care.

Fri, 11 Oct 2019
EAU 20EAU AwardsAnnual EAU CongressEAU Section Of Urological ImagingEAU Scientific Congress Office

In this spirit, the EAU will bestow awards on members who have published papers with distinguished, innovative findings in peer-reviewed journals. The awards will be presented during the 35th Annual EAU Congress, taking place in Amsterdam from 20 to 24 March 2020.

No later than 1 November CET, researchers can submit their work for the following EAU awards:

National societies can nominate a candidate for the EAU Crystal Matula Award; the most prestigious prize given to a young, promising, European urologist aged 40 or under who has the potential to become one of the future leaders in academic European urology.

Please review the entry requirements for an award before submission. Applications can be sent to Ms. Marian Smink.

All awardees will be recognized in the EAU Award Gallery and the Congress Newsletter and will receive prize money. Also, submitting your work prompts feedback from your peers and can boost collective efforts that aim for EAU’s main objective: optimal medical care.

ESUI Vision Award

In addition to the awards mentioned, the EAU Section of Urological Imaging (ESUI) is calling for abstracts for the ESUI Vision Award 2020, which will be given to the first author of the most innovative imaging study published in urology during the last year. Apply by sending a PDF copy of the published study or of the published/accepted abstract together with a CV and publication list to by 21 January 2020 CET. The award will be handed out during the ESUI section meeting at EAU20, on Saturday, 21 March 2020. It is supported by a grant of €1,500 by INVIVO, a Philips company.