EAU Section of Andrological Urology

The EAU Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU) aims to reach a broader perspective of what andrology has to offer and increase knowledge through extensive investigation. The ESAU promotes every aspect of clinical andrology, such as basic and clinical research, education, and training.


Prof. C. Bettocchi (IT)
Dr. M. Dinkelman-Smit (NL)
Prof. Dr. S. Kliesch (DE)
Prof. S. Minhas (GB)
Prof. E. Ruiz-Castañé (ES)
Prof. A. Salonia (IT)
Prof. Dr. P.A.S. Vendeira (PT)
Ass. Prof. F. Dimitriadis (GR)
Ex-Officio ESUO
Prof. D.J. Ralph (GB)
Ex-Officio ESGURS
Prof. Dr. G.I. Russo (IT)
Ex-Officio YAU
Prof. Dr. G.R. Dohle (NL)
Honorary Member
Prof. Dr. J. Rassweiler (AT)
Honorary Member
Prof. N. Sofikitis (GR)
Honorary Member
Prof. Dr. W. Weidner (DE)
Honorary Member

Our activities

The ESAU provides specialists with the latest expertise in the field of andrology, covering various areas and numerous specialisms such as urology, endocrinology, and sexuology. The section organises regular meetings in addition to the Section Meeting held at the Annual EAU Congress.

The ESAU coordinates a specialist training programme (the Joint European Training Programme) in andrology and sets up joint workshops and training programmes that include all aspects of andrology. In addition, the ESAU promotes collaborative projects among urologists and andrologists, and ibrings together clinical trainees who may have mutual research interests and challenges.