3.1. Phimosis and other abnormalities of the penile skin
The prepuce or foreskin of the penis is often a cause of concern to parents of young boys and physicians alike [17] with 10% seeking medical advice [18]. While there are some pathological abnormalities of the foreskin, these are in fact quite rare and must be discerned from physiological variations or developmental stages. In this chapter we highlight normal development, its variations and how to discern this from abnormal foreskin requiring treatment, as well as various treatment options.
3.1.1. Terminology, epidemiology and pathophysiology
At birth the foreskin can be retracted in 4% of boys. In 42% of neonates the tip of the glans cannot be visualised. By the end of the first year of life, retraction of the foreskin behind the glandular corona is possible in approximately 50% of boys; this increases to 89% by the age of three years. Non-retractability of the foreskin can be a physiological phase which does not require treatment in the absence of symptoms, such as painful erections or balanitis.
In phimosis the inability to retract the foreskin over the glans penis is due to a narrow ring in the prepuce. Several factors have been suggested to aid in the gradual dilation of this ring: histological changes in the prepuce, hormonal factors and stretching due to erections. While erections occur even antenatally, these may be insufficient to stretch the foreskin if it is relatively long, and therefore relative phimosis can be present for a prolonged period [19].
Epidemiological studies of the natural course of phimosis are difficult, as they are affected by treatment of a subgroup of subjects. Nonetheless, the incidence of phimosis is 9-20% in five to thirteen year-olds and just 1% in males aged sixteen to eighteen years [19,20].
Preputial adhesions
Another cause of non-retractability of the prepuce are adhesions of the foreskin to the glans, and this must be distinguished from phimosis. Usually when adhesions are present, partial retraction is possible and the meatus can be visualised [20]. Adhesions are a physiological phenomenon of variable duration, present in 63% of six to seven year-olds and 3% of sixteen to seventeen year-olds without phimosis [20]. Progressive separation of the inner prepuce from the glans is associated with build-up of epithelial debris (smegma) and aided by penile erections. During this process smegma can accumulate into nodules that may be mistaken for cysts. When released from between the skin layers smegma can resemble purulent discharge, especially when mixed with urine. There may temporarily be focal erythema. In the absence of other signs of infection, this should not be confused with balanitis.
Once adhesions between the glans and inner prepuce are resolved there may be ballooning of the foreskin during voiding, particularly if the opening of the prepuce is still relatively narrow. Ballooning is not a sign of obstructed voiding and uroflows have been shown to be normal with ballooning [21]. Therefore, ballooning may be a physiological phase, and it should only be considered a problem in case of (recurring) balanitis.
In paraphimosis the foreskin has been retracted and cannot be brought back down to cover the glans of the penis. In children it is most likely due to manipulation, with an incidence reported to be as low as 0.2% [18]. The risk of paraphimosis is higher if there is relative phimosis. The narrow ring in the retracted prepuce may constrict the shaft at the level of the sulcus, leading to edema of the glans and retracted foreskin. Impaired perfusion may lead to necrosis of the prepuce and ultimately of the glans. Paraphimosis must be regarded as a medical emergency requiring urgent treatment [22].
Balanoposthitis may be defined as erythema and swelling of the glans (balanitis) and/or foreskin (posthitis), with discharge of pus. It should not be confused with focal irritation due to retention of droplets of urine under the foreskin. Balanoposthitis may be seen in 6% of uncircumcised boys [18,23].
Balanitis xerotica obliterans
Balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) is a non-painful chronic inflammatory disease which may affect the glans, foreskin, meatus and urethra. As such it is a genital form of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus [19]. Balanitis xerotica obliterans may lead to scarring, phimosis and urethral outflow problems. Histological analysis of the prepuces of children and adolescents undergoing circumcision for medical reasons shows signs of BXO in 35%-53% [24]; in boys younger than ten years this is 17% [25,26].
Inconspicuous penis
There are several types of concealed or inconspicuous penis, which should be differentiated from truly small penis such as micropenis with abnormal size of the corporeal bodies or even aphallia.
Buried penis and megaprepuce are congenital anomalies in which the skin is folded abnormally around the shaft. The opening of the prepuce can be narrow, prohibiting retraction similar to regular phimosis, but may also be normal. Occasionally buried penis may be due to abnormal prepubic fat distribution, which may be self-limiting with growth or weight loss.
In webbed penis the penoscrotal angle is abnormal due to the scrotum being attached high on the ventral side of the shaft.
Trapped penis is an iatrogenic form of buried penis which may be caused by resection of too much skin during circumcision [27].
3.1.2. Classification and diagnostic evaluation
In order to determine which cases require treatment, phimosis should be divided into a physiological and pathological type. Physiological phimosis is most likely to resolve over time without intervention, whereas pathological phimosis may not.
In physiological phimosis there is no sign of scarring, and upon retraction the inner prepuce is seen bulging outward from the narrow ring in the prepuce (“pouting”). In pathological or secondary phimosis there is scarring, the narrow ring in the prepuce is fibrous, often white and thickened, and the inner layer of the prepuce is not seen coming out [28]. Balanitis xerotica obliterans is a special form of pathological phimosis.
The diagnosis of adhesions, phimosis and paraphimosis is made by physical examination alone, and this can differentiate between physiological variations or pathological abnormalities. If the prepuce is not retractable, or only partly retractable, and shows a constrictive ring upon retraction back over the glans penis, a disproportion between the width of the foreskin and the diameter of the glans penis has to be assumed. In addition to the constricted foreskin, the inner prepuce may be adherend to the glans and/or frenulum breve.
Balanitis xerotica obliterans remains a histopathological diagnosis as clinically discerning BXO from simple pathological phimosis by may be difficult, particularly to the untrained eye. Histopathological examination of resected foreskin is warranted due to the consequences of this diagnosis with regards to follow-up [29,30].
In buried penis, the shaft itself appears shorter upon inspection but is of normal size upon palpation, hence the name. In megaprepuce the shaft may have a normal appearance or it may resemble buried penis. The diagnosis is made based on the aspect of the penis during voiding. When the enlarged space between shaft and inner prepuce fills up with urine during voiding, this causes the entire penis to swell. Megaprepuce can be discerned from regular phimosis, in which only the tip of the penis may demonstrate ballooning. It may be helpful if caregivers show a photo or even video of the aspect of the penis during voiding.
3.1.3. Management
The foreskin should not be retracted for cleaning until this can be done easily. It should be stressed to parents/caregivers that forced retraction of a narrow foreskin may cause scar formation resulting in secondary pathological phimosis [31]. Care should be taken to reduce the foreskin back down over the glans to prevent paraphimosis. Once the foreskin is retractable this may be regularly done during bathing and becomes necessary for hygienic reasons from puberty. The production of smegma appears to increase at puberty, coinciding with the age at which most boys can retract their foreskin [28].
Conservative/medical management
Physiological phimosis and adhesions do not need treatment, unless there are accompanying urogenital abnormalities. Conservative medical treatment is a valid option for primary pathological phimosis. Class 4 corticosteroid therapies were more effective over placebo and manual stretching [32]. Topical corticoid (0.05-0.1%) can be administered twice a day over a period of four to eight weeks with a success rate of > 80% [32-35]. A publication showed that lower class corticosteroids may be almost equally effective [36]. A recurrence rate of up to 17% can be expected [37]. Effectivity of topical corticosteroids is likely to be influenced by correct application, which must be directly onto the narrow ring under gentle retraction. Similarly, after finishing the corticosteroid treatment recurrence should be prevented by continuing daily retraction of the prepuce [38]. While all types of phimosis may respond to corticosteroid treatment, the success rate may be lower in pathological phimosis. If BXO is suspected, consultation with a dermatologist should be considered [39].
Corticosteroid treatment has no systemic side effects and mean blood cortisol levels are not significantly different from an untreated group of patients [40]. The hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis was not influenced by local corticoid treatment [41]. However, if treatment is continued for too long or too much product is used this may cause focal atrophy and vulnerability of the skin. In general, cream may be associated with dryness and irritation, due to the nature of the product compared to ointment. Adhesion of the foreskin to the glans does not respond to corticosteroid treatment [33].
Operative management
Circumcision for non-medical reasons, such as routine circumcision for cultural, religious or hygienic considerations, is not discussed in this chapter.
Medical indications for surgical intervention for phimosis are recurrent balanoposthitis or symptomatic therapy-resistant phimosis. Simple ballooning of the foreskin during micturition is not an indication for surgery per se. Several indications for circumcision in the absence of symptomatic phimosis have been proposed. In boys with increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) due to congenital upper tract abnormalities, circumcision may be performed to reduce the risk of UTIs [42-45]. Male circumcision significantly reduces the bacterial colonisation of the glans penis with regard to both non-uropathogenic and uropathogenic bacteria [46]. However, resolution of phimosis by corticosteroid treatment may have similar results as it was also associated with substantial reduction in recurrent UTI in uncircumcised infants [47] (See Chapter 3.10 on urinary tract infections in children and Chapter 3.15 on vesicoureteric reflux).
Routine neonatal circumcision to prevent penile carcinoma is not indicated. A meta-analysis could not find any risk in uncircumcised patients without a history of phimosis [48].
The type of operative treatment of phimosis in children is dependent on the caregivers’ preferences and can be preputioplasty or circumcision. In preputioplasty the objective is to preserve the prepuce while achieving a wider foreskin circumference with full retractability. Several surgical techniques have been described to achieve this goal: dorsal incision, partial circumcision, trident preputial plasty, combining two Z-plasties and Y-plasty [49,50]. The main disadvantage of preputioplasty is the inherent potential for recurrence of phimosis [51].
In circumcision, the prepuce is resected completely. Contra-indications for circumcision are: an acute local infection and congenital anomalies of the penis, particularly hypospadias, buried penis and megaprepuce, epispadias and congenital penile curvature, as the foreskin may be required for a reconstructive procedure [52,53].
When surgically correcting phimosis, additional issues should be addressed during the same session: adhesions are released, an associated frenulum breve is corrected by frenulotomy and the meatus is calibrated with meatoplasty added if necessary.
Paraphimosis treatment
Treatment of paraphimosis consists of manual compression of the oedematous tissue with a subsequent attempt to retract the tightened foreskin over the glans penis [54,55]. If this maneuver fails, a dorsal incision of the constrictive ring is required. Following acute redressing of the foreskin, additional treatment is recommended to correct any anomalies which increase the chance of recurrence. Patients should be counselled regarding prevention of paraphimosis by correctly redressing their foreskin after retraction.
3.1.4. Complications
Complications following circumcision vary and have been reported between 0-30% [56]. Hung et al., found 2.9% complications in non-neonates during a five-year follow-up period; 2.2% were early (within 30 days after circumcision). Non-healing wounds, haemorrhage, wound infection, meatal stenosis, redundant skin, non-satisfying cosmetic appearance and trapped penis all may occur [57]. The incidence of post-circumcision meatal stenosis is higher in boys with confirmed BXO compared to those who underwent circumcision for phimosis without BXO (20% vs 6%) [29]. Overall, the risk of complications appears low when done by professionals in a medical setting.
3.1.5. Follow-up
Any preputial surgery requires early follow-up of four to six weeks after surgery. In case of BXO, prolonged follow-up is warranted and may involve a dermatologist. Balanitis xerotica obliterans is associated with meatal pathology (stenosis) after circumcision in up to 20% of boys [26,58,59].
3.1.6. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of phimosis
Summary of evidence | LE |
Non-retractability of the foreskin, preputial adhesions and ballooning may be a physiological phase before puberty and do not require treatment in the absence of symptoms. | 3 |
Forced retraction of a narrow foreskin should be avoided to prevent scar formation which may result in secondary pathological phimosis. | 3 |
Conservative treatment of phimosis with topical corticosteroids (ointment or cream) has a high success rate, but surgical treatment may be considered if preferred by caregivers or patients. | 1b |
Balanitis xerotica obliterans warrants prolonged follow-up due to risk of meatal stenosis or urethral involvement. | 2 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Offer topical corticosteroids (ointment or cream) as first-line treatment in symptomatic phimosis. | Strong |
Consider surgical intervention if patient/caregivers prefer for symptomatic phimosis. | Strong |
Offer circumcision in case of Balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) or phimosis refractory to treatment. | Strong |
Offer treatment for asymptomatic phimosis in infants with a risk of recurrent urinary tract infection due to upper urinary tract abnormalities (vesicoureteral reflux or posterior urethral valves). | Strong |
Inform patients about the risk of meatal stenosis in BXO. | Strong |
Await spontaneous resolution of asymptomatic preputial adhesions before puberty. | Weak |
Treat paraphimosis by manual reposition and proceed to surgery if this fails. | Strong |
Do not perform simple circumcision if phimosis is associated with other penile anomalies such as buried penis, congenital penile curvature, epispadias or hypospadias. | Strong |
3.2. Management of undescended testes
3.2.1. Background
The term cryptorchidism is most often used synonymously for undescended testes and is one of the most common congenital malformations of male neonates. The incidence varies and depends on gestational age, affecting 1.0-4.6% of full-term and 1.1-45% of preterm neonates. Following spontaneous descent within the first months of life, nearly 1.0% of all full-term male infants still have undescended testes at one year of age [60]. In up to 30% of cases cryptorchidism can occur bilaterally [61]. In newborn cases with non-palpable or undescended testes on both sides and any sign of disorders of sex development (DSDs) like concomitant hypospadias, endocrinological and genetic evaluation is required to assess for any form of DSD (see Chapter 3.18 on Disorders/Differences of sex development) [62]. Children with abdominal wall defects, such as gastroschisis and omphalocele were shown to have higher rates of cryptorchidism [63], with an overall higher atrophy rate [64]. Cryptorchidism is associated with an increased risk of impaired fertility and testicular cancer, not limited to congenital cases. Structural abnormalities are often found in the affected testicles and they are typically smaller in size [65]. While congenital cryptorchidism increases the risk of infertility; ascending testes can also affect fertility potential, though to a lesser extent [66-69]. Histological changes in acquired cases mirror those seen in congenital cryptorchidism, highlighting the need for careful management to reduce fertility risks [66,67,69,70].
3.2.2. Classification
The most useful classification of undescended testes is distinguishing into palpable and non-palpable testes, and clinical management is decided by the location and presence of the testes (see Figure 1). Approximately 80% of all undescended testes are palpable [71]. Acquired cryptorchidism are testes that were previously in a scrotal location and ascend secondarily. It can be caused by entrapment after inguinal surgery or spontaneously referred to as ascending testes. The prevalence rates of ascending testis were found to range between 1-2% in a population study [72].
Palpable testes include true undescended testes in an inguinal or ectopic location. Non-palpable testes include intra-abdominal, absent, and sometimes also some inguinal or ectopic testes. A few non-palpable testes can become palpable under general anaesthesia.
Figure 1: Classification of undescended testes Palpable testes
Undescended testes
A true undescended testis is on its normal path of descent but is halted on its way down to the scrotum. Depending on the location, the testes may be palpable or not, as in the case of testes arrested in the inguinal canal.
Ectopic testes
If the position of a testis is outside its normal path of descent and outside the scrotum, the testis is considered to be ectopic. The most common aberrant position is in the superficial inguinal pouch. Sometimes an ectopic testis can be identified in a femoral, perineal, pubic, penile or even contralateral position. Usually, there is no possibility for an ectopic testis to descend spontaneously to the correct position; therefore, it requires surgical intervention. In addition, an ectopic testis might not be palpable due to its position. Additionally, there are cases reported of patients born with supernumerary testes as a rare phenomenon [73].
Retractile testes
Retractile testes have completed their descent into a proper scrotal position but can be found again in a suprascrotal position along the path of their normal descent. This is due to an overactive cremasteric reflex [74]. Retractile testes can be easily manipulated down to the scrotum and remain there at least temporarily. They are typically normal in size and consistency. As retractile testes carry a higher risk of secondary ascent of up to 33%, yearly controls until puberty are recommended [75]. Non-palpable testes
Among the 20% of non-palpable testes, 50-60% are intra-abdominal, canalicular or peeping (changing location between high inguinal position and inside the internal inguinal ring). The remaining 20% are absent and 30% are atrophic or rudimentary.
Intra-abdominal testes
Intra-abdominal testes can be located in different positions, with most of them being found close to the internal inguinal ring. However, possible locations include the kidney, anterior abdominal wall, and retrovesical space. In the case of an open internal inguinal ring, the testis may be peeping into the inguinal canal.
Absent testes
Monorchidism can be identified in up to 4% of boys with undescended testes, and anorchidism (bilateral absence) in < 1%. Possible pathogenic mechanisms include testicular agenesis and atrophy after intrauterine torsion, which is referred to as “vanishing testes” [76].
3.2.3. Diagnostic evaluation
History taking and physical examination are key in evaluating boys with undescended testes. Localisation studies using different imaging modalities are usually without any additional benefit. History
Caregivers should be asked for maternal and paternal risk factors, including hormonal exposure and genetic or hormonal disorders. If the child has a history of previously descended testes this might be suggestive of retractile testes or secondary testicular ascent [77]. A history of acute scrotal pain and swelling can be suggestive of a missed testicular torsion. Prior inguinal surgery is indicative of secondary undescended testes due to entrapment. Physical examination
An undescended testis is pursued by carefully advancing the examining fingers along the inguinal canal towards the pubis region, perhaps with the help of lubricant. A possible inguinal testis can be felt to bounce under the fingers [78]. A non-palpable testis in the supine position may become palpable with positional manoeuvres (e.g. frog-legged or cross-legged) which is a sign of a retractile testis. If no testis can be identified along the normal path of descent, possible ectopic locations must be considered.
In the event of unilateral non-palpable testis, the contralateral testis needs to be examined. Its size and location can have important prognostic implications. Any compensatory hypertrophy could suggest testicular absence or atrophy [79]. Nevertheless, this does not preclude surgical exploration since the sign of compensatory hypertrophy is not specific enough [80-82].
In the case of bilateral non-palpable testes or any evidence or sign of disorders/differences of sex development (DSDs), such as genital ambiguity, or scrotal hyperpigmentation, further evaluation including endocrinological and genetic assessment becomes mandatory [83]. Imaging studies
Imaging studies cannot determine with certainty that a testis is present or not [84]. Ultrasound (US) lacks the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity to detect the testis confidently or establish the absence or presence of an intra-abdominal testis [85]. Consequently, the use of different imaging modalities, such as US or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [86], for undescended testes is limited and only recommended in specific and selected clinical scenarios (e.g., identification of Müllerian structures in cases with suspicion of DSDs) [85].
3.2.4. Management
Treatment should be started at the age of six months, since after that age, undescended testes rarely descend [87]. Any kind of treatment leading to a scrotally positioned testis should be finished by twelve months, or eighteen months at the latest, because histological examination of undescended testes at that age has already revealed a progressive loss of germ cells and Leydig cells [88]. The early timing of treatment is also driven by the final adult results on spermatogenesis and hormone production, as well as on the risk of tumour development [89]. Medical therapy
Unfortunately, most of the studies on hormonal treatment have been of poor quality, with heterogeneous and mixed patient populations, testis location, schedules and dosages of hormonal administration. Additionally, long-term data are almost completely lacking.
Short-term side effects of hormonal treatment include increased scrotal erythema and pigmentation, and induction of pubic hair and penile growth. Some boys experience pain after intramuscular injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). All of these tend to regress after treatment cessation [90,91].
Although many systemic side effects are temporary and typically resolve within six months, there are documented impacts on the testes, such as interstitial bleeding and germ cell apoptosis, which have been linked to a reduction in testicular volume later in adulthood [92,93]. Medical therapy for testicular descent
Hormonal therapy using hCG or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is based on the hormonal dependence of testicular descent, but has a limited success rate of only 20% [94]. However, it must be taken into account that almost 20% of these descended testes have the risk of re-ascending later [95]. In general, success rates depend on testicular location. The higher the testis is located prior to therapy, the lower the success rate, suggesting that testicular position is an important determinant of success [90]. Some authors recommend combined hCG-GnRH treatment. Unfortunately, it is poorly documented and the treatment groups were diverse. Some studies reported successful descent in up to 38% of non-responders to monotherapy [96]. A recent meta-analysis concludes that there is no consistent evidence to support hormone treatment alone in the management of undescended testes [65]. Medical therapy for fertility potential
Hormonal treatment may improve fertility indices [97,98] and therefore serve as an additional tool to orchidopexy. A longitudinal study on boys undergoing hormone therapy (hCG) with or without surgery showed that patients with hormone therapy had better sperm quality compared to patients undergoing surgery alone or no treatment at all [99]. There is no difference in treatment with GnRH before (neo-adjuvant) or after (adjuvant) orchidopexy in terms of increasing fertility index, which may be a predictor for fertility later in life [100].
Identification of specific subgroups of boys with undescended testes who would benefit from using hormones is challenging. Since these important data on specific groups as well as additional support on the long-term effects are still lacking, the Nordic consensus does not recommend hormonal therapy [101].
As endocrine treatment may improve fertility index, the consensus of this Panel is to recommend endocrine treatment with GnRH analogues for boys with bilateral undescended testes in an attempt to preserve fertility potential (LE: 4). Surgical therapy
If a testis has not concluded its descent at the age of six months (corrected for gestational age), and since spontaneous testicular descent is unlikely to occur after that age, surgery should be performed within the subsequent year [89]. A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing outcomes of orchidopexy before and after one year of age found no difference in atrophy rate, however, early orchidopexy was associated with greater testicular volume and more spermatogonia per tubule (fertility index) as possible markers for improved fertility potential [102]. These findings underscore the importance of early orchidopexy between the ages of six and twelve (18 months the latest) months [87]. But despite early and successful orchiopexy within the first year of life up to 25% of boys with non-syndromic undescended testes may be at risk for infertility based on hormonal and histological data as a series on 333 boys showed [103]. This is especially true for bilateral cases, but in addition in about 5% of unilateral cases reduced numbers of germ cells were detected in testicular biopsies as well [103]. Palpable testes
Surgery for palpable testes includes orchidofunicolysis and orchidopexy, either via an inguinal or scrotal approach, which are described in more detail below: Inguinal orchidopexy
Inguinal orchidopexy is a widely used technique with a high success rate of up to 92% (definition of success: correct scrotal position) [104]. Important steps include mobilisation of the testis and spermatic cord to the level of the internal inguinal ring, with dissection and division of all cremasteric fibres, to prevent secondary retraction and detachment of the gubernaculum testis. The patent processus vaginalis needs to be dissected off the spermatic cord proximally at the level of the internal ring, because an unidentified or inadequately repaired patent processus vaginalis is an important factor leading to failure of orchidopexy [105].
At this moment the size of the testis can be measured and the connection of the epididymis to the testis can be judged and described in the protocol. Some boys have a significant dissociation between testis and epididymis which is associated with a lower testicular volume [106]. Finally, the mobilised testicle needs to be placed in a sub-dartos pouch within the hemi-scrotum without any tension. In case the length achieved using the above-mentioned technique is still inadequate, the Prentiss manoeuvre, which consists of dividing the inferior epigastric vessels and transposing the spermatic cord medially, in order to provide a straight course to the scrotum, might be an option [107]. With regard to fixation sutures, if required, they should be made between the tunica vaginalis and the dartos musculature [108], a recent systematic review and meta-analysis showed no benefit of performing a transparenchymal fixation suture in standard orchidopexy [109]. Lymph drainage of a testis that has undergone surgery for orchidopexy may have changed from high retroperitoneal drainage to iliac and inguinal drainage, which might become important in the event of later malignancy [110]. Scrotal orchidopexy
Low-positioned, palpable undescended testis can be fixed through a scrotal incision including division of the gubernaculum. The processus vaginalis needs to be probed to check for patency [111]. Otherwise, fixation in the scrotum is carried out correspondingly to the inguinal approach. In up to 20% of cases, an inguinal incision will be required to correct an associated patent processus vaginalis [112]. Any testicular or epididymal appendages can be easily identified and removed. A systematic review shows that the overall success rates (definition of success rates: correct scrotal position) ranged from 88 to 100%, with rates of recurrence and post-operative testicular atrophy or hypotrophy < 1% [113]. Another systematic review and meta-analysis revealed similar outcome data regarding post-operative complications, including wound infection, testicular atrophy, testicular reascent, and hernia for palpable low positioned undescended testes. The only significant difference was the shorter operative time [114]. Overall, it can be concluded that scrotal orchidopexy appears to be a good surgical alternative for low lying testis [115-117]. Non-palpable testes
For non-palpable testes, surgery must clearly determine whether a testis is present or not [118]. If a testis is found, the decision has to be made to bring it down to the scrotum or to remove it. An important step in surgery is a thorough re-examination once the boy is under general anaesthesia, since a previously non-palpable testis might be identifiable and subsequently change the surgical approach to standard inguinal orchidopexy, as described above. The optimal approach to locate an intra-abdominal testis is diagnostic laparoscopy [119]. Subsequent removal or orchidolysis and orchidopexy can be carried out laparoscopically [120]. If an ipsilateral scrotal nubbin is suspected, and contralateral compensatory testicular hypertrophy is present, a scrotal incision with removal of the nubbin, thus confirming the vanishing testis, is an option avoiding the need for laparoscopy [121].
During laparoscopy for non-palpable testes, possible anatomical findings include spermatic vessels entering the inguinal canal (40%), an intra-abdominal (40%) or peeping (10%) testis, or blind-ending spermatic vessels confirming vanishing testis (10%) [122].
In case of a vanishing testis, the procedure is finished once blind-ending spermatic vessels are clearly identified. If the vessels enter the inguinal canal, one may find an atrophic testis upon inguinal exploration or a healthy testis that needs to undergo standard orchidopexy [123]. If a nubbin is found during inguinal exploration, it should be resected [65,124]. A peeping testis can be placed down in the scrotum laparoscopically or via an inguinal incision [125]. Placement of an intra-abdominal testis can sometimes be a surgical challenge. Usually, testes lying high above the internal inguinal ring may not reach the scrotum with a single surgery [126]. Under such circumstances, a staged orchidopexy may be an option [127] (see Figure 2).
If a staged procedure is required, the most common techniques described in the literature are the Fowler-Stephens procedure and the Shehata technique for intra-abdominal testes [128]. Overall, laparoscopic orchidopexy for intraabdominal testes is associated with a slightly higher atrophy rate and rate of retraction compared to the conventional inguinal approach, especially if a staged approach is required [65].
The Fowler-Stephens technique involves proximal cutting and transection of the testicular vessels, with conservation of the collateral arterial blood supply, via the deferential artery and cremasteric vessels. A modification with low spermatic vessel ligation has gained popularity, allowing blood supply from the testicular artery to the deferential artery. An additional advantage is the position of the peritoneal incision, leading to a longer structure, to ease later scrotal placement [129]. Due to the nature of these approaches the testis is at risk of hypotrophy or atrophy if the collateral blood supply is insufficient [130]. One- and two-stage FS have similar rates of retraction, whereas one-step procedures might have a higher rate of testicular atrophy [65]. The advantages of two-stage orchidopexy, with the second part done usually six months after the first, are to allow for development of collateral blood supply and to create greater testicular mobility [131]. In addition, preservation of the gubernaculum may also decrease the chance of testicular atrophy [132].
An alternative option to approach intra-abdominal testes is the Shehata technique. The first step involves spermatic vessel traction instead of vessel division [128]. A multi-centre comparative study and a recent systematic review and meta-analysis show that both Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy and the traction technique are comparable in terms of postintervention testicular atrophy, testicular retraction/ascent [133,134]. However, the mean operative time is significantly less with FS technique in Stage I laparoscopic orchidopexy [135]. As several studies have validated the safety and similar success rate of these approaches. It is up to the surgeons preference and experience to decide which approach to use. Complications of surgical therapy
Surgical complications are usually uncommon, including testicular atrophy. A systematic review revealed an overall atrophy rate for primary orchidopexy of 1.83%, 28.1% for one-stage Fowler- Stephens procedure, and 8.2% for the two-stage approach [136]. Other rare complications comprise testicular ascent and vas deferens injury besides local wound infection, dehiscence, and haematoma. Surgical therapy for undescended testes after puberty
The Panel consensus recommends orchidopexy in palpable undescended testes and orchiectomy in post-pubertal boys with an intraabdominal testis and a normal contralateral testis in a scrotal position. For adult recommendations, see the testicular cancer guidelines [137,138].
Figure 2: Treatment of unilateral non-palpable undescended testes
3.2.5. Undescended testes and fertility
The association of undescended testes with compromised fertility [139] is extensively discussed in the literature and seems to be a result of multiple factors, including germ cell loss, impaired germ cell maturation [140], Leydig cell diminution and testicular fibrosis [141].
Although boys with one undescended testis have a lower fertility rate, they have the same paternity rate as those with bilateral descended testes. Boys with bilateral undescended testes suffer both, lower fertility and paternity rates. Fertility rate is the number of offspring born per mating pair, individual or population, whereas paternity reflects the actual potential of fatherhood [142]. The age at which surgical intervention for an undescended testis occurs seems to be an important predictive factor for fertility later in life. Endocrinological studies revealed higher inhibin-B and lower follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in men who underwent orchidopexy at two years of age compared to individuals who had surgery later, which is indicative of a benefit of earlier orchidopexy [143,144]. In addition, others demonstrated a relation between undescended testes and increased loss of germ cells and Leydig cells, which is also suggestive of timely orchidopexy being a significant factor for fertility preservation [145]. Outcome studies for untreated bilateral undescended testes revealed that 100% are oligospermic and 75% azoospermic. Among those successfully treated for bilateral undescended testes, 75% still remain oligospermic and 42% azoospermic [141].
In summary, early surgical correction of undescended testes is highly recommended before twelve months of age, and by eighteen months at the latest, for preservation of fertility potential [88].
3.2.6. Undescended testes and malignancy
Boys who are treated for an undescended testis have an increased risk of developing testicular malignancy [137]. Screening and self-examination both during and after puberty is therefore recommended [146]. A Swedish study, with a cohort of almost 17,000 men (56 developed a testicular tumour) who were treated surgically for undescended testes and followed for 210,000 person-years, showed that management of undescended testes before the onset of puberty decreased the risk of testicular cancer. The relative risk of testicular cancer among those who underwent orchidopexy before thirteen years of age was 2.2 compared to the Swedish general population; this increased to 5.4 for those treated after thirteen years of age [147]. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature has also concluded that prepubertal orchidopexy may reduce the risk of testicular cancer and that early surgical intervention is indicated in boys with undescended testes [148].
3.2.7. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of undescended testes
Summary of evidence | LE |
A failed or delayed orchidopexy may increase the risk of testicular malignancy later in life. | 2a |
Early treatment reduces the risks of impaired fertility and testicular cancer. | 2a |
In unilateral undescended testis, fertility rate is reduced whereas paternity rate is not. | 1b |
In bilateral undescended testes, both fertility and paternity rates are impaired. | 1b |
The treatment of choice for undescended testis is surgical positioning into the scrotum. | 1b |
The palpable testis is usually treated surgically using an inguinal approach. | 2b |
The non-palpable testis should be approached laparoscopically. | 2b |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Do not offer medical or surgical treatment for retractile testes but undertake close follow-up on a regular basis until puberty. | Strong |
Do not offer hormonal therapy in unilateral undescended testes for testicular descent only. | Strong |
Offer endocrine treatment in cases of bilateral undescended testes to preserve future fertility potential. | Weak |
Perform surgical orchidofunicolysis and orchidopexy before the age of twelve months, and by eighteen months at the latest. | Strong |
Perform an endocrinological workup in the setting of bilateral non-palpable testes. | Strong |
Perform an exam under anaesthesia and subsequent diagnostic laparoscopy to locate an intra-abdominal testicle. | Strong |
Inform the patient/caregivers about the increased risk of malignancy with an undescended testis increasing with the age at orchidopexy. | Weak |
3.3. Testicular Tumours in prepubertal boys
3.3.1. Epidemiology and pathophysiology
Testicular tumours constitute about 1-2% of all paediatric solid tumours [149]. They originate from various cell types within the testis, with the specific cell of origin determining the tumour’s phenotype. This document addresses prepubertal testicular tumours. For information regarding postpubertal testicular tumours, we refer to the EAU Testicular Cancer Guidelines [138].
In prepubertal boys, testicular tumours differ significantly from those in adolescent and adult men: they have a lower incidence (0.5 to 2 per 100,000 children, with a peak incidence between ages 0 and 4), they have a different histologic distribution, they are mostly benign (60-75%) [149-154], and intratubular neoplasia (TIN) is practically non-existent in children [155-160]. Testicular tumours can generally be classified as germ cell tumours (GCT) or stromal tumours. Among prepubertal intra-testicular tumours, GCT account for 71-90%, of which approximately 40% to 50% are teratomas, with reports of immature teratomas in this age group [156,161]. Epidermoid cysts comprise up to 10% to 15% of all GCTs and are consistently benign [157]. Malignant GCTs, predominantly yolk-sac tumours, range from 8% to 30% in frequency.
One specific tumour type is gonadoblastoma, which contains germ cell and stromal cell tumour types and will occur almost exclusively in the setting of DSD [162].
For differential diagnosis of a scrotal mass, paratesticular tumours should be excluded, such as benign types (leiomyoma, fibroma, lipoma, hemangioma, cystic lymphangioma, and lipoblastoma), in addition to the malignant tumours such as a rhabdomyosarcoma [162-164].
3.3.2. Clinical presentation
Clinical presentation is a painless scrotal mass in more than 90% of the patients, detected by the caregiver, physician or the patient himself. A history of a trauma, pain or hernia is rare. A hydrocele can be found in 15 – 50% of patients [151,163]. In boys with early onset of puberty (e.g. early penile and prepubic hair growth) as well as high testosterone and low gonadotropin levels, a Leydig cell tumour should be excluded [164].
3.3.3. Evaluation
To confirm the diagnosis, a high-resolution US examination (7.5 – 12.5 MHz), preferably a doppler US, is required. The detection rate is almost 100% [165-168]. However, it can be challenging to differentiate between benign and malign tumours by US alone. In adults, smaller tumour size, heterogenous masses, hyperechogenicity, peripheral Doppler flow and non-enhancement on US have a significant lower OR of malignancy, however evidence for prepubertal males is scarce [169].
With high-resolution US, microlithiasis (hyperechoic, non-shadowing foci 1-3 mm in diameter within the testicular parenchyma) is increasingly seen in prepubertal boys. The incidence of microlithiasis is significantly higher in patients who had undergone orchiopexy [170]. Routine monthly self-examination of the testes is recommended in children with microlithiasis with contributing risk factors from puberty onwards [12]. When microlithiasis is still present during transition to adulthood a more intensive follow-up could be considered. Due to the low incidence of a contralateral tumour, even in cases of testicular microlithiasis, there is no indication for contralateral testicular biopsy in prepubertal boys [169].
Tumour markers
When tumour markers are used, age of the patient should be taken into account, since alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) has a clear limitation of its sensitivity and specificity in the first months of life [163], and sometimes takes up to twelve months before the serum concentration reaches the known standard values (< 10 ng/mL) [154,171]. It is produced by > 90% of yolk sac tumours. Teratomas can also produce AFP, but not to that extent of yolk sac tumours [172]. Alpha-fetoprotein should be measured before any therapeutic intervention (tumour enucleation/orchiectomy) and should be measured five days after tumour resection/orchiectomy in those with an elevated AFP according to the half-life time of AFP. Human chorionic gonadotropin (ß-hCG) is derived from chorion carcinoma, embryonal carcinoma or seminoma. However, these tumours are extremely rare in prepubertal boys and therefore, ß-hCG is not a useful tumour marker in prepubertal boys.
In patients with a malignant tumour (yolk sac tumour, immature teratoma) staging should be performed including either a CT-scan or MRI of the abdomen and a CT-scan of the chest. If there is any suspicion of a non-organ confined tumour, the patient should be referred to a paediatric oncologist. In patients with the rare diagnosis of a Granulosa cell tumour, imaging of the abdomen to exclude enlarged lymph nodes is reasonable as this may be a potentially malignant tumour; in those with Sertoli or a Leydig cell tumour, an MRI is recommended, as 10% are malignant and the metastases do not respond very well to chemotherapy or radiation in the adult literature [173,174]. For information about staging of testicular tumours, we refer to the EAU Testicular Cancer Guidelines [138]. In benign tumours (mature teratoma, epidermoid cysts) no further staging is required.
3.3.4. Treatment/Management
If a testicular tumour is suspected, surgery with the option of intra-operative frozen section should be performed. It is not necessary to do this as an emergency procedure. However, to confirm the diagnosis and to avoid familial anxiety, the operation should be scheduled as soon as possible, preferably within the next few days. Testis-sparing surgery (TSS) should be performed, whenever possible. In a systematic review, the recurrence rate after surgery was found to be 5.8% (95% CI: 2.3-14.1%) in cohorts including a benign rate of 70.9% [175]. Testis-sparing surgery was performed in 36.2% of these patients.
When performing TSS, frozen sections during surgery could be performed to confirm the diagnosis (benign vs. malignant tumour) and to confirm if a microscopically margin-negative resection is performed, in which no gross or microscopic tumour remains in the primary tumour bed (R0 resection). In cases of an R0 resection, the tunica is closed and the testis is replaced in the scrotum. In case of R1 resection (removal of all macroscopic disease, but microscopic margins are positive for tumour) confirmed by frozen section in a malignant or potential malignant tumour, an orchiectomy should be performed at the same time of surgery. If the final pathology later demonstrates a R1 resection in a malignant tumour despite intra-operative negative margins on frozen section, an inguinal orchiectomy can safely be performed. Similarly, in a multi-centre retrospective study, intra-operative biopsy followed by tumorectomy to preserve healthy testicular tissue in benign testicular tumours was recommended [176].
Orchiectomy could be considered only if normal testicular parenchyma is no longer detectable in the pre-operatively high-resolution US and/or the AFP is > 100 ng/mL in a > 12-month-old boy, which is highly suspicious of a yolk sac tumour.
For surgical technique, the Panel is in favour of an inguinal approach. Furthermore, clamping of the vessels has the advantage of a better view, when organ sparing surgery is performed. However, there is no evidence in the literature that tumour-spread is prevented by clamping the vessels. In addition, a retrospective multicenter study suggested that a scrotal approach may be applied for selected cases [177].
As most paratesticular tumours are benign, intra-operative frozen section should be available during surgery and organ sparing surgical approach is preferred in benign tumours. If a paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma is suspected, radical inguinal orchiectomy should be performed if tumour size allows it, otherwise it is better to extend the inguinal incision down to the scrotum or use a combined inguinal and scrotal approach to facilitate a complete gross total tumour resection [178].
