EAU Section of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons
This section deals with all aspects of urological reconstruction of the urethra, penis, bladder and ureter. It also includes abnormalities of the continence mechanism, congenital lifelong issues and transgender surgery.
The aim of the section is to educate all urologists in reconstructive techniques by way of webinars, live and semi-live surgical demonstrations and lectures. We aim to join regional, national and international meetings to promote the EAU and to include a worldwide membership. We also collaborate with other EAU sections where possible to exchange ideas and techniques in this rapidly changing field.
Founded by Friedhelm Schreiter and Edoardo Austoni in the 1990’s, this society was later joined the EAU as a section and it has since expanded with large numbers and annual conferences, the last being in Antwerp 2024. There is a board of experts in specific areas of genitourinary reconstruction as outlined in the chairs of the working groups below. Live surgery demonstration is the main tool to educate reconstructive surgeons and we are lucky to have the best in Europe performing these for us.

Prof. D.J. Ralph (GB)
Dr. F. Campos Juanatey (ES)
Dr. A. Cocci (IT)
Prof. Dr. M. Falcone (IT)
Assoc. Prof. T.J. Greenwell
Dr. S.C. Morgenstern (DE)
Dr. E.J. Redmond (IE)
Dr. J. Romero-Otero (ES)
Prof. K. Van Renterghem (BE)
Dr. M. Waterloos (BE)
Ass. Prof. M.W. Vetterlein (DE)
Working Groups and Chairs
Urethra - Dr. M. Waterloos, Dr. F. Campos Juanatey
Incontinence - Prof. K. Van Renterghem, Assoc. Prof. T.J. Greenwell
Female - Assoc. Prof. T.J. Greenwell, Dr. M. Waterloos
Penile - Dr. J. Romero-Otero, Dr. A. Cocci
Transgender - Prof. Dr. M. Falcone, Dr. S.C. Morgenstern
Congenital Lifelong Urology - Dr. E.J. Redmond, Prof. G. De Win
Bladder Ureter - Dr. F. Campos Juanatey, Mr. J. Ockrim
For whom
All members of the EAU who have an interest in reconstruction should join the section. Associate membership is encouraged to expand the section with each being invited into a working group in their chosen field to be able to participate in all of our activities. Associates will be able to participate in webinars, section meetings and when experienced in live surgical demonstrations. Education is at the forefront of this section and so non-EAU members are also welcome to join us.
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