All chapters of the 2025 RCC Guidelines have been updated, based on the 2024 version of the Guidelines. References have been added throughout the document and the entire document peer reviewed. Other key changes incorporated in this publication includes:
- A new summary of evidence (SoE) in section 5.4 on lung metastises in cT1a, cN0 patients.
- A new figure 7.1 on the treatment of locally advanced RCC and update on Figure 7.2.
- A new subchapter and recommendation regarding smoking cessation in chapter 7.1.2
- A new SoE and recommendation on stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in section
- Inclusion of arm B data for Checkmate 914 in table 7.1
- A new subchapter on the progression after adjuvant PD-1 therapy.
- Update on the SoE and recommendations in section for neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy.
- Update on the SoE in chapter regarding belzutifan.
- Update of table 7.5 regarding RENOTORCH data and update of the SoE and recommendations in section
- Update on the SoE and recommendations in section for systematic therapy in chromophobe and unclassified RCC.
- A new subchapter 8 including Table 8.1 on hereditary and syndrome specific RCC.