3.3.5. Tumour entities in prepubertal boys Germ cell tumours
Teratomas are usually benign in prepubertal children and represent the greatest proportion of intratesticular tumours (around 40%) [149,179]. They present at a median age of thirteen months (0-18 months). Only in adolescents and adults, they should be considered as malignant tumours. Histologically they can consist of a combination of the three primitive embryological germ-cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm). Most of these elements shows microscopically mature elements [180]; however, some immature teratomas in this age group have also been reported [181]. On US examination a heterogenous picture with some calcification is seen [182] and AFP should be less than 100 ng/mL in an infant. After organ-sparing surgery only one recurrence was reported in the literature [183].
Epidermoid cysts are of ectodermal origin and seem to be related to well-differentiated teratomas; they are always benign [180]. Keratin-producing epithelium is responsible for the keratinised-squamous-epithelial deposits, which appear hyperechogenic in an US [182]. Organ-sparing surgery should be performed and if confirmed by histology, there is no need for surveillance despite the fact that one “recurrence” has been reported thirteen years after diagnosis [184].
Yolk sac tumours are the predominant prepubertal malignant germ cell tumours and represent around 15% of the prepubertal tumours in boys [149]. They usually occur within the first two years of life [185]. Histologically they are mostly solid, yellow-grey tumours, and up to 80-85% of the tumours are organ confined (Stage I) [186]. Yolk sac tumours are associated with elevated AFP levels, which is seen in more than 90% of cases [187]. The tumour usually spreads haematogenously, and twenty percent of those presenting initially with Stage I disease (no metastatic disease in the MRI-abdomen and CT scan of the chest as well as normal age-adapted AFP values) may develop visible metastases within the next two years. Therefore close follow-up together with the paediatric oncologists including AFP every two to three months and MRI of the abdomen is recommended, at least for the first two to three years [163]. This is especially recommended in those patients with invasions of the lymphatic vessels, as this has been shown to be a prognostic factor [185]. In cases of recurrence, chemotherapy should be performed by paediatric oncologists according to national study protocols [188]. The overal three-year and five-year survival rates of patients with a yolk sac tumour were 96.1% and 95.3%, respectively [189]. Gonadal stromal tumours
Juvenile granulosa cell tumours typically occur within the first six months of life They are well circumscribed and have a typical yellow-tan appearance; 2/3 have cystic elements, 1/3 solid. A systematic review in which all case series were pooled showed that in all 166 patients described the disease was benign [190].
Sertoli cell tumours usually occur within the first year of life [191]. In the paediatric age group, the large-cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumours (LCCSCT) is the most common tumour variant [192,193]. They can occur in patients with complex dysplastic syndromes, such as the Carney or Peutz-Jeghers syndrome [193-195]. Except one case report with the histological diagnosis of a malignant LCCSCT [192], all other reported tumours are benign, therefore organ-sparing surgery should be performed.
Leydig cell tumours arising from the testosterone producing Leydig cells should be suspected in boys with early onset of puberty with high testosterone and low gonadotropin levels [164]. Patients are usually between six and ten years of age; the tumours are well circumscribed with yellow-brown nodules. In children there are no reports of malignant Leydig cell tumours and after organ sparing surgery, there are no reported recurrences [196,197]. In the adult literature, there is a malignancy rate of 10% reported and primary retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy should be discussed in cases with enlarged lymph nodes, as these metastases do not respond very well to chemotherapy or radiation [198]. Other tumours
Testicular adrenal rest tumours (TARTs) can occur in boys with a congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Up to a third of the TARTs occurs prepubertally, and the proportion increases with age. There is a significant correlation with poor hormonal control [199-201]. In a comparative study, factors found to correlate with TARTs volume included ACTH levels (coefficient 0.004; p=0.009) and the three-year average of serum testosterone levels (coefficient 9.64; p=0.003) [202]. A delayed CAH diagnosis of over one year was associated with a 2.6 x higher risk of TART [203]. While TARTs have no malignant potential, they can have a lasting impact on fertility by displacing the normal testicular parenchyma [204,205]. These patients should be offered US screening and advice on fertility with the option of cryopreservation [205]. A cross-sectional clinical study found that the size of the TART affects the volume of residual spermatogenic testicular tissue, while current CAH control impacts adrenal androgen hypersecretion [206].
3.3.6. Follow-up
Regular US examination is recommended in the follow-up period to detect any recurrence and/or other abnormalities. As there are only a few studies with recurrence after testicular sparing surgery or orchiectomy, no clear recommendation can be made concerning the interval and the duration of follow-up. However, doing an US examination every three to six months within the first year seems reasonable, as few recurrences have been detected at this time and the rate of atrophy is extremely low after organ-sparing surgery [207]. Only in patients with a malignant tumour, regular follow-up examination after the first year of surgery seems reasonable (see above). The follow-up in patients with a Leydig cell tumour should include endocrinological examinations.
Summary of evidence | LE |
Testicular tumours in prepubertal boys are rare and have a different histologic distribution compared to the adolescent and adult patients. | 2a |
In prepubertal boys up to 60-75% of testicular tumours are benign. | 3 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
High-resolution ultrasound (7.5 – 12.5 MHz), preferably a doppler ultrasound, should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. | Strong |
Alpha-fetoprotein should be determined in prepubertal boys with a testicular tumour before surgery. | Strong |
Surgical exploration should be done with the option for frozen section. | Strong |
Testicular sparing surgery should be performed in all benign tumours. | Strong |
Staging (MRI abdomen/CT chest) should only be performed in patients with a malignant tumour to exclude metastases. | Strong |
Patients with a non-organ confined tumour should be treated in an multidisciplinary fashion including paediatric oncologists. | Strong |
3.4. Fertility preservation in children and adolescents
The continuous increase in the incidence of paediatric cancers and post-treatment survivorship over the years, coupled with the further development of potentially gonadotoxic therapies, has contributed to the recognition and rapid endorsement of fertility preservation counselling for prepubertal children and adolescents. Patients and caregivers should be informed not only about the impact of gonadotoxic treatments on future fertility, but also about fertility-preservation options and their risk-benefit ratio. There are also a number of non-oncological congenital anomalies where fertility preservation can become an issue.
This chapter focuses on basic information on cryopreservation indications and options for paediatric urologists. For more detailed information, we refer to specific guidelines on this topic [208-210].
3.4.1. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation in prepubertal and adolescent girls
Infertility in the paediatric and adolescent population can result from direct gonadal damage from surgery, or gonadal toxicity as a result of chemotherapy or radiation [208]. Frequent indications requiring gonadotoxic therapy include solid tumours, leukemia and benign indications, such as hemoglobinopathies [211]. First-line chemotherapy does not appear to affect the number of primordial follicles [212], rather, it seems to have a significant effect on the health, density and functionality of follicles [213], resulting in a reduction of 10- 30% of ovarian reserve, depending on age and menarchal status [214]. The indication and options for fertility preservation should ideally be discussed in a paediatric multidisciplinary fertility preservation team and should consider the toxicity of the planned therapy, the age and menarchal status, as well as ethical and financial issues [215,216].
In paediatric and adolescent patients, ovarian tissue retrieval is performed by removal of an entire ovary (or partial ovariectomy) by laparoscopy [217], or in the setting of a laparotomy for surgery of the primary tumour [211,218]. It is advised to combine these interventions with other medically indicated procedures to minimise any additional anesthetic risks and costs [219]. In postpubertal patients and in the setting of benign disease, oocyte retrieval following prior ovarian stimulation can be performed [220-223]. For patients undergoing brachytherapy of the pelvic region, the technique of temporary laparoscopic ovarian transposition has been described [224].
Ovarian tissue can be re-implanted orthotopically or heterotopically. For fertility purposes, orthotopic transplantation includes implanting ovarian tissue into the peritoneal cavity, the remaining contralateral ovary, the ovarian fossa or the broad peritoneal ligament [225]. Heterotopic transplantation includes transplantation of ovarian tissue into other locations, such as the subcutaneous abdominal wall, the rectus muscle and the forearm. This technique can be used for the recovery of natural endocrine function [225]. The utilisation rate of ovarian tissue for ovarian cortex autotransplantation in the paediatric population has been reported to be as low as 2.2 – 5% [222,226,227]. A large case series demonstrated that transplantation of prepubertal cryopreserved ovarian tissue resulted in induction of spontaneous puberty and pregnancies in a few reported cases. However, there are only a few cases with long-term outcomes reported in the literature [228,229].
Figure 3: Ovarian tissue cryopreservation for girls and adolescents
Adapted from Anderson et al., .223
3.4.2. Cryopreservation in prepubertal and adolescent boys
The increase in the incidence of paediatric cancers and post-treatment survivors has also contributed to studies for fertility preservation in prepubertal boys. Gonadoprotective measures aiming at protecting the survival and function of immature germ cells in prepubertal testes, which are highly susceptible to irradiation and chemotherapy, should be the first aim [230]. Attenuation of externally scattered irradiation from fields close to the testes by gonadal shielding has been shown to be effective with respect to testicular growth in survivors [231,232]. In patients undergoing brachytherapy in the region of the genitals, temporary testicular transposition has been described as a method for fertility preservation [233].
Sperm cryopreservation via masturbation or penile vibration should be the first option in non-azoospermic post pubertal boys. Techniques such as electroejaculation should only be discussed in very specific circumstances. Cryopreservation of immature testicular tissue, containing spermatogonial stem cells, as a fertility preservation option for this population is still experimental and should be carefully explained to caregivers and patients by a multidisciplinary team [230]. Testicular biopsy procedures do not seem to affect fertility potential due to surgical complications or due to disruption of the blood-testicular barrier, however further studies on this topic are needed [234].
Additional anaesthesia-related risks for testicular sampling should be avoided if possible. The procedure can be combined with any other intervention requiring anaesthesia whenever possible [230].
For benign conditions such as Klinefelter Syndrome, with the potential risk of germ cell loss prior to puberty, bilateral undescended testes cryopreservation has been proposed, but remains controversial and experimental [235-237].
Even though experimental advances have been achieved in non-human primates, many challenges remain to be addressed for prepubertal testes before clinical application.
3.4.3. Summary of evidence and recommendations fertility preservation in children and adolescents
Summary of evidence |
It is advised to combine any fertility preservation intervention with other medically indicated procedures to minimise additional anesthetic risks and costs. |
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation can be used for fertility preservation in pre- and postpubertal girls. |
Cryopreservation of immature testicular tissue, containing spermatogonial stem cells, as a fertility preservation option for this population is still experimental and should be well explained to caregivers and patients by a multidisciplinary team. |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Inform patients and caregivers about the impact of gonadotoxic treatments on future fertility and about fertility preservation options and their risk-benefit balance. | Strong |
Discuss the indications and options for fertility preservation in a paediatric multidisciplinary fertility preservation team and consider the toxicity of the planned therapy, the age and pubertal status as well ethical and financial issues. | Strong |
3.5. Hydrocele
3.5.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Hydrocele is defined as a collection of fluid between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis [238]. In males congenital hydrocele is based on failed obliteration of the processus vaginalis between the inguinal canal and scrotum. Similarly, although more rare, in females hydrocele can occur with failed obliteration of the canal of Nuck, a protrusion of peritoneum in the female inguinal canal. There are various types of congenital hydrocele. In communicating hydrocele intraperitoneal fluid passes into the scrotal tunica vaginalis due to persisting patency of the processus vaginalis (PPV). This must be differentiated from inguinal hernia in which the processus vaginalis is wide enough to allow passage of abdominal viscera or omentum [238]. If obliteration of the processus vaginalis occurs with focal patency of the mid-portion, a hydrocele of the cord occurs. The exact time of spontaneous closure of the inguinal processus vaginalis is not known. Processus vaginalis is present in approximately 80-94% of newborns and in 20% of adults [239]. Scrotal hydroceles without associated patency of the inguinal processus vaginalis may be encountered in newborns [240]. However, such non-communicating hydroceles, are often acquired and based on an imbalance between the secretion and re-absorption of lymphatic fluid, and thus can be found secondary to minor trauma, testicular torsion, epididymitis, varicocele operation (due to ligation of the lymphatics) or may appear as a recurrence after hydrocele repair. Rarely a hydrocele may have an intra-abdominal component, positioned ventral or dorsal to the bladder, the so-called abdominoscrotal hydrocele (ASH). This is considered to be a scrotal hydrocele with an hourglass-shaped extension reaching into the abdomen via the inguinal ring. Abdominoscrotal hydrocele may be associated with testicular dysmorphism related to increased pressure [241,242].
3.5.2. Diagnostic evaluation
The classic description of a communicating hydrocele is that of a hydrocele that fluctuates in size, and is usually related to ambulation. It may be diagnosed by history-taking and physical investigation. The presence of contralateral disease should be addressed during the initial consultation [239]. Transillumination of the scrotum provides the diagnosis in the majority of cases, keeping in mind that fluid filled intestine and some prepubertal tumours may transilluminate as well [243,244]. In hydroceles the swelling is smooth and usually not tender. If there are any doubts about the character of an intrascrotal mass or if the testis is not palpable, scrotal US should be considered, which has nearly 100% sensitivity in detecting intrascrotal lesions. Doppler US studies help to distinguish hydroceles from varicocele and testicular torsion, although these conditions may also be accompanied by a hydrocele [245]. Presence of ASH is suggested by a tense hydrocele or palpable abdominal extension upon compression of the scrotal part of the hydrocele, and can be confirmed by US [242].
3.5.3. Management
Conservative management
In the majority of infants, observation is warranted at least within the first twelve months because of the tendency of spontaneous resolution [246]. The rate of resolution decreases with age, with 92% resolution below one year old and 43% above three years [247,248]. Initial observation poses little risk as progression to hernia is rare and does not result in incarceration [246]. There is no evidence that hydrocele risks testicular damage [248]. In acquired hydrocele, suggestive of a non-communicating hydrocele, there is still a reasonable chance of spontaneous resolution (75%) and expectant management of six to nine months is recommended [249]. In ASH the rate of spontaneous resolution appears lower, although it has been reported [250]. In exemption to the above, the suspicion of a concomitant inguinal hernia or underlying testicular pathology necessitates early surgery [251]. In other cases initial conservative treatment may reduce the number of procedures without increasing morbidity, however persistence of hydrocele is an indication for surgical correction.
Surgical treatment
In the paediatric age group, surgical correction consists of inguinal ligation of the patent processus vaginalis via inguinal incision with the distal stump being left open. In hydrocele of the cord the cystic mass is excised or unroofed [244,252,253]. In expert hands, the incidence of testicular damage during hydrocele or inguinal hernia repair is very low. Laparoscopic hernia repair with percutaneous ligation of the patent inguinal processus vaginalis is a minimally invasive alternative to open inguinal herniorrhaphy [254,255]. In line with these techniques, various laparoscopic techniques for hydrocele correction have been described. No technique appears to be superior [239].
Laparoscopic correction of a contralateral patent processus may be considered, however a recent meta-analysis found insufficient evidence to recommend this for inguinal hernia [239] and hydrocele was not reported. The incidence of patent contralateral processus appears much higher than the percentage of children developing metachronous hernia (63% vs 8%) [239]. Thus, to prevent metachronous inguinal hernia the number needed to treat is relatively high (NNT=18) [256]. For acquired, non-communicating hydrocele the scrotal approach (Lord or Jaboulay/Winkelmann technique) is used.
In ASH most case series describe resection of the abdominal component which is connected to the scrotal, but not to the inguinal processus vaginalis. The incidence of complications for this procedure is higher than in regular hydrocele repair [250] and can result in testicular loss and atrophy, causing some to question if resection is necessary [242,250]. Larger series are needed to assess optimal management. Testicular dysmorphism may recover following surgery [241]. Sclerosing agents should not be used because of the risk of chemical peritonitis in communicating processus vaginalis [244].
3.5.4. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of hydrocele
Summary of evidence |
In the majority of infants, surgical treatment of hydrocele is not indicated within the first twelve months due to the tendency for spontaneous resolution. Little risk is taken by initial observation as progression to hernia is rare. |
In acquired hydrocele initial expectant is recommended, unless hernia or testicular pathology are suspected. |
In the paediatric age group, an operation would generally involve ligation of the patent processus vaginalis via inguinal incision. |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Observe hydroceles in the majority of infants prior to considering surgical treatment. | Strong |
Perform early surgery if there is suspicion of a concomitant inguinal hernia or underlying testicular pathology. | Strong |
Perform ultrasound in case of doubt about the character of an intrascrotal mass, or suspicion of an abdominoscrotal hydrocele. | Strong |
Close the processus vaginalis at the inguinal ring. | Strong |
Do not use sclerosing agents in children with hydroceles, because of the risk for chemical peritonitis. | Strong |
3.6. Acute scrotum
3.6.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Acute scrotum is a paediatric urological emergency, most commonly caused by torsion of the testis or appendix testis, or epididymitis/epididymo-orchitis [257-262]. Other causes of acute scrotal pain are idiopathic scrotal oedema, mumps orchitis, varicocele, scrotal haematoma, incarcerated hernia, appendicitis or systemic disease (e.g. Henoch-Schönlein purpura) [263-275]. Trauma can also be a cause of acute scrotum as it can relate to post-traumatic haematomas, testicular contusion, rupture dislocation or torsion [276-281]. Scrotal fat necrosis has also been reported to be an uncommon cause of mild-to-moderate scrotal pain in prepubertal overweight boys after exposure to cold [282].
In this chapter testicular torsion and epididymitis are discussed, while recurrent epididymitis is discussed in the chapter dealing with infections. Torsion of the testis occurs most often in the neonatal period and around puberty, whereas torsion of the appendix testis occurs over a wider age range.
Epididymitis affects two age groups: less than one year and twelve to fifteen years [283,284]. One study predicted the annual incidence of epididymitis around 1.2 per 1,000 children [285]. Perinatal torsion of the testis (PTT) most often occurs prenatally. Bilateral torsion comprises 11-21% of all perinatal cases [286,287]. Most cases are extravaginal in contrast to the usual intravaginal torsion, which occurs during puberty.
3.6.2. Diagnostic evaluation
Patients usually present with scrotal pain, except in neonatal torsion. The sudden onset of severe pain in combination with a vagal reaction (e.g. nausea, vomiting) is typical for torsion of the testis or appendix testis [288,289]. As the probability of irreversible changes and subsequent necrosis in testicular torsion is time-dependent with a critical window of approximately four to six hours, prompt diagnosis is essential [290].
In general, the duration of symptoms is shorter in testicular torsion (69% present within twelve hours) and torsion of the appendix testis (62%) compared to epididymitis (31%) [259,260,284].
In the early phase, location of the pain can lead to diagnosis. Patients with acute epididymitis experience a tender epididymis, whereas patients with testicular torsion are more likely to have a tender testicle, and patients with torsion of the appendix testis feel isolated tenderness of the superior pole of the testis [284].
An abnormal (horizontal) position of the testis is more frequent in testicular torsion than epididymitis [259]. Looking for absence of the cremasteric reflex is a simple method with 100% sensitivity and 66% specificity for testicular torsion [283,289]. Elevation of the scrotum may reduce complaints in epididymitis, but not in testicular torsion (Prehn Sign). Testicular torsion can also occur in undescended testes [291].
Fever occurs more often in epididymitis (11-19%). The classical sign of a “blue dot” was found only in 10-23% of patients with torsion of the appendix testis [258,259,283,292]. In many cases, it is not easy to determine the cause of acute scrotum based on history and physical examination alone [257-262,283,292]. A positive urine culture is only found in a few patients with epididymitis [261,283,292,293]. It should be remembered that a normal urinalysis does not exclude epididymitis. Similarly, an abnormal urinalysis does not exclude testicular torsion.
The urological history and clinical findings can be used for risk-scoring, aimed to expedite the diagnostic process to identify testicular torsion as exemplified by the Testicular Workup for Ischemia and Suspected Torsion (TWIST) [294]. While risk-scoring systems such as TWIST may assist in streamlining decision-making, they do not conclusively prove or refute the diagnosis of testicular torsion and should not be solely relied upon. Incorporating scoring systems into the assessment can help reduce potential delays, although current evidence does not provide definite support from a medicolegal standpoint for conclusive decision-making [295-297]. Nevertheless, it may be prudent to consider lowering thresholds for intervention within the scoring systems in settings with limited diagnostic facilities.
Doppler US is useful to evaluate acute scrotum, with 63.6-100% sensitivity and 97-100% specificity, a positive predictive value of 100% and negative predictive value of 97.5% [298-303]. The use of Doppler US may reduce the number of patients with acute scrotum undergoing scrotal exploration, but it is operator-dependent and can be difficult to perform in prepubertal patients [300,304]. It may also show a misleading arterial flow in the early phases of torsion and in partial or intermittent torsion. Of key importance, persistent arterial flow does not exclude testicular torsion. In a multi-centre study of 208 boys with torsion of the testis, 24% had normal or increased testicular vascularisation [300]. A comparison with the other side should always be done. Point-of-care US (POCUS) in emergency settings performed by the treating physician show high sensitivity and specificity for testicular torsion in a systematic review, however, a risk of bias persists in the baseline studies [305]. Nevertheless, POCUS can aid in streamlining the diagnostic process.
Better results were reported using high-resolution US (HRUS) for direct visualisation of the spermatic cord twist with a sensitivity of 97.3% and specificity of 99% [300,306]. This should be done without inordinate delays for emergency intervention [292].
The diagnosis of acute epididymitis in boys is mainly based on clinical judgement and adjunctive investigation. However, it should be remembered that findings of secondary inflammatory changes in the absence of evidence of an extra-testicular nodule by Doppler US might suggest an erroneous diagnosis of epididymitis in children with torsion of the appendix testes [307]. Prepubertal boys with acute epididymitis have an incidence of underlying urogenital anomalies of 29.1% [308]. Complete urological evaluation in all children with acute epididymitis is still debatable [261,283,285].
3.6.3. Management Epididymitis
In prepubertal boys, the aetiology is usually unclear, with an underlying pathology in about 25%. A urine culture is usually negative, and unlike in older boys, a sexually transmitted disease is very rare.
Antibiotic treatment, although often started, is not indicated in most cases unless urinalysis and urine culture show a bacterial infection [285,309,310]. Epididymitis is usually self-limiting and with supportive therapy (i.e. minimal physical activity and analgesics) heals without any sequelae. However, bacterial epididymitis can be complicated by abscess or necrotic testis, in which case surgical exploration might be required [311]. Testicular torsion
Surgical exploration is necessary in the setting of testicular torsion. If testicular torsion is confirmed, contralateral orchiopexy is commonly performed as well [312]. This should not be done as an elective procedure, but rather immediately following detorsion. One study reported residual torsion during exploration in 17 out of 53 patients, including eleven patients who had reported pain relief after manual detorsion [313,314]. Manual detorsion of the testis can be attempted in the ER while waiting for surgery and should not delay surgery [315]. It should be done by outwards rotation of the testis unless the pain increases or if there is obvious resistance. Success is defined as the immediate relief of all symptoms and normal findings at physical examination [313]. Doppler US may be used for guidance [316].
Torsion of the appendix testis can be managed non-operatively with the use of anti-inflammatory analgesics. During the six-week follow-up, clinically and with US, no testicular atrophy was revealed. Surgical exploration is done in equivocal cases and in patients with persistent pain [303]. Surgical treatment
Testicular torsion is an urgent condition, which requires prompt surgical treatment. The two most important determinants of early salvage rate of the testis are the time between onset of symptoms and detorsion, and the degree of cord twisting [290]. Severe testicular atrophy occurred after torsion for as little as four hours when the turn was > 360°. In cases of incomplete torsion (180-360°), with symptom duration up to twelve hours, no atrophy was observed. However, an absent or severely atrophied testis was found in all cases of torsion > 360° and symptom duration > 24 hours [317].
Early surgical intervention with detorsion (mean torsion time less than thirteen hours) was found to preserve fertility [318] and could also avoid testicle loss in a relevant portion of patients [291]. Urgent surgical exploration is mandatory in all cases of testicular torsion within 24 hours of symptom onset. In patients with testicular torsion > 24 hours, semi-elective exploration is necessary [290,317]. There is still controversy on whether to carry out detorsion and to preserve the ipsilateral testis, or to perform an orchiectomy, in order to preserve contralateral function and fertility after testicular torsion of long duration (> 24 hours). A study found that sperm quality was preserved after orchiectomy and orchidopexy in comparison to normal control men, although orchiectomy resulted in better sperm morphology [319,320]. However, larger testicular volumes have been associated with enhanced testicular function, suggesting a conservative approach to preserving the affected testicle unless it is unequivocally necrotic [321]. Although Sertoli cell function primarly depends on the contralateral testis, the torsed testicle may contribute to endocrine function.
Recurrence after orchidopexy is rare (4.5%) and may occur several years later. There is no consensus recommendation about the preferred type of fixation and suture material [312,322]. Incision of the tunica albuginea with tunica vaginalis graft to prevent or treat compartment syndrome has also been suggested [323], however, immediate effect on intratesticular pressure is vague with unclear long-term benefits [324].
Metachronous contralateral torsion may occur in perinatal testicular torsion, therefore early, but not acute exploration of both testes with fixation is recommended [286,287,325].
3.6.4. Follow-up
Patients require follow-up mainly for fertility issues and hormonal consequences. Despite timely and adequate detorsion and fixation of the testicle, up to half of the patients may develop testicular atrophy, even when intra-operatively assessed as viable, and should be counselled accordingly [326]. Fertility
The results vary and are conflicting. In one study, unilateral torsion of the testis seriously intervened with subsequent spermatogenesis in about 50% of the patients and produced borderline impairment in another 20% [327]. Although, 30% of affected testicles with mumps orchitis show a degree of atrophy, long-term outcome in terms of fertility is not conclusive [328].
A study showed a normal pregnancy rate after unilateral testicular torsion, with no difference between the patients undergoing orchidopexy and those after orchidectomy [329]. Subfertility
Subfertility is found in 36-39% of patients after torsion. However, in a limited series, paternity and health-related quality of life (QoL) seem unaffected in patients as compared to age-matched controls in a long-term follow-up study [330]. Semen analysis may be normal in only 5-50% in long-term follow-up [290]. Early surgical intervention (mean torsion time less than thirteen hours) with detorsion was found to preserve fertility, but prolonged torsion period (mean 70 hours) followed by orchiectomy jeopardised fertility [318].
Subfertility and infertility are consequences of direct injury to the testis after the torsion. This is caused by the cut-off of blood supply, but also by post-ischaemia-reperfusion injury that is caused after the detorsion when oxygen-derived free radicals are rapidly circulated within the testicular parenchyma [290]. Androgen levels
Even though the levels of FSH, luteinising hormone (LH) and testosterone are higher in patients after testicular torsion compared to normal controls, endocrine testicular function remains in the normal range after testicular torsion [319,321].
Summary of evidence | LE |
Diagnosis of testicular torsion is based on presentation and physical examination. | 3 |
Doppler US is an effective adjunctive imaging tool to evaluate acute scrotum. | 2a |
The earlier surgical intervention for testicular torsion is performed, the better the outcome for testicular histology. Ideally whithin 4-6 hours after the onset of symptoms. | 3 |
Metachronous contralateral torsion can occur in perinatal torsion, warranting early, but not acute exploration. | 3 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Testicular torsion is a paediatric urological emergency and requires immediate treatment. | Strong |
In neonates with testicular torsion perform orchidopexy of the contralateral testicle. In prenatal torsion the timing of surgery is usually dictated by clinical findings. | Weak |
Base the clinical diagnosis on physical examination. The use of Doppler ultrasound to evaluate acute scrotum is useful, but this should not delay the intervention. | Strong |
Manage torsion of the appendix testis conservatively. Perform surgical exploration in equivocal cases and in patients with persistent pain. | Strong |
Perform urgent surgical exploration in all cases of testicular torsion as soon as possible. | Strong |
3.7. Hypospadias
3.7.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology Epidemiology
The total prevalence of hypospadias in Europe is 18.6 new cases per 10,000 male births (5.1-36.8) according to the EUROCAT registry-based study [331]. Worldwide there is variation in the prevalence of hypospadias according to an extended systematic literature review: Europe 19.9 (range: 1-464), North America 34.2 (6-129.8), South America 5.2 (2.8-110), Asia 0.6-69, Africa 5.9 (1.9-110), and Australia 17.1-34.8 per 10,000 [332].
3.7.2. Risk factors
Risk factors associated with hypospadias are likely to be genetic, placental and/or environmental [333-335]. Interactions between genetic and environmental factors (endocrine-disrupting chemicals) may help explain non-replication in genetic studies of hypospadias [336,337].
Following risks factors has been associated with hypospadias:
- An additional family member with hypospadias is found in 7% - 12.9% of families and is more predominant in anterior and middle forms [338,339].
- Infants with low birth weight or being small for gestational age (SGA) have a higher risk of hypospadias [338]. Furthermore, SGA might also be associated with a higher re-operation rate in proximal hypospadias [333,339,340].
- Maternal hypertension during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia has been shown to be associated with hypospadias, likely due to that both factors may be associated with placental dysfunction [333].
- Pregestational diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus are associated with an increased risk of hypospadias in offspring [341].
3.7.3. Classification systems
Hypospadias is usually classified based on the anatomical location of the proximally displaced urethral orifice [342].
- distal-anterior hypospadias (located on the glans or distal shaft of the penis);
- intermediate-middle (penile);
- proximal-posterior (penoscrotal, scrotal, perineal).
The pathology may be different after skin release and should be reclassified accordingly [343]. The anatomical location of the meatus may not always be enough to explain the severity and the complex nature of this pathology. When evaluating the severity of the hypospadias, the consensus of the Panel is to consider factors such as penile length, penile curvature, glans size and shape, and urethral plate quality.
3.7.4. Diagnostic evaluation
Most hypospadias patients are easily diagnosed at birth (except for the megameatus intact prepuce variant which can only be seen after retraction of foreskin). Diagnosis includes a description of the local findings:
- position, shape and width of the meatal orifice:
- presence of atretic urethra and division of corpus spongiosum;
- appearance of the preputial hood and scrotum;
- size of the penis;
- curvature of the penis on erection.
The diagnostic evaluation also includes an assessment of associated anomalies, which are:
In hypospadias patients with bilaterally undescended testis, complete genetic and endocrine work-up soon after birth to exclude DSD, especially congenital adrenal hyperplasia [62]. Urine trickling and ballooning of the urethra requires exclusion of meatal stenosis. There are conflicting data on presence of additional birth defects in urogenital system (e.g., UPJ stenosis, renal agenesis and dysgenesis, cystic kidney disease) in hypospadias patients with unrecognised syndromes. The Panel consensus it not to perform imaging studies in hypospadias patients.
3.7.5. Management
The natural history of untreated hypospadias is poorly documented. Studies of adult men with uncorrected, mainly distal hypospadias, have shown conflicting results. Early reports indicate normal voiding, sexual function and high satisfaction with penile appearance, despite an abnormal position of the urethral meatus [347,348]. More recent studies have reported urinary spraying, urinary obstruction, penile curvature, coital pain, and dissatisfaction with genital appearance in adult men with untreated hypospadias [349-351]. Notably, more than half of these men opted for surgical correction [349,350]. Indication for reconstruction and therapeutic objectives
Therapeutic decision-making regarding hypospadias surgery includes distinguishing between functionally essential and aesthetically feasible procedures. Aspects to be considered are: voiding, sexual/reproductive function and cosmetic appearance.
The indications for surgery are:
- proximally located (ectopic) meatus causing ventrally deflected or spraying urinary stream;
- meatal stenosis;
- ventral curvature of the penis;
- preputial hood;
- penoscrotal transposition.
As all surgical procedures carry the risk of complications, thorough pre-operative counselling of the caregiver is crucial to reduce the chance of decisional regret.
To achieve an overall acceptable functional and cosmetic outcome, the penile curvature must be corrected with an adequate size neo-urethra. The meatus should be glandular and the penile shaft should have proper skin coverage [352]. The use of magnifying loupes and fine synthetic absorbable suture materials (6.0-7.0) are required. As in any penile surgery, exceptional prudence should be adopted with the use of cautery. Bipolar cautery is recommended. Knowledge of a variety of surgical reconstructive techniques, wound care and post-operative treatment are essential for a satisfactory outcome. Pre-operative hormonal treatment
There is inconclusive evidence to support the benefits of pre-operative hormone therapy. The treatment is usually limited to patients with proximal hypospadias, a small appearing penis, reduced glans circumference or narrow urethral plate [353-358].
There are concerns regarding the negative impact of testosterone on wound-healing and increased bleeding during surgery. Cessation of therapy is recommended one or two months prior to surgery to avoid adverse effects during or after surgery [359]. Age at surgery
The age at surgery for primary hypospadias repair is usually 6-18 months [352,360,361]. Age at surgery is not a risk factor for urethroplasty complications in prepubertal tubularised incised plate urethroplasty (TIP) repair [360]. Complication rate after primary TIP repair was 2.5 times higher in adults than in the paediatric group according to a prospective controlled study [362]. Penile curvature
Some degree of penile curvature is common in hypospadias, and its severity is related to the severity of urethral abnormality. An erection test performed during hypospadias repair allows assessment of the degree of curvature. The use of measurement tools such as a goniometer or apps, appears to improve accuracy compared to eyeballing assessment [363]. What degree of curvature is found to be clinically significant, may differ between patients. Overall, curvature of 30 degrees or more is deemed to warrant correction [364].
For ventral curvature correction a stepwise approach is recommended. The first step is degloving the penis (skin chordee) and excising abnormal connective tissue (chordee) on the ventral side of the penis [365].
In distal hypospadias the urethral plate rarely causes curvature as it has well vascularised connective tissue [366,367]. In severe hypospadias curvature may be due to hinging of the urethral plate which requires transection prior to ventral lengthening or dorsal plication. Urethral plate mobilisation without transection is not recommended due to the risk of ventral curvature recurrence (20%) and stricture formation (17%) [364].
Residual curvature is believed to be caused by corporeal disproportion and requires adaptation of the corpora to enable straightening of the penis. This can be achieved by various techniques based on either dorsal shortening or ventral lengthening. Dorsoplication with or without excision of tunica albuginea (Nesbit plication) may be performed with or without elevation of the neurovascular bundle. The drawback of all dorsoplication techniques is shortening of the penis and potentially decreased sensitivity [368]. Penile length is one of the main reasons for dissatisfaction following hypospadias repair [364]. Ventral lengthening by various corporotomy techniques, with or without covering the defect, is safe and does not have these unwanted side-effects [369].
Several studies have suggested that in cases of severe curvature ventral lengthening may be superior to dorsoplication [368,369]. The incidence of curvature-recurrence is less common with ventral lengthening than with dorsoplication (5% vs 25% [369], regardless of the technique used. Common procedures include multiple transverse corporotomies (such as fairy cuts or three corporotomies) or a single, wider corporoplasty. This is often covered by tunica vaginalis, other tissues may have more contractions or are still under investigation [369]. Novel techniques using taping or stretching require further studies [370].
Risk factors for recurrence of ventral curvature are also related to the technique of urethral reconstruction. It has been shown that TIP for proximal hypospadias has a high recurrence rate of ventral curvature (26%). Conversely, the chosen method for penile straightening may impact the choice of urethral reconstruction. There is increasing evidence that corporoplasty with graft-covering should not be done simultaneously with urethral graft reconstruction [364]. Urethral reconstruction
The mainstay of hypospadias repair is preservation of the well-vascularised urethral plate and its use for urethral reconstruction has become standard practice in hypospadias repair [367]. Mobilisation of the corpus spongiosum/urethral plate and the bulbar urethra decreases the need for urethral plate transection [371]. The use of a penile tourniquet during hypospadias repair can reduce operative time and improves intra-operative hemostasis without affecting post-operative outcomes [372].
If the urethral plate is wide, it can be tubularised following the Thiersch-Duplay technique. If the plate is too narrow to be simply tubularised, a midline incision may facilitate subsequent tubularisation according to the TIP technique described by Snodgrass-Orkiszewski. This technique has become the treatment of choice in distal- and mid-penile hypospadias [373-376]. If the incision of the plate is deep, an inlay graft with inner preputial skin or buccal mucosa may be considered to reduce the risk of stenosis in primary repairs [377]. This also enables extension of the incision beyond the end of the plate to prevent meatal stenosis [378,379]. For distal forms of hypospadias, a wide range of other techniques is available (Figure 4). The onlay technique using a preputial island flap is a good option for proximal hypospadias, or if the urethral plate is unsuitable for tubularisation [380]. Despite initial reports the use of TIP for proximal hypospadia repair is currently subject of debate.
If the continuity of the urethral plate cannot be preserved, single or multi-staged repairs are used. Single stage techniques include modifications of the tubularised flap (Duckett tube), such as a tube-onlay, an inlay-onlay flap, or onlay flap on albuginea [381-383]; alternatively the Koyanagi-Hayashi technique is used [384-387]. Two (or more) staged procedures have become preferable over the past few years because of lower recurrence of ventral curvature and more favourable results, with variable long-term complication rates [378,379,381,388-392].
Recent studies indicate that several techniques can minimise the incidence of urinary fistulas. Sufficient dissection and good tissue handling are essential. Further, adequate covering of the urethral reconstruction appears most important. The use of tunica vaginalis may yield better results than dartos fascia; if dartos fascia is used, a double-layer technique is recommended [393,394]. New techniques for covering the neo-urethra are under investigation [395].
Figure 4: Algorithm for the management of hypospadias

DSD = differences of sex development; TIP = tubularised incised plate urethroplasty; MAGPI = meatal advancement and glanuloplasty incorporated; GAP = glandular approximation procedure; Mathieu = foreskin onlay flap; Snodgraft = preputial inlay graft; Duckett = preputial hood onlay flap.
The choice of surgical technique is based on the severity of the urethral abnormality, as well as severity of curvature. If transection of the urethral plate is required for straightening, this influences the choice of urethral reconstruction. Re-do hypospadias repairs
For redo hypospadias repair, no definitive guidelines can be given. All the above-mentioned procedures are used in different ways. It is essential to emphasise individualised treatment tailored to the specific needs of the patient and the anatomical status of the urethral plate and surrounding tissues. Penile reconstruction following formation of the neo-urethra
Following formation of the neo-urethra, the procedure is completed by glansplasty and by reconstruction of the penile skin. If there is a shortage of skin covering, the preputial double-face technique or placement of the suture line into the scrotum according to Cecil-Michalowski is used.
