The content of the EAU Guidelines and all products derived from them is made available for personal and educational use only. No commercial usage is authorised. No part of the EAU Guidelines or any related products may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the EAU. Furthermore, the EAU prohibits the usage or upload of its Guidelines, and any material derived from these texts (whether in full or in part) on external websites, bots, pages, portals, servers, software, or external applications, including those employing artificial intelligence technologies and infrastructure, such as large language models and generative AI, deep learning and machine learning, unless written permission has been granted for such by the EAU.
The EAU accepts no responsibility for the content, quality, or performance of materials, applications and products derived from the EAU Guidelines and does not endorse or warrant their use. In the event of any discrepancies the original language version shall be considered authoritative.