Wrap-up: Read our coverage of EAU21 as it happened
On 8-12 July, the EAU hosted its 36th Annual EAU Congress, the Virtual EAU21. Over 6000 delegates from all around the world joined the five-day online programme.
If you’re interested in our “as it happened” live coverage of the congress, you can find the following reports on the EAU21 Congress site:
Thursday, 8 July
EAU21 opens with full-day semi-live surgery and Urology Beyond Europe sessions
Marking the opening ceremony, a preview of the congress ahead and the many award winners at EAU21.
Report: Semi-live surgery session also weighs up educational value and future potential
Covering the day-long semi-live surgery courtesy of the ESUT-ERUS-EULIS Meeting.
Urology beyond Europe: Different approaches, same goal
Thursday saw a multitude of joint sessions between the EAU and its global partners.
Friday, 9 July
Report: Nightmare session on early detection of prostate cancer
Reporting on the always popular “nightmare” session that shows how urologists (should) react when a routine case suddenly turns difficult. Part of Plenary Session 1.
Plenary session 2 report: Incontinence care challenges and management in elderly patients
Special attention on the elderly patient in Plenary Session 2.
Saturday, 10 July
Looking into the future of treatments for advanced bladder cancer
Discussing new treatment options for advanced BCa in Plenary Session 3.
Plenary session 4 report: The VHL mechanism and IMT-based management for RCC
A look at the many interesting discussions around renal cancer from Plenary Session 4.
Sunday, 11 July
Report: Plenary session 5 explores mHSPC treatments
Imaging and metastatic hormone-sensitive PCa and some unconventional analogies in this report from Plenary Session 5.
Plenary 6: Ever-increasing applications for robotic surgery in urology
Use of the surgical robot has found its way into nearly every part of urology. What lies ahead? Insights from departing ERUS Chairman Prof. Alex Mottrie and Plenary Session 6.
Monday, 12 July
Stones: prevention, young patients and the prospects of remote training
What’s the best way to ensure compliance from stone patients and how could we train surgeons during a pandemic? Our report from Plenary Session 7.
Report: Controversies on EAU Guidelines
Controversies sessions examine the grey areas of the EAU's Guidelines, where different solutions compete and there is no clear-cut treatment option.