In countries where circumcision is not routinely performed, preputial reconstruction can be considered if the prepuce is not required for urethral reconstruction or ventral skin coverage. It does not increase the risk of urethral complications, such as fistula formation, or the likelihood of reoperation [396]. This approach is considered a safe option, with a low risk of specific complications, such as preputial dehiscence (7-17%) and secondary phimosis (1.5%) [396-398]. In minor variants of hypospadias, isolated preputial reconstruction may be the procedure of choice to conceal the urethral malformation while avoiding the risks associated with urethroplasty. Urine drainage and wound dressing
Urine is drained transurethral (e.g. dripping stent) or with a suprapubic tube. No drainage after distal hypospadias repair is another option [399,400]. There is no strong evidence that the type of stent material (transurethral stents) impacts surgical outcome [401]. Similarly, there is no evidence that the type of dressing influences outcomes in hypospadias repair [402]. There is no consensus on optimal duration of stenting and dressing [399,400,402,403].
Prophylactic antibiotics in hypospadias repair have not been shown to reduce the rate of post operative surgical site infection or UTI, nor other long-term complications of surgery. The majority of evidence arises from distal hypospadias repair [404-406]. Analgesia (regional blocks)
Caudal blocks and peripheral nerve blocks (penile nerve blocks) are commonly used methods for perioperative analgesia in hypospadias surgery. All have been shown to have adequate post-operative analgesic properties [407-409]. The type of analgesic block has not shown to be associated with the risk of developing complications following primary hypospadias (all grades of hypospadias) correction in children [409-411].
3.7.6. Outcomes and Complications
Outcomes in hypospadias repair are influenced by several key factors including the severity of the condition, the patient’s surgical history, the surgeon’s experience and the surgical technique. Long-term follow-up is essential to assess both functional and aesthetic success, as well as to detect late complications. Factors influencing outcomes:
- Severity of hypospadias: The complexity of the hypospadias plays a significant role in determining complication rates and the likelihood of success. Distal hypospadias repairs generally have high success rates, ranging from 85% to 90% in primary procedures [412]. On the other hand, proximal hypospadias presents a greater surgical challenge, with complication rates between 14% and 68%, reflecting the increased complexity of the condition [380,413-415].
- Previous surgical history: Patients who require redo surgeries face a higher risk of complications such as urethral stricture and fistulas, largely due to scar tissue and reduced vascularity. The complication rate for redo surgeries is approximately 23.3%, compared to 12.2% for primary repairs [412].
- Surgeon Experience: Surgeons with greater experience and higher surgical volumes consistently report fewer complications and improved long-term outcomes, especially in complex cases of proximal hypospadias The surgeon’s preference and familiarity with the chosen technique can also influence the outcomes [364,381,416].
- Surgical technique: Different techniques yield varying outcomes and complications. For distal hypospadias, the TIP urethroplasty is a widely accepted technique with a low complication rate (below 10%) [412]. Tubularised incised plate urethroplasty repairs in distal hypospadias have fistula rates between 3-4%, similar to those seen with the Mathieu technique [377]. For proximal hypospadias, more complex approaches are often required, and staged repairs are preferred. These show significantly lower overall complication rates (21% compared to 42% for one-stage repairs), including reduced risk of fistula (12% vs. 19%), meatal stenosis (8% vs. 17%), and urethral strictures (8% vs. 13%) [388,414]. In severe cases requiring staged repairs using buccal mucosa grafts, complications such as graft fibrosis occur in more than one-third of patients following the second stage [392,417,418]. Complications
Overall, fistula rates range from 5% to 50%, depending on the complexity of the case [412,413]. Glans size, specifically a width of less than 14 mm, is an independent risk factor for urethral complications such as fistula formation as well as stenosis. Glans size should be considered when planning the surgical approach [403,419]. Certain technical choices may reduce the chance of fistulas, such as the use of flaps to provide additional coverage of the neourethra (see management section) [395,413].
Meatal stenosis occurs in 5% to 15% of cases, particularly when the meatus is reconstructed under tension. The use of inlay grafts has been shown to reduce the risk of meatal stenosis by 66% compared to TIP alone, although these grafts do not significantly improve other long-term outcomes, such as fistula formation or glans dehiscence [377]. Urethral strictures occur in 8% to 13% of cases, especially in proximal hypospadias repairs. Even with two-stage procedures, strictures may still develop and require further surgical intervention in more severe cases [395].
Recurrent penile curvature is a significant complication observed in of proximal hypospadias repairs. Staged repairs have been shown to have lower risk of curvature recurrence than TIP in proximal hypospadias. Tubularised incised plate urethroplasty should only be performed in cases with no curvature or minimal curvature less than 30 degrees to minimise complications [364,388,420]. Additional surgeries to correct curvature may be needed as the child grows, particularly during puberty [388,416,421].
The incidence of glans and wound dehiscence ranged from 9% to 17%, with a higher likelihood in patients with more severe hypospadias. Small glans size, proximal meatal location, single-stage repairs, and associated penile curvature are key risk factors for glans dehiscence following hypospadias surgery. Despite this, long-term functional outcomes are generally unaffected, although some patients seek aesthetic corrections [412,422].
3.7.7. Long-term follow-up and transition
Long-term follow-up after hypospadias repair is essential as significant rates of complications have been reported, which may occur early as well as several years after surgery [423,424]. A recent study showed a total re-operation rate of 48% in the first fifteen years of life. This rate was highest in the subgroup of proximal hypospadias [396]. Voiding
Obstructive urinary flow curves are frequently observed after hypospadias repair. While most children remain asymptomatic, it is essential to conduct regular uroflow assessments during follow-up to monitor if the obstructive pattern worsens or becomes associated with lower urinary tract symptoms [425-427]. Penile appearance
Various scoring systems for evaluating surgical outcomes and cosmetic satisfaction have been developed [428,429]. Studies applying these scoring systems in post-pubertal boys have revealed that caregivers and urologists express less satisfaction with penile appearance compared to the patients themselves. Moreover, many patients report equal satisfaction with the penile appearance compared to age-matched controls [429-432].
Differences in penile length compared to age-matched controls have correlated negatively to the overall patient satisfaction with penile appearance, especially in men with proximal hypospadias [433-435].
Generally, studies on the long-term results of hypospadias repair are characterised by a high loss to follow-up, heterogeneous data, risk of selection bias, and lack of validated measurement tools. Sexual function & fertility
Overall, studies have shown good self-reported sexual function and satisfaction with sexual life in adolescent boys and men following hypospadias repair during infancy. The severity of hypospadias and a high number of operations are key factors that may influence psychosexual well-being negatively [434,436].
Lower paternity rates have been reported in men with hypospadias, particularly in severe cases and concomitant cryptorchidism, when comparing with healthy age-matched controls. The aetiology is multifactorial and may include the presence of persisting curvature, which can make intercourse with penetration difficult, reduced semen quality or ejaculation problems [434]. Health Related Quality of life (HRQoL)
Currently, there is a lack of disease specific HRQoL tools for hypospadias patients [437].
3.7.8. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of hypospadias
Summary of evidence | LE |
The suggested age at surgery for primary hypospadias repair is 6-18 months. | 3 |
The therapeutic objectives are to correct the penile curvature, to form a neo-urethra of an adequate size, to bring the new meatus to the glans, and to achieve an overall acceptable cosmetic appearance and good function. | 2b |
The complication rates correlate with the severity of hypospadias and are not limited to childhood. | 1a |
Sexual function is usually well preserved. | 2b |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Differentiate isolated hypospadias from disorders of dex development at birth. | Strong |
Counsel caregivers on functional and aesthetic value of hypospadias corrective surgery and possible complications. | Strong |
Use the treatment algorithm (Figure 4) to select the most appropriate surgical technique. | Strong |
Correct significant (> 30 degrees) curvature of the penis. | Weak |
Ensure long-term follow-up to detect urethral stricture, voiding dysfunction, recurrent penile curvature, ejaculation disorder, and to evaluate patient´s satisfaction. | Strong |
3.8. Congenital penile curvature
3.8.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Congenital penile curvature is penile bending of a normally formed penis with an orthotopic meatus. For penile curvature associated with hypospadias refer to Chapter 3.7 on hypospadias. Ventral deviation is the most common type of congenital penile curvature (48%), followed by lateral (24%), dorsal (5%), and a combination of ventral and lateral (23%) [368,438].
While the overall incidence of congenital penile curvature at birth is 0.6-5% [368], the incidence of clinically significant curvature is much lower. The extent of the curvature varies widely, as does the impact on the individual patient [364]. Congenital penile curvature can decrease sexual QoL in adults and successful repair can restore patients’ psychosocial and sexual wellbeing [439]. Curvature > 30° is generally considered clinically significant, yet many patients with greater curvature may not experience problems [364].
Minor congenital penile curvature may simply be the result of ventral penile skin deficiency. This should be distinguished from more severe curvature due to asymmetry of the corpora cavernosa. Rarely, short urethra is the cause of congenital penile curvature.
3.8.2. Diagnostic evaluation
Congenital penile curvature is frequently not documented until later in childhood since the penis only appears abnormal when erect. Patients are usually concerned with the aesthetic and/or functional aspects of their penis [440]. Detailed history, including sexual function, is important and photo documentation of the erect penis clearly showing the curvature from different angles serves is essential for optimal pre-operative evaluation [441].
3.8.3. Management
Conservative management is the mainstay of treatment during childhood. Functional complaints are the main indication for surgery, rather than the actual degree of penile curvature. Surgery can also be considered if the patient has cosmetic concerns. In general, it is reasonable to postpone surgery to an age at which the patient can decide. Age does not appear to affect the outcome [442].
Surgical correction of curvature aims to achieve corpora of similar size with the ultimate goal of patient satisfaction. The exact degree of curvature is determined at the time of surgery using an artificial erection test. The use of measurement tools aids in the accuracy of curvature assessment, particularly in moderate degrees of curvature [363].
Following assessment of curvature degree, the first step of surgery Is degloving of the penile skin, followed by excision of any abnormal subcutaneous connective tissue if present.
Correcting residual curvature may be achieved by shortening the dorsal, convex side of the curvature. Various techniques are in use for adapting the dorsal tunica albuginea, including wedge-excision & closure (Nesbit procedure), plication without excision and longitudinal incision with transverse closure (Heineke-Mikulicz principle).
All these methods incur the risk of post-operative shortening of the penis, the severity of which depends on the pre-operative degree of curvature and the type of repair used [368]. A recent study showed loss up to 1 cm in only 6% of patients with curvature > 30 degrees [443]. The proportion of patients bothered by length reduction appears low [442,444]. Altered sensation is also a concern with dorsal manipulation, particularly with mobilisation of the dorsal neurovascular bundle, and may be transient [368,444-446].
In rare cases where dorsal shortening is not sufficient, ventral lengthening may be performed by urethral transection, corporotomies or corporoplasty with grafting. Refer to Chapter 3.7 on hypospadias for more details).
The overall success rate for correction of penile curvature is 90-100% in most series, although some studies accepted small degrees of residual curvature as straight [368,444,446]. Patient satisfaction rates are equally high [443].
3.8.4. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of congenital penile curvature
Summary of evidence | LE |
Isolated congenital penile curvature with functional impairment is rare. | 2a |
Diagnosis is often made late in childhood. | 2a |
The penile curvature becomes apparent during erection. | 1b |
Congenital penile curvature can cause aesthetic as well as functional sexual problems. | 1b |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Ensure that a thorough medical history is taken, and a full clinical examination done to rule out associated anomalies in boys presenting with congenital penile curvature. | Strong |
Request photo documentation of the erect penis from different angles as a pre-requisite in the pre-operative evaluation. | Strong |
Perform surgery if the penile curvature has functional implications. | Strong |
Perform artificial erection at the beginning as well as at the end of surgery. | Strong |
3.9. Varicocele in children and adolescents
3.9.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Varicocele is defined as an abnormal dilatation of testicular veins in the pampiniformis plexus caused by venous reflux. It is unusual in boys under ten years of age and becomes more frequent at the beginning of puberty. It is found in 14-20% of adolescents, with a similar incidence during adulthood. It appears mostly on the left side (78-93% of cases). Right-sided varicoceles are less common; they are usually noted only when bilateral varicoceles are present and seldom occur as an isolated finding [447-449].
Varicocele develops during accelerated body growth and increased blood flow to the testes, by a mechanism that is not clearly understood. Genetic factors may be present [450,451]. An anatomic abnormality leading to impaired venous drainage is expressed by the considerable prevalence of the left side condition where the internal spermatic vein drains into the renal vein. Varicocele can induce apoptotic pathways because of heat stress, androgen deprivation and accumulation of toxic materials [452,453]. In 70% of patients with grade II and III varicocele, left testicular volume loss was found. Abnormal reproductive hormonal levels (increased serum levels of FSH and LH, and decreased levels of inhibin B) and semen quality were reported in varicocele patients and were directly related to varicocele severity [454-456]. Severe histological damage is found in 20% of adolescents affected, with abnormal findings in 46% of affected adolescents. Histological findings are similar in children or adolescents and in infertile men. In about 20% of adolescents with varicocele, fertility problems will arise [457]. The adverse influence of varicocele increases with time.
3.9.2. Classification systems
Varicocele is classified into 3 grades [458]:
- Grade I - Valsalva positive (palpable at Valsalva manoeuvre only);
- Grade II - palpable (palpable without the Valsalva manoeuvre);
- Grade III - visible (visible at distance).
3.9.3. Diagnostic evaluation
Varicocele, being mostly asymptomatic, is generally noticed by the patient or caregivers, or discovered by the paediatrician at a routine visit. The diagnosis depends upon the clinical finding of a collection of dilated and tortuous veins in the upright posture; the veins are more pronounced when the patient performs the Valsalva manoeuvre. Clinical examination shoud include evaluation of the size of both testicles to detect a smaller testis.
In prepubertal boys and in isolated right varicocele, a renal US should be routinely added in order to rule out a secondary varicocele due to any retroperitoneal tumour extending into the renal vein and inferior vena cava.
Testicular volume is measured by US examination or by orchidometer. In adolescents, a testis that is smaller by > 2 mL or 20% compared to the other testis is considered to be hypotrophic [459]. Venous reflux into the plexus pampiniformis is diagnosed using Doppler US colour flow mapping in the supine and upright position and with valsalva manoeuvre [460]. Venous reflux detected on US only is classified as subclinical varicocele. Severity of reflux on Doppler US was shown to correlate with testicular damage [455].
Sperm analysis in principle allows assessment of testicular function, but the World Health Organization (WHO) parameters are not intended for prepubertal patients, and spontaneous improvements of abnormal sperm analyses has been observed in prepubertal patients [461]. Moreover, sperm analysis encounters cultural/ethical barriers in children [462]. Therefore, semen analysis in not widely used and it is generally recommended only in older adolescents.
In order to assess testicular injury in adolescents with varicocele, supranormal FSH and LH responses to the luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulation test are considered reliable, because histopathological testicular changes have been found in these patients [463,464].
3.9.4. Management
There is no evidence that treatment of varicocele at paediatric age will offer a better andrological outcome than an operation performed later and earlier diagnosis should not convey a more pressing need to intervene [465,466]. Beneficial effect of pubertal screening and treatment for varicocele regarding the preservation of fertility and final chance of paternity is controversial [467-469]. The recommended indication criteria for correction for varicocele in children and adolescents are [448]:
- varicocele associated with a small testis (this should be confirmed on two subsequent visits performed six months apart) as asynchronous testicular growth can account for a temporary asymmetry also in a considerable number of healthy adolescents [470].
Additional scenarios where varicocele treatment can be considered on a case by case basis include:
- symptomatic varicocele [469]. Pain is present in 2-10% of varicoceles. The association between varicocele and pain is unclear and patients should be informed that pain can persist after varicocelectomy in 20% of cases [471];
- additional testicular condition affecting fertility such as a contralateral testicular condition;
- bilateral palpable varicocele;
- pathological sperm quality (in older adolescents);
- cosmetic reasons related to scrotal swelling.
A reduced total testicular volume (left + right) in comparison with normal testes is a promising indication criterion, once the normal values are available [456,465]. Repair of a large varicocele, causing physical or psychological discomfort, may also be considered. Other varicoceles should be followed-up until a reliable sperm analysis can be performed. Surgical management
Surgical intervention is based on ligation or occlusion of the internal spermatic veins.
Ligation is performed at different levels:
- inguinal (or subinguinal) microsurgical ligation;
- suprainguinal ligation, using open or laparoscopic techniques [472-475].
The advantage of the former is the lower invasiveness of the procedure, while the advantage of the latter is a considerably lower number of veins to be ligated and safety of the incidental division of the internal spermatic artery at the suprainguinal level.
For surgical ligation, some form of optical magnification (microscopic or laparoscopic) should be used because the internal spermatic artery is 0.5 mm in diameter at the level of the internal ring [472,474]. In suprainguinal approach, an artery sparing varicocelectomy may not offer any advantage in regards to catch-up growth and is associated with a higher incidence of recurrent varicocele [476,477].
Lymphatic-sparing varicocelectomy is preferred to prevent hydrocele formation and testicular hypertrophy development and to achieve a better testicular function according to the LHRH stimulation test [472,473,478,479]. The methods of choice are subinguinal or inguinal microsurgical (microscopic) repairs, or suprainguinal open or laparoscopic lymphatic-sparing repairs [472,474,480,481]. In the later, intrascrotal/intratesticular injection of isosulphan blue was recommended to visualise the lymphatic vessels [482,483]. Radiological management
Angiographic occlusion of the internal spermatic veins also meets the requirements of lymphatic sparing repair. It is based on retrograde or antegrade sclerotisation of the internal spermatic veins [484,485]. However, although this method is less invasive and may not require general anaesthesia, it is associated with radiation burden, which is less controllable in the antegrade technique [448,484,485].
There is low to moderate level of evidence that radiological or surgical treatment of adolescent varicocele is associated with improved testicular size/growth and sperm concentration. Several authors reported testicular catch-up growth after varicocelectomy in adolescents [486,487]. An average proportion of catch-up growth of 76.4% (range: 52.6-93.8%) has been found according to a meta-analysis [488]. However, this may partly be attributable to testicular oedema associated with the division of lymphatic vessels [478]. Improvement in sperm parameters has been demonstrated after adolescent varicocelectomy [463,489-491]. In one study, microsurgical varicocele repair in adolescents with varicocele significantly increases paternity rates and decreases time to conception post-operatively, but this needs to be confirmed in other series. The ultimate effects on fertility and paternity rates are not known [492].
The Panel conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis regarding the treatment of varicocele in children and adolescents [493]. Of 1,550 articles identified, 98 articles including 16,130 patients were eligible for inclusion (12 RCTs, 47 NRSs and 39 case series). The key findings are summarised in the following paragraphs:
The meta-analysis of the twelve RCTs revealed that varicocele treatment improved testicular volume (mean difference 1.52 ml, 95% CI: 0.73-2.31) and increased total sperm concentration (mean difference 25.54, 95% CI: 12.84-38.25) when compared with observation. Lymphatic sparing surgery significantly decreased hydrocele rates (p = 0.02) and the OR was 0.08 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.67). Due to the lack of RCTs, it was not possible to identify a surgical technique as being superior to the others. It remains unclear whether open surgery or laparoscopy is more successful for varicocele treatment (OR ranged from 0.13 to 2.84).
The success rates of the treatment (disappearance of varicocele) were between 85.1% and 100% whereas the complication rates were between 0% and 29% in the included studies. The most common complication reported was hydrocele. Resolution of pain after treatment was more than 90% in the reported series.
The major reason for varicocele recurrence is the persistence of branched spermatic veins that were not ligated during the initial repair. Treatment of recurrence is warranted only in those patients with clinical recurrence that show no improvement in testicular asymmetry or remain symptomatic. Treatment of recurrence can be surgical or via embolisation. Generally, a technique different from the primary repair is recommended to operate in a virgin field [494].
In conclusion, moderate evidence exists on the benefits of varicocele treatment in children and adolescents in terms of testicular volume and sperm concentration. Current evidence does not demonstrate superiority of any of the surgical/interventional techniques regarding treatment success. Lymphatic sparing surgery significantly decreases hydrocele formation. Long-term outcomes, including paternity and fertility, still remain unknown.
3.9.5. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of varicocele
Summary of evidence |
Varicocele becomes more frequent at the onset of puberty and is found in 14-20% of adolescents. |
Testicular problems are reported in up to 20% of patients, but the final effect on paternity is unknown. |
After adolescent varicocelectomy, left testis catch-up growth and improvement in sperm parameters has been demonstrated. |
There is no evidence that treatment of varicocele at paediatric age will offer a better andrological outcome than an operation performed later. |
Division of testicular lymphatics leads to hydrocele in up to 40% and to testicular hypertrophy. |
Lymphatic sparing surgery significantly decrease hydrocele rates. |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Examine varicocele in the standing position and classify into three grades. | Strong |
Use scrotal ultrasound to evaluate testicular volume and to detect venous reflux in the supine and upright position and during Valsalva maneuver. | Strong |
In all prepubertal boys with a varicocele and in all isolated right varicoceles, perform standard abdominal ultrasound to rule out a retroperitonal mass. | Strong |
Inform caregivers and patients and offer surgery for varicocele associated with a persistent small testis (size difference of > 2 mL or 20%). | Strong |
Varicocele treatment can be also considered under the following circumstances:
| Weak |
Use some form of optical magnification (microscopic or laparoscopic magnification) for surgical ligation. | Strong |
Use lymphatic-sparing varicocelectomy to prevent hydrocele formation. | Strong |
3.10. Urinary tract infections in children
3.10.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) represent the most common bacterial infections in children [495-497]. The leading causative organism for UTIs is Escherichia coli (E. Coli), but other bacteria have been increasing in prevalence. In a large European study, E. Coli was found in less than 50% of urine cultures. Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., Enterococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Proteus spp. and Candida spp. have all become more frequent in nosocomial infections, but their prevalence has increased also for community-acquired infections [498]. In addition, an increase in the prevalence of beta-lactamase resistent E. Coli has been observed over the last decades, both in nosocomial and community-acquiared UTIs [499,500].
Reportedly, the pooled prevalence of UTI in children presenting with urinary symptoms is 7.8% (CI: 6.6-8.9) [501]. However, UTI prevalence and characteristics vary according to patient charatctristics such as age, sex, and circumcision status in males. The prevalence is higher in neonates, where there is a male predominance, infections are more often caused by organisms other than E. Coli, and there is a higher risk of urosepsis [501,502]. In a retrospective study, 12.4% of blood cultures from neonates admitted for UTI were positive for bacteraemia [503], which is particularly common in nosocomial UTIs [503,504]. One meta-analysis showed that in children presenting with fever in the first three months of life, UTIs were present in 7.5% of girls, 2.4% (CI: 1.4-3.5) of circumcised boys, and 20.1% (CI: 16.8-23.4) of uncircumcised boys [501]. The incidence for boys is highest during the first six months of life (5.3%) and decreases with age to around 2% for the ages up to 6 years. In girls, UTIs are less common during the first six months of life (2%) and incidence increases with age to around 11% for the ages up to 6 years [505]. Abnormal development of gut microbiota during infancy can also increase the risk of developing UTIs [506].
Urinary tract infections can determine the development of permanent focal renal damage, named as renal scarring, The risk of renal scarring increases if treatment of UTI is delayed [507], which is more often the case in older children than younger infants [508], and in patients experiencing recurrent UTIs [509,510]. Each new febrile UTI increases the risk of renal scarring with an incidence of renal scarring after the first UTI by 2.8% (CI:1.2-5.8), 25.7% (CI:12.5-43.3) after the second infection, and up to 28.6% (CI:8.4-58.1) after three or more febrile UTIs [510]. The sum of multiple episodes of UTI may also lead to significant loss of renal function and the development of chronic renal failure [511]. Risk factors for recurrent UTIs include obesity, ethnicity, the presence of lower urinary tract disorders (LUTD) or bladder and bowel dysfunction (BBD), and any underlying urological conditions, particularly high grade vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) [512-517].
Prompt treatment is important to prevent the development of renal damage with UTIs, however the diagnosis is seldom certain, and misdiagnosis can lead to unnecessary treatment and medicalisation of otherwise healthy children [518,519]. A systematic approach and management can significantly improve results [520-523].
3.10.2. Presentation symptoms
The most common presenting symptoms for UTI include fever, vomiting, lethargy and/or irritability. Urinary tract infection is the cause of fever in 4.1-7.5% of children who present to a paediatric clinic [524,525].
Neonates with severe UTIs can present with non-specific symptoms, such as failure to thrive, jaundice, hyperexcitability, even in the absence of a fever. In neonates, it is important to rule out co-existing meningitis [526]. Septic shock is unusual, even in febrile cases.
Urinary symptoms are more common in children older than two years. These include frequent voiding, dysuria, and suprapubic, abdominal or lumbar pain.
3.10.3. Classification systems
All UTIs can eventually be classified into upper or lower urinary tract infections.
Lower UTIs (cystitis) are an inflammatory condition of the urinary bladder mucosa with specific signs and symptoms including dysuria, frequency, urgency, malodorous urine, enuresis, haematuria, and/or suprapubic pain.
Upper UTIs (pyelonephritis) are a diffuse pyogenic infection of the renal pelvis and parenchyma. The onset of pyelonephritis is generally abrupt. Clinical signs and symptoms include fever (>38°C), chills, costovertebral angle or flank pain, and tenderness.
For clinical decision-making, however, the following classifications are possibly more relevant. Classification according to clinical presentation
From a clinical point of view, UTIs can be differentiated into febrile and non-febrile.
Febrile UTIs (fUTIs)s usually involve the upper tract, but mild fever can sometimes occur also in lower urinary tract infections. These are the UTIs of greatest interest in terms of the risk of developing renal damage.
Non-febrile UTIs are infections generally limited to the lower urinary tract. Lower urinary tract symptoms are typically present. Infants and children may present with non-specific signs such as poor appetite, failure to thrive, lethargy, irritability, vomiting or diarrhoea.
A non-febrile UTI should be differentiated from an asymptomatic bacteriuria, where there is a positive culture in an otherwise asymptomatic child. Classification according to episode: first, recurrent, breakthrough
A UTI can occur as first episode or a recurrence. A breakthrough infection is a UTI in patients on continous antibacterial prophylaxis. A breakthrough UTI is usually due to bacteria resistent to the antibiotic used for prophylaxis, and are also associated with parental non-compliance and/or severe underlying urogenital anomalies [527,528]. Classification according age and toilet-training status
Urinary tract infection can occur in infants, in children during the period of toilet training, in toilet trained children and final in older patients. Infants represent a critical group as the diagnosis of UTI can be difficult, the course severe, and UTI can be the first sign of a previously unnknown urinary tract abnormality. Urinary tract infection can occur during toilet training as a result of a transitory partial bladder control during this period. These infections tend to be mild and generally do not recur. Urinary tract infections in toilet trained patients can suggest an underlying LUTD/BBD. Urinary tract infections in older patients, particularly in females, can be associated with sexual intercourse. Classification according to the clinical course
This is particularly relevant during a first UTI. Children may have typical or atypical UTIs. Typical UTIs are due to common bacteria, generally E.Coli; the UTI respond quickly within 48 hours, to oral antibiotics, and symptoms and patient conditions are not severe enough to require hospital admission. In contrast, atypical UTIs are generaly due to bacteria other than E. Coli and/or multiresistant bacteria; the patient fails to respond to oral treatment or is not able to tolerate oral treatment and hospital admission may be required. Classification according to urinary tract abnormalities
Most UTIs occur in patients without any underlying urinary tract abnormalities, and with normal renal function and a competent immune system. Under these circumstances, the UTIs is usually typical and the need for additional imaging is controversial.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, UTIs can occur as a complication in a child with a known abnormality of the urinary tract, including any prenatal history of urinary tract dilatation. These are usually fUTIs. Common urinary tract abnormalities which can increase the risk of UTI include posterior urethral valves, strictures, stones, LUTD of either neurogenic or non-neurogenic origin, and VUR. This cathegory also includes patients developing a UTI after urinary tract surgery, particularly those with indwelling stents/catheters, and/or after renal transplantation [529,530].
Finally, UTIs can be the presenting symptoms of a previously unknown urinary tract condition. These are usually fUTIs.
3.10.4. Diagnostic evaluation Medical history
History taking should define the type of episode, first or recurring; possible history of urinary tract abnormalities including any dilatation detected during prenatal US screening; prior operations; family history; and the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and/or constipation. Physical examination
Physical examination includes a general examination to exclude other causes of fever. Assessment of body weight and temperature, examination of the abdomen (constipation, palpable and painful kidney, or palpable bladder), flank, lower back (stigmata of spina bifida or sacral agenesis) and genitalia (phimosis, labial adhesions, vulvitis, epididymo-orchitis) should be performed. Urine sampling, analysis and culture
Urine must be collected under defined conditions and investigated as soon as possible to confirm or exclude a UTI, especially in children with a fever. Urine sampling has to be performed before any antimicrobial agent is administered. The technique for obtaining urine for urinalysis, as well as culture method affects the rate of contamination, which influences interpretation of the results. This can be challenging in early infancy and depends on the method of urine sampling [531].
In older, toilet-trained children who can void on command, after carefully retracting the foreskin and cleaning the glans penis in boys and spreading the labia and cleaning the peri-urethral area in girls, the use of a clean catch, especially a midstream urine, can be an acceptable technique for obtaining a reliable urine sample. In a randomised trial, cleaning the urethral meatus and perineum twice with gauze and liquid soap, reduced the risk of sample contamination from 23.9% (41/171) to 7.8% (14/171) [532].
In neonates, infants and non-toilet-trained children, there are four main methods with varying contamination rates and invasiveness with respect to urine collection:
(1) Plastic bag attached to the cleaned genitalia: Although this technique is most often used in daily practice, contamination rates are high, around 50-60% [533]. The technique is only deemed to be reliable when culture results are negative. If the dipstick is negative for both leukocyte esterase and nitrite, or microscopic analysis is negative for both pyuria and bacteriuria, UTI can be excluded without the need for confirmatory culture [534].
(2) Clean-catch urine (CCU) collection: There appears to be a good correlation between the results of urine cultures obtained by this method and suprapubic aspiration (SPA), with a false-positive rate of 5% and false-negative rate of 12% [535,536]; however, the contamination rate is higher for CCU of up to 26% compared to catheterisation (10%) and suprapubic bladder aspiration (1%) [533,537]. In one prospective cohort study of infants below the age of six months, the success rate was 49% and the contamination rate 16% with some differences in culture results between those obtained by CCU and those by more invasive methods [538].
(3) Transurethral bladder catheterisation is the fastest and safest method to obtain a reliable urine sample for microscopic and bacteriological evaluation to rule out, or to document a UTI in non-toilet trained infants and children.
(4) Suprapubic bladder aspiration is the most invasive modality but also the most sensitive method to obtain an uncontaminated urine sample in this age group [539,540]. Urinalysis
There are three methods that are commonly used for urinalysis:
(1) Dipstick: These are appealing because they provide rapid results, do not require microscopy, and are ready to use. Leukocyte esterase (as a surrogate marker for pyuria) and nitrite (which is converted from dietary nitrates by most Gram-negative enteric bacteria in the urine) are the most frequent markers, and are usually combined in a dipstick test. The conversion of dietary nitrates to nitrites by bacteria takes approximately four hours in the bladder [536,541]. The sensitivity of using nitrate alone to screen febrile children < 2 years of age is too low, and relevant UTIs can be missed. However, the specificity is high for children at any age [542,543]. In febrile infants < 90 days old, urine dipstick tests from CCU samples can be used for screening of UTIs when nitrites and leukocyte esterase are used in combination, with a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 80% [544,545]. Anand et al., (2023) assessed the use of urine dipstick tests for the rapid detection of UTIs in children, demonstrating a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 90%, suggesting their utility in resource-limited settings [546].
(2) Microscopy: This is the standard method of assessing pyuria after urine centrifugation with a threshold of five white blood cells (WBCs) per high-power field (25 WBC/μL) [547]. In uncentrifuged urine, >10 WBC/μL has been demonstrated to be sensitive for UTI [548] and this performs well in a hospital setting [549]. However, this is rarely done in an outpatient setting. No significant differences was found between dipsticks and microscopy testing for UTI [543]. A meta-analysis showed, that only microscopy with Gram staining has a higer sensitivity compared to dipsticks [550].
(3) Flow imaging analysis technology: This is being used increasingly to classify particles in uncentrifuged urine specimens [551]. The numbers of WBCs, squamous epithelial cells and red cells correlate well with those found by manual methods [536]. Flow cytometry-based bacterial and leukocyte count analysis when using a cut-off value of 250 bacteria/μL in the presence of leukocyturia, has a sensitivity of 0.97 and specificity of 0.91 for diagnosing UTIs [552].
In addition to these methods, urine biomarkers are currently under evalutation to distinguish UTIs from culture-negative pyuria. Their use, however, is not still not in routine clinical practice [553-555]. Urine culture
Following negative results for dipstick, microscopic or automated urinalysis, urine culture is generally not necessary, especially if there is an alternative source of fever. If the dipstick result is positive, confirmation by urine culture is strongly recommended.
It is still controversial what number of colony forming units (CFU) should be used as cut off to diagnose a UTI. In patients with a fUTI, ≥ 105 cfu/mL can be expected. However, the count can vary and be related to the method of specimen collection, diuresis, and time and temperature of storage until cultivation occurs [502]. Clean-catch urine, midstream and catheterisation urine cultures can be considered positive as 103 - 104 cfu/mL in a monoculture, and any counts obtained after SPA should be considered as significant. Mixed cultures are indicative of contamination. In febrile children < 4 months of age, a cut-off value of 103 cfu/mL can be used when clinical and laboratory findings match and a correct sampling method has been used [556].
A negative culture with the presence of pyuria may be due to incomplete antibiotic treatment, urolithiasis, or foreign bodies in the urinary tract, and infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Chlamydia trachomatis. Blood Tests
Blood tests are a complement for the diagnosis of UTI and are generaly performed only in patients requiring hospital admission. In cases of renal parenchymal involvement, a neutrophilic leukocytosis is expected as is a rise in C-reactive protein. These markers are non-specific and several additional markers are under evaluation, but are not used in clinical practice [554,557]. In current clinical practice, the most specific blood marker of renal involvement is procalcitonin [558]. A cut-off value of serum procalcitonin > 1.0 ng/mL has been shown to be predictive of acute pyelonephritis in young children [559]. In patients with febrile UTIs requiring admission, serum electrolytes and blood cell counts should also be requested.
Figure 5: Diagnostic evaluation and subsequent management of a febrile child with suspicion of UTI
AB = antibiotic; CAP = continous antibiotic propyilaxis; CRP = C-reactive protein.
3.10.5. Additional work-up
Imaging modalities in the acute phase of the infection should be differentiated from follow-up investigations recommended in patients following a first, or recurrent episode of UTI. Ultrasound (US)
Renal and bladder US is advised in children with febrile UTI to rule out abnormalities of the urinary tract. In infants and acutely ill children, this should be performed within 24 hours. In toilet trained patients, the US should be performed before and after voiding to assess upper tract changes in relation to bladder filling and to measure post-void residual (PVR) urine volumes, which can be the sign of underlying voiding dysfunction. An elevated PVR urine volume predicts the recurrence of UTIs in toilet-trained children [560]. Ultrasound can also help assessing the presence of faecal impaction [561].
Overall, abnormal results are found in 15% of cases [534], and 7% require further investigations [562]. A study evaluating the necessity of performing US only in children with a pathogen other than E. Coli during their first UTI or those experiencing recurrent UTI, demonstrated that this selective approach could reduce the overall number of ultrasound scans by 40.4% [563].
The overall accuracy of US in predicting high-grade VUR is low, with a sensitivity 0.59 (CI: 0.45-0.72) and specificity 0.79 (CI: 0.65-0.87) [564]. When peri-renal or psoas abscesses or renal masses are seen on US, it is important to consider xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, and subsequent CT scan is recommended [565]. Radionuclide scanning/MRI
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan is the most accurate method to document localisation of a UTI to the renal parenchyma and the associated renal scarring that can ensue.
To assess renal involvement, the DMSA scan has to be performed within days of a febrile UTI (acute or early DMSA). The pyelonephritis appears as a perfusion defect within the kidney. These changes were found to correlate with the presence of dilating reflux, the risk of further pyelonephritis episodes, breakthrough infections, and the development of renal scarring [566]. After the first community-acquired fUTI, it has been shown that the majority of renal units with dilating VUR had normal early DMSA scanning [567]. The sensitivity of the DMSA scan to detect VUR is 0.75 (CI: 0.67-0.81) with a specificity of 0.48 (CI: 0.38-0.57), and a negative DMSA scan results in a very low probability of high-grade VUR [568]. This investigation, however, is no longer wildely used in clinical practice in order to limit the level of radiation exposure in patients.
Dimercaptosuccinic acid scans are generally recommended in the follow-up of febrile UTIs, after a period of at least six months from the infection, to detect persistent scaring [569].
Increasingly physicians tend to avoid DMSA scans after the first fUTI, if the US does not demonstrate any pelvicalyceal dilatation, or cortical abnormalities.
Diffusion-weighted MRI has also been shown to accurately diagnose acute pyelonephritis and reveal late renal scars and could be an alternative to DMSA; therefore, avoiding radion burden [570]. Magnetic resonance imaging, however, cannot be considered standard practice at present. Voiding cystourethrography/urosonography
Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is the imaging of choice to detect VUR. The timing of VCUG does correlate with the presence or severity of VUR [571]. Performing a VCUG close to the UTI in patients with proven sterile urine does not cause any significant morbidity [572]. Using harmonic voiding urosonography may be an alternative to standard VCUG avoiding radiation [573,574]. Visulatisation of the urethra may be difficult with this technique. Neither examination, however, is recommended in the acute phase of the UTI and given the fact that the investigation is invasive and bothersome for the family [562,575], selective use is generally recommended during follow-up. A VCUG should be considered in the follow-up of patients developing UTI < 1 year of age, with atypical infections, with recurrent infections, or with ultrasound abnormalities [576].
Prediction models using machine learning have also been developed to combine more factors [577]. As an alternative strategy to avoid unnecessary VCUG investigations, VCUGs can be limited to patients with an abnormal DMSA. This is called a top-down approach. Different top-down strategies have been proposed, but waiting for a second infection can be an alternative option in patients with typical infections and a normal US. The Panel recommends the diagnostic flowchart depicted in Figure 6 [578].
In some patients with recurrent febrile UTIs, and an abnormal DMSA, but a VCUG showing no reflux, a cystography performed with endoscopic instillation of the contrast in fornt of the ureteral orifice (Positional Instillation of Contrast, PIC cystography), which may demonstrate reflux [579].
Figure 6: Diagnosis strategy for first febrile UTI
i.v. = intravenous; US = ultrasound; CT = Computed tomography; BBD = bladder and bowel dysfunction; UTI = urinary tract infections; DMSA = dimercaptosuccinic acid; VCUG voiding cystourethrogram.
3.10.6. Management
The cornerstone in the management of UTIs is the administration of antimicrobial therapy and should not be delayed. Delaying treatment in children with a febrile UTI for more than 48-72 hours increases the risk of renal scars [507,568]. Supportive treatment may be required in severely ill patients.
Temporary urinary diversion can be considered on a case-by-case basis. The requirement for surgical procedures, such as cutaneous ureterostomy or nephrectomy, during the acute phase is exceptional. After the treatment of the infection, it is crucal to address any LUTD/BBD, if present [580-583]. Administration route of antibacterial therapy
The choice between oral and parenteral therapy should be based on patient age; clinical suspicion of urosepsis; illness severity; refusal of fluids, food and/or oral medication; vomiting; diarrhoea; non-compliance; and complicated pyelonephritis (e.g., urinary obstruction).
As a result of the increased incidence of urosepsis and severe pyelonephritis in newborns and infants aged less than two months, parenteral antibiotic therapy is recommended in this age group. Electrolyte disorders with life-threatening hyponatraemia and hyperkalaemia based on pseudohypoaldosteronism can also occur in these patients [584,585].
The choice of agent is also based on local antimicrobial sensitivity patterns, and should later be adjusted according to sensitivity-testing of the isolated uropathogen [536]. Not all available antibiotics are approved by national health authorities, especially in infancy. When recent urinary cultures are available, the sensitivity pattern should guide in the choice of treatment. Consider local resistence patterns and patient kidney function in the choice of antibiotic treatment. Adjustment of antimicrobial agents
There is a large hetergeneity in the prevalence of antibiotic resistance patterns of uropathogenic E. Coli within different countries, with increased high resistance patterns in countries outside of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [586]. There are increasing reports of UTIs caused by extended spectrum ß-lactamase-producing enterobacteriaceae (ESBL) in children, with pooled numbers of UTI caused by ESBL producing bacteria of around 14% [587]. Within OECD countries the prevalence of resistance was 53% for ampicillin, 24% for trimethoprim, 8% for co-amoxiclav, 2% for ciproxin and 1% for nitrofurantoin [586]. According to Al-Wandawy et al., (2023), nearly all bacteria isolated from children with UTI showed resistance to ampicillin (65.62%) and amoxicillin (65.62%), but demonstrated high sensitivity to nitrofurantoin (90%), cefoperazone-sulbactam (85%) and meropenem (92%) [588]. Several risk factors and determinants for UTIs caused by ESBL and non-E. Coli bacteriae have been identified including a history of infection, recent hospitalisation, short-term exposure to antiobiotics, and prophylaxis [586,589,590]. Overall, oral nitrofurantoin seems to be a good empirical choice in the treatment of cystitis [591].
The choice of antibiotics should be guided by good antibiotic stewardship. It is important to be aware of local resistance patterns. These are variable between countries and even between hospitals. Local antibiogram protocols and web-based recommendations can guide the choice for type of antibiotic therapy. The individual patient’s previous urine cultures should also be taken into account in these decisions. The daily dosage of antibiotics is dependent on the age and weight of the child, as well as on renal and liver function (see Figure 5). Duration of therapy
Prompt adequate treatment of UTI can prevent the spread of infection and renal scarring. In newborns and young infants with a febrile UTI, up to 20% may have a positive blood culture [503,592]. Children with bacteremia did not show significant clinical differences with non-bacteremic infants, but did receive longer parental treatment [593]. In late infancy, there are no differences between strategies regarding the incidence of parenchymal scars, as diagnosed with DMSA scan [594]. Outcomes of short courses (one to three days) are inferior to seven to fourteen-day courses [536]. However, a simple cystitis can be treated with three to five days of antibiotics [595]. No significant difference in recurrent UTIs and re-hospitalisation were found between seven day parental treatment and longer regimens for bacteraemic UTIs in younger infants [596,597]. In young infants a short course of parental treatment with early conversion to oral antibiotics may be considered [598]. The use of exclusively oral therapy with a third-generation cephalosporin (e.g., cefixime or ceftibuten) has been demonstrated to be equivalent to the usual two to four days intravenous therapy followed by oral treatment [599-602]. Similar data have been shown for amoxicillin-clavulanate [603]. If ambulatory therapy is chosen, adequate surveillance, medical supervision and if necessary, adjustment of therapy must be guaranteed. In the initial phase of therapy, close contact with the family is advised [604].
In complicated UTIs, uropathogens other than E. Coli., such as Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci and staphylococci are the most likely causative pathogens [592]. Children with acute focal bacterial nephritis often present without pyuria and significant bacteriuria. For the majority of children, the pathogenesis is related to ascending infection due to a pre-existing uropathy, especially VUR or urinary obstruction. Initial management consists of broad-spectrum antibiotics with good tissue penetration. A treatment regimen of a total of three weeks with initial intravenous and subsequently oral therapy tailored to the pathogen identified in culture is recommended [605]. Adjunct steroid treatment
Adjuvant dexamethasone treatment, by modulating the immune response, has been hypothesised to reduce kidney scarring after acute pyelonephritis in children. A multicentre, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial demonstrated no difference either in the duration of the UTI or in the presence of renal scars on a DMSA performed six months after the infection, between pateints receiving a three-day course of either intravenous dexamethasone 0.30 mg/kg/day twice daily, or placebo [606]. Temporary urinary diversion
Temporary bladder drainage via a transurethral catheter or a suprapubic cystostomy might be required in case of failure to respond to treatment with suitable antibiotics within 72 hours. It can offer some advantages in selected patients with urinary tract abnormalities, underlying medical conditions, poor urine flow, abdominal or bladder mass, elevated creatinine levels, significant kidney damage and septicaemia. Drainage of infected urine may prevent progression to renal abscess formation, and preserve renal function. In patients affected by refractory UTIs unresponsive to antibiotic treatment and concomitant obstructive uropathy, temporary urinary diversion may be considered via a ureteral stent or a nephrostomy. Monitoring
With successful treatment, urine usually becomes sterile after 24 hours, and leukocyturia normally disappears within three to four days. Normalisation of body temperature can be expected within 24 to 48 hours following the commencement of therapy in 90% of cases. In patients with prolonged fever and those failing to respond, treatment-resistant uropathogens or the presence of congenital uropathy or acute urinary obstruction should be considered. Repeated US examination is recommended in these cases.
3.10.7. Measures to prevent UTI recurrences
Recurrent UTIs are problematic as the symptoms are bothersome to children, and recurrent febrile UTIs may also result in renal scarring [510]. Therefore, it is important to prevent the incidence of recurrent UTIs. Chemoprophylaxis
Chemoprophylaxis is commonly prescribed to prevent UTIs in children. However, with increasing rates of bacterial resistance, it should be carefully considered which patients should receive antibacterial prophylaxis. The evidence for the use of antibacterial prophylaxis has been conflicting. Its use causes a reduction of the number of recurrent symptomatic UTIs, but long-term use of antibacterial prophylaxis has also been associated with increased microbial resistance [527,607]. Its use did not reduce newly acquired renal damage in children after the first or second UTI [607]. However, when used in patients with anatomic abnormalities of the urinary system, a reduction in UTIs and subsequent renal scarring has been shown [527,607]. A prospective multi-centre study demonstrated that a ureteral diameter of 7 mm or greater indicates a higher risk of UTI and that these patients may benefit from chemoprophylaxis administration [608]. The Panel recommend chemoprophylaxis for the first year of life in patients with evidence of megaureter. In children with LUTD/BBD and VUR, a benefit was seen in the reduction of recurrent UTI with the use of antimicrobial prophylaxis [8] (see also Chapter 3.15 on vesicoureteric reflux). Chemoprophylaxis can be considered under these circumstances particularly while waiting for the treatment of the LUT dysfunction to become effective. For the specific group of patients with incomplete bladder emptying with properly performed clean intermittent catheterisation but still suffering from recurrent UTIs, the intravesical application of gentamycin has proven to be effective [609,610].
Table 1: Drugs for antibacterial prophylaxis*
Substance | Prophylactic dosage (mg/kg bw/d) | Limitations in neonates and infants |
Trimethoprim** | 2 | Not recommended under 6 weeks of age |
Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole | 1-2 | Not recommended under two months of age |
Sulfamethoxazole | 1-2 | Until three months of age |
Nitrofurantoin** | 1-2 | Not recommended under two months of age |
Cefaclor | 10 | No age limitations |
Cefixim | 2 | Preterms and newborns |
* Reproduced with permission from the International Consultation on Urological Diseases (ICUD), International Consultation on Urogenital Infections, 2009. Copyright© by the European Association of Urology [611]
** Substances of first choice are nitrofurantoin and trimethoprim. In exceptional cases, oral cephalosporin can be used. Non-antibiotic prophylaxis
The most investigated non-antibiotic prophylactic measures, to prevent UTI recurrence in children, are cranberry products and probiotic. As reported in a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, both these interventions reduced the risk of UTI recurrence if compared with placebo in children with a normal urinary tract. The quality of evidence is moderate for cranberry whereas the quality of evidence for probiotics products needs to be strengthened with larger and more robust trials [612]. The results for probiotics are somewhat more conflicting, with one systematic review not ruling out any effect [613] and an RCT showing promising results in children with normal urogenital anatomy [614]. A meta-analysis could not demonstrate a beneficial effect, and therefore to be used only as an adjuvant to antibiotic prophylaxis [615,616].
Other supplements of interest are Vitamin A, which has shown promising results in preventing renal scarring in children with acute pyelonephritis [617,618]. The use of Vitamin E could possibly improve the symptoms of UTI [619]. Several studies have demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency could be a risk factor for renal scarring in patients with recurrent UTIs. Vitamin D treatment may be beneficial for preventing renal scarring in patients with recurrent UTIs but no prospective studies have been conducted [620]. None of these supplementations however, can be considered at present for routine use in clinical practice. Phimosis
When a physiologic phimosis is present in boys with a UTI, the use of steroid cream can significantly reduce recurrent UTIs [47]. The number needed to treat to prevent a single UTI is high in patients without associated urinary tract abnormalities, which questionins the actual cost to benefit ratio [45]. Circumcision appears to be more cost-effective in preventing UTI recurrences in patients with underlying urological conditions, and in particular PUV [621,622] (see also Section 3.19.1 on posterior urethral valves). Bladder and bowel dysfunction (BBD) and lower urinary tract disorders
Bladder and bowel dysfunction and LUTD are risk factors which every toilet-trained child with UTIs should be screened for at presentation [513]. Normalisation of micturition disorders or bladder overactivity is important to lower the rate of UTI recurrence. If there are signs of BBD during infection-free intervals, further diagnosis and effective treatment are strongly recommended [623]. Exclusion of BBD is strongly recommended in any toilet-trained child with febrile and/or recurrent UTIs, and it should be treated (For treatment see Chapter 3.11 on day-time lower urinary tract conditions). Treatment of constipation leads to a decrease in UTI recurrence and a multidisciplinary approach is recommended [513,623-625].
The importance of comprehensive and preventive management of UTIs in patients with LUTD cannot be underestimated. Adequate hydration, proper hygiene, along with the evaluation and treatment of bladder dysfunctions, are key measures to reduce the recurrence of these infections. Similarly, optimisation of bladder emptying and correct catheterisation techniques in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction is critical to prevent UTI recurrence (For treatment see new guideline on spinal dysraphism in children and adolescents) [626,627].
3.10.8. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of UTI in children
Summary of evidence | LE |
Urinary tract infection represents the most common bacterial infection in children less than two years of age. The incidence varies depending on age and sex. | 1b |
Urinary tract infections, particularly if febrile and/or recurrent can cause renal scarring. | 1b |
Urinary tract infections are classified according to upper and low urinary tract involvement, clinical presentation, episode, severity, age and toilet training status, clinical course, and associated urinary tract abnormalities. | 2b |
Urinalysis by dipstick yields rapid results, but it should be used with caution and in a clinical context. Microscopic investigation is the standard method of assessing pyuria after centrifugation. | 2a |
The number of colony forming units (CFU) in the urine culture can vary; however, any colony count of one specimen indicates a high suspicion for UTI. | 2b |
Prompt treatment of febrile UTIs reduces the risk of developing renal scarring. | 1b |
Due to increasing resistance numbers good antibiotic stewardship should guide the choice of antibiotics, taking into account local resistance patterns, previous urine cultures (when available) and clinical parameters. | 2a |
Preventive measures against recurrent UTIs include but are not limited to chemoprophylaxis, cranberries, probiotics and Vitamin A, D, and E. | 2a |
Treatment of bladder and bowel dysfunction and lower urinay tracy dysfunction reduces the risk of UTI recurrences. | 1b |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Take a detailed medical history, assess clinical signs and symptoms and perform a physical examination in the evaluation of children suspected of having a urinary tract infection (UTI). | Strong |
Use bladder catheterisation or suprapubic bladder aspiration to collect urine for urinalysis and cultures in non-toilet-trained children. | Strong |
Use clean catch urine for screening for UTI in non-toilet-trained children. | Weak |
Do not use plastic bags for urine sampling in non-toilet-trained children. | Strong |
Use midstream urine in toilet-trained children for analysis and culture. | Strong |
Perform renal and bladder US within 24 hours in infants with febrile UTI and acutely ill children to check for abnormalities of the urinary tract. | Strong |
Consider a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) in the follow-up of patients developing febrile UTI < one year of age, with atypical infections, with recurrent infections, or with ultrasound abnormalities. | Weak |
Consider a dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan at least six month after a febrile UTI to assess kidney function and the presence of renal scars. | Weak |
Treat febrile UTIs with four to seven day courses of oral or parenteral therapy. | Strong |
Chose parenteral therapy in severely ill patients or if oral treatment is not tollerated. | Strong |
Treat complicated febrile UTI with broad-spectrum antibiotics. | Strong |
Consider urinary drainage in patients with UTIs unresponsive to antibiotic treatment. | Weak |
Offer antibacterial prophylaxis in patients at risk of recurrent UTIs. | Strong |
Consider dietery supplementation as an alternative or add-on preventive measure in selected cases. | Weak |
Offer treatment for phimosis to patients with underlying urological conditions. | Weak |
Assess bladder and bowel dysfunction and lower urinary tract function in any toilet-trained child with febrile and/or recurrent UTI and treat it. | Strong |
3.11. Day-time lower urinary tract conditions
3.11.1. Terminology, classification, epidemiology and pathophysiology
Normal storage and emptying of the bladder at a socially accepted place and time is mostly achieved by age three to four. Children with LUT conditions would present with failure to achieve continence (being still wet after the age of four), urgency, weak stream, hesitancy, frequency and accompanied UTIs. Isolated night-time wetting without any daytime symptoms is known as ‘enuresis’ and considered as a different entity [628] (See Chapter 3.12).
Urinary incontinence in children may be caused by congenital anatomical or neurologic abnormalities such as ectopic ureter, bladder exstrophy or myelomeningocele (MMC). In many children, however, there is no such obvious cause for the incontinence, and they are referred as having functional bladder problems. The most recent International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS) document suggests using the term daytime lower urinary tract (LUT) conditions to group together all functional bladder problems in children [628]. As different studies have used varying definitions and criteria, it is difficult to give reliable percentages regarding the prevalence, ranging from 2-25%. In general, an age dependent trend is seen with decreasing prevalence with increasing age [629-633].
Various factors have been associated with an increased incidence of daytime LUT conditions. Risk factors for developing overactive bladder (OAB) are obesity, a history of UTIs, nocturnal enuresis, a family history of LUT conditions, age of potty training, and bowel symptoms [634,635]. Daytime LUT conditions are more frequently encountered in children if the father was also affected during childhood [636]. The coexistence of constipation, LUT conditions and recurrent UTI is well described [637]. There is no evidence to conclude if bladder problems or bowel problems are the leading cause. The prevalence of constipation in older children varies from 5-27%, approximately 90% is functional constipation without an organic cause. In children with functional constipation the prevalence of bladder symptoms has been shown to be as high as 64% [638,639].
A link between daytime LUT conditions and neuropsychiatric developmental disorders such as ADHD (attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) has also been shown. In a meta-analysis there was a strong association between ADHD and LUTD in children, with an odds ratio for ADHD amongst children with LUTD of 2.99 (95% CI: 1.13 -7.88, p < 0.001) [640]. Patients with neuropsychiatric developmental disorders usually are more likely to have more severe BBD at presentation, a lower QoL, and higher treatment resistance compared to those without a neuropsychiatric developmental disorder [641]. Furthermore, it is important to understand that in children with neuropsychiatric developmental disorders the pharmacological treatments influence concomitant bladder dysfunction, in both positive and negative ways [642].
Disturbances of the filling phase, the voiding phase or a combination of both in varying severity can be seen in children. The conditions are divided into either OAB or dysfunctional voiding. They can, of course, coincide and one may even be causative of the other. A specific type of incontinence in children is giggle incontinence. This is a sudden and involuntary episode of urinary incontinence provoked by laughter [643]. Dysfunctional bowel emptying may also be part of the clinical problems and BBD is the term used to cover concomitant bladder and bowel disturbances [628]. Filling-phase (storage) dysfunctions
In filling-phase dysfunctions, the detrusor can be overactive, as in OAB. Overactivity of the bladder is the most common problem, seen mostly around five to seven years of age. This may lead to disturbances characterised by urgency, frequency and at times urgency incontinence. Some children habitually postpone micturition leading to voiding postponement. Therefore, holding manoeuvres such as leg crossing and squatting can often be seen in this group. Recurrent UTIs are common and high-pressure state of the bladder can be a cause for VUR. Voiding-phase (emptying) dysfunctions
In voiding-phase dysfunctions, the detrusor can be underactive, as in underactive bladder. In children with an underactive detrusor, voiding occurs with reduced or minimal detrusor contractions with post-void residuals. Urinary tract infections, straining to void, constipation and incontinence is common. Incontinence often occurs when the bladder is over-distended in the form of overflow incontinence.
During the voiding-phase incomplete relaxation or tightening of the sphincteric mechanism and pelvic floor muscles results in staccato voiding pattern (continuous urine flow with periodic reductions in flow rate precipitated by bursts of pelvic floor activity) or an interrupted voiding pattern (unsustained detrusor contractions resulting in infrequent and incomplete voiding, with micturition in fractions). The general term for this condition is dysfunctional voiding and is associated with elevated bladder pressure and PVR. Symptoms will vary depending on the severity of dyscoordination between bladder and the sphincter. Staccato voiding is seen in less severe forms and interrupted voiding and straining is seen in more severe forms.
In dysfunctional voiding, high voiding pressures generated by bladder working against a functional obstruction caused by non-relaxing sphincter may induce not only UTIs but also VUR. It has been shown that LUTD is more significant for the occurrence of UTI than VUR itself [644]. In the majority of children with dysfunctional voiding the recurrent infections disappear following successful treatment, which confirms the hypothesis that dysfunctional voiding is the main factor responsible for the infections. Spontaneous resolution of VUR may also be seen after successful treatment of dysfunctional voiding.
3.11.2. Diagnostic evaluation History and physical examination
When evaluating a child with LUT conditions, a comprehensive, structured medical history should be performed. Furthermore, a voiding diary should be taken for a minimum of two days, which includes micturition frequency, voided volumes, night-time urine output, number and timing of incontinence episodes and fluid intake. History taking should also include assessment of bowel function. For evaluation of bowel function in children, the Bristol Stool Scale is an easy-to-use tool [645,646]. Several instruments and questionnaires are available to assess LUT conditions and have shown adequate results for clinical and research use [647].
During clinical examination, genital inspection should be performed to rule out abnormalities of the genitalia or meatus, and the lumbosacral spine and lower extremities should be investigated to evaluate a possible neurological cause. Ultrasound and urinalysis
Using US to measure rectal diameter predicts the presence of constipation and correlates well with symptom improvement in children with BBD [648,649]. Urinalysis and urinary culture are essential to evaluate for a UTI, since transient voiding symptoms are common in the presence of UTI. In patients with recurrent UTIs and dysfunctional voiding, the upper urinary tract needs to be evaluated as well, using US and/or voiding cystography. Urodynamics
Uroflowmetry with post-voiding residual (PVR) evaluates the voiding and emptying ability of the bladder. This can be combined with pelvic floor electromyography to demonstrate overactivity of the pelvic floor muscles during voiding. A flow rate which reaches its maximum quickly and levels off (‘tower shape’) may be indicative of OAB whereas interrupted or staccato voiding patterns may be seen in dysfunctional voiding. Plateau uroflowmetry patterns are usually seen in anatomic obstruction of flow. A single uroflowmetry test may not always be representative of the clinical situation and multiple uroflowmetry tests, when all give a similar result, are more reliable. Uroflowmetry examination should be done when there is desire to empty the bladder and the voided volume should at least be 50% of the age-expected capacity ([age in years] + 1) x 30 mL for the children. While testing the child in a clinical environment, the impact of stress and mood changes on bladder function should also be taken into account [628,650]. Some caution is warranted while interpreting uroflowmetry patterns, since inter-rater agreement for analysing uroflow curve pattern based on the ICCS criteria are variable [651].
Sometimes, there are (minor) underlying urological or neurological problems, which can only be diagnosed using (video)-urodynamic (VUD) studies or neurological evaluation. Video-urodynamics can be considered as well for patients with therapy-resistant dysfunctional voiding who are not responding to treatment and who are being considered for invasive treatment [652-654]. If neurological disease is suspected, MRI of the lumbosacral spine and medulla can help to exclude spinal dysraphisms such as tethered cord. Video-urodynamics may also be used as an initial investigational tool in patients with suspicion of reflux. In this case reflux may be observed along with bladder dynamics. Given the invasive nature of VUD, consider adequate distraction techniques and proper education of what to expect. Video-urodynamics in children can be performed with transurethral and suprapubic catheters, depending on the clinical question, and can be performed on the same day, also after placement of the suprapubic catheter [655]. However, performing VUD under general anaesthesia is not advisable [656].
3.11.3. Management
The treatment of daytime LUT conditions involves a multimodal approach, which is summarised in Figure 7. Urotherapy and specific add-on interventions
Behavioural modification, mostly referred to as urotherapy, is a term which covers all non-pharmacological and non-surgical treatment modalities. It includes standardisation of fluid intake, bowel management; timed voiding and basic relaxed voiding education. The child and family are educated about normal bladder function and responses to urgency. Voiding regimens are instituted and UTIs and any constipation are treated. Treatment is aimed at optimising bladder emptying and inducing full relaxation of the urinary sphincter or pelvic floor prior to and during voiding [657].
Strategies to achieve these goals include:
- Information and demystification, which includes explanation about normal LUT function and how a particular child deviates from normal function.
- Instructions about what to do about the problem:
- Regular voiding habits, sound voiding posture, pelvic floor awareness and training to relax pelvic floor and avoiding holding manoeuvres.
- Lifestyle advice, regarding fluid intake, prevention of constipation, etc.
- Registration of symptoms and voiding habits using bladder diaries or frequency-volume charts.
- Support and encouragement via regular follow-up by the caregiver.
Recurrent UTIs and constipation should also be treated and prevented during the treatment period. In case of combined BBD it is advised to treat the bowel dysfunction first as LUT conditions may disappear after successful management of bowel dysfunction [658].
Treatment efficacy can be evaluated by improvement in bladder emptying and resolution of associated symptoms. A high success rate has been described for urotherapy programmes, independent of the components of the programme. A Cochrane analysis found little evidence that can help to make evidence-based treatment decisions [659]. However, the evidence level is low as most studies of urotherapy programmes are retrospective and non-controlled.
In order to improve the outcomes of urotherapy for therapy-refractory children, specific interventions can be added, including biofeedback, physiotherapy (e.g. pelvic floor exercises), alarm therapy and specialised training programs. Although good results with these treatment modalities have been reported, the level of evidence remains low, since only a few RCTs were published [660,661].
In a meta-analysis, urotherapy including biofeedback training was effective for reducing UTIs and improving constipation. Furthermore, several urodynamic parameters improved compared to urotherapy alone [662]. The addition of pelvic floor muscle training to biofeedback improves outcomes in children with therapy-refractory DV with response rates of 59% [663]. Specialised training programs such as voiding school or bladder and bowel training programs show effective long lasting results in up to 46% of therapy-refractory children [664,665]. Medication
When considering medical treatment for OAB, there are several options in the paediatric population. Anticholinergic agents are still the mainstay of medical treatment, and oxybutynin is most commonly used [666]. However, the response to anticholinergics varies and many children experience side effects such as dry mouth and constipation. Although there have been reports about the use of tolterodine, fesoterodine, trospium, propiverine, and solifenacin in children, most of them are off-label depending on age and national regulations. Given the paucity of good-quality data on safety and tolerability, these medications should be used cautiously in children with close monitoring for potential side effects [667-670]. Despite the low level of evidence for the use of anticholinergics, their use is recommended because of the large number of studies reporting a positive effect on OAB symptoms. Although α-blocking agents are used occasionally, an RCT showed no benefit [671].
In recent years, the evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety of Mirabegron has been confirmed in several studies for children with OAB; however, it is still off-label for this indication in children. These results have been summarised in a systematic review by Kim et al. [672]. Both for monotherapy as well as add-on therapy improvement in continence has been reported [673,674]. Furthermore, starting mirabegron after symptom recurrence after previous Botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A)-injections resulted in a lower need for additional BoNT-A-injections. In a prospective RCT including patients with newly diagnosed OAB, patients were randomised for either mirabegron 50mg, solifenacin 5mg or placebo [675]. After the three months study period, the overall success rate was significantly higher in both the mirabegron and solifenacin group when compared to placebo. Furthermore, patients with mirabegron had significantly fewer side effects from treatment. These findings could support the use of mirabegron in an earlier stage for treatment of OAB. In a systematic review, including three studies with patients with OAB, it is shown that the administration of mirabegron to the paediatric population is cardiovascular safe with comparable efficacy to anticholinergic therapy [676]. Similar clinical results are reported for Vibegron, but need to be confirmed in larger studies [677,678]. Neuromodulation
Neuromodulation can be considered a second-line treatment after (standard) urotherapy and medical therapy have failed. Various types of neuromodulation are currently used to treat daytime LUT conditions with promising results; however, a direct comparison is difficult due to the different treatment regimens that are followed. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) has shown promising results in the treatment of OAB with improvement of symptoms and urodynamic outcomes, also when used as add-on treatment to anticholinergics [679-681]. Parasacral TENS is shown to be effective both as primary treatment or as an adjunct to standard urotherapy for daytime LUT conditions and faecal incontinence [682,683].
Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) is a minimally invasive treatment that demonstrated improved symptoms in therapy-refractory children as well as better QoL scores. This improvement has been shown to be long lasting in patients with OAB [684-686].
For therapy-refractory children sacral neuromodulation (SNM) has shown an improvement in symptoms of OAB; incontinence episodes, voiding frequency and QoL. This improvement is sustained in a certain group of children even after turning off the device. It is important to note that revision surgery may be necessary, especially in growing children [687]. Surgery
In patients with LUT dysfunction, cystoscopy should be performed when there is suspicion of lower urinary tract obstruction, and the subvesical obstruction should be treated. Although meatal correction was successful in correcting the direction of the urinary stream in 93% of girls with an anterior deflected urinary stream, only 29% of patients became continent afterwards [688]. Therefore, it should not be offered as a standard of care.
Intravesical BoNT-A can be considered as a second-line treatment for OAB in children, especially for daytime incontinence, even though it is still used off-label [689]. Different dosages and type of toxin have been shown to be effective and safe. In patients with refractory non-neurogenic OAB symptoms, intravesical BoNT-A-injections are effective in enlarging bladder volume and reducing symptoms, particularly in the first six months after injection [690]. Furthermore, there are significant bladder capacity increases after second and third injections as well [691]. Intersphincteric BoNT-A shows promising results for children with therapy-refractory dysfunctional voiding, ideally in combination with urotherapy [692].
Figure 7: The treatment of daytime LUT conditions
3.11.4. Quality of life
Symptoms of incontinence have a negative impact on the QoL of patients and their caregivers [693]. Successful treatment of LUT conditions significantly improves QoL for patients and their caregivers [694].
3.11.5. Follow-up
After an initial successful response to biofeedback, 20% of the patients relapse within two years [695]. Children treated for LUT conditions are more likely to have urinary tract symptoms later in life [696,697]. Furthermore, daytime wetting during adolescence showed a greater risk for mental health problems at the age of eighteen years [698]. Therefore, adequate transition into adult urology clinics is important when needed.
3.11.6. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of daytime lower urinary tract conditions
Summary of evidence | LE |
Daytime LUT conditions have a high prevalence. | 4 |
Daytime LUT conditions are often seen in combination with constipation. | 2 |
A correlation between daytime LUT conditions and neuropsychiatric developmental disorders has been demonstrated and more severe symptoms are seen in children with neuropsychiatric developmental disorders. | 2 |
Standard urotherapy includes standardisation of fluid intake, bowel management; timed voiding and basic relaxed voiding education. | 3 |
Anticholinergic agents are the mainstay of medical treatment for daytime LUT conditions and Mirabegron has shown to be effective as monotherapy or add-on therapy. | 2 |
Neuromodulation shows promising results as adjunctive treatment for urinary and faecal incontinence. Types of neuromodulation include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, posterior tibial nerve stimulation and sacral neuromodulation. | 2 |
Daytime LUT conditions negatively influences the QoL of patients and caregivers and successful treatment significantly improves QoL. | 2 |
Children affected by daytime LUT conditions have a higher risk of urinary tract symptoms later in life. | 4 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use two-day voiding diaries and/or structured questionnaires for objective evaluation of symptoms, voiding, drinking habits and response to treatment. | Strong |
Use a stepwise approach, starting with the least invasive treatment in managing daytime lower urinary tract (LUT) conditions in children (see Figure 7). | Strong |
Provide adequate bowel management as part of the treatment, if bladder bowel dysfunction is present. | Strong |
Re-evaluate in case of treatment failure; this may consist of (video) urodynamics, magnetic resonance imaging of lumbosacral spine and cystoscopy. | Weak |
Arrange adequate transition into adult urological care for children with persistent daytime LUT conditions in adolescence. | Strong |
3.12. Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis – bedwetting
3.12.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (NE), also known as bedwetting, is defined as an intermittent nocturnal incontinence. It is a relatively frequent symptom in children, 5-10% at seven years of age and 1-2% in adolescents. There is a gender difference in the incidence: two boys to one girl at any age [699]. With a spontaneous yearly resolution rate of 15% (at any age), it is considered as a relatively benign condition
[650,700]. Seven out of 100 seven-year-old bedwetting children will continue to wet their bed into adulthood. Nocturnal enuresis is considered primary when a child has not yet had a prolonged period of being dry (six months). The term “secondary NE” is used when a child or adult begins wetting again after having stayed dry.
Non-monosymptomatic NE is defined as the condition of NE in association with day-time lower urinary tracts symptoms (LUTS, recurrent UTIs and/or bowel dysfunction) [700,701]. The presence of constipation has a negative association with bladder capacity [702].
Nocturnal enuresis has significant secondary stressful, emotional and social consequences for the child and their caregivers. A lower QoL has been reported for children with NE compared to controls and NE can influence relationships with friends and family [703-706]. Therefore, treatment is advised from the age of six to seven years onwards considering mental status, family expectations, social issues, and cultural background.
There is a clear hereditary factor in NE. If none of the parents or their immediate relatives has suffered from bedwetting, the child has a 15% chance of wetting its bed. If one of the parents, or their immediate relatives have suffered from bedwetting, the chance of bedwetting increases to 44%, and if both parents have a positive history the chance increases to 77%. However, from a genetic point of view, enuresis is a complex and heterogeneous disorder. Loci have been described on chromosomes 12, 13 and 22 [701].
Children with NE are considered deep but poor sleepers due to high arousal thresholds and frequently disturbed sleep. High arousal threshold is the most important pathophysiological factor in the aetiology of NE: the child does not wake up when the bladder is full. Full night polysomnographic recordings support this hypothesis by demonstrating the disruption of children’s sleep microstructure [707]. In addition to the high arousal threshold, there needs to be an imbalance between night-time urine output and night-time bladder capacity [650,700,701]. Recently, attention has been given to the chronobiology of micturition in which the existence of a circadian clock in kidney, brain and bladder is postulated [708].
A high incidence of comorbidity and correlation between nocturnal urine production and sleep disordered breathing, such as obstructive sleep apnoea, has been found and investigated [709]. Symptoms such as habitual snoring, apnoeas, excessive sweating at night and mouth breathing in the patient history or via sleep questionnaires, such as the BEARS questionnaire [710], can lead to the detection of sleep disorders and/or adenotonsillar hypertrophy. When present, a consultation with the ENT specialist can be considered [711].
Obesity is associated with a higher incidence of NE and a lower efficacy for treatment [712]. The presence of allergic diseases has been recognised as a risk factor of NE and with a greater risk for more allergic episodes [713-715].
It is important to consider the child’s and family’s psychological status as primary NE has been associated with psychopathology, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and depressive symptoms [716,717]. In children with ADHD, symptoms of NE are more severe and it is important to inform the child and the parents about a delayed success rate and higher relapse rate compared to children without ADHD [718].
3.12.2. Diagnostic evaluation
The diagnosis is mainly obtained by history-taking. Focused questions to differentiate monosymptomatic vs. non-monosymptomatic, primary vs. secondary, comorbid factors such as behavioural or psychological problems and sleep disorder breathing, should be asked. In addition, a two-day complete micturition and drinking diary, which records day-time bladder function and drinking habits will further exclude comorbid factors such as LUTS and polydipsia.
Specific attention should be made regarding bowel movements as irregular bowel movements can change the diagnosis from monosymptomatic NE to non-monosymptomatic NE. If constipation or faecal incontinence is found (it is reported in up to 20% of children with NE), it should be treated simultaneously, and the family should be informed that constipation can negatively influence treatment outcomes [719,720].
The night-time urine production should be registered by weighing the night-time diapers in the morning and adding the first morning voided volume [721]. The night-time urine production should be recorded over (at least) a two-week period to diagnose an eventual differentiation between a high night-time production (more than 130% of the age expected bladder capacity) vs. a night-time OAB.
A physical examination should be performed with special attention to the back of the child (to exclude any neurological problem), the external genitalia and surrounding skin, as well as to the condition of the clothes (wet underwear or encopresis).
Urine analysis is indicated if there is a sudden onset of bedwetting, a suspicion or history of UTIs, or inexplicable polydipsia.
A uroflowmetry and US is indicated only if there is a history of previous urethral or bladder surgery and presence of daytime urinary symptoms. For further evaluation, see Chapter 3.10 on Day-time LUT conditions.
There is no clinical indication nor use for a functional MRI (fMRI) in the diagnosis of NE. Research is ongoing, however one of the main issues is the fact that the MRI is performed in an awake state, whereas NE is an event that solely occurs during sleep. The use of fMRI in the elucidation of the NE’s neuropathological mechanisms has not yet been fruitful [722,723].
3.12.3. Management
Before introducing any form of possible treatment, it is of utmost importance to explain the bedwetting condition to the child and the caregivers in order to demystify the problem. Parents should be encouraged to seek medical attention for their bedwetting children and be informed that it is known that the QoL of parents with a child with NE is negatively impaired. Medical providers assisting families with a child must be aware of this fact and guide parents, by explaining that key to treating a child with NE, is that the child is able to understand what is going on and to co-operate in the process [724].
Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the use of virtual contacts between doctors and patients, it has been shown that telemedicine is a good method of conducting close follow-up [725]. Supportive treatment measures
Initially, supportive measures including regular eating and drinking habits should be reviewed, stressing normal fluid intake during the day and reducing fluid intake in the hours before sleep. Keeping a chart depicting wet and dry nights, also called basic bladder advice, has not been shown to be successful in the early treatment of NE [726]. To assure good sleep quality, specifically in children with NE, it is also recommended to limit the use of electronic devices before bedtime [727].
Referral for psychological support should be advised and followed-up for patients with NE and their families, especially if the NE comorbid factor is developmental, attention or learning difficulties, family problems, and parental distress and possible punishment of the child are observed. Parental stress levels are higher compared to parents of non-NE children [728] and anger is found to be the most common parental reaction towards NE children [729], this would explain why childhood traumas such as neglect and abuse are more often seen in children with NE [730]. Psychological interventions with parents of NE children were shown to significantly improve their coping mechanisms [731]. Wetting alarm treatment
The nocturnal alarm treatment relies on the use of a device that is activated by getting wet. The goal of this therapeutic approach is that the child wakes up from the alarm, which can be acoustic or tactile, either by itself or with the help of a caregiver. By repeatedly awakening the child when wet, the method of action aims to change a high arousal to a low arousal threshold, specifically when a status of full bladder is reached. In the most recent Cochrane review (even though the quality of the included studies was low), several studies have shown that alarm treatment will reduce the number of wet nights a week. An alarm treatment has a higher complete response rate and a low relapse rate compared to no treatment at all [732]. In the event of relapse after initial success, one should actively investigate for OAB [733]. The recommended length of therapy with the alarm treatment continues to be uncertain, varying from 8-12 weeks (ICCS) to 16-20 weeks [734].
Regular follow-up will improve the success. It is of utmost importance that the child plays an active role in the alarm treatment, and is willing to understand the purpose of the treatment modality and persevere with it. Medical treatment
If the child and the family would like to act on the high night-time urine production and eventual night-time OAB, the child should be able and willing to adjust their drinking habits and take either desmopressin or a combination of desmopressin and an anticholinergic drug.
Success rates of 70% can be obtained with desmopressin, either as tablets (200-400 μg), or as sublingual desmopressin oral lyophilisate (120-240 μg). A rare side-effect is water intoxication which can be prevented by adequate water intake. The dosage of 120 μg has been shown to be effective and safe [735]. A structured titration increase up to 240 μg has been shown to be effective [736]. Predictive factors for success with desmopressin have been identified: older children; children with fewer wet nights and high night-time urine production [737]. Children that show a good response on low-dose desmopressin are more likely to show a complete response during the maintenance period [738]. When poor responses are seen on desmopressin be aware of low compliance [739]. Relapse rates can be high after desmopressin discontinuation [650], it is unclear if structured withdrawal will result in lower relapse rates [740,741]. A nasal spray is no longer recommended due to the increased risk of overdose [742].
In the event of desmopressin-resistant treatment for NE or if a suspicion exists for night-time OAB, combination of desmopressin with anticholinergics is safe and efficient, even after cessation of treatment
[743-746]. With night-time OAB a treatment failure to desmopressin can be explained because of bladder reservoir dysfunction [747]. There is no indication for monotherapy with an anticholinergic drug [748].
Alarm and desmopressin treatment have comparable efficacy in achieving > 50% reduction in wet nights. Alarms offer superior treatment response (OR: 2.89, 95% CI: 1.38-6.04) and lower relapse rates (OR: 0.25, 95% CI: 0.12-0.50) in children [749]. Multimodal treatment can achieve a partial or full response in 80% of children. However, side effects are seen in up to 30% of children [750]. Electrical neuromodulation
Several systematic reviews and randomised trials have documented potential benefits of electrical neural stimulation for NE. However, the quality of the included studies was low and different types of electrical neural stimulation, such as intra-anal stimulation and interferential current stimulation have been included [751-754]. The one RCT that compares transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to placebo demonstrates no anti-enuretic effect [755]. Complementary treatments:
A Cochrane review showed no benefit for treatments such as hypnosis, psychotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and medicinal herbs for the treatment of NE [756]. Conservative “wait and see” approach
If the child and its family is unable to comply with a treatment, if the treatment options are not possible for the family situation, and if there is no social pressure, a “wait and see” approach can be chosen. However, in this approach, it is important to emphasise the fact that the child should wear diapers at night to ensure a normal quality of sleep [757]. The success rate of wait and see is 15% per year, independent of age. Figure 8 presents stepwise assessment and management options for NE.
Figure 8: A stepwise assessment and management options for NE
ENT = ear, nose and throat.
3.12.4. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of monosymptomatic enuresis
Summary of evidence | LE |
Chronobiology of micturition, in which the existence of a circadian clock has been proven in kidney, brain and bladder, and disturbances in this chronobiology play a major role in the pathophysiology of enuresis. | 1 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Do not treat children less than five years of age in whom spontaneous cure is likely, but inform the family about the involuntary nature, the high incidence of spontaneous resolution and the fact that punishment will not help to improve the condition. | Strong |
Use micturition diaries or questionnaires to exclude day-time symptoms. | Strong |
Perform a urine test to exclude the presence of infection or potential causes such as diabetes insipidus. | Strong |
Offer supportive measures in conjunction with other treatment modalities, of which pharmacological and alarm treatment are the two most important. | Strong |
Offer desmopressin in proven night-time polyuria. | Strong |
Offer alarm treatment in motivated and compliant families. | Strong |
3.13. Spinal dysraphism in children and adolescents (formally Neurogenic Bladder)
In partnership with the European Reference Networks ERN eUROGEN, ERN ITHACA, and ERN ERKNet, and the International Federation of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IFSBH), the Panel has developed a new joint guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of spinal dysraphism in children and adolescents. This standalone guideline has replaced the previous chapter in this guideline on neurogenic bladder in children and can be accessed via the following link: https://d56bochluxqnz.cloudfront.net/documents/guideline-appendices/paediatric-urology/Joint_Guidelines_on_Spinal_Dysraphism_in_children_and_-adolescents_2025.pdf
3.14. Dilatation of the upper urinary tract (UPJ and UVJ obstruction)
3.14.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Dilatation of the upper urinary tract (UUT) remains a significant clinical challenge in deciding which patient will benefit from treatment. Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction is defined as impaired urine flow from the pelvis into the proximal ureter with subsequent dilatation of the collecting system and the potential to damage the kidney. It is the most common pathological cause of neonatal hydronephrosis [758]. It has an overall incidence of 1:1,500 and a ratio of males to females of 2:1 in newborns.
Ureterovesical junction (UVJ) obstruction is an obstructive condition of the distal ureter as it enters the bladder, commonly called a primary obstructive megaureter. Megaureters are the second most likely cause of pathological neonatal hydronephrosis. They occur more often in males and are more likely to occur on the left side [759]. It can be very difficult to define ‘obstruction’ as there is no clear division between ‘obstructed’ and ‘non-obstructed’ urinary tracts. Currently, the most popular definition is that an obstruction represents any restriction to urinary outflow that, if left untreated, will cause progressive renal deterioration [760].
3.14.2. Diagnostic evaluation
The widespread use of US during pregnancy has resulted in a higher detection rate for antenatal hydronephrosis
[761]. The challenge in the management of dilated UUT is to decide which child should be observed, which should
be managed medically, and which requires surgical intervention. Despite the wide range of diagnostic tests, there is no single test that can accurately distinguish obstructive from non-obstructive cases (see Figure 9). Antenatal ultrasound
Usually between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, the kidneys are visualised routinely, when almost all amniotic fluid consists of urine. The most sensitive time for foetal urinary tract evaluation is the 28th week. If dilatation is detected, US should focus on:
- laterality, severity of dilatation, and echogenicity of the kidneys;
- hydronephrosis or hydro-ureteronephrosis;
- bladder volume and bladder emptying;
- sex of the child;
- amniotic fluid volume [762]. Postnatal ultrasound
Since transitory neonatal dehydration lasts about 48 hours after birth, imaging should be performed following this period of postnatal oliguria. However, in severe cases (bilateral dilatation, solitary kidney, oligohydramnios), immediate postnatal sonography is recommended [763]. Ultrasound should assess the anteroposterior diameter of the renal pelvis, calyceal dilatation, kidney size, thickness of the parenchyma, cortical echogenicity, ureters, bladder wall and residual urine. Voiding cystourethrogram
In newborns with identified UUT dilatation, the primary or important associated factors that must be detected include:
- vesicoureteral reflux (found in up to 25% of affected children) [764];
- urethral valves;
- ureteroceles;
- diverticula;
- neurogenic bladder.
Conventional VCUG is the method of choice for primary diagnostic procedures [765]. Diuretic renography
Diuretic renography is the most commonly used diagnostic tool to detect the severity and functional significance of problems with urine transport. Technetium-99m (99mTc) mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) is the radionuclide of choice. It is important to perform the study under standardised circumstances (hydration, transurethral catheter) after the fourth and sixth weeks of life [766]. Oral fluid intake is encouraged prior to the examination. At fifteen minutes before the injection of the radionuclide, it is mandatory to administer normal saline intravenous infusion at a rate of 15 mL/kg over 30 minutes, with a subsequent maintenance rate of
4 mL/ kg/h throughout the entire time of the investigation [767]. The recommended dose of furosemide is 1 mg/kg for infants during the first year of life, while 0.5 mg/kg should be given to children aged one to sixteen years, up to a maximum dose of 40 mg.
Figure 9: Diagnostic algorithm for dilatation of the upper urinary tract
* A diagnostic work-up including VCUG must be discussed with the caregivers, as it is possible that, even if reflux is detected, it may have absolutely no clinical impact. However, it should be borne in mind that reflux has been detected in up to 25% of cases of prenatally detected and postnatally confirmed hydronephrosis [768]. US = ultrasound.
3.14.3. Management Prenatal management
Counselling the caregivers of an affected child is one of the most important aspects of care. The prognosis is hopeful for a hydronephrotic kidney, even if it is severely affected, as it may still be capable of meaningful renal function, unlike a severely hypoplastic and dysplastic kidney.
It is important to be able to tell the caregivers exactly when they will have a definitive diagnosis for their child and what this diagnosis will mean. In some cases, however, it will be immediately obvious that the child is severely affected; there will be evidence of massive bilateral dilatation, bilateral hypoplastic dysplasia, progressive bilateral dilatation with oligohydramnios, and pulmonary hypoplasia.
Intrauterine intervention is rarely indicated and should only be performed in well-experienced centres [769]. Antibiotic prophylaxis for antenatal hydronephrosis
The benefits and harms of continous antibiotic prophylaxis (CAP) vs. observation in patients with antenatal hydronephrosis are controversial. Currently, only two RCTs have been published, one of which is a pilot trial [770] and the other publication is only available as a congress abstract [771]. Both publications present incomplete data and outcomes.
The Panel conducted a systematic review assessing the literature from 1980 onwards [772]. The key findings are summarised below.
Due to the heterogeneity of the published literature it was not possible to draw strong conclusions as to whether CAP is superior to observation alone in children diagnosed with antibiotic prophylaxis for antenatal hydronephrosis (ANH). In the first RCT, a prospective longitudinal study [770], female gender, uncircumcised males, lack of CAP, high-grade hydronephrosis, hydroureteronephrosis and VUR were found to be the independent predictors for the development of UTI. The second RCT included in the systematic review, was published as an abstract only, presented limited data [771]. This trial seemed to focus mainly on patients with ANH and VUR and did not report any beneficial effect of CAP on UTI rates, but details on the study population were limited.
Key findings of the systematic review are that CAP may or may not be superior to observation in children with antenatal hydronephrosis in terms of decreasing UTI. Due to the low data quality it was also not possible to establish whether boys or girls are at a greater risk of developing a UTI, or ascertain whether the presence or absence of VUR impacts UTI rates. A correlation between VUR-grade and UTI could not be established either. However, uncircumcised infants, children diagnosed with high-grade hydronephrosis and hydroureteronephrosis were shown to be at higher risk of developing a UTI.
The systematic review also tried to identify the most effective antibiotic regimen and present data on adverse effects but, due to heterogeneity, the available data could not be statistically compared. The most commonly used antibiotic in infants with antenatal hydronephrosis is trimethoprim, but only one study reported side effects [770].
In conclusion, based on the available evidence, the benefits and harms of CAP in children with antenatal hydronephrosis remain unproven. Uncircumcised infants and infants with hydroureteronephrosis and high-grade hydronephrosis are more likely to develop a UTI. Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis should be reserved for this sub-group of children who are proven to be at high risk. UPJ obstruction
It is most important that management decisions are made on the basis of serial investigations that have used the same technique and have been performed by the same institution under standardised circumstances. According to a Cochrane review, non-surgical management of unilateral UPJ obstruction in infants less than two years old is also an option. However, the high risk of bias of the included studies limits the evidence of this systematic review [773].
Symptomatic obstruction (recurrent flank pain, UTI) requires surgical correction using a pyeloplasty, according to the standardised open technique of Hynes and Anderson [774]. In experienced hands, laparoscopic or retroperitoneoscopic techniques and robot-assisted techniques have the same success rates as standard open procedures. In asymptomatic cases, conservative follow-up is the treatment of choice. A recent interventional study suggested that, in operated infants less than six months, inserting a stent (transanastomotic stent) decreases the complication rates compared to stentless approach [775]. However, the results should be taken cautiously since there are successful reported stentless procedures in other age groups.
Indications for surgical intervention comprise impaired split renal function (< 40%), a decrease of split renal function of > 10% in subsequent studies, poor drainage function after the administration of furosemide, increased anteroposterior diameter on US, and grade III and IV dilatation as defined by the Society for Fetal Urology [776].
Well-established benefits of conventional laparoscopy over open surgery are the decreased length of hospital stay, better cosmesis, less post-operative pain and early recovery [777,778]. A recent meta-analysis in children has shown that laparoscopic pyeloplasty (LP) was associated with decreased length of hospital stay and complication rates but prolonged operative time when compared to open pyeloplasty (OP). Additionally, both LP and OP had equal success rates [779]. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty can also be performed for re-do cases with the same advantages of the primary cases [780]. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty (RALP) has all the same advantages as LP plus better manoeuvrability, improved vision, ease in suturing and increased ergonomics but higher costs [781,782]. A recent study comparing RALP and LP has shown similar post-operative outcomes with exception of decreased operative time for RALP [783]. There does not seem to be any clear benefit of minimal invasive procedures in a very young child but current data is insufficient to defer a cut-off age. Megaureter
The treatment options of secondary megaureters are reviewed in Section 3.15.3. Non-operative management
If a functional study reveals and confirms adequate ureteral drainage, conservative management is the best option. Initially, low-dose prophylactic antibiotics within the first year of life are recommended for the prevention of UTIs, although there are no existing prospective randomised trials evaluating the benefit of this regimen [784]. With spontaneous remission rates of up to 85% in primary megaureter cases, surgical management is no longer recommended, except for megaureters with recurrent UTIs, deterioration of split renal function and significant obstruction [785]. Surgical management
In general, surgery is indicated for symptomatic children, if there is a drop in function in conservative follow-up and hydroureteronephrosis is increasing [786]. Data suggest that children with a ureteric diameter of > 10-15 mm are more likely to require intervention [787].
The initial approach to the ureter can be either intravesical, extravesical or combined. Straightening the ureter is necessary without devascularisation. Ureteral tapering should enhance urinary flow into the bladder. The ureter must be tapered to achieve a diameter for an anti-reflux repair. Several tailoring techniques exist, such as ureteral imbrication or excisional tapering [788]. Some institutions perform endoscopic stenting, but there are still no long-term data and no prospective randomised trials to confirm their outcome. A systematic review assessed the success rates of endoscopic management of primary obstructive megaureters [789]. It was reported that endoscopic managements including; stent placement, balloon dilatation and incision can be an alternative treatment in patients > 1 years of age. One third of those patients required further surgical correction. Furthermore, the long-term outcome of endoscopic management is still unknown. Therefore, the Panel can not recommend endoscopic management routinely since the type of intervention and the management outcomes are unclear.
3.14.4. Conclusion
The use of routine perinatal sonography has resulted in increased detection of hydronephrosis caused by UPJ or UVJ obstruction. Meticulous and repeat postnatal evaluation is mandatory to try to identify obstructive cases at risk of renal deterioration and requiring surgical reconstruction. Surgical methods are standardised and have a good clinical outcome.
3.14.5. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of UPJ-, UVJ-obstruction
Summary of evidence | LE |
Nowadays, most hydronephrotic kidneys have already been diagnosed prenatally during a maternal US investigation. | 2 |
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction is the leading pathological cause of hydronephrotic kidneys (40%). | 1 |
In children diagnosed with antenatal hydronephrosis, a systematic review could not establish any benefits or harms related to continuous antibiotic prophylaxis. | 1b |
In children diagnosed with antenatal hydronephrosis, non-circumcised infants (LE: 1a), children diagnosed with high-grade hydronephrosis (LE: 2) and hydroureteronephrosis (LE: 1b) were shown to be at higher risk of developing UTI. | 2 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Include serial ultrasound (US) and subsequent diuretic renogram and sometimes voiding cystourehrography in postnatal investigations. | Strong |
Offer continuous antibiotic prophylaxis to the subgroup of children with antenatal hydronephrosis who are at high risk of developing urinary tract infection like uncircumcised infants, children diagnosed with hydroureteronephrosis and high-grade hydronephrosis, respectively. | Weak |
Decide on surgical intervention based on the time course of the hydronephrosis and the impairment of renal function. | Weak |
Offer surgical intervention in case of an impaired split renal function due to obstruction or a decrease of split renal function in subsequent studies and increased anteroposterior diameter on the US, and grade IV dilatation as defined by the Society for Fetal Urology. | Weak |
Offer pyeloplasty when ureteropelvic junction obstruction has been confirmed clinically or with serial imaging studies proving a substantially impaired or decrease in function. | Weak |
Do not offer surgery as a standard for primary megaureters since the spontaneous remission rates are as high as 85%. | Strong |
3.15. Vesicoureteric reflux
Lack of robust prospective RCTs limits the strength of the established guidelines for the management of VUR. The scientific literature for reflux disease is still limited and thus the level of evidence is generally low. Most of the studies are retrospective, include different patient groups, and have poor stratification of quality. Also, there is a high risk of presenting misleading results by combining different types of studies when systematically extracting data. Therefore, for reflux disease, it is unfortunately not possible to produce recommendations based on high-quality studies.
These Guidelines aim to provide a practical approach to the treatment of VUR based on risk analysis and selective indications for both diagnostics and intervention. Although the Panel have tried to summarise most of the possible scenarios in one single table, the table itself is still quite busy. The Panel strongly share the view that making simple and practical guidelines would underestimate the complexity of VUR as a sign of a wide range of pathologies [790]. In a recent publication, the Panel summarised and updated this chapter [8].
3.15.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Vesicoureteric reflux is an anatomical and/or functional disorder with potentially serious consequences, such as renal scarring, hypertension and renal failure. Patients with VUR present with a wide range of severity, and a good proportion of reflux patients do not develop renal scars and probably do not need any intervention [791]. Vesicoureteric reflux is a very common urological anomaly in children, with an incidence of nearly 1%.
Genetic analysis studies revealed monogenic causes for VUR and significant differentiation of innate immunity and epithelial function genes in children with VUR/UTIs compared to controls [792-794]. The main management goal is the preservation of kidney function, by minimising the risk of pyelonephritis. By defining and analysing the risk factors for each patient (i.e. age, sex, reflux grade, LUTD, anatomical abnormalities, and kidney status), it is possible to identify those patients with a potential risk of UTIs and renal scarring. Controversy persists over the optimal management of VUR, particularly the choice of diagnostic procedures, treatment (medical, endoscopic or surgical), and the timing of treatment.
Many children present without symptoms of UTI and, because invasive diagnostic procedures are performed only when clinically indicated, the exact prevalence of VUR is unknown. However, the prevalence of VUR in non-symptomatic children has been estimated at 0.4-1.8% [795]. Among infants prenatally identified with hydronephrosis on US, who were screened for VUR, the prevalence was 16.2% (7-35%) [796]. Siblings of children with VUR had a 27.4% (3-51%) risk of also having VUR, whereas the offspring of parents with VUR had a higher incidence of 35.7% (21.2-61.4%) [796].
However, reflux detected by sibling screening is associated with lower grades [797] and significantly earlier resolution [798]. When VUR is discovered in siblings after UTI, it is usually high-grade and associated with a high incidence of reflux nephropathy, particularly if the sibling is male and the grade of reflux was high in the index patient [799].
The incidence of VUR is much higher among children with UTIs (30-50%, depending on age). Urinary tract infections are more common in girls than boys due to anatomical differences. However, among all children with UTIs, boys are more likely to have VUR than girls (29% vs. 14%). Boys also tend to have higher grades of VUR diagnosed at younger ages, although their VUR is more likely to resolve itself [800-803].
There is a clear co-prevalence between LUTD and VUR [804]. Lower urinary tract dysfunction refers to the presence of LUTS, including urge, urge incontinence, weak stream, hesitancy, frequency and UTIs, which reflect the filling and/or emptying dysfunction and may be accompanied with bowel problems [804]. Some studies have described a prevalence of 40-60% for VUR in children with LUTD [805]. A published Swedish Reflux trial has demonstrated LUTD in 34% of patients, and subdivision into groups characteristic of children revealed that 9% had isolated overactive bladder and 24% had voiding phase dysfunction [806].
The spontaneous resolution of VUR is dependent on age at presentation, sex, grade, laterality, mode of clinical presentation, and anatomy [807]. Faster resolution of VUR is more likely with age less than one year at presentation, lower grade of reflux (grade 1-3), and asymptomatic presentation with prenatal hydronephrosis or sibling reflux. The overall resolution rate is high in congenital high-grade VUR during the first years of life. In several Scandinavian studies, the complete resolution rate for high-grade VUR has been reported at > 25%, which is higher than the resolution rate for VUR detected after infancy [806,808,809].
The presence of renal cortical abnormality, bladder dysfunction, and breakthrough febrile UTIs are negative predictive factors for reflux resolution [810-812].
Dilating VUR increases the risk of developing acute pyelonephritis and renal scarring. Untreated recurrent UTIs may have a negative impact on somatic growth and medical status of the child. Evidence of renal scarring is present in 10-40% of children with symptomatic VUR, resulting from either congenital dysplasia
and/or acquired post-infectious damage, which may have a negative impact on somatic growth and general well-being [813-815].
Scar rates vary in different patient groups. Patients with higher grades of VUR present with higher rates of renal scars. In those with prenatal hydronephrosis, renal scarring occurs in 10% of patients [816-821], whereas in patients with LUTD, this may increase up to 30% [815,822,823]. Renal scarring may adversely affect renal growth and function, with bilateral scarring increasing the risk of insufficiency. Reflux nephropathy (RN) may be the most common cause of childhood hypertension. Follow-up studies have shown that 10-20% of children with RN develop hypertension or end-stage renal disease [824].
3.15.2. Diagnostic evaluation
The diagnostic work-up should aim to evaluate the overall health and development of the child, the presence of UTIs, renal status, the presence of VUR, and LUT function. A basic diagnostic work-up comprises a detailed medical history (including family history, and screening for LUTD), physical examination including blood pressure measurement, urinalysis (assessing proteinuria), urine culture, and serum creatinine in patients with bilateral renal parenchymal abnormalities.
The standard imaging tests include renal and bladder US, VCUG and nuclear renal scans. Ultrasound and VCUG could be considered as complementary techniques [825]. The criterion standard in diagnosis of VUR is VCUG, especially at the initial work-up. This test provides precise anatomical detail and allows grading of VUR [826]. In 1985, the International Reflux Study Committee introduced a uniform system for the classification of VUR [827,828] (Table 2). The grading system combines two earlier classifications and is based upon the extent of retrograde filling and dilatation of the ureter, renal pelvis and calyces on VCUG [828].
Radionuclide studies for detection of reflux have lower radiation exposure than VCUG, but the anatomical details depicted are inferior [829]. Recent studies on alternative imaging modalities for detection on VUR have yielded good results with voiding US and magnetic resonance VCUG [830-833]. Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography (ceVUS) with intravesical instillation of different ultrasound contrast agents has been shown to be highly sensitive giving comparable results with conventional VCUG while avoiding exposure to ionising radiation [573,834-836]. However, despite the concerns about ionising radiation and its invasive nature, conventional VCUG still remains the gold standard because it allows better determination of the grade of VUR (in a single or duplicated kidney) and assessment of the bladder and urethral configuration. Intrarenal reflux (IRR) is associated with renal scarring development and can be diagnosed on the images acquired during the voiding phase of the standard 4-staged VCUG and on ceVUS [837,838].
Table 2: Grading system for VUR on VCUG, according to the International Reflux Study Committee [839]
Grading system for VUR on VCUG | |
Grade I | Reflux does not reach the renal pelvis; varying degrees of ureteral dilatation |
Grade II | Reflux reaches the renal pelvis; no dilatation of the collecting system; normal fornices |
Grade III | Mild or moderate dilatation of the ureter, with or without kinking; moderate dilatation of the collecting system; normal or minimally deformed fornices |
Grade IV | Moderate dilatation of the ureter with or without kinking; moderate dilatation of the collecting system; blunt fornices, but impressions of the papillae still visible |
Grade V | Gross dilatation and kinking of the ureter; marked dilatation of the collecting system; papillary impressions no longer visible; intraparenchymal reflux |
Dimercaptosuccinic acid is the best nuclear agent for visualising the cortical tissue and differential function between both kidneys. Dimercaptosuccinic acid is taken up by proximal renal tubular cells and is a good indicator of renal parenchyma function. In areas of acute inflammation or scarring, DMSA uptake is poor and appears as cold spots. Dimercaptosuccinic acid scans are therefore used to detect and monitor renal scarring. A baseline DMSA scan at the time of diagnosis can be used for comparison with successive scans later during follow-up [840]. Dimercaptosuccinic acid can also be used as a diagnostic tool during suspected episodes of acute pyelonephritis [841]. Children with a normal DMSA scan during acute UTI have a low-risk of renal damage [841,842].
Video-urodynamic studies are only important in patients in whom secondary reflux is suspected, such as those with spina bifida or boys in whom VCUG is suggestive of PUV. In the case of LUTS, diagnosis and follow-up can be limited to non-invasive tests (e.g. voiding charts, US, or uroflowmetry) [804]. Cystoscopy has a limited role in evaluating reflux, except for infravesical obstruction or ureteral anomalies that might influence therapy. Recommendation for diagnosis of VUR
Recommendation | Strength rating |
Use Voiding cystourethrography for the diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux. Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography is another option. | Weak | Infants presenting with prenatally diagnosed hydronephrosis
Ultrasound of the kidney and bladder is the first standard evaluation tool for children with prenatally diagnosed hydronephrosis. It is non-invasive and provides reliable information regarding kidney structure, size, parenchymal thickness and collecting system dilatation [843,844].
Ultrasound should be delayed until the first week after birth because of early oliguria in the neonate. It is essential to evaluate the bladder, as well as the kidneys. The degree of dilatation in the collecting system under US, when the bladder is both full and empty, may provide significant information about the presence of VUR. Bladder wall thickness and configuration may be an indirect sign of LUTD and reflux. The absence of hydronephrosis on postnatal US excludes the presence of significant obstruction; however, it does not exclude VUR.
Monitoring with careful US avoids unnecessary invasive and irradiating examinations. The first two US scans within the first one to two months of life are highly accurate for defining the presence or absence of renal pathology. In infants with two normal, successive scans, VUR is rare, and if present it is likely to be low-grade [816,845]. The degree of hydronephrosis is not a reliable indicator for the presence of VUR, even though cortical abnormalities are more common in high-grade hydronephrosis [796]. The presence of cortical abnormalities on US (defined as cortical thinning and irregularity, as well as increased echogenicity) warrants the use of VCUG for detecting VUR [796]. Dimercaptosuccinic acid provides more reliable and quantitative measurement of the degree of cortical abnormalities, first detected with US.
The use of VCUG is recommended in patients with US findings of bilateral high-grade hydronephrosis, duplex kidneys with hydronephrosis, ureterocele, ureteric dilatation, and abnormal bladders, because the likelihood of VUR is much higher. In all other conditions, the use of VCUG to detect reflux is optional [796,818,846-848].
When infants who are diagnosed with prenatal hydronephrosis become symptomatic with UTIs, further evaluation with VCUG should be considered [847]. Patients with severe hydronephrosis and those whose hydronephrosis is sustained or progressive, need further evaluation to exclude obstruction. Siblings and offspring of reflux patients
The screening of asymptomatic siblings and offspring is controversial. Some authors think that early identification of children with VUR may prevent episodes of UTI and therefore renal scarring, whereas others think that screening asymptomatic individuals is likely to result in significant over-treatment of clinically insignificant VUR. In screened populations the prevalence of VUR is 27.4% in siblings and 35.7% in offspring [839]. The overall estimate for renal cortical abnormalities is 19.3% (11-54%), with 27.8% having renal damage in cohorts of symptomatic and asymptomatic children combined. In asymptomatic siblings only, the rate of renal damage is 14.4% (0-100%). Although early screening and therefore early diagnosis and treatment appears to be more effective than late screening in preventing further renal damage [796,799,849,850], screening in all siblings and offspring cannot be recommended based on the available evidence. The lack of RCTs for screened patients to assess clinical health outcomes makes evidence-based guideline recommendations difficult. Recommendation for paediatric screening of VUR
Recommendation | Strength rating |
Inform parents of children with vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) that siblings and offspring have a high prevalence of VUR. | Strong | Children with febrile urinary tract infections
A routine recommendation of VCUG at zero to two years of age after the first proven febrile UTI is the safest approach as the evidence for patient selection criteria for reflux detection is weak. Upon diagnosing a child with the first febrile UTI, the risk factors: age (> 6 months), presence of sepsis, WBC count (≥ 15 000/mm), and abnormal renal US results, can be used for the generation of a predictive score for VUR presence [851]
(See Chapter 3.10 on urinary tract infections in children).
Children with febrile infections and abnormal renal US findings may have higher risk of developing renal scars and they should all be evaluated for reflux [852]. If reflux is diagnosed, further evaluation has traditionally consisted of a DMSA scan.
An alternative “top-down” approach is also an option, as suggested by several studies in the literature. This approach carries out an initial DMSA scan close to the time of a febrile UTI, to determine the presence of pyelonephritis, which is then followed by VCUG if the DMSA scan reveals kidney involvement. A normal DMSA scan with no subsequent VCUG will fail to identify VUR in 5-27% of cases, with the missed VUR presumably being less significant. In contrast, a normal DMSA scan with no VCUG avoids unnecessary VCUG
in > 50% of those screened [569,853-855]. Children with lower urinary tract symptoms and vesicoureteric reflux
Detection of LUTD is essential in treating children with VUR. It is suggested that reflux with LUTD resolves faster after LUTD correction, and that patients with LUTD are at higher risk for developing UTI and renal scarring [803,856]. The co-existence of both conditions should be explored in any patient who has VUR. If there are symptoms suggestive of LUTD (e.g. urgency, wetting, constipation or holding manoeuvres), an extensive history and examination, including voiding charts, uroflowmetry and residual urine determination, will reliably diagnose underlying LUTD.
Among toilet-trained children, those with both LUTD and VUR are at higher risk of developing recurrent UTIs than children with isolated VUR [623]. Bladder and bowel dysfunction is common in toilet-trained children presenting with UTI with or without primary VUR. A subgroup meta-analysis also shows that functional constipation is common in these children, with almost every third child affected by it. It was also found that the presence of both BBD and VUR doubles the risk of recurrence of UTI; hence, all children presenting with UTI should be carefully evaluated for presence of BBD and managed accordingly [857].
In LUTD, VUR is often low-grade and US findings are normal, and there is no indication for performing VCUG in all children with LUTD, but the presence of febrile infections should be meticulously investigated. The co-existence of LUTD and VUR means it would be better to do a test covering both conditions, such as a VUDS. Any patient with LUTD and a history of febrile UTI should be investigated with a VUDS, if available. Furthermore, any child who fails standard therapy for LUTD should undergo urodynamic investigation. At this stage, combining a urodynamic study with VCUG is highly recommended.
3.15.3. Disease management
There are two main treatment approaches: conservative (non-surgical) and surgical. Non-surgical therapy
The objective of conservative therapy is prevention of febrile UTI. It is based on the understanding that:
- Vesicoureteric reflux can resolve spontaneously, mostly in young patients with low-grade reflux. Renal scarring is also a significant risk factor for breakthrough UTI and could be used to determine those at risk of symptomatic VUR persistence [858];
- Resolution is nearly 80% in VUR grades I and II and 30-50% in VUR grades III-V within four to five years of follow-up;
- Spontaneous resolution is low for bilateral high-grade reflux [859];
- Vesicoureteric reflux is very unlikely to damage the kidney postnatally when patients are free of infection and have normal LUT function;
- There is no evidence that small scars, even bilateral, can cause hypertension, renal insufficiency or problems during pregnancy. Indeed, these are possible only in cases of severe bilateral renal damage;
- The conservative approach includes watchful waiting, intermittent or continuous antibiotic prophylaxis, and bladder and bowel rehabilitation in those with LUTD [822,856,860-862];
- Circumcision during early infancy may be considered as part of the conservative approach as it is effective in reducing the risk of infection in normal children [863]. Follow-up
Regular follow-up with imaging studies (e.g. VCUG, nuclear cystography, or DMSA scan) is part of the conservative management to monitor spontaneous resolution and kidney status. Vesicoureteral reflux increases the risk of febrile UTI and renal scarring especially when in combination with LUTD. Constipation in VUR patients with UTI is common and the prevelence can reach 27%. Assessment and management of all toilet trained children presenting with UTI should be a part of conservative follow-up [857]. During the conservative management of high-grade infant reflux, spontaneous downgrading and resolution of VUR is more likely. However this also depends on gender, breakthrough UTI, renal damage type and bladder dysfunction. Practical scoring systems for making decisions on further treatment, surveillance, prophylaxis or surgical intervention exist [864]. Conservative management should be dismissed in all cases of febrile breakthrough infections, despite prophylaxis, and intervention should be considered. Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
Many prospective studies have evaluated the role of continuous antibiotic prophylaxis in the prevention of recurrent UTI and renal scarring.
It is clear that antibiotic prophylaxis may not be needed in every reflux patient [865-867]. Trials show the benefit of CAP is none or minimal in low-grade reflux. Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis is useful in patients with grade III and IV reflux in preventing recurrent infections but its use in preventing further renal damage is not proven. For VUR children receiving CAP, younger age at the initial diagnosis of UTI (≤ 12 months), bilateral VUR, and BBD are independent risk factors for the occurrence of break through UTIs [868]. Toilet-trained children and children with LUTD derive better benefit from CAP [867,869-873]. The RIVUR trial was the largest, randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind, multi-centre study, involving 607 children aged 2-72 months with grade I-IV VUR.
The RIVUR study showed that prophylaxis reduced the risk of recurrent UTI by 50% but not renal scarring and its consequences (hypertension and renal failure), at the cost of increased antimicrobial resistance. The benefit of prophylaxis was insignificant in patients with grade III or IV VUR and in the absence of LUTD
[874-877]. Additional review of the RIVUR data based on a risk classification system defines a high-risk group (uncircumcised males; presence of BBD and high grade reflux) who would benefit from an antibiotic prophylaxis significantly. In the context of management with CAP in VUR patients, this should be viewed as a spectrum and a shift from ‘absolute’ CAP in dilated VUR towards a ‘selective’ risk-based approach and should be supported [878]. It may be difficult and risky to select patients who do not need CAP. A safe approach would be to use CAP in most cases. Decision-making may be influenced by the presence of risk factors for UTI, such as young age, high-grade VUR, status of toilet-training/LUTS, female sex, and circumcision status. Although the literature does not provide any reliable information about the duration of CAP in reflux patients, a practical approach would be to use CAP until after children have been toilet-trained and ensuring that there is no LUTD.
The literature generaly consists of prescribing daily antibiotics at one quarter to one half the regular therapeutic dose. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, amoxicilin and nitrofurantoin are the most commonly used CAP agents. A child with a UTI and significant VUR can still be recommended to be treated conservatively at first, with surgical care reserved for incompliance for CAP, breakthrough UTIs under CAP and significant VUR that persists after long-term follow-up [868,879].
Determination of optimal timing to discontinue CAP is controversial; however, patients administered CAP for less than a year after the last febrile UTI and those with bilateral VUR are likely to have more frequent recurrence. Administration of CAP more than one year after the last febrile UTI can potentially be beneficial to avoid recurrent UTIs [880]. Active surveillance of UTI is needed after CAP is discontinued. The follow-up scheme and the decision to perform an anti-reflux procedure or discontinuation of CAP should be tailored for each VUR case together with the patient and caregivers. It is strongly advised that the advantages and disadvantages should be discussed in detail and easy/early access to healthcare during febrile UTIs should be taken into consideration.
One of the biggest concerns of CAP for patients, caregivers and physicians is the long-term effects of CAP. As a secondary outcome of the RIVUR study, TMP-SMZ prophylaxis for two years did not reveal any adverse effect on complete blood count (CBC), serum electrolytes and creatinine and such routine laboratory tests in otherwise healthy children is not mandatory [881]. Impact of long-term CAP on gut microbiota in children with VUR is contraversial and requires more research [882,883].
Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis, for prevention of UTIs in symptomatic VUR, which diagnosed during the work-up of antenatal hydronephrosis, is recommended in the first year of life. However, the current literature remains unclear whether infants diagnosed with asypmtomatic VUR during the antenatal hydronephrosis work-up will also benefit from CAP [884].
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Initially treat all symptomatic patients diagnosed within the first year of life with continuous antibiotic prophylaxis, regardless of the grade of reflux or presence of renal scars. | Weak |
Offer immediate, parenteral antibiotic treatment for febrile breakthrough infections. | Strong |
Initially manage all children presenting at age one to five years conservatively. | Strong |
Offer close surveillance without antibiotic prophylaxis to children presenting with lower grades of reflux and without symptoms. | Strong |
Ensure that a detailed investigation for the presence of lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) is done in all and especially in children after toilet-training. If LUTD is found, the initial treatment should always be for LUTD. | Strong | Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment can be carried out by endoscopic injection of bulking agents or ureteral re-implantation. Subureteric injection of bulking materials
With the availability of biodegradable substances, endoscopic subureteric injection of bulking agents has become an alternative to long-term antibiotic prophylaxis and open surgical intervention in the treatment of VUR in children. Using cystoscopy, a bulking material is injected beneath the intramural part of the ureter in a submucosal location. The injected bulking agent elevates the ureteral orifice and supports the distal ureter, lengthens the submuscosal tunnel so that coaptation is increased. This results in narrowing of the lumen, which prevents reflux of urine into the ureter, while still allowing its antegrade flow. Reflux timing during VCUG can be used to predict the success rate of endoscopic treatment, since reflux occuring only during the voiding phase has a higher success than filling phase VUR [885].
Several bulking agents have been used over the past two decades, including polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon™), collagen, autologous fat, polydimethylsiloxane, silicone, chondrocytes, a solution of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid (D/HA) (Deflux™, Dexell®) and more recently polyacrylatepolyalcohol copolymer hydrogel (PPC) (Vantris®) [886,887].
Although the best results have been obtained with PTFE [888], due to concerns about particle migration, PTFE has not been approved for use in children [889]. Although they are all biocompatible, other compounds such as collagen and chondrocytes have failed to provide a good outcome. Deflux™ was approved by the USA FDA in 2001 for the treatment of VUR in children. Injection can be performed under the ureteric orifice to create a volcanic appearance or by using a hydrodistension technique to the ureteric orifice followed by injection to the intramural ureter.
In a meta-analysis [890] of 5,527 patients and 8,101 renal units, the reflux resolution rate (by ureter) following one treatment for grades I and II reflux was 78.5%, 72% for grade III, 63% for grade IV, and 51% for grade V. If the first injection was unsuccessful, the second treatment had a success rate of 68% and the third treatment 34%. The aggregate success rate with one or more injections was 85%. The success rate was significantly lower for duplicated (50%) vs. single (73%) systems, and neuropathic (62%) vs. normal (74%) bladders. The required injection volume of PPC and D/HA to achieve the same success rate can differ between agents and is generally less for PPC [891,892].
Ureteral diameter ratio is a relatively recent objective measurement and appears to be a new predictive tool for clinical outcome and success after endoscopic injection of VUR [893].
Clinical validation of the effectiveness of anti-reflux endoscopy is currently hampered by the lack of methodologically appropriate studies. In the most recent prospective, randomised trials comparing three treatment arms: i) endoscopic injection; ii) antibiotic prophylaxis; iii) surveillance without antibiotic prophylaxis in 203 children aged one to two years with grade III/IV reflux, endoscopic treatment gave the highest resolution rate of 71% compared to 39% and 47% for treatment arms ii and iii, respectively, after two years’ follow-up. The recurrence rate at two years after endoscopic treatment was 20%. The occurrence of febrile UTIs and scar formation was highest in the surveillance group at 57% and 11%, respectively. New scar formation rate was higher with endoscopic injection (7%) compared with antibiotic prophylaxis (0%) [899]. Longer follow-up studies are needed to validate these findings.
High-grade VUR in infants can be treated with injection therapy and the resolution rate is higher than that of prophylaxis. However, this can not be recommended for all high grade infants with VUR since not only all are symptomatic; but also resolution or downgrading can be achieved at favourable conditions such as unilaterality, grade IV and low residual urine [900,901]. Open surgical techniques
Various intra- and extravesical techniques have been described for the surgical correction of reflux. Although different methods have specific advantages and complications, they all share the basic principle of lengthening the intramural part of the ureter by submucosal embedding of the ureter. All techniques have been shown to be safe with a low rate of complications and excellent success rates (92-98%) [902].
The most popular and reliable open procedure is cross trigonal re-implantation described by Cohen [896]. The main concern with this procedure is the difficulty of accessing the ureters endoscopically, if needed, when the child is older. Alternatives are suprahiatal re-implantation (Politano-Leadbetter technique) and infrahiatal re-implantation (Glenn-Anderson technique). If an extravesical procedure (Lich-Gregoir) is planned, cystoscopy should be performed pre-operatively to assess the bladder mucosa and the position and configuration of the ureteric orifices. In bilateral reflux, an intravesical anti-reflux procedure may be considered, because simultaneous bilateral extravesical reflux repair carries an increased risk of temporary post-operative urine retention [903]. Overall, all surgical procedures offer very high and similar success rates for correcting VUR. Laparoscopy and robot-assisted
There have been a considerable number of case series of transperitoneal, extravesical and pneumovesicoscopic intravesical ureteral re-implantation, which have shown the feasibility of the techniques. A recent systemic review and meta-analysis comparing laparoscopic extravesical (LEVUR) vs. transvesicoscopic ureteral reimplantation (TVUR), revealed both to be good alternatives in terms of success and complication rates. Laparoscopic extravesical ureteral reimplantation is generally biasly preferred for unilateral low grade cases and therefore appears to have a higher success and shorter hospital stay [897].
Various anti-reflux surgeries have been performed with the robot and the extravesical approach is the most commonly used. Although initial reports give comparable outcomes to their open surgical counterparts in terms of successful resolution of reflux, recent meta-analysis of results of Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Ureteral Reimplantation (RALUR) are within a wide range of variation and on average they are poor compared to open surgery. Operative times, costs and post-operative complications leading to secondary interventions are higher with RALUR but post-operative pain and hospital stay is less compared to open surgery [904-907].
In addition, laparoscopic- or robotic-assisted approaches are more invasive than endoscopic correction and their advantages over open surgery are still debated. Therefore, at present, a laparoscopic approach cannot be recommended as a routine procedure. It can be offered as an alternative to the caregivers in centres where there is established experience [863,908-916]. Older children with complex anatomy and/or following a failed injection or open reimplant, can specifically benefit from RALUR since the robotic approach can facilitate the exposure. RALUR can be performed uni- or bilaterally, although caution is advised in bilateral cases due to the risk of transient retention [905].
De novo hydronephrosis of up to 30% can occur after extravesical RALUR and behaves similarly to open ureteral reimplantation which is self-resolving in the overwhelming majority of cases [917].
3.15.4. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of vesicoureteric reflux in childhood
Summary of evidence |
There is no evidence that correction of persistent low-grade reflux (grades I-III) without symptoms and normal kidneys offers a significant benefit. |
The traditional approach of initial medical treatment after diagnosis and shifting to interventional treatment in case of breakthrough infections and new scar formation needs to be challenged, because the treatment should be tailored to different risk groups. |
Surgical correction should be considered in patients with persistent high-grade reflux (grades IV/V). There is no consensus about the timing and type of surgical correction. The outcome of reimplantation is better than endoscopic correction for higher grades of reflux, whereas satisfactory results can be achieved by endoscopic injection for lower grades. |
The choice of management depends on the presence of renal scars, clinical course, grade of reflux, ipsilateral renal function, bilaterality, bladder function, associated anomalies of the urinary tract, age, compliance, and parental preference. Febrile UTI, high-grade reflux, bilaterality, and cortical abnormalities are considered to be risk factors for possible renal damage. The presence of LUTD is an additional risk factor for new scars. |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Offer reimplantation or endoscopic correction to patients with frequent breakthrough infections. | Weak |
Offer reimplantation to patients with persistent high-grade reflux and endoscopic correction for lower grades of reflux. | Strong |
Offer surgical repair to children above the age of one presenting with high-grade reflux and abnormal renal parenchyma. | Weak |
Offer surgical correction, if parents prefer definitive therapy to conservative management. | Strong |
Select the most appropriate management option based on:
Refer to Table 3 for risk factors and follow-up. | Weak |
In high-risk patients who already have renal impairment, a more aggressive, multidisciplinary approach is needed. | Strong |
Table 3: Management and follow-up according to different risk groups
Risk Groups | Presentation | Initial treatment | Comment | Follow-up |
High | Symptomatic male or female patients after toilet-training with high-grade reflux (grades IV-V), abnormal kidneys and LUTD | Initial treatment is always for LUTD with CAP; intervention may be considered in cases of BT infections or persistent reflux | Greater possibility of earlier intervention | More aggressive follow-up for UTI and LUTD; full re-evaluation after six months |
High | Symptomatic male or female patients after toilet-training with high-grade reflux (grade IV-V), abnormal kidneys and no LUTD | Intervention should be considered | Reimplantation has better results than endoscopic surgery | Post-operative VCUG on indication only; follow-up of kidney status until after puberty |
Moderate | Symptomatic male or female patients before toilet-training, with high-grade reflux and abnormal kidneys | CAP is the initial treatment. Intervention may be considered in cases of BT infections or persistent reflux | Spontaneous resolution is higher in males | Follow-up for UTI/ hydronephrosis; full re-evaluation after 12-24 months |
Moderate | Asymptomatic patients (PNH or sibling) with high-grade reflux and abnormal kidneys | CAP is the initial treatment. Intervention may be considered in cases of BT, infections or persistent reflux | Follow-up for UTI/ hydronephrosis; full re-evaluation after 12-24 months | |
Moderate | Symptomatic male or female patients after toilet-training, with high-grade reflux and normal kidneys with LUTD | Initial treatment is always for LUTD with CAP. Intervention may be considered in cases of BT infections or persistent reflux | In case of persistent LUTD, despite urotherapy, intervention should be considered. The choice of intervention is controversial | Follow-up for UTI and LUTD, kidney status; full re-evaluation after successful urotherapy |
Moderate | Symptomatic male or female patients after toilet-training with low-grade reflux, abnormal kidneys with or without LUTD | Choice of treatment is controversial. Endoscopic treatment may be an option. LUTD treatment should be given if needed | Follow-up for UTI, LUTD, and kidney status until after puberty | |
Moderate | All symptomatic patients with normal kidneys, with low-grade reflux, with LUTD | Initial treatment is always for LUTD with or without CAP | Follow-up for UTI and LUTD | |
Low | All symptomatic patients with normal kidneys, with low-grade reflux, with no LUTD | No treatment or CAP | If no treatment is given, parents should be informed about risk of infection | Follow-up for UTI |
Low | All asymptomatic patients with normal kidneys with low-grade reflux | No treatment or CAP in infants | If no treatment is given, parents should be informed about risk of infection | Follow-up for UTI |
BT = breakthrough; CAP = continuous antibiotic prophylaxis; LUTD = lower urinary tract dysfunction; PNH = prenatal diagnosed hydronephrosis; UTI = urinary tract infection; VCUG = voiding cystourethrography.
3.16. Urinary stone disease
3.16.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Paediatric stone disease is an important clinical problem in paediatric urology practice. Due to its recurrent nature, every effort should be made to discover the underlying metabolic abnormality so that it can be treated appropriately. The main goal is to maintain a stone-free state with close follow-up, although it may not be possible in some circumstances (e.g. oxalosis or nephrocalcinosis).
Bladder stones are still common in under-developed areas of the world and are usually ammonium acid urate and uric acid stones, strongly implicating dietary factors [918,919]. Hypocitraturia is the most common metabolic abnormality, followed by hypercalciuria [920]. Patients with augmented bladder constitute another important group with a risk of up to 15% [921].
The incidence and characteristics of stones show a wide geographical variation in children. Although urinary stone disease is generally considered to be a relatively rare disease, it is quite common in some parts of the world. Paediatric stone disease is endemic in Turkey, Pakistan and in some South Asian, African and South American countries. However, recent epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of paediatric stone disease is also increasing in the Western world [922-924]; especially in girls, Caucasian ethnicity, African Americans and older children [925]. More than 70% of stones in children contain calcium oxalate, while infectious stones are found more frequently in younger children [926]. The risk for stone recurrence among childhood stone formers has been reported to be 35-50%. No sex differences could be found regarding the stone recurrence risk [927,928].
3.16.2. Classification systems
Urinary stone formation is the result of a complex process involving genetic, dietary, metabolic, anatomical factors and presence of infection. Calcium stones
Calcium stones are usually made from calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. Super-saturation of calcium (hypercalciuria) and oxalate (hyperoxaluria) or decreased concentration of inhibitors, such as citrate (hypocitraturia) or magnesium (hypomagnesemia) play a major role in the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Higher super-saturations of calcium oxalate were shown to be associated with multiple stone disease [929].
Hypercalciuria: This is defined by a 24-hour urinary calcium excretion of more than 4 mg/kg/day
(0.1 mmol/kg/day) in a child weighing < 60 kg. In infants younger than three months, 5 mg/kg/day (0.125 mmol/kg/day) is considered to be the upper limit for normal calcium excretion [930].
Hypercalciuria can be classified as either idiopathic or secondary. Idiopathic hypercalciuria is diagnosed when clinical, laboratory, and radiographic investigations fail to delineate an underlying cause leading to hypercalcaemia. Urinary calcium may increase in patients with high sodium chloride intake.
Secondary hypercalciuria occurs when a known process produces excessive urinary calcium. In secondary hypercalcaemic hypercalciuria, a high serum calcium level may be due to increased bone resorption (hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, immobilisation, acidosis, metastatic disease) or gastrointestinal hyperabsorption (hypervitaminosis D) [931].
A good screening test for hypercalciuria compares the ratio of urinary calcium to creatinine. The normal calcium-to-creatinine ratio in children is less than 0.2. If the calculated ratio is higher than 0.2, repeat-testing is indicated. Neonates and infants have a higher calcium excretion and lower creatinine excretion than older children [930,931]. If the follow-up ratios are normal, then no additional testing for hypercalciuria is needed.
However, if the ratio remains elevated, a timed 24-hour urine collection should be obtained and the calcium excretion calculated. The 24-hour calcium excretion test is the standard criterion for the diagnosis of hypercalciuria. If calcium excretion is higher than 4 mg/kg/day (0.1 mmol/kg/day), the diagnosis of hypercalciuria is confirmed and further evaluation is warranted: levels of serum bicarbonate, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, pH, and parathyroid hormone. Freshly voided urine should be measured for pH [930-932]. In addition to calcium, the 24-hour urine analysis should also include phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, uric acid, citrate and oxalate.
Initial management is always to increase fluid intake and urinary flow. Dietary modification is a mandatory part of effective therapy. The child should be referred to a dietician to accurately assess the daily intake of calcium, animal protein, and sodium. Dietary sodium restriction is recommended as well as maintenance of calcium intake consistent with the daily needs of the child [933]. A brief trial of a low calcium diet can be carried out to determine if exogenous calcium intake and/or calcium hyperabsorption is contributing to high urinary calcium. Any recommendation to restrict calcium intake below the daily needs of the child should be avoided. Moreover, low calcium intake is a risk factor for stone formation [934] (LE: 3).
Hydrochlorothiazide and other thiazide-type diuretics may be used to treat idiopathic hypercalciuria, especially with calcium renal leak, at a starting dosage of 0.5-1 mg/kg/day [935-938] (LE: 3). In long-term use of thiazide-type diuretics, a decrease in hypocalciuric effect may be seen after the third month and may cause hypokalemia, hypocitraturia, hyperuricaemia and hypomagnesaemia. Therefore, control of blood and serum values should be performed in regular intervals. Citrate therapy is also useful if citrate levels are low or if hypercalciuria persists, despite other therapies [935,939] (LE: 4).
Hyperoxaluria: Only 10-15% of oxalate is dietary. The average child excretes less than 50 mg
(0.57 mmol)/1.73 m2/day [940-942], while infants excrete four times as much. Hyperoxaluria may result from increased dietary intake, enteric hyperabsorption (as in short bowel syndrome) or an inborn error of metabolism.
In rare primary hyperoxaluria, one of the two liver enzymes that play a role in the metabolism of oxalate may be deficient. With increased deposition of calcium oxalate in the kidneys, renal failure may ensue, resulting in deposition of calcium oxalate in other tissues (oxalosis). The diagnosis is made upon laboratory findings of severe hyperoxaluria and clinical symptoms. The definitive diagnosis requires a liver biopsy to assay the enzyme activity. Patients with primary hyperoxaluria exhibit a substantial clinical burden such as renal stones, UTIs and pain, requiring frequent healthcare resource use [943].
Other forms of hyperoxaluria, as mentioned earlier, may be due to hyperabsorption of oxalate in inflammatory bowel syndrome, pancreatitis and short bowel syndrome. Yet, the majority of children have ‘mild’ (idiopathic) hyperoxaluria, with only mildly elevated urine oxalate levels in these cases. The treatment of hyperoxaluria consists of the promotion of high urine flow, restriction of dietary oxalate and regular calcium intake. Pyridoxine may be useful in reducing urine levels, especially in primary hyperoxaluria. Citrate administration increases inhibitory urine activity [935,944].
Hypocitraturia: Citrate is a urinary stone inhibitor. It acts by binding to calcium and by directly inhibiting the growth and aggregation of calcium oxalate as well as calcium phosphate crystals. Thus low urine citrate may be a significant cause of calcium stone disease. In adults, hypocitraturia is the excretion of urinary citrate of less than 320 mg/day (1.5 mmol/day); this value must be adjusted for children depending on body size [945-947].
Hypocitraturia usually occurs in the absence of any concurrent symptoms or any known metabolic derangements. It may also occur in association with any metabolic acidosis, distal tubular acidosis or diarrhoeal syndromes.
Environmental factors that lower urinary citrate include a high protein intake and excessive salt intake. Many reports emphasise the significance of hypocitraturia in paediatric calcium stone disease. The presence of hypocitraturia ranges from 30-60% in children with calcium stone disease [946,948]. The urine calcium-to-citrate ratios were higher in recurrent calcium stone forming children than solitary formers [945,949].
The restoration of normal citrate levels is advocated to reduce stone formation, although there are few relevant studies in children. Hypocitraturia is treated by potassium citrate at a starting dose of 1 mEq/kg, given in two divided doses [936]. The side effects of potassium citrate are very rare and most of the time they include non-specific gastrointestinal complaints. Potassium citrate should be used with caution in hyperkalemic and chronic renal failure conditions. Uric acid stones
Uric acid stones are responsible for urinary calculi in 4-8% of children. Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism. Hyperuricosuria is the main cause of uric acid stone formation in children. A daily output of uric acid of more than 10 mg/kg/day (0.6 mmol/kg/day) is considered to be hyperuricosuria [935]. The formation of uric acid stones is mainly dependent on the presence of an acidic urinary composition. Uric acid dissociation and solubility is strongly reduced at a pH of < 5.8. As the pH becomes more alkaline, uric acid crystals become more soluble and the risk of uric acid stone formation is reduced.
In the familial or idiopathic form of hyperuricosuria, children usually have normal serum uric acid levels. In other children, it can be caused by uric acid overproduction secondary to inborn errors of metabolism, myeloproliferative disorders or other causes of cell breakdown. Hyperuricosuria is also caused by high purine and protein intake. Although hyperuricosuria is a risk factor for calcium oxalate stone formation in adults, this does not appear to be a significant risk factor in children. Uric acid stones are non-opaque stones. Plain x-rays are insufficient to show uric acid stones, and renal sonography and spiral CT are used for diagnosis.
Alkalinisation of urine is the mainstay of therapy and prevention for uric acid stones. Citrate preparations are useful as alkalinising agents. Maintaining a urine pH of 6-6.5 is sufficient to prevent uric acid stones [935]. In patients who failed conservative measures with sustaining hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia, stone recurrences or myeloproliferative diseases, allopurinol (10 mg/kg) may be used. This medication may cause several drug reactions (rash, diarrhoea, eosinophilia) and should be cautiously used in chronic renal failure patients. Cystine stones
Cystinuria is the cause of cystine stone formation and accounts for 2-6% of all urinary stones in children. Cystinuria is an incompletely recessive autosomal disorder characterised by failure of renal tubules to reabsorb four basic amino acids: cystine, ornithine, lysine and arginine.
Of these four amino acids, only cystine has poor solubility in urine, so that only cystine stones may form in the case of excessive excretion in urine. Cystine solubility is pH-dependent, with cysteine precipitation beginning at pH levels < 7.0. Other metabolic conditions, such as hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia and hyperuricosuria, may accompany cystinuria, so leading to the formation of mixed-composition stones. Cystine stones are faintly radiopaque and may be difficult to visualise on regular radiograph studies. They are also hard in texture and more difficult to disintegrate by extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL). Cystinuric patients present with larger stones at the time of diagnosis, higher new stone formation rates, and are at higher risk of surgery [950].
The medical treatment for cystine stones aims to reduce cystine saturation in urine and increase its solubility. The initial treatment consists of maintaining a high urine flow and the use of alkalinising agents, such as potassium citrate to maintain urine pH at above 7.0 (better above 7.5). If this treatment fails, the use of α-mercaptopropionyl glycine or D-penicillamin may increase cystine solubility and reduce cystine levels in urine and prevent stone formation. Side effects of these drugs are mostly mild and include gastrointestinal complaints (alterations in taste and odour), fever and rash; however, they can be associated with severe side effects, such as bone marrow depression, nephrotic syndrome and epidermolysis [951]. Infection stones (struvite stones)
Infection-related stones constitute nearly 5% of urinary stones in children, though incidence increases over 10% in younger ages [952] and in non-endemic regions [926,953]. Bacteria capable of producing urease enzyme (Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas) are responsible for the formation of such stones.
Urease converts urea into ammonia and bicarbonate, alkalinising the urine and further converting bicarbonate into carbonate. In the alkaline environment, triple phosphates form, eventually resulting in a supersaturated environment of magnesium ammonium phosphate and carbonate apatite, which in turn leads to stone formation.
In addition to bacterial elimination, stone elimination is essential for treatment, as stones will harbour infection and antibiotic treatment will not be effective. Consideration should be given to investigating any congenital problem that causes stasis and infection. Genitourinary tract anomalies predispose to the formation of such stones.
3.16.3. Diagnostic evaluation
Presentation tends to be age-dependent, with symptoms such as flank pain and haematuria being more common in older children. Non-specific symptoms (e.g. irritability, vomiting) are common in very young children. Haematuria, usually visible, occurring with or without pain, is less common in children. However, non-visible haematuria may be the sole indicator and is more common in children. In some cases, urinary infection may be the only finding leading to radiological imaging in which a stone is identified [954,955]. Imaging
Generally, US should be used as a first approach. Renal US is very effective for identifying stones in the kidney. Many radiopaque stones can be identified with a simple abdominal flat-plate examination. The most sensitive test for identifying stones in the urinary system (especially for ureteric stones) is non-contrast helical CT scanning. It is safe and rapid, with 97% sensitivity and 96% specificity [956-958]. Despite its high diagnostic accuracy, because of the potential radiation hazards, its use should be reserved for cases with non-informative US and/or plain abdominal radiograph. Low dose protocols have also been developed with the goal of reducing radiation dose with adequate image quality [959]. Intravenous pyelography is rarely used in children, but may be needed to delineate the caliceal anatomy prior to percutaneous or open surgery. Metabolic evaluation
Due to the high incidence of predisposing factors for urolithiasis in children and high stone recurrence rates, every child with a urinary stone should be given a complete metabolic evaluation [918,951,960-962]. A limited urinary metabolic evaluation (24h-calcium, 24h-citrate, and 24h-oxalate and low urinary volume) is able to detect the vast majority of clinically significant metabolic abnormalities [963]. However, most of the time collections are inadequate and have to be repeated [964].
Metabolic evaluation includes:
- family and patient history of metabolic problems and dietary habits;
- analysis of stone composition (following stone analysis, metabolic evaluation can be modified according to the specific stone type);
- electrolytes, blood/urea/nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, uric acid, total protein, carbonate, albumin, and parathyroid hormone (if there is hypercalcaemia);
- spot urinalysis and urine culture, including ratio of calcium to creatinine;
- urine tests, including a 24-hour urine collection for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, oxalate, uric acid citrate, protein, and creatinine clearance;
- 24-hour cystine analysis if cystinuria is suspected (positive sodium nitroprusside test, cystine stone, cystine hexagonal crystals in urine).
Figure 10 provides an algorithm of how to perform metabolic investigations in urinary stone disease in children
and how to plan medical treatment accordingly.
Figure 10: Algorithm for metabolic investigations in urinary stone disease in children
Ca = calcium; HCTZ = hydrochlorothiazide; Mg = magnesium; Ox = oxalate; PTH = parathyroid hormone; SWL = extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy; RTA = renal tubular acidosis; Uric A = uric acid. Urolithiasis in infants
Approximately 9-23% of paediatric urolithiasis patients are under one year old. Infantile urolithiasis appears to be a separate entity since the aetiology and the clinical course of the disease is different than in other age groups. A study on 2,513 children with urolithiasis demonstrated that microlithiasis (< 3mm) in infants should be differentiated from other age groups since the majority of them (85%) resolve spontaneously after one year of follow-up. It has also been shown that underlying metabolic abnormality is different than in older children. In this specific age group, calcium oxalate stones are not as common as in older age groups, whereas ammonium acid urate stones are more common [919,965]. However if the stone size increases or the patient becomes symptomatic during follow-up, it should be treated appropriately. Another study found that only 15% of infantile urolithiasis required intervention after one year follow-up and the only predictor for intervention was the size of the stone [966]. Two other studies concluded that stone size larger than 4.5 mm and 5 mm in infants are more likely to require intervention [967,968]. Therefore observation should be the primary option for the majority of the infantile urolithiasis; if the patient becomes symptomatic or there is an increase in size, intervention can be discussed.
If an intervention is planned, SWL, retrograde intra-renal surgery (RIRS) or percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) can be offered depending on the characteristics of the stone and the patient. All treatment modalities were found to be feasible with high success rates in infants [969-971].
3.16.4. Management
Adequate fluid intake and restricting the use of salt within daily allowance range are the general recommendations besides the specific medical treatment against the detected metabolic abnormalities. With the advance of technology, stone management has changed from open surgical approaches to endoscopic techniques that are less invasive. Deciding on the type of treatment depends on the number, size, location, stone composition and the anatomy of the urinary tract [961,972,973]. Expectant management is the initial approach in children with asymptomatic small size stones (< 4-5 mm) with a possibility of spontaneous clearance.
A study in a paediatric population showed that stone size > 6.7mm and haematuria were negative predictors for spontaneous stone passage [974]. There is no consensus on the size of stones for different ages eligible for clearance and the duration of conservative follow-up. Adult literature reveals the benefits of medical expulsive therapy (MET) using α-blockers. Although, experience in children is limited showing different results [975], a meta-analysis of three randomised and two retrospective studies demonstrate that treatment with MET results in increased odds of spontaneous ureteral stone passage and a low rate of adverse events [962,976]. Stone size, and ureteral wall thickness were found to be highly predictive for MET success; patient age, BMI, stone density and degree of hydronephrosis had no predictive value in this aspect [977]. Another RCT in the age group of six to fourteen years comparing the effectivity of Silodosin, Tamsulosin and placebo as MET for distal ureteric stones less than 1 cm revealed higher stone expulsion rate for Silodosin (89.3%), compared to Tamsulosin (74.5%) and placebo (51.8%) in children [978]. A Cochrane review including 125 children from one to eighteen years old with Ca-containing idiopathic nephrolithiasis showed that oral potassium citrate may reduce recurrence after SWL; however, a substantial number of children stopped medication due to adverse events [979].
Currently, most paediatric stones can easily be managed by SWL, RIRS or PCNL. Only a small portion of children with anatomical abnormalities may require other types of surgical intervention (open, robotic, laparoscopic). All attempts must be made to completely remove all stones since post-operative residual fragments pass spontaneously in only 20-25% of cases [980,981]. A congenital obstructive uropathy should be managed together with stone removal therapy to prevent recurrence. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
Many reports confirm that SWL can be performed in children with no suspicion of long-term morbidity of the kidney [982-989].
The mean number of shockwaves for each treatment is approximately 1,800 and 2,000 (up to 4,000 if needed) and the mean power settings vary between 14 kV and 21 kV. Recently, two separate RCTs compared the outcomes of low vs. intermediate frequency during SWL and found no significant difference [990,991]. The use of US and digital fluoroscopy has significantly decreased the radiation exposure and it has been shown that children are exposed to significantly lower doses of radiation compared to adults [972,992,993]. Concerns about anaesthesia no longer present a problem due to advances in technique and medication, even in the infant age group. The type of anaesthesia should be general or dissociative for children under ten years of age, whereas conventional intravenous sedation or patient-controlled analgesia is an option for older children who are able to co-operate [994] (LE: 2b). The general perception of paediatric SWL requiring anaesthesia has been challenged by a study showing that SWL without anaesthesia can be performed safely with comparable success rates in co-operative children > 9 years of age [995].
Stone-free rates are significantly affected by various factors. Regardless of the location, as the stone size increases, the stone-free rates decrease and retreatment rate increases. The stone-free rates for < 1 cm,
1-2 cm, > 2 cm and overall, were reported as nearly 90%, 80%, 60% and 80%, respectively. As the stone size increases, the need for additional sessions increases [972,992,993,996-1000]. Previous history of open surgery also decrease the success of SWL [1001].
Localisation of the calculi has been described as a significant factor affecting the success rates in different studies. Stones in the renal pelvis and upper ureter seem to respond better to SWL. For these locations, the stone clearance rates are nearly 90%. However, SWL was found to be less effective for caliceal stones; particularly the lower caliceal stones. Several studies reported stone-free rates for isolated lower caliceal stones varying between 50-62% [1000,1002,1003].
Shockwave lithotripsy can also be used to treat ureteral calculi. However, this is a more specific issue and controversial. The success rates with SWL are less for distal ureteric stones. There may also be technical problems with localisation and focusing of ureteric stones in children [1000,1003-1005].
The type of machine used significantly influences success rates and complications. First-generation machines can deliver more energy to a larger focal zone, resulting in higher fragmentation rates in a single therapy. However, general anaesthesia is usually required due to the intolerable discomfort associated with a first-generation machine. Later-generation machines have a smaller focal zone and deliver less energy, and have a lower risk of pulmonary trauma; however, additional treatments may be needed. The success rate is higher in younger children [998].
Although stenting does not affect stone clearance, overall complication rates are higher and hospital stay is longer in the unstented patient with larger stones [998,1000]. Stenting is essential in solitary kidneys undergoing SWL treatment. Children with a large stone burden have a high risk of developing Steinstrasse and urinary obstruction and should be followed more closely for the risk of prolonged urinary tract obstruction after SWL. Post-SWL stent or nephrostomy tube placement may be needed in prolonged obstruction [951,997].
The Hounsfield Unit (HU) of stone on non-contrast tomography has also been shown to be a predictive factor for success in children and SWL was found to be more successful in stones with HU less than 600 [981] and 1,000 [1006]. Two nomogram studies revealed male gender, younger age, smaller stone size, single stone, non-lower pole localisation and negative history for previous intervention are favourable factors for stone clearance in paediatric SWL [1007,1008]. A comparative study reported that these two nomograms are independent predictors of stone-free rate following SWL in paediatric patients [1009]. A systematic review confirmed that those two nomograms have equal value in predicting outcomes of SWL in children [1010]. Although, the invention of miniaturised endoscopic instruments seems to reduce the importance and popularity of SWL, it has the advantage of not carrying the risk of certain complications related to endoscopic surgeries and also with less post-operative emergency visits, pain and anaesthetic sessions [1011,1012]. Complications arising from SWL in children are usually self-limiting and transient. The most common are:
- renal colic;
- transient hydronephrosis;
- dermal ecchymosis;
- UTI;
- formation of Steinstrasse;
- sepsis;
- rarely, haemoptysis.
In children with sterile pre-operative urine cultures, antibiotic prophylaxis to decrease infectious complications is not recommended [1013]. However, every effort should be made to sterilise the urine before performing SWL, ureteroscopy (URS), or PCNL. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Shockwave lithotripsy is the first choice for treating most renal paediatric stones. However, percutaneous renal surgery should be used for larger and complex stones. Pre-operative evaluation, indication and surgical technique are similar in children and adults. In most cases, PCNL is used as monotherapy, but is also used as an adjunctive procedure to other therapies.
The use of adult-sized instruments, in association with an increased number of tracts and sheath size, seems to increase blood loss. However, the development of small-calibre instruments (miniPCNL, ultraminiPCNL, superminiPCNL and microperc) means that PCNL can be used in children. Miniaturised PCNL has several advantages compared to standard PCNL, such as a smaller skin incision, single-step dilation and sheath placement, good working access for paediatric instruments, variable length, and lower cost [1013-1015].
As monotherapy, PCNL is considerably effective and safe. The reported stone-free rates in the recent literature are between 86.9-98.5% after a single session. These rates increase with adjunctive measures, such as second-look PCNL, SWL and URS. Even in complete staghorn cases, a clearance rate of 89% has been achieved following a single session [1016-1021]. The mean post-operative hospital stay is between one to four days and is much shorter than open surgery [1022]. The less invasive nature of this technique has made it superior to open surgery for treating renal stones in children [1023-1030].
The most frequently reported complications of PCNL in children are bleeding, post-operative fever or infection, and persistent urinary leakage. Bleeding requiring transfusion is reported in less than 10%
[1026,1029,1031-1034] and is closely associated with stone burden, operative time, sheath size and the number of tracts [1026,1027,1035]. In recent studies, post-operative infectious complications, such as fever with or without documented UTI, are reported as less than 15% [1026,1029,1031,1032,1034,1036] and the origin of fever is not always found to be the infection. Due to the smaller size of the probes, laser energy is easier to use in smaller instruments and is more useful for paediatric cases [1016,1037-1039].
Using high power laser (> 40 W) during PCNL is feasible and may be helpful in the treatment of staghorn stones [1040], but it should be kept in mind, that increased temperatures inside the smaller paediatric kidney might lead to tissue damage, which has been shown in simulation models [1041].
With the availability of smaller size instruments, miniaturised PCNL (‘miniperc’) through a 13F or 14F sheath [1015,1036,1042] as well as ultramini-PCNL (UMP) through 12F sheaths [1043] have become possible, with decreased transfusion rates [1036]. The mini- and supermini- PCNL (SMP) were shown to have higher efficacy with low complication rates (< Clavien grade 3b) which were deemed to be a safe alternative to SWL by some authors [1023,1044]. In this study, 108 children under twelve years old with a single stone (10-20mm) in the renal pelvis or calyces were randomised into two groups; either miniPCNL or SWL. Stone-free rate after single session was significantly higher for PCNL (88.9%) compared to SWL (55.6%) [1023]. After second and third sessions, SWL success increased to 88.8% [1045]. The complication rates were 22.2% in PCNL and 14.8% in SWL without statistical significance.
The SMP was shown to be advantageous over mini-PCNL in terms of complications with similar stone-free rates [1045,1046]. This miniaturisation has been further developed into the technique of ‘micro-perc’ using a 4.85F ‘all-seeing needle’. This technique enables the stone to be fragmented by a laser in situ and left for spontaneous passage [1047]. A study revealed that microperc provides a similar SFR with similar complication rates and a lower additional treatment rate compared with SWL in the treatment of kidney stone disease in children [1048]. For stones 10-20 mm, micro-PCNL was shown to have comparable results, with less bleeding, compared to mini-PCNL [1024] and similar outcomes with less anaesthetic sessions compared to RIRS [1030]. As experience has accumulated in adult cases, new approaches have started to be applied in children, including tubeless PCNL. This technique has been used in uncomplicated surgery for stones < 2 cm, with patients left either with an indwelling catheter or double J stent in the ureter [1033,1049] or totally tubeless [1050]. Moreover, use of US for establishment of access is gaining popularity [1025,1028,1051].
Traditionally, PCNL in children is performed in prone position. Another trend in the literature is the performance of PCNL in flank-free modified supine position in children [1051,1052]. The proposed advantages are shorter operative time and enabling a simultaneous ureteroscopic procedure without changing the position of the patient. In a recent study, 55 paediatric patients with kidney stones who underwent UMP were randomised into two groups; flank-free modified supine position versus prone position. Stone-free rates and complications rates were similar but the operative time was found to be shorter for supine position [1053].
For post-operative pain management, two randomised controlled trials showed that intercostal nerve block or erector spinae bloc were shown to provide effective post-operative analgesia in paediatric patients [1054,1055]. Ureterorenoscopy
The increasing availability of smaller size endourological equipment has made it possible to manage paediatric ureteral stones using endoscopic techniques.
The technique used in children is similar to the one used in adults. It is strongly recommended that guidewires are used and the procedure is performed using direct vision. Routine balloon dilation of the ureterovesical junction and ureteral stenting are controversial. In general, ureteric dilatation is being performed only in selected cases. There is a tendency to use hydrodilation more because it is similarly effective
Different lithotripsy techniques, including ultrasonic, pneumatic and laser lithotripsy, have all been shown to be safe and effective. Due to the smaller size of the probes, laser energy is easier to use in smaller instruments and is more useful for paediatric cases [1058].
All studies reporting the use of endoscopy for ureteric stones in children have clearly demonstrated that there is no significant risk of ureteric strictures or reflux with this mode of therapy. The risk of post-operative hydronephrosis depends on the presence of impacted stone and ureteral injury during operation [1059]. A multi-institutional study on the use of semi-rigid ureteroscopy for ureteral calculi in children showed that the procedure is effective with a 90% SFR and efficacy quotient. The study also focused on the factors affecting the complication rates. The authors found that, although operating time, age, institutional experience, orifice dilation, stenting and stone burden were significant on univariate analysis, multivariate analysis revealed that operating time was the only significant parameter affecting the complication rate [1056]. However, for proximal ureteral stones semi-rigid ureteroscopy is not a good first option because of higher complication and failure rates [1060].
A literature review contains a growing number of case series on the use of flexible ureterorenoscopic interventions in children. Both intrarenal and ureteric stones can be treated using this approach [1061-1066]. In these series, the authors generally did not use active orifice dilation, but attempted to use a ureteral sheath where possible. However, an important problem was the inability to obtain retrograde access to the ureter in approximately half of the cases [1062,1064]. This problem can be overcome by stenting and leaving the stent indwelling for passive dilation of the orifice, and performing the procedure in a second session. The success rates varied between 60-100%, with a negligible number of complications [1061,1063-1065,1067]. The need for additional procedures was related to stone size [1065]. Radiation exposure during URS can be minimised by using Flat Panel Detector c-Arms while simultaneously improving image quality [1068].
One RCT and four other comparative studies showed that RIRS had similar stone-free rates compared to SWL after three months, with fewer sessions [1011,1069-1072]. However for stones larger than 20 mm, RIRS monotherapy has lower stone-free rates than mini-PCNL with the advantages of decreased radiation exposure, fewer complications and shorter hospital stay [1073]. In contrast, for stones between 10-20 mm, RIRS has similar success and complication rates and shorter hospital stay and low radiation exposure when compared to micro-PCNL [1074]. A recent systematic review revealed that compared with the other two treatments, PCNL had a longer operative time, fluoroscopy time and hospital stay. Shockwave lithotripsy had a shorter hospital stay, higher retreatment rate and auxiliary rate in comparison with the other two treatments. It was also shown that PCNL presented a higher efficacy quotient than the other two treatments, and RIRS had a lower efficiency than SWL and PCNL. In the subgroup analysis of paediatric patients with stone ≤ 20 mm, the comparative results were similar to those described above, except for the higher complication rate of PCNL than SWL [1075]. Open or laparoscopic stone surgery
Most stones in children can be managed by SWL and endoscopic techniques. However, in some situations, open surgery is inevitable. Good candidates for open stone surgery include very young children with large stones
and/or a congenitally obstructed system, which also requires surgical correction. Open surgery is also necessary in children with severe orthopaedic deformities that limit positioning for endoscopic procedures.
In centres with well-established experience, a laparoscopic approach may be a good alternative for some cases as a last resort before open surgery. Suitable candidates include patients who have a history of previously failed endoscopic procedures, complex renal anatomy (ectopic or retrorenal colon), concomitant UPJ obstruction or caliceal diverticula, mega-ureter, or large impacted stones. Laparoscopic stone surgery via conventional or a robot-assisted transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach can be attempted. However, there is limited experience with these techniques and they are not routine therapeutic modalities [1076-1079].
Bladder stones in children can usually be managed by endoscopic techniques. A recent randomised trial compared transurethral cystolithotripsy versus percutaneous cystolithotripsy for bladder stones smaller than 30 mm and found similar success and complication rates with success rates more than 95% [1080]. Open surgery may also be used for very large bladder stones or for bladder stones caused by an anatomical problem.
In addition to the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment modality for the specific size and location of the stone, consideration has to be given to the availability of the instruments and the experience with each treatment modality before the choice of technique is made. Recommendations for interventional management are given in Table 4.
Table 4: Recommendations for management in paediatric stones
Stone size and localisation* | Primary treatment option | Alternative treatment options | Comment |
Infant microlithiasis (< 3mm, any location) | Observation | Intervention and/or medical treatment | Individualised decision according to size progression, symptoms and metabolic factors. |
Staghorn stones | PCNL | Open/SWL | Multiple sessions and accesses with PCNL may be needed. Combination with SWL may be useful. |
Pelvis < 10 mm | SWL | RIRS/PCNL | |
Pelvis 10-20 mm | SWL/PCNL/RIRS | Multiple sessions with SWL may be needed. PCNL and RIRS have a similar recommendation grade. | |
Pelvis > 20 mm | PCNL | SWL/RIRS | Multiple sessions with SWL may be needed. |
Lower pole calyx < 10mm | Observation or SWL | PCNL/RIRS | Stone clearance after SWL is lower than other locations. |
Lower pole calyx > 10mm | PCNL | RIRS/SWL | Anatomical variations are important for complete clearance after SWL. |
Upper ureteric stones | SWL | URS | Flexible scopes may be needed in case of retropulsion. |
Lower ureteric stones | URS | SWL | |
Bladder stones | Endoscopic (transurethral or percutaneous) | SWL/Open | Open is easier and with less operative time with large stones. |
* Cystine and uric acid stones excluded.
PCNL = percutaneous nephrolithotomy; RIRS = retrograde intrarenal surgery; SWL = shockwave lithotripsy; URS = ureteroscopy.
3.16.5. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of urinary stones
Summary of evidence |
The incidence of stone disease in children is increasing. |
Contemporary surgical treatment is based on minimally invasive modalities. Open surgery is very rarely indicated. |
The term ‘clinically insignificant residual fragments’ is not appropriate for children since most of them become symptomatic and require intervention. |
The majority of the kidney stones < 3 mm in infants resolve spontaneously. |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use plain abdominal X-ray and ultrasound as the primary imaging techniques for the diagnosis and follow-up of stones. | Strong |
Use low-dose non-contrast computed tomography in cases with a doubtful diagnosis, especially of ureteral stones or complex cases requiring surgery. | Strong |
Perform a metabolic evaluation in any child with urinary stone disease. Any kind of interventional treatment should be supported with medical treatment for the underlying metabolic abnormality, if detected. | Strong |
Limit open surgery under circumstances in which the child is very young with large stones, in association with congenital problems requiring surgical correction and/or with severe orthopaedic deformities that limit positioning for endoscopic procedures. | Strong |
Observe infant microlithiasis, unless symptoms occur or size increases significantly. | Strong |
3.17. Obstructive pathology of renal duplication: ureterocele and ectopic ureter
3.17.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Ureterocele and ectopic ureter are the two main anomalies associated with complete renal duplication, but they also occur in a single system. At present, antenatal US detects both conditions in the majority of cases if associated with obstruction, and diagnosis is confirmed after birth by further examination. Later in life, these anomalies are revealed by clinical symptoms: UTI, pain, calculus formation, disturbances of micturition, and urinary incontinence. There is a wide variation of symptoms in patients with ureterocele (from the asymptomatic patient to urosepsis, urinary retention and upper tract dilatation after birth). Ureterocele
Ureterocele is four to seven times more frequent in female than in male patients; the overall incidence in autopsies is around one in 4,000 children. Around 80% is associated with the upper pole ureter in duplicated systems and 20% in single systems. About 10% of ureteroceles are bilateral [1081]. Ectopic ureter
Ectopic ureter is less frequent than ureterocele (10 in 19,046 autopsies), but is also more common in female patients (male to female ratio is 1:5). Some remain asymptomatic; therefore, the true incidence is difficult to determine [1082]. Eighty per cent of ectopic ureters are associated with complete renal duplication; however, in male patients about 50% of ectopic ureters are associated with a single system [1083]. The incidence of ectopic ureter is 3.5% in patients with anorectal malformations [1084].
3.17.2. Classification systems Ureterocele
Ureterocele is a cystic dilatation that develops in the intravesical part of the submucosal ureter. The aetiology remains unclear [1085-1087]. A single-system ureterocele is associated with a kidney with one ureter, and in duplex systems, the ureterocele belongs to the upper pole.
Ureteroceles usually cause obstruction of the upper pole, but the degree of obstruction and functional impairment is variable according to the type of ureterocele and upper pole dysplasia. In the orthotopic form, there is often no or only mild obstruction, and frequently the function of the moiety is normal or slightly impaired, and the corresponding ureter may be dilated. Cystic renal dysplasia is also associated with a single system ureterocele [1088]. Vesicoureteral reflux can be observed in 50% on the ipsilateral side and 20% on the contralateral side. Reflux into the ureterocele is uncommon [1089]. In the ectopic form, the upper pole is altered, frequently dysplastic, and hypo-functional or non-functional [1090]. The corresponding ureter is a mega-ureter. In the caeco-ureterocele (see definition below), the upper pole of the renal duplication is dysplastic and non-functional. Histological evaluation demonstrated that the changes represent a process of maldevelopment and may not result from infections or obstruction [1090]. Ectopic (extravesical) ureterocele
If any portion of the ureterocele extends into the bladder neck or urethra, it is called an ectopic ureterocele. Ectopic ureterocele is the most common form of ureterocele (> 80%). It can be voluminous, dissociating the trigone and slipping into the urethra, and may prolapse through the urethral meatus (caeco-ureterocele). The ureterocele orifice is tight, and located in the bladder itself or below the neck. The ureter corresponding to the lower pole moiety is raised by the ureterocele and is frequently refluxing or compressed by the ureterocele, leading to an obstructive mega-ureter. A contralateral renal duplication is associated with 50% of cases. Occasionally, large ureteroceles are responsible for reflux or obstruction of the contralateral upper tract. Orthotopic (intravesical) ureterocele
The intravesical or orthotopic ureterocele is completely located in the bladder. Intravesical ureteroceles are mostly combined with a single kidney system and account for about 15% of cases. It is diagnosed more in older children or adults. Ectopic ureter
The term ectopic ureter describes a ureter with the orifice located at the bladder neck, in the urethra or outside the urinary tract. The ureter can drain the upper pole of a duplex or single system. There is a fundamental difference between the sexes. In boys, the ectopic orifice is never below the external sphincter.
In girls, the ureteral orifice may be located [1091]:
- in the urethra, from the bladder neck to the meatus (35%);
- in the vaginal vestibule (34%);
- in the vagina (25%);
- in the uterus and Fallopian tube (6%).
In boys, the ureteral orifice may be located [1091]:
- in the posterior urethra (47%);
- in the prostatic utricle (10%);
- in the seminal vesicles (33%);
- in the vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts (10%).
3.17.3. Diagnostic evaluation Ureterocele
Prenatal US easily reveals voluminous obstructive ureteroceles [1092]. In cases with a small upper pole or a slightly obstructive ureterocele, prenatal diagnosis is difficult. If prenatal diagnosis is impossible, the following clinical symptoms, besides incidental findings, can reveal the congenital anomaly at birth or later:
- At birth, a prolapsed and sometimes strangulated ureterocele may be observed in front of the urethral orifice. In a newborn boy, it might cause acute urinary retention, simulating urethral valves.
- The early symptom of pyelonephritis in either sex may lead to the diagnosis.
- Later symptoms can include dysuria, recurrent cystitis and urgency.
In cases of prenatal diagnosis, at birth US confirms the ureteral dilatation that ends at the upper pole of a renal duplication. It also demonstrates the presence of a ureterocele in the bladder, with a dilated ureter behind the bladder.
At this point, it is important to assess the function of the upper pole using nuclear renography of the region of interest. This is best assessed with DMSA, however this requires a careful systematic review of the images [1093]. Magnetic resonance urography may visualise the morphological status of the upper pole and lower moieties and of the contralateral kidney as well as it can detect renal scars [1094,1095]. Using functional MR urography, differential renal function can be assessed with low intra- and interobserver variability [1096]. Based on the prevalence of high-grade reflux, VCUG is mandatory for identifying ipsilateral or contralateral reflux and assessing the degree of intra-urethral prolapse of the ureterocele [1097]. Urethrocystoscopy may reveal the pathology in cases where it is difficult to make the differential diagnosis between ureterocele and ectopic mega-ureter. Ectopic ureter
Most of the ectopic mega-ureters are diagnosed primarily by US. In some cases, clinical symptoms can lead to diagnosis:
- In neonates: dribbling of urine, pyuria, and acute pyelonephritis.
- In young girls: permanent urinary incontinence besides normal voiding, or significant vaginal discharge as the equivalent of incontinence; an ectopic orifice may be found in the meatal region [1098].
- In pre-adolescent boys: epididymitis is the usual clinical presentation and the seminal vesicle may be palpable.
Ultrasound, radionuclide studies (DMSA, VCUG, MR urography, high-resolution MRI, and cystoscopy) are the diagnostic tools to assess function, to detect reflux and rule out ipsilateral compression of the lower pole and urethral obstruction [1099]. In some cases, the large ectopic ureter presses against the bladder and can look like a pseudo-ureterocele [1100].
Girls who present with life-long minimal urinary incontinence, never being dry, normal bladder function, complete emptying, and normal US are very suspicious for ectopic ureter. This needs to be excluded or confirmed by MRI as it is the most sensitive method [1101].
3.17.4. Management Ureterocele
Management is controversial with a choice between a non-operative approach, endoscopic decompression, ureteral re-implantation, partial nephroureterectomy, or complete primary reconstruction [1102-1107]. The choice of a therapeutic modality depends on the following criteria: clinical status of the patient (e.g. urosepsis); patient age; function of the upper pole; presence of reflux or obstruction of the ipsilateral or contralateral ureter; presence of bladder neck obstruction caused by ureterocele; intravesical or ectopic ureterocele; and caregivers’ and the surgeon’s preferences [1107]. When the diagnosis is made by US, prophylactic antibiotic treatment maybe indicated until a VCUG is performed. Early treatment
In the presence of febrile infection or obstruction at the bladder neck, immediate endoscopic incision or puncture of the ureterocele is recommended. In a clinically asymptomatic child with a ureterocele and a non- or hypofunctional upper pole, without significant obstruction of the lower pole and without bladder outlet obstruction, prophylactic antibiotic treatment is given until follow-up procedures are instigated. Decompression of the dilated system facilitates later reconstructive surgery [1108,1109]. Re-evaluation
Active surveillance is an option for antenatally detected ureteroceles, but long-term follow-up is necessary [1110]. Conservative treatment may be adopted in asymptomatic patients without any bladder outlet obstruction, severe hydroureteronephrosis of the ureterocele moiety or high-grade (over grade III) reflux
[1107,1111]. A meta-analysis showed that, after primary ureterocele-incision, the re-operation rate is higher in those with an ectopic ureterocele compared to those with an intravesical ureterocele [1103]. Secondary surgery is necessary if decompression is not effective, significant reflux is present, or there is obstruction of the ipsi- or contralateral ureters, and/or bladder neck obstruction or retained ureterocele [1112].
Surgery may vary from upper pole nephrectomy to complete unilateral LUT reconstruction [1106,1113-1115]. In an ectopic ureterocele with severe hydroureteronephrosis and without reflux, the primary upper tract approach without endoscopic decompression (partial upper-pole nephroureterectomy, pyelo/ureteropyelo/ureterostomy and upper-pole ureterectomy) has an 80% chance of being the definitive treatment [1107,1116]. Also a LUT approach in those with a poorly or non-functioning upper pole is an option [1117]. Today, despite successful surgery, some authors think, that surgery may not be necessary at all in some patients [1118], as less aggressive surgical treatment and non-operative management over time can achieve the same functional results [1119]. There is emerging evidence on minimally invasive surgical approaches (laparoscopic and robot assisted) for upper pole nephrectomy with similar operating time to open surgery [1120,1121].
Figure 11: Algorithm for the management of duplex system ureteroceles after the first 3-6 months of life [1122]
DSU = duplex system ureterocele; HUN = hydroureteronephrosis; UPPN = upper pole partial nephrectomy;VUR = vesicoureteric reflux to the lower pole.
Obstruction is considered to be the presence of non-refluxing dilatation of non-ureterocele-bearing moieties (especially of the lower pole) or of an obstructive drainage pattern on diuretic renography. Ectopic ureter
In the majority of cases, the upper pole is dysplastic and poorly functioning. There are a variety of therapeutic options, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In non-functioning moieties with recurrent infections, heminephro-ureterectomy is a definite solution. Ureteral reconstruction (ureteral re-implantation/ ureteroureterostomy/ureteropyelostomy and upper-pole ureterectomy) are other therapeutic options especially in cases in which the upper pole has function worth preserving. These procedures can be performed through an open laparoscopic or robotic assisted approach [1121,1123-1125]. So far there is no superior approach [1126]. In patients with bilateral single ectopic ureters (a very rare condition), an individual approach depending on the sex, and renal and bladder function of the patient is necessary. Usually the bladder neck is insufficient in these patients [1127].
3.17.5. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of obstructive pathology of renal duplication: ureterocele and ectopic ureter
Summary of evidence |
Ureterocele and ectopic ureter are associated with complete renal duplication, but they also occur in a single system. |
In most cases, in young children (first years of life) diagnosis is done by US. |
In older children clinical symptoms will prompt assessment. |
Management includes a conservative approach, endoscopic decompression, partial nephroureterectomy, or complete primary reconstruction. Choice of treatment will depend on:
Recommendations | Strength rating | ||
Ureterocele | Diagnosis | Use ultrasound (US), radionuclide studies (mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3)/ dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA)), voiding cystourethrography (VCUG), magnetic resonance urography, high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and cystoscopy to assess function, to detect reflux and rule out ipsilateral compression of the lower pole and urethral obstruction. | Weak |
Treatment | Select treatment based on symptoms, function and reflux as well on surgical and parenteral choices: observation, endoscopic decompression, ureteral re-implantation, partial nephroureteretomy, complete primary reconstruction. Offer, early endoscopic decompression to patients with an obstructing ureterocele. | Weak | |
Ectopic ureter | Diagnosis | Use US, DMSA scan, VCUG or MRI for a definitive diagnosis. | Weak |
Treatment | Treatment In non-functioning moieties with recurrent infections, heminephro-ureterectomy is a definitive solution. Ureteral reconstruction (ureteral re-implantation/ureteroureterostomy/ ureteropyelostomy and upper pole ureterectomy) are other therapeutic option especially in cases in which the upper pole has function worth preserving. | Weak |
3.18. Disorders/Differences of sex development
3.18.1. Introduction
Formerly called ‘intersex disorders’, this constellation of conditions has been the subject of a consensus document in which it was decided that the term ‘intersex’ should be changed to ‘disorders/differences of sex development’ (DSD), however the original term is still used in the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (see below) [1128].
The new classification has arisen due to advances in knowledge of the molecular genetic causes of abnormal sexual development, controversies inherent to clinical management, and ethical issues. Controversial and negative terminology, e.g., ‘pseudohermaphroditism’ and ‘hermaphroditism’, have been renamed according to new pathophysiological insights. Furthermore, some conditions presenting with severe male genital malformation, such as penile agenesis and cloacal exstrophy, which could not previously be categorised, have now also been included. The term ‘disorders/differences of sex development’ is proposed to indicate congenital conditions with atypical development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex.
In addition to this, in 2017 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe decided on a resolution termed: “Promoting the human rights of and eliminating discrimination against intersex people” [1129]. The Assembly concluded that the majority of ‘intersex’ people (cited verbatim from the resolution) were physically healthy and that only a few suffered from medical conditions that put their health at risk. Furthermore, they stated that the prevailing medical view at that time was that the bodies of ‘intersex’ children could, and should be made to conform to either a male or a female paradigm, often through surgical and/or hormonal intervention, and that this should be performed as early as possible so that these children could then be raised in the gender corresponding to their assigned sex. The Parliamentary Assembly considered that this approach involved serious breaches of physical integrity and autonomy, with many cases concerning very young children or infants who were unable to give informed consent and whose gender identity was unknown.
Therefore, the Parliamentary Assembly called on Council of Europe member states to effectively protect children’s rights to physical integrity and bodily autonomy, and to empowering ‘intersex’ people with the following rights: Medically unnecessary sex-“normalising” surgery, sterilisation and other treatments practised on ‘intersex’ children without their informed consent should be prohibited, and in addition that it has to be ensured that, except in cases where the life of the child is at immediate risk, any treatment that seeks to alter the sex characteristics of the child including their gonads, genitals or internal sex organs, is deferred until such time as the child is able to participate in the decision, based on the right to self-determination, and on the principle of free and informed consent. The Panel refers to the consensus documents mentioned above as well as on the Parliamentary Assembly resolution. This chapter will focus on what is relevant for the practising paediatric urologist, as they are likely to be involved in neonates with DSD conditions.
Overall, evidence-based literature on DSD is sparse. There are no RCTs, and most studies are based on retrospective, clinical descriptive studies, or on expert opinion. An exception is made in relation to the risk of gonadal cancer, for which the level of evidence is higher [1130].
Disorders/differences of sex development can present as a prenatal diagnosis, neonatal diagnosis, or late diagnosis. Prenatal diagnosis can be based on karyotype or sonographic findings; A neonatal diagnosis is based on genital ambiguity, and a late diagnosis is usually made as a result of early or delayed puberty. In this guideline, the focus is on the neonatal presentation, where the paediatric urologist plays a more central role. There have been several publications over the last couple of decades exploring the role of prenatal corticosteroid treatment of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The Endocrine Society still proclaims their use to be restricted to research settings, and that this treatment remains experimental [1131,1132]. For late diagnoses, we refer to endocrinology and gynaecology guidelines on precocious and delayed puberty, where paediatric urologists play a less central role [1133,1134].
Dealing with neonates with DSD requires a multi-disciplinary approach, which should ideally include geneticists, neonatologists, paediatric and adult endocrinologists, paediatric urologists, gynaecologists, psychologists, ethicists and social workers. Each team member should ideally be experienced in DSD and a team should have treated enough patients to ensure experience.
A discrepancy is often perceived between research topics proposed by research scientists and those considered important by DSD patients [1135]. As a result of this discrepancy, collaborative networks such as the ‘dsd-LIFE’ consortium, have been established to include research scientists, health professionals, patient families, and support groups (available from: https://www.dsd-life.eu/home/index.html). In the dsd-LIFE study, there is a focus on what patients and care-givers consider to be a priority, and research is then carried out around that issue. In addition, the newly established European Reference Network (ERN) covering rare endocrine conditions (Endo-ERN) considers patient participation in research and database management to be crucial (available from: https://endo-ern.eu/).
3.18.2. International Consensus Statements on DSD Management
There have been four published consensus statements in relation to the investigations and management of DSD. In general, these statements have focused on the impact of DSD on older age groups, the importance of long-term prospective multi-disciplinary, multi-centre data collection with a focus on patient reported outcomes. The ultimate ambition is to preserve physical and psychological function in these future adults [1136]. The consensus proposal from European Society of Paediatric Radiology task force predominantly focused on imaging modalities and calls for the optimisation of US in initial and interval assessments of anatomy, with MR imaging and cystovaginography used as adjunctive modalities [1137]. The COST Action BM1303 working group consensus statement from Europe raised the concern of the effects of delayed genital and gonadal surgery on physical, psychological, and sexual well-being, as well as the potential malignant risks of retained gonads. Support tools need to be developed to help guide affected families and children with a balance struck between surgery and the protection of human rights [1135]. The Canadian consensus statement broadly concurs with the above but differs slightly from their European counterparts. It suggests that sex assignment need not take place at birth, and there should be a recognition of the harms caused in the past by a paucity of information to parents, and that decisions involving surgery should take place involving a shared decision model. This consensus finally suggests that data is insufficient to determine the correct timing of surgery [1138].
3.18.3. Current classification of DSD conditions
There have been a number of published updates since the International Consensus Conference on ‘intersex’ and its subsequent publications on the classification of the various conditions of DSD. The latest of these was published by the Global DSD Update Consortium in 2016 [1139]. As the field of DSD is continuously developing, and knowledge and viewpoints change over time, an effort has been made to to consider diversity, inclusion, and equality, and therefore representatives from support and advocacy groups continue to be invited, with an aim to focus on patient care and the best possible QoL.
According to the international consensus in 2005, DSDs have been defined as congenital conditions within which the development of chromosomal, gonadal and/or anatomic sex is atypical. The changes that were made according to terminology are as follows:
46XX DSD – This was formerly termed female pseudohermaphrodite, over-virilisation of an XX female, and masculinisation of an XX female. In this group the vast majority is due to classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) with various degrees of masculinisation. Among all DSD conditions combined, 46XX CAH patients comprise approximately 80% cases. These conditions are extremely important since they can be potentially life threatening days after birth due to a salt-loss phenomenon, and immediate medical care is mandatory.
46XY DSD – Previously termed male pseudohermaphroditism, undervirilisation of an XY male, and undermasculinisation of an XY male. This group is often quite heterogenous and includes the partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS), as well as the complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) formerly called testicular feminisation.
Sex chromosome mosaicism DSD (45X; 45X/46XY; 47XXY) – This cohort consists of multiple variants with the mixed gonadal dysgenesis being the most important one. Many have a normal male phenotype and others may have asymmetric genitalia. One scrotal half often contains a gonad which is likely to be a testis whereas the other side is more in keeping with a labia majora with usually no palpable gonad, which will most likely be a streak gonad.
Ovotesticular DSD – This was previously described as a ‘true hermaphrodite’ because of the presence of ovarian and testicular tissue co-existing in the same individual. There is great variability in phenotype with uni- or bilateral undescended gonads, which can present as one ovary and one testis, or as one or two ovotestes.
Non-hormonal/non-chromosomal DSD – This cohort was recently introduced, including newborns with cloacal exstrophy where bladder and intestines are exposed through a midline mesenchymal defect resulting from the failure of the clocal membrane to retract, and which then rutpures. Others in this cohort include patients with aphallia, and severe micropenis. The latter is a normally formed penis with a stretched length of < 2.5 standard deviation below the mean [1128,1140]. Micropenis should be distinguished from buried and webbed penis, which are usually of normal size. The length of the penis is measured on the dorsal aspect, while stretching the penis, from the pubic symphysis to the tip of the glans [1128].
3.18.4. Diagnostic evaluation The neonatal emergency
The first step is to recognise the possibility of DSD (Table 5) and to refer the newborn baby immediately to a tertiary paediatric centre, fully equipped with neonatal, genetics, endocrinology and paediatric urology units. A diagnosis of a 46XX DSD as a result of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (the most common form of DSD) should not be delayed, and represents a neonatal emergency situation due to the possibility of salt loss which can be fatal.
Table 5: Findings in a newborn suggesting the possibility of DSD
(adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics)
Apparent male |
Severe hypospadias associated with bifid scrotum |
Undescended testis/testes with hypospadias |
Bilateral non-palpable testes in a full-term apparently male infant |
Apparent female |
Clitoral hypertrophy of any degree, non-palpable gonads |
Vulva with single opening |
Indeterminate |
Ambiguous genitalia | Family history and clinical examination
A careful family history must be taken followed by a thorough clinical examination including various laboratory tests and imaging modalities (Table 6).
Table 6: Diagnostic work-up of neonates with DSD
History (family, maternal, neonatal) |
Parental consanguinity |
Previous DSD or genital anomalies |
Previous neonatal deaths |
Primary amenorrhoea or infertility in other family members |
Maternal exposure to androgens |
Failure to thrive, vomiting, diarrhoea of the neonate |
Physical examination |
Pigmentation of genital and areolar area |
Hypospadias or urogenital sinus |
Size of phallus |
Palpable and/or symmetrical gonads |
Blood pressure |
Investigations |
Blood analysis: 17-hydroxyprogesterone, electrolytes, LH, FSH, TST, cortisol, ACTH |
Urine: adrenal steroids |
Genetics: karyotype, next-generation sequencing-based molecular diagnostics, WES |
Ultrasound |
Genitogram |
hCG stimulation test to confirm presence of testicular tissue |
Androgen-binding studies |
Endoscopy |
ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin; LH = luteinising hormone; TST = testosterone; WES = whole exome sequencing
A thorough and standardised clinical examination in a neonate presenting with ambiguous genitalia is important. In addition to an accurate description of the ambiguous genitalia, detailed information should be documented on the palpability and localisation of the gonads. Data gathered through the various examinations described below should help the team to come to a final diagnosis. Medical photography can be useful; however, this requires sensitivity and consent [1141].
Palpable gonad: If it is possible to feel a gonad, it is most likely to be a testis; this clinical finding therefore virtually excludes 46XX DSD.
Phallus: The phallus length, width, and glans width should be measured. A cotton bud placed at the suprapubic base of the implant of the stretched phallus allows for a good measurement of phallic length.
Urogenital sinus opening: The opening of the urogenital sinus must be well evaluated. A single opening has to be identified as well as a hymenal ring. Attention needs to be paid to the fusion of the labioscrotal folds as well as whether they show rugae or some discolouration.
Ultrasound can help to describe the palpated gonads or to detect non-palpable gonads [1137]. Mullerian structures like the vagina or utricular structures can be evaluated as well [1142,1143].
Genitography can provide some more information on the urogenital sinus, especially on the exact position of the confluence. Moreover, it gives evidence of possible duplication of the vagina.
Invasive diagnostics under general anaesthesia can be helpful in some cases. During genito-cystoscopy, the urogenital sinus can be evaluated as well as the level of confluence. It allows also for evaluation of the vagina or utriculus, the possible presence of a cervix at the top of the vagina.
Laparoscopy is necessary to obtain a final diagnosis on the presence of impalpable gonads and on the presence of Mullerian structures. If indicated, a gonadal biopsy can be performed [1144,1145].
Genetics has a increasing role in the diagnostic process of DSD. Karyotyping is usally at the beginning of the diagnostic process. Although next-generation sequencing-based molecular diagnostics and whole exome sequencing (WES) are becoming the gold standard for genetic evaluation, it may be difficult to prove variant causality or relate the genotype to the clinical presentation [1146].
These investigations will help to distinguish between various conditions of DSD, and provide a rapid diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
3.18.5. Gender assignment
In the current climate, it goes without saying that open, honest, and complete communication with caregivers and eventually the affected person is mandatory. Educational and psychological support regarding the impact is needed for each individual to make sense of their condition, relate to their community, and establish relationships. The lack of outcome data and different preferences make it challenging to determine whether and when to pursue gonadal or genital surgery. Shared decision making is critical, combining expert healthcare knowledge and the right of a patient or caregivers to make fully informed decisions. This entails a process of education, sharing of risks/benefits, articulating the uncertainties in DSD care and outcomes in addition to providing time for the patient and family to articulate back the risks and benefits of each option. The goal of all involved should be to individualise and prioritise each patient.
However, prior published adverse outcomes have led to recommendations to delay unnecessary surgery to an age when the patient can give informed consent. Surgery that alters appearance is not considered urgent. In 2017 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Society for Paediatric Urology (ESPU) as well as the Societies for Pediatric Urology have taken a position in the debate on surgery for DSD
[1129,1147,1148]. In an open letter to the Council of Europe, the European Society for Paediatric Urology expressed its attitude to the abovementioned resolution and concentrated on a worrying issue dealing with medicosurgical care for children with DSD. It states that surgical interventions in children with DSD only being applied in emergency conditions is discordant with the definition of health according to the WHO, stating that health is not merely the absence of disease, but is a much broader concept, including physical, mental, and social domains. This especially applies to children, as favourable physical, social and emotional conditions are all critical factors for their optimal growth and development, which enables them to reach their full potential at an adult age. As social and emotional interactions with the parents or caregivers, being the most important adults in a young child’s life, form the basis for their future, treatment of children with DSD can best be organised in a patient- and family-centred multi-disciplinary setting, in an atmosphere based on openness, commitment and trust. Physicians, who daily take care of children with a variety of congenital conditions, the same as their parents or caregivers, are committed to the current as well as the future health and well-being of all children entrusted to their care. In contrast to what is alleged in the recommendation, parents and caregivers implicitly act in the best interest of their children and should be respected as their outstanding representatives, and should not be put aside by claiming prohibition regulations regarding the well-informed decisions they make on their behalf. Finally in a published open letter, the ESPU advocate keeping dialogue open with the professionals active in specialised centres for multi-disciplinary, patient- and family-centred care as well as with patient societies, for which the present resolution is recognised as being a solid starting base [1149].
Genital surgery
The decision to proceed with genital surgery is acknowledged to be controversial. Patient-reported outcomes from adult patients who previously underwent early genital surgery demonstrate considerable variation, with perspectives dependent on, but not limited to, diagnostic category, gender, prior experience with surgical procedures, and contact with support groups [1150].
The majority of patients who have undergone surgery rated their appearance as satisfactory from an anatomical perspective. However, functional results were found to be less satisfactory due to the development of vaginal stenosis, or diminished sensation in the clitoris or the glans penis [1151]. Clinical decision-making with respect to genital surgery in patients with a DSD should not be made wantonly, but advisedly, in a patient and family-centred multi-disciplinary setting, on a case-by-case basis. These decisions should be supported and audited by improving information on long-term outcomes, informed consent, and contact with support groups at both an individual and an institutional level.
3.18.6. Risk of tumour development
The dysgenetic gonads of individuals with DSD have an increased risk of developing germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS), previously known as carcinoma in situ, and overt germ cell cancer (GCC) as compared to the general population [1152]. The highest prevalence of GCC is seen in conditions characterised by disturbed gonadal development and in the presence of the Y chromosome or parts thereof (SRY & GBY encompassing regions) [1153]. In a large dsd-LIFE study the overall prevalence of neoplastic lesions was 12%. Subanalysis demonstrated a significantly higher prevalence of 36% in patients with 46 XY gonadal dysgenesis as compared with other DSD subtypes [1154]. Conversely, patients with testosterone biosynthesis disorders and androgen action disturbances (46XY DSD group) have a much lower risk (1-15%) for GCNIS development during childhood and had a limited tendency towards invasive progression of the lesions. It has been hyposthesised that a certain level of testosterone activity seems to be needed for GCNIS to progress to overt malignancy [1155,1156]. An overview of the risks of malignancy in different subtypes of DSD is shown in Table 7.
The issue of whether gonads should be removed and the timining of such surgery remains controversial and has been altogether questioned in some forms of DSD. Patients with, for example, CAIS benefit from the presence of testicles and the resultant aromatisation of the naturally occuring testosterone to oestrogens. The risk of malignant gonadal transformation in this subcategory is low (1.5%) with cases of malignancy first appearing after the second decade of life, thus allowing for the safe deferal of gonadectomy until after puberty
[1156,1157]. This is however less clear for other subtypes of DSD, and needs to be assessed for each case according to several factors such as patient age, underlying DSD subtype and especially the presence of a Y chromosome. In such cases, the location of the gonad, possible fertility, hormonal potential of the gonad and the possibility of gonadal monitoring together with surgical/anaesthesic risks incurred by gonadectomy should be taken into account [1130,1149]. In general, intra-abdominal gonads have to be brought down to a superficial position or pexied to the abdominal wall to allow for monitoring, self examination and ultrasound guided biopsies. High-risk gonads that fail to be brought down, or streak-like gonads should be removed based on a risk- benefit analysis, and after appropriate inter-disciplinary review [1130,1149]. Biopsies should be reviewed by an experienced pathologist and specialised immunohistochemistry is recommended for measurement of expressions of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and octamer-binding transcription factors 3 and 4, as it may be difficult to differntiate between GCNIS and delayed germ cell maturation in infants. Non-invasive markers such as serum microRNA (miRNA) for early-stage malignancy detection, have been developed, but have yet to be implemented in clinical practice [1130,1146].
Table 7: Risk of malignancy in different subtypes of DSD (Adapted from Looijenga et al., [1158])
Risk | DSD | Malignancy risk (%) |
High | Gonadal dysgenesis, with Y, abdominal gonad PAIS non-scrotal gonad Frasier syndrome Denys-Drash with Y | 15-35 50 60 40 |
Intermediate | Turner syndrome with Y 17β- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency Gonadal dysgenesis with Y PAIS scrotal gonad | 12 28 Unknown Unknown |
Low | Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome Ovotesticular DSD Turner syndrome without Y | 2 3 1 |
No | 5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency Leydig cell hyperplasia | 0 0 |
PAIS = partial androgen insensitivity syndrome.
3.18.7. Quality of life
In general, adult patients with DSD report good QoL and physical health; however, there is an increased risk for both somatic and psychiatric morbidities [1159]. Furthermore, a lower QoL was reported in the domain “social relationships”, which relates to personal relationships and sexual health [1160,1161]. In addition, patients with DSD report higher levels of psychological distress and mental health problems [1162,1163]. These elements should be included in the multidisciplinary and holistic health care for these patients.
A person’s experienced gender is a fundamental aspect of one’s sense of self. Gender incongruence can occur when there is incongruence between the physical and experienced gender, and if this causes significant distress it fulfills the criteria for the diagnosis gender dysphoria, according to the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5)” of the American Psychiatric Association [1164]. Gender dysphoria is reported low in women with CAH, CAIS and complete gonadal dysgenesis favouring female sex of rearing. Gender dysphoria is reported high in females with 5-a reductase deficiency and 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-3 deficiency. Gender dysphoria is reported variable in PAIS or mixed gonadal dysgenesis [1165]. Approximately 3% of DSD patients undergo a gender change after puberty, which is a small group, but larger when compared to the general population [1166,1167].
3.18.8. Recommendations for the management of disorders/differences of sex development
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Do not delay diagnosis and treatment of any neonate presenting with ambiguous genitalia since salt-loss in a 46XX CAH girl can be fatal. | Strong |
Refer children to experienced centres where neonatology, endocrinology, (paediatric) urology, psychology and transition to adult care are guaranteed. | Strong |
Utilise a multi-disciplinary approach and a shared decision model in patients with DSD conditions including:
| Strong |
Do not underestimate the significant effects on psychological and psychiatric health, quality of life, personal relationships, and sexual function in individuals with DSD. | Strong |
Ensure full disclosure to patients and caregivers that the presence of a Y-chromosome in dysgenetic gonads results in a higher malignancy risk. | Strong |
3.19. Congenital lower urinary tract obstruction
The term congenital lower urinary tract obstruction (CLUTO) is used for intrauterine dilatation of the bladder and/or the upper urinary tract. During pregnancy the diagnosis is usually based on ultrasound examinations. There is a broad spectrum of conditions that could cause an intrauterine dilatation of the urinary tract. Congenital lower urinary tract obstruction is most commonly the result of posterior urethral valves (PUV), in approximately 60% of cases. Postpartum diagnosis, however, comprises any number of anatomical and functional disorders/anomalies/malformations causing dilatation e.g. anterior urethral valves, urethral atresia/ stenosis, prune belly syndrome, dilating VUR, cloacal malformation, prolapsing ureterocele, megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis or megacystis-megaureter syndrome [1168].
Due to the heterogeneity and the rare spectrum of clinical manifestations of CLUTO, referral of such cases is recommended to a tertiary centre with multidisciplinary expertise in prenatal and postnatal management of obstructive uropathies [1168].
In the first trimester, foetal megacystis is defined as a bladder with a longitudinal diameter ≥ 7 mm. A longitudinal (craniocaudal) diameter between 7-12 mm in the first trimester is usually transient, disappearing in about 90% of cases during the second trimester. A measurement > 15 mm, however, indicates CLUTO is unlikely to resolve [1168]. In the second and third trimester, megacystis is defined by an enlarged bladder failing to empty during an extended US examination lasting at least 40 minutes. Two thirds of cases are secondary to CLUTO and the remainder are associated with genetic syndromes, developmental or chromosomal abnormalities, including anorectal malformations, of which 14% were normal or had an isolated urological abnormality (e.g. VUR, Duplex system) [1168,1169]. In a systematic review ≥ 45% of megacystis cases were shown to be associated with oligohydramnios and 15% had chromosomal abnormalities [1170]. Final diagnoses included PUV (57%), urethral atresia/stenosis (7%), prune-belly syndrome (4%), megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome (MMIHS) (1%), cloacal abnormality (0.7%) and undefined pathologies (36.5%) [1170].
The prognosis of the foetus depends on the underlying pathology, the timing of diagnosis, the presence of oligo/anhydramnios and bladder volume.
3.19.1. Posterior urethral valves Epidemiology and pathophysiology
Posterior urethral valves are one of the few life-threatening congenital anomalies of the urinary tract found during the neonatal period. The risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD) is estimated to reach 32% and 20% for end-stage renal disease (ESRD), as reported in a systemic review [1171]. Up to 17% of paediatric ESRD can be attributed to PUV [1172]. An incidence of PUV of 1 in 7000-8000 live-births has been estimated [1173,1174].
The kidneys start to produce urine at around the tenth week of antenatal life. The intrauterine obstruction leads to a decreased urine output, which could result in oligo- or anhydramnios. Amniotic fluid is necessary for normal development of the lungs and its absence may lead to pulmonary hypoplasia.
An obstruction at the level of the urethra affects the whole urinary tract to varying degrees:
- The prostatic urethra is distended and the ejaculatory ducts may be dilated due to urinary reflux.
- The bladder neck is hypertrophied and rigid.
- The hypertrophied bladder may occasionally have multiple diverticulae.
- Nearly all valve patients have dilatation of the upper urinary tract. This may be due to the valve itself and the high pressure in the bladder, or due to obstruction of the ureterovesical junction by the hypertrophied bladder.
- If there is secondary VUR, the affected kidney functions poorly in most cases.
Secondary VUR is observed in at least 50% of patients with PUV [1175]. It is generally accepted that unilateral high grade VUR associated with ipsilateral renal dysplasia acts as a ‘pressure pop-off valve’, which would protect the contralateral kidney, leading to a better prognosis [1176]. Other types of pop-off mechanism include large bladder diverticulae, urinary extravasation, with or without urinary ascites and a patent urachus [1177]. Protective effects of pop-off phenomena on renal function remain, however, equivocal, as long-term outcomes from different studies have been discrepant, with some studies showing a protective effect [1178,1179] while others have shown no protective benefit [1180-1182]. A possible explanation for such discrepancy could relate to differences in defining the exact nature of what constitutes a pop-off mechanism.
3.19.2. Classification systems of the urethral valves
Up until today, the original classification by Hugh Hampton Young is the most commonly used classification [1183], which described three categories: type I, type II and type III. However, today, only type I and type III are found to be obstructive. Hampton Young’s descriptions of type I and III are as follows:
Type I (90-95%): In the most common type there is a ridge lying on the floor of the urethra, continuous with the verumontanum, which takes an anterior course and divides into two fork-like processes in the region of the bulbo-membranous junction [1183].
Type III: Has been found at different levels of the posterior urethra and which apparently bears no relation to the verumontanum. This obstruction attaches to the entire circumference of the urethra, with a small opening in the centre [1173].
3.19.3. Diagnostic evaluation
During prenatal US screening, hydroureteronephrosis and a distended bladder are suspicious signs of a urethral valve. A thick-walled bladder seems to better predict PUV than a dilated posterior urethra (‘keyhole’ sign) [1184]. However, differentiation between obstructive and non-obstructive aetiologies on prenatal US is challenging, as both have a similar sonographic appearance [1185]. In the presence of increased echogenicity of the kidney, dilatation of the urinary tract and oligohydramnios, the diagnosis of a PUV should strongly be considered. Prenatal US is adequate in most of the cases (90%) [1186]. However, in some circumstances when technical ultrasound conditions are poor, foetal MRI may provide additional information [1187].
Postnatally, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and electrolytes should be monitored closely during the first few days. Initial management includes a multi-disciplinary team involving a paediatric nephrologist. The clinician must be aware of a noteworthy association between PUV and undescended testicles (UDT) and/or inguinal hernia [1188]. Undescended testicles occurred in 12–17 % of PUV which is consistent with a 10-fold increase [1189].
A VCUG (including lateral views of the urethra during the voiding phase without a catheter in situ) is recommended to assess the presence of a PUV. This study is essential whenever there is a question of an infravesical obstruction, as the urethral anatomy is well outlined during voiding. The extent of posterior urethral deformity – as expressed by the posterior urethral height: width ratio – appears to correlate positively with nadir creatinine at twelve months of age [1190]. Nuclear renography with split renal function is important in assessing contributory renal function and/or scarring (DMSA or MAG3).
3.19.4. Management Prenatal treatment
Most cases of PUV are suspected prenatally [1173,1191,1192]. The potential for spontaneous resolution of bladder enlargement, and the timing of renal imaging are the main obstacles for prenatal intervention. As renal dysplasia is irreversible, it is important to identify those foetuses with good renal function [1193].
Prenatal interventions aim to restore amniotic fluid volume and attenuate the risk of pulmonary hypoplasia or further renal damage [1194]. Decision for prenatal intervention can be based on a staging system that is composed of renal ultrasonographic findings, amnion amount and foetal urine biochemistry [1192]. Early intervention (before the age of sixteen weeks of gestation) may be beneficial for the renal function; however, making the correct diagnosis and the detection of other severe co-morbidities is extremely difficult at this time point [1195]. Later interventions are mostly of benefit for lung development, but not for renal function [1196]. There are, however, emerging reports of interventions as early as the end of first trimester, with results pointing to a potential preservation of long-term renal function. These reports are still preliminary, the techniques used are intricate and can be associated with a higher risk of foetal demise in these very frail and tiny patients [1197-1199].
Foetal urine samples before 23 weeks of gestation (ß2-microglobulin, sodium, chloride and calcium) may be helpful to distinguish between those who could benefit from intrauterine therapy and those in whom the outcome is most likely to be compromised [1200].
Normal biochemistry; a sodium level below 100 mmol/L, a chloride value of < 90 mmol/L, calcium < 8 mg/dL, and ß2-microglobulin < 6 mg/L obtained in the first foetal urine sample or biochemistry that improves between two sequential samplings, the latter scenario prompting foetal intervention, was associated with high foetal survival and normal renal function at five years in a small study [1201]. The status of amnion fluid, the appearance of the kidneys as well as the foetal urine biochemistry may be helpful in counselling. Proteomic analysis of foetal urine using a twelve peptide signature expressed in foetuses who go on to develop ESRD by the age of two years, may show promise in assessing CLUTO. This should be considered as experimental.
The placing of a vesicoamniotic shunt (VAS) is a prenatal treatment designed to restore amniotic fluid cycling. There is a reported complication rate of 21-59% with dislocation of the shunt being the most common [1194]. The PLUTO-trial (randomised study) failed to show a long-term benefit on renal function by placing a VAS [1202]. A meta-analysis on interventions for CLUTO reported that VAS resulted in a higher perinatal survival rate than conservative management (57.1% vs 38.8%), with no significant differences in six to twelve month survival, two-year survival or postnatal renal function [1203]. Foetal cystoscopy with laser ablation has a high complication rate without evidence for the effectiveness of these interventions [1204]. To avoid the severe complication of the laser ablation, balloon dilation has been tried [1205]. The number of patients and designs of these studies are insufficient to yield any recommendations. Parental information is very important and the natural history of CLUTO including the postnatal outcomes with or without prenatal treatment as well as the uncertainties and/or controversies about CLUTO diagnosis and treatment should be discussed [1194]. Postnatal treatment
Bladder drainage
Following delivery, the bladder should be drained transurethrally, or suprapubically. This catheter drainage tube can then be used to perform a VCUG to confirm the diagnosis.
Valve ablation
When the medical situation of the neonate has stabilised, the next step is to perform an endoscopic valve ablation provided the urethra is accessible with available equipment. In cases were the urethra is too small, urinary diversion should be maintained until valve ablation can be performed. Small paediatric cystoscopes and resectoscopes are available either to incise, ablate or to resect the valve at the 5, 7 and/or 12 o’clock positions, depending on the surgeon’s preference. It is important to avoid extensive electrocoagulation, as the most common complication of this procedure is stricture formation. Two studies demonstrated a lower urethral stricture rate using the cold knife compared to diathermy [1206,1207]. Currently, no strong evidence exists to support the use of laser ablation of PUVs; preliminary studies on the use of Holmium YAG and Thulium lasers, show that laser fulguration is safe and effective [1208]. Within the three months following initial treatment, effectiveness of the treatment should be demonstrated either by clinical improvement (ultrasound and renal function), control VCUG or a re-look cystoscopy, depending on the clinical course [1209-1211].
Bladder neck incision
Bladder neck incision has been suggested as a means of managing secondary bladder neck obstruction [1212]. There is no current evidence which demonstrates that bladder neck incision has a role in preventing reintervention or rehospitalisation rates, and therefore cannot be recommended as a routine management option.
A vesicostomy is indicated if the child is too small to undergo endoscopic surgery, has failed endoscopic valve ablation, or has shown no clinic-biochemical improvement following valve ablation. This is an alternative to prolonged catheter drainage and has been shown to stabilise/improve the upper tracts in up to 90% cases [1213]. The most prevalent vesicostomy procedure in children was described by Blocksom and modified by Duckett [1214]. Key technical points are to ensure an adequate mobilisation of the bladder dome to enable a tension-free anastomosis with the fascia and skin. Common complication following vesicostomy are stomal stenosis, mucosal prolapse, peristomal dermatitis, and bladder calculi. The risk of prolapse is usually due to an extensive bladder mobilisation and due to too inferior placement of the stoma on the abdominal wall, allowing the posterior bladder wall to evert through the stoma.
High diversion
In cases where bladder drainage is insufficient to prevent recurrent infections of the upper tract, improve renal function and/or a decrease upper tract dilatation, high urinary diversion should be considered. The choice of urinary diversion depends on the surgeon’s preference for high loop ureterostomy, ring ureterostomy, end ureterostomy or pyelostomy, with each technique having its advantages and disadvantages [1215-1217]. Diversion can delay progression to end stage renal failure [1218].
Vesicoureteric reflux is very common in PUV patients (up to 72%) and it is described bilaterally in up to 32% [1219]. A recent prospective observational study identified high grade VUR as an independent risk factor for developing febrile UTIs especially in the first nine months of life; therefore, antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered in such patients [1220]. Furthermore, circumcision can be discussed in order to further reduce the risk of UTIs [1220]. In the aforementioned multicentred randomised controlled trial, after two years of follow-up, this study demonstrated a statistically significant effect of circumcision as an adjunct to antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing febrile UTIs. The hazard ratio for developing a febrile UTI in the group with antibiotics alone was 10.3 (95% CI: 1.3–82.5) compared with the combined prophylactic antibiotics and circumcision group.
Early administration of oxybutynin may improve bladder function as shown in one study with eighteen patients [1221], and enhances resolution of hydronephrosis and VUR as shown in a randomised controlled study of 49 patients. Oxybutynin treatment had, however, no discernible effect on renal function or risk of UTI [1212]. High-grade VUR is usually associated with a poorly functioning kidney; however, early removal of a non-functioning renal unit in an asymptomatic patient seems to be unnecessary. Deterioration of renal function without an anatomical obstruction and higher urine output (polyuria) may lead to an overdistension of the bladder during the night. Drainage of the bladder during the night by a catheter may be beneficial for the hydronephrosis as well as for renal function [1222,1223]. Patients with high daytime post-void residual urine volumes may benefit from clean intermittent catheterisation (CIC) [1224]. In those who do not want, or are not able to perform CIC via the urethra, the placement of a catheterisable channel is a good alternative [1225].
Clean intermittent catheterisation has been shown to delay the onset of dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease, progressing to ESRD and has also resulted in significantly better ten-year graft survival rates in transplanted patients [1226,1227].
3.19.5. Follow-up
Several prognostic factors for the prediction of future renal function have been described. Different serum nadir creatinine levels are given in the literature (0.85 mg/dl – 1.2 mg/dl [μmol/L]) [1190,1228-1231]. Renal parenchymal quantity (total renal parenchymal area) and quality (corticomedullary differentiation and renal echogenicity) on initial postnatal US also have prognostic value [1232].
Life-long monitoring of these patients is mandatory, as bladder dysfunction (‘valve bladder’) is common and the delay in day- and night-time continence is a significant problem [1233]. Urodynamic studies play an important role in the management of patients with valve bladder especially in those with suspicion of bladder dysfunction [1234,1235], however, there is no consensus as to optimal timing or frequency of such studies. Poor bladder sensation and compliance, detrusor overactivity and polyuria (especially at night) and their combination are responsible for bladder dysfunction. In those with bladder overactivity, anticholinergic therapy can improve bladder function. In patients with poor bladder emptying, α-blockers can be used to reduce the post-void residual [1236,1237].
Chronic kidney disease develops in up to 65% of PUV patients and about 20% of these progress towards ESRD [1238]. Renal transplantation in these patients can be performed safely and effectively [1239,1240]. Deterioration of the graft function is mainly related to lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) [1239]. An assessment and treatment algorithm is provided in Figure 12.
There is limited data pertaining to sexual function and fertility in patients with PUV. Long-term studies have demonstrated normal erectile function and fertility potential [1241,1242]. However, a negative influence of the individual patient’s fertility has to be taken into account as these patients have a higher risk for bilateral cryptorchidism, recurrent epididymitis and ESRD [1241].
Figure 12: An algorithm on the assessment, management and follow-up of newborns with possible PUV
CIC = clean intermittent catheterisation; OAB = overactive bladder; PUV = posterior urethral valve; RF = renal function; UT = urinary tract; UUT = upper urinary tract; VCUG = voiding cystourethrogram.
Anterior urethral valve
Anterior urethral valve is a semilunar or iris-like band of tissue on ventral aspect of urethra. It can be isolated, or seen in association with anterior urethral diverticulum. The aetiology of isolated AUV is speculated to be secondary to congenital urethral obstruction, malunion of glanular and penile urethra, congenital cystic dilatation of periurethral glands or ruptured distal lip of a syringocele [1243]. It can be present in the bulbous urethra, the penoscrotal junction and penile urethra. Patients may present with poor urinary stream, penile ballooning, UTI or haematuria. Anterior urethral valves were classified by Firlit depending on the presence of diverticulum and dilatation of urethra and upper tract [1244]. The diagnosis is based on a VCUG with possible findings of dilated or elongated posterior urethra, dilatation of the anterior urethra, thickened trabeculated bladder, hypertrophied bladder neck, VUR, and urethral diverticula. In doubtful cases retrograde urethrography may be helpful showing linear filling defect along the ventral wall, or it may show a dilated urethra ending in a smooth bulge or an abrupt change in the calibre of the dilated urethra on VCUG [1245].
Treatment is mainly by endoscopic valve ablation. In selected patients, temporary diversion may be considered until the child is big enough for endoscopy. Open surgery is reserved for patients with very large diverticulum and defective spongiosum. Renal failure may develop in 22%, the risk being highest in patients with pre-treatment azotaemia, VUR and UTI [1246].
Anterior urethral diverticulum
Common postnatal presenting features of AUD are compressible ventral penile swelling, urinary postmicturition dribble, voiding difficulty, poor stream, and recurrent UTIs [1247-1249]. Diagnosis is by VCUG with or without a retrograde urethrogram. In small AUD, endoscopic cutting or deroofing of distal lip of the diverticulum can be sufficient treatment. Larger diverticulum requires excision with subsequent two layered urethroplasty; or marsupialisation with staged urethroplasty. In cases of urosepsis and obstructive uropathy, a suprapubic catheter or temporary urinary diversion (vesicostomy or proximal cutaneous urethrostomy) may be indicated prior to definitive surgical management [1250,1251]. Anatomically, AUVs have normal corpus spongiosum development whereas AUDs do not [1251].
Cowper’s glands are two bulbourethral glands that are located within the urogenital diaphragm which open into the urethra 1-2 cm distal to the sphincter. Syringocele is the cystic dilatation of these glands. The aetiology can be congenital or acquired (trauma or infection). It has been classified as simple, imperforate, perforate and ruptured [1252]. A simpler grouping is suggested as to merge simple, perforate and ruptured syringocele into “open syringocele” and imperforate to “closed syringocele”. Closed syringoceles cause obstructive symptoms and open ones act as a diverticulae and cause post-void dribbling and sometimes obstruction [1253]. Depending on the syringocele type, patients can present with post-void dribbling, urethral discharge, UTI, perineal pain, haematuria, obstructive voiding symptoms, dysuria or retention. Diagnosis is based on antegrade and/or retrograde urethrogram which shows a cystic defect distal to prostate. If such studies are inconclusive, US
and/or MRI may be used. Asymptomatic syringoceles can be managed conservatively. Endoscopic deroofing with various energy sources (cold knife, electrocautery and holmium laser) in both obstructing and non-obstructing syringoceles is an effective method of marsupialisation [1254]. In cases where endoscopic approach is not feasible open correction may be considered.
Cobb’s collar
Cobb’s collar is a congenital membranous stricture of the bulbar urethra. It is different from congenital obstructive posterior urethral membrane (COPUM), is independent of the veru montanum and external sphincter and is believed to represent a persistence of part of the urogenital membrane [1255]. Voiding cystourethrogram shows narrowing in the proximal bulbar urethra with folds extending proximally, a dilated posterior urethra, prominent bladder neck and other findings of infravesical obstruction. Treatment with endoscopic cold-knife incision showed lower recurrence rates than electrocautery [1256].
Urethral atresia/hypoplasia
Male urethral atresia is congenital, complete obstruction of the urethra caused by a membrane that is usually located at the distal end of the prostatic urethra. The urethra distal to this point is usually hypoplastic, presumably from lack of foetal voiding [1257]. Urethral atresia is associated with bladder distention, VUR, hydronephrosis and renal dysplasia [1258]. Most cases reported have the phenotypic characteristics of the prune belly syndrome. Antenatal intervention may be beneficial in terms of foetal survival [1259]. Although progressive augmentation by dilating the urethra anterior (PADUA) procedure was described as a treatment modality, the majority of cases require some form of supra-vesical diversion [1257,1258].
Posterior Urethral Polyps
Although, PUP does not cause antenatal hydronephrosis, it could cause obstruction later on in life. Posterior Urethral Polyps is a polypoid, pedunculated, fibroepithelial lesion arising in the posterior urethra proximal to the veru montanum. It lies on the floor of the urethra with its tip reaching into the bladder neck and obstruction occurs because of distal displacement of the polyp during micturition [1260]. Patients complain of dysuria, haematuria and obstructive symptoms such as poor urinary stream, intermittent retention episodes. Diagnosis can be suspected by VCUG and/or US but is confirmed during cystourethroscopy. Treatment is usually by endoscopic resection of the polyp. The course of the disease is benign and no recurrences have been reported in the literature [1261,1262].
3.19.6. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of posterior urethral valves
Summary of evidence | LE |
Posterior urethral valves are one of the few life-threatening congenital anomalies of the urinary tract. | 1b |
Antenatal therapy could be considered based on ultrasound findings, foetal urine biochemistry, amniotic fluid level, and chromosomal status. | 4 |
Serum creatinine nadir above 0.85 mg/dL is correlated with a poor prognosis. | 2a |
Neonatal circumcision as an adjunct to antibiotic prophylaxis in PUV patients significantly decreases the risk of developing febrile UTIs during the first two years of life. | 1b |
Early pharmacological management with oxybutynin may improve bladder function. | 1b |
Despite optimal treatment, 20% of patients will develop end stage renal disease. | 2a |
Renal transplantation in these patients is safe and effective, if the bladder function is managed. | 3 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Drain the bladder in new-borns with a suspected diagnosis of infravesical obstruction and place on antibiotic prophylaxis | Strong |
Perform a voiding cystourethrography in patients in whom a diagnosis of posterior urethral valves (PUV) is suspected. | Strong |
Attempt endoscopic valve ablation after bladder drainage and stabilisation of the child. | Strong |
Consider neonatal circumcision as an adjunct to antibiotic prophylaxis to decrease the risk of urinary tract infection in those with a PUV, especially in the presence of high grade vesicoureteric reflux. | Strong |
Offer prolonged urinary diversion (suprapubic/transurethral) for bladder drainage if the child is too small for valve ablation. | Strong |
Use serum creatinine nadir as a prognostic marker. | Strong |
Assess split renal function by dimercaptosuccinic acid scan or mercaptoacetyltriglycine clearance. | Strong |
Consider high urinary diversion if bladder drainage is insufficient to drain the upper urinary tract, or in the absence of clinico-biochemical improvement. | Strong |
Monitor and manage bladder and renal function lifelong. | Strong |
3.20. Rare Conditions in Childhood
3.20.1. Urachal remnants Introduction
The urachus is an embryonic structure arising as a result of the separation of the allantois from the ventral cloaca. The allantois appears on day sixteen as a tiny, fingerlike outpouching from the caudal wall of the yolk sac, which is contiguous with the ventral cloaca at one end and the umbilicus at the other. The ventral portion of the cloaca develops into the bladder after cloacal division by the urogenital septum. Thus, the bladder initially extends all the way to the umbilicus [1263]. With progressive foetal development, as the bladder descends towards the pelvis, the attachment between the umbilicus and the urachus becomes looser and the apical portion progressively narrows to a small, epithelialised, fibromuscular strand by the fourth or fifth month of gestation. The urachus then obliterates completely by birth, forming the median umbilical ligament [1264-1266]. The urachus varies from 3 to 10 cm in length and from 8 to 10 mm in diameter. It is a three-layered tubular structure, the innermost layer being lined with transitional epithelium, the middle layer composed of connective tissue, and the outermost muscular layer in continuity with the detrusor muscle [1267].
Urachal remnants (URs) originate from the failure of allantois obliteration, resulting in a urachal anomaly such as (1) urachal sinus, (2) urachal cyst, (3) vesico-urachal diverticulum, or patent urachus [1264,1265,1268]. Epidemiology
The reported prevalence of URs is highly variable, possibly due to the use of different definitions of URs. For example, in a study with patients undergoing laparoscopy for inguinal hernia repair, all visible residual tissue was scored as a UR, and therefore a UR was visualised in 35.4% of patients, especially in patients < 1 year (63.2%). All of them were asymptomatic [1269]. This supports a physiological regression of URs with age. In contrast, in a large study evaluating ultrasonographic exams in patients < 18 years old, with specific attention to diagnose URs, the prevalence of URs was only 0.2% [1270]. The incidence rate in boys is a little higher than in girls [1271,1272]. The subtypes of various URs reported in the literature is 10-48% for a patent urachus, 31-43% for a urachal cyst, 18-43% for a urachal sinus and 3-4% for a urachal diverticulum [1273,1274]. Symptoms
Most often the UR is asymptomatic. The most common symptom of a urachal remnant is umbilical granulation, discharge and erythema in infants and abdominal pain in older children [1273]. A patent urachus can cause continuous or intermittent urine leakage from the umbilicus causing umbilical granulation and erythema [1273]. A urachal cyst is usually diagnosed (1) incidentally, or (2) when it becomes infected causing abdominal pain and discharge of pus from the umbilicus or recurrent UTIs when it drains into the bladder. Other symptoms of infected urachal anomalies can vary from high fever, abdominal pain, urinary tract infections, LUTS and/or an abdominal mass [1274-1278]. A urachal diverticulum is often asymptomatic and is usually found incidentally during investigations for other problems. Urachal remnants can have associated or simultaneous anomalies, in one study it was found in 17 of 46 children, of which VUR was the most common (six patients) [1279]. Diagnosis
When a UR is suspected, a careful history and physical examination should be performed. In many patients the diagnosis can be confirmed by US [1280]. However, in a retrospective study investigating 56 patients, it was shown that the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound to diagnose a UR or omphalomesenteric remnant in patients with umbilical discharge was relatively low (sensitivity 71.1%, specificity 72.2%, positive predicting value [PPV] 76.2%, negative predicting value [NPV] 66.7%) [1281]. An MRI or CT scan may be necessary in a minority of children for more detailed imaging [1277]. In general, a VCUG is only indicated when the child also presents with UTI or when the US shows signs of upper tract abnormalities [1282]. Treatment
If a UR is symptomatic, the standard approach is the surgical removal of the remnant. However, in children less than six months old, even when they are symptomatic, a conservative approach with observation and/or antibiotics is possible, since there is a high chance of spontaneous resolution [1273,1275,1278,1283,1284]. In the event of active inflammation/infection, this should be treated first, and surgery should preferably be done as an elective procedure. A Pfannenstiel, periumbilical or infraumbilical midline incision can be used for the open surgical approach [1276,1285]. Alternatively, a laparoscopic or robotic approach has been shown to be safe and effective [1284,1286-1288]. Complication rates can vary with age. In one study it was shown that operative management of younger patients resulted in more reoperations, readmissions, and longer length of stay [1289], while in another study patients had less complications when surgery was performed at < 1 year of age [1290]. Given that a conservative approach can be effective, it should precede an eventual surgical resection. Pathology of removed remnants
Removed specimens may show inflammation or a cystic structure [1275]. Patients presenting without symptoms are as likely to have epithelial elements in the UR as those presenting with symptoms [1277]. Urachal cancer
Urachal cancer has not been shown to occur in children. Urachal anomalies are thought to be associated with an increased risk of bladder adenocarcinoma in adults, and urachal adenocarcinoma has an estimated incidence of 0.18 per 100,000 individuals yearly [1291]. In a large database study the most frequent tumour type was adenocarcinoma (65-82%), followed by urothelial carcinoma (11-21%) [1292]. Five-year survival was 54.8-64.4%. Urachal adenocarcinoma is very rare, especially when one considers that up to 62% of children under sixteen years of age may have a UR [1280,1293]. A study by Copp et al., found no association between the presence of UR symptoms and the presence or absence of epithelial tissue in pathology specimens, leading them to conclude that UR symptoms have poor predictive value for malignancy potential in these remnants [1272,1292]. Gleason et al., found that 5,721 URs would need to be excised to prevent a single case of urachal adenocarcinoma out of the nearly 65,000 patients reviewed [1291]. Assuming that epithelium is required in the development of urachal adenocarcinoma, the extrapolated Number Needed to Treat (NNT) would be more than 8,000, as nearly 30% of urachal anomalies are void of an epithelial component. Less than 5% of urachal cancers have a non-epithelial origin such as sarcoma [1294]. At present no long-term follow-up on untreated UR in children is available and there is no evidence that urachal anomalies in children increase the likelihood of future malignancy [1273,1295]. Summary of evidence and recommendation for management of urachal remnants
Summary of evidence | LE |
Most often the urachal remnant is asymptomatic, but when symptomatic the most common symptom of an urachal remnant is umbilical granulation, discharge and erythema in infants, and abdominal pain in older children. | 3 |
When a urachal remnant is suspected, a careful history and physical examination should be performed, and in many patients the diagnosis can be supported by ultrasound. | 3 |
Urachal remnants carry no known risk of malignant transformation during childhood and a very low overall lifetime risk. | 3 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Manage asymptomatic urachal remnants (UR) conservatively. | Strong |
Manage symptomatic URs initially conservatively with observation and/or antibiotics, and preferably with elective surgical removal if persistent. | Weak |
Remove symptomatic URs either using an open, laparoscopic or robotic approach. | Strong |
Do not perform a voiding cystourethrography in an asymptomatic UR. | Weak |
3.20.2. Papillary tumours of the bladder in children and adolescents (Papillary urothelial neoplasm oflow malignant potential or transitional cell carcinoma) Incidence
Papillary tumours of the bladder in children and adolescents are extremely rare and are different from papillary tumours in adults. A “grape-like” papillary tumour in young children will be more likely a rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder, which are not the focus of this guideline. A papillary tumour in older children or adolescents will be more likely be a papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP) [1296]. Children with risk factors, such as previous bladder surgery and immunosuppressive medication can also develop a nephrogenic adenoma of the bladder, also presenting as a papillary tumour of the bladder. Differences and similarities of papillary tumours of the bladder in children and adults
The overall the risk of a papillary tumour in the bladder in paediatric and young adult patients is approximately double in males compared to females [1297]. Risk factors
The majority of these patients have no identifiable risk factors. Presentation
The most common symptom at presentation is haematuria; other less common symptoms include abdominal pain, storage LUTS including frequency, dysuria and at times obstructive symptoms [1297]. Investigations and treatment
Ultrasound of the genitourinary tract is the first investigation of choice. It is an excellent screening tool and can often accurately diagnose the nature and location of lesion. In children and adolescents, a bladder US of the full bladder is more sensitive compared with adults due to reduced abdominal fat and thinner muscle layer [1298]. In the event of a need to differentiate the renal or bladder origin of the haematuria, a red blood cell morphology will reveal isomorphic blood cells, differentiating a bladder origin. Urine cytology can be performed; however, it has very limited value likely due to the low-grade nature of these tumours in children. Cystoscopy should be reserved if a bladder tumour is suspected on imaging for simultaneous diagnosis and treatment, transurethral resection of the tumour. In children, cystoscopy requires general anaesthesia [1299]. Histology
All the lesions in the children and adolescent age-group are identified as papillary and over 85% are solitary [1298]. Papillary bladder tumours in patients younger than twenty years of age have low-grade non-invasive disease (WHO classification) [1300]. These findings let pathologists conclude that in children and adolescents, a papillary bladder tumour can be classified as PUNLMP. Papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential has minimal or no cytological atypia and it differs from low grade transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) which has cytologic atypia, hyperchromatic nuclei and scattered mitosis [1301]. Additional treatment
Mitomycin C and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin have both been used in children but there is no evidence of their efficacy due to the rarity of TCC, and especially of high grade TCC [1297]. Hence, as per current evidence, there is no place for instillations in children. Prognosis, recurrence and surveillance
The prognosis of papillary tumours of the bladder in children is overall good. The recurrence rate in children and adolescents varies from 8-15% [1296-1298]. Mean time to recurrence can vary from 11-29 months depending on the study, with recurrences occurring up to 90 months from diagnosis; though 64% occur in the first year [1297]. In certain cases, recurrences can be fairly aggressive [1298].
Strategies are based on the guidelines and protocols of papillary tumours of the bladder in adults. It is advised to follow-up children and adolescents with a history of a PUNLMP initially with a short interval of three to six months in the first year, and thereafter at least yearly with urinanalysis for haematuria and an US of the full bladder. In the event of sudden gross haematuria, the evaluation must be performed immediately. If the tumour was completely resected at primary surgery, standard follow-up cystoscopy is not necessary and may be reserved for children or adolescents with a high recurrence risk or suspected recurrence on bladder US [1298]. The exact duration of follow-up is unknown but this Panel recommends follow-up for at least five years.
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours of the bladder (IMTB) are rare with nearly 200 cases reported in the literature [1302,1303]. Around 25% occur in children with a median age at diagnosis of 7.5 years and a median tumour size of 5.5 cm. Boys and girls are equally affected [1304]. Usually these tumours are benign, with only very few reported malignant cases [1305]. Treatment is mostly surgical with transurethral resection, but local resection, or partial cystectomy maybe needed in selected cases [1304,1306]. Additionally, a conservative approach is reported [1307]. Histological examination is required to exclude other malignant tumours such as a rhabdomyosarcoma. In children, no recurrence has been reported so far. However due to the malignant potential and few recurrences in adults, follow-up the same as for papillary bladder tumours is recommended.
Eosinophilic cystitis
Though well described in adults, this inflammatory condition is rare in the paediatric population with less than 100 cases reported in the literature to date [1308]. Its aetiology remains unknown, but is thought to be incited by immunoglobulin E mediated attraction of eosinophils to the bladder wall followed by mast cell degranulation. It has been linked to medications, specifically antibiotics such as penicillin, chemotherapeutic agents e.g. cyclophosphamide and mitomycin, and chronic bladder catheterisation [1309,1310]. In children, as opposed to adults, males are more frequently afflicted with seven years being the mean age of presentation; however, the condition can be seen throughout childhood even in LUTS [1308,1311].
Irritative bladder symptoms such as dysuria, frequency, urgency and incontinence are the most frequent and can mimic UTI [1312]. Other symptoms include haematuria, suprapubic tenderness and systemic symptoms. Obstructive manifestations due to mass formation in the bladder wall can result in ureteral obstruction leading to hydro-ureteronephrosis, and suprapubic mass in infants in addition to voiding dysfunction [1308,1311,1313].
Although associated with allergy only about a third of reported cases had a history of other allergic conditions whereas half had significant eosinophilia or eosinophiluria. Diagnosis is often delayed as symptoms of eosinophilic cystitis (EC) mimic other more common conditions such as UTI and LUTS and most patients will ultimately have undergone imaging studies such as ultrasound, VCUG, CT and MRI, which although not specially diagnostic for the condition, may show bladder wall thickening or even mass formation, with rhabdomyosarcoma constituting an important differential diagnosis. A high index of suspicion for the diagnosis should therefore be maintained when dealing with protracted urinary symptoms not responsive to conventional intervention. Definitive diagnosis can only be attained on tissue biopsy obtained by cystoscopy. Histologically, eosinophilic infiltration of lamina propria and muscularis are seen in acute phases with > 25 eosinophils per high power field considered to be significant [1308,1311,1313]. Management is not standardised; removal of any possible allergens is the obvious first step and there are reports of self-limiting course of the disease. However, empirical treatment with corticosteroids, antibiotics, anticholinergics, and antihistamines, in addition to cyclosporine A have been utilised and lead to resolution of symptoms in most cases. Partial cystectomy has been performed in circumscribed lesions that do not disappear spontaneously. No standard follow-up recommendations exist; however, surveillance is justified as recurrence has been reported in about a third of patients [1308,1311].
Nephrogenic adenoma
Nephrogenic adenomas (NA) in children are rare benign lesions that usually occur in the setting of previous surgery or chronic irritation of urinary tract [1314]. These benign proliferative lesions are most commonly found in the bladder. There is a significant predominance of girls compared to boys (5:1). The exact pathogenesis is unknown. It is proposed to be a metaplastic process of native urothelium in response to chronic injury. Recent evidence suggest that they can be derived from renal tubular cells that shed, migrate, reimplant and proliferate within urothelial mucosa [1315]. Though they are known to occur concurrently with bladder cancer, there are no de novo cases of bladder cancer diagnosed after nephrogenic adenoma. Previous history of bladder surgery such as bladder augmentation or presence of chronic inflammation or irritation is important [1316]. Lesions tend to develop at sites prone to chronic catheterisation injury. Other risk factors include trauma, immunosuppression and radiation. They present with haematuria and storage LUTS with a
papillary/polypoid mass on cystoscopy. The recurrence rate is as high as 80% over four years [1314]. The final diagnosis is established by cystoscopy and histopathological review of biopsy specimen. Treatment is excision either by transurethral resection which often requires reresections, partial cystectomy or open excision. Again, no standard follow-up recommendations exist; however, regular follow-up with cystoscopy has been advocated especially for patients with augmented bladders as recurrence seem particularly high in this subgroup [1316]. Summary of evidence and recommendations for papillary tumours of the bladder in children
Summary of evidence | LE |
The majority of paediatric patients have no identifiable risk factors for bladder tumours. | 3 |
There is no evidence on intravesical therapy for bladder tumours in children and adolescents. | 4 |
Prognosis of papillary tumours of the bladder in children is good overall. | 3 |
Inflammatory myofibroblastic bladder tumours are usually benign. | 3 |
A third of paediatric EC cases are associated with a history of allergic conditions and in 50% with significant eosinophilia or eosinophiluria. | 4 |
Paediatric EC patients usually present with irritative and or obstructive urinary symptoms which can mimic UTI or LUTS thereby leading to delayed diagnosis. | 4 |
In paediatric EC, definitive diagnosis can only be attained on tissue biopsy obtained by cystoscopy. | 4 |
In EC, treatment with corticosteroids, antibiotics, anticholinergics, and antihistamines, in addition to cyclosporine A have been utilised and lead to resolution of symptoms in most cases. | 4 |
No standard follow-up recommendations exist; however, surveillance is justified as recurrence has been reported in about a third of patients. | 4 |
Nephrogenic adenoma in children are rare benign lesions that usually occur in the setting of previous surgery or chronic irritation of urinary tract and mainly occurring in the bladder. | 4 |
Nephrogenic adenoma usually presents with haematuria and or storage LUTS and with a papillary/polypoid mass on seen on cystoscopy. | 4 |
Nephrogenic adenoma diagnosis is established by cystoscopy and histopathological review of biopsy specimen. | 4 |
Nephrogenic adenoma treatment is excision either by transurethral resection which often requires reresections, partial cystectomy or open excision. | 4 |
Nephrogenic adenoma A recurrence rate is high thereby justifying regular follow-up. | 4 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Ultrasound is the first investigation of choice for the diagnosis of paediatric bladder tumours. | Strong |
Cystoscopy should be reserved if a bladder tumour is suspected on imaging for diagnosis and treatment. | Strong |
After histological confirmation, inflammatory myofibroblastic bladder tumours should be resected locally. | Weak |
Follow-up should be every three to six months in the first year, and thereafter at least annually with urinanalysis and an ultrasound for at least five years. | Weak |
Have a high index of suspicion of eosinophilic cystitis (EC) in protracted urinary tract symptoms unresponsive to regular treatment. | Strong |
Remove any possible allergens as the obvious first step in managing EC. | Strong |
Eosinophilic cystitis can be managed medically with corticosteroids, antibiotics, anticholinergics, and antihistamines, in addition to cyclosporine A. | Weak |
Manage nephrogenic adenoma (NA) by resection either transuretherally or by open excision. | Strong |
Regular endoscopic follow-up especially for augmented patients with NA is justified. | Weak |
3.20.3. Penile rare conditions
Paediatric lesions of the penis are uncommon but an important part of the paediatric urological practice. The most common of these lesions are cystic penile lesions followed by vascular malformations and neurogenic lesions [1317]. Soft tissue tumours of the male external genitalia are uncommon, but have been described in the paediatric age group and can be malignant [1318]. Cystic lesions
- Epidermal inclusion cysts are the most common genital cystic lesion and can occur anywhere on the body in both men and women; in the penis it occurs most commonly over the penile shaft varying from 0.1 to 1 cm in diameter. Their epithelium is lined and filled with keratin. It is a painless swelling and can present in the age group with a history of circumcision. Treatment by total surgical excision is mainly indicated for cosmetic or symptomatic (e.g., infection) reasons and should be performed without rupturing the cyst to avoid recurrence [1319].
- Mucoid cyst of the penis is synonymous with parameatal cyst or genitoperineal cyst of median raphe; they are midline developmental cysts arising from ectopic urethral mucosa filled with mucoid material. They present since birth but are usually detected during adolescence or later. They are usually asymptomatic developing over the penile ventral surface around glans and require surgical removal for either cosmetic, functional or symptomatic reasons [1320].
- Median raphe cysts arise from incomplete closure of genital fold during embryogenesis; they are commonly diagnosed in the first decade of life but can present later as they tend to be asymptomatic [1321]. They are either unilocular or multilocular fluid containing cysts, with a mean size of 0.8 cm but cysts larger than 2 cm have also been reported [1322]. Cysts are centred in dermis, with no connection to urethra or epidermis. Histopathologically, there are four types: urethral (urothelium-like epithelium, account for 55% cases), epidermoid, glandular and mixed. They can be treated conservatively and can resolve spontaneously or persist. Cyst aspiration is associated with high risk of recurrence and surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Though most penile cysts are asymptomatic, they may get infected resulting in pain and tenderness. They can also present with ulceration, rupture and urinary obstruction if they are close to the urethral meatus. This, along with cosmetic issues, means that most caregivers and patients opt for surgical excision.
- Smegmal cysts or smegmal pearls can be a differential for the cysts above; they are a benign collection of smegma in the sub-preputial space in uncircumcised boys with anticipated spontaneous resolution [1323].
- Dermoid cyst are congenital, asymptomatic, firm, solitary, subcutaneous cystic lesions occurring commonly in the region of the corona involving the foreskin. Histopathologically they contain sweat and sebaceous glands with elements of hair and squamous epithelium. Pilosebaceous cysts have been described on the glans; they are benign and usually diagnosed after excision. Vascular malformations
A broad classification of penile vascular lesions into haemangiomas and vascular malformations was proposed by Ramos in 1999 [1324]. Haemangiomas develop rapidly at birth and involute slowly; they also include pyogenic granulomas which are benign outgrowths of cutaneous capillary vessels formed usually from chronic irritation [1317]. The growth cycle of infantile haemangiomas is divided into early and late proliferative stages, followed by a slow involution phase, completing growth by nine months of age [1325]. Propranolol is currently first-line treatment for infantile haemangiomas, the exact mechanism of action is unknown but can include inhibition of angiogenesis, vasoconstriction among others. The dose is in the range of 1.5-2.5 mg/kg, which needs to be continued for twelve to eighteen months and then tapered through active or passive weaning to reduce risk of rebound growth [1325]. Other factors leading to rebound growth after propranolol treatment include deep haemangiomas, which occur in about 38% patients despite propranolol therapy, requiring local therapy such as topical timolol, pulsed dye laser or intralesional steroids. After twelve months, the median improvement with treatment is reported as 81% (range 70-90%) based on VAS scores of serial patient photographs.
Vascular malformations are congenital lesions of capillary, lymphatic and venous (or slow-flow) or arterial/arteriovenous (fast-flow) origin that enlarge slowly as the patient grows. These include glomus tumours, which are primarily congenital arteriovenous shunts that develop from thermo-regulatory glomus bodies (fastflow vascular malformations). Glomus tumours of the penis can arise on the glans penis, corpora of the penis and as periurethral masses, sometimes accompanied by glomus tumours of fingers and feet [1326]. These are usually asymptomatic at presentation or may have symptoms such as priapism, palpitation and perineal pain. Glomus tumours are benign despite exhibiting high grade nuclear polymorphism. Vascular malformations are usually benign and treated either with laser, sclerotherapy or surgical excision. However, glomus tumours specifically need surgical treatment and follow-up due to the risk of recurrence from incomplete excision [1327]. Neurogenic lesions
Penile neurofibroma is an extremely rare lesion arising from perineural and Schwann cells, and occurs usually with evidence of systemic neurofibromatosis or von Recklinghausen syndrome [1328]. They are treated successfully with complete excision [1317]. Rare cases of malignant schwanomas on the penis presumably secondary to malignant transformation of benign neurofibromas have been reported in boys with a strong family history of neurofibromatosis. This type of malignant degeneration of neurofibromatosis occurs in reportedly 5-16% children [1328]. Hence, these patients require long-term follow-up due to risk of recurrence, new tumour formation and malignant transformation. Soft tissue tumours of penis
Mesenchymal tumours are rare in the external genitalia and they require excision in order to differentiate between benign and malignant neoplasms. Histopathological characterisation is essential to ensure malignant tumours receive radical treatment with adjuvant therapy or close follow-up [1318].
Presentation is usually of a painless penile mass, that is non-tender and rubbery on examination. Ultrasound may be useful in characterising the lesion but is not diagnostic; it can exclude urethral invasion if it is close to urethra [1318]. Once an excision biopsy is performed, if aggressive malignant components are found, a further wider resection may be needed.
Fibrosarcoma is a rare non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue tumour that arises from fibrous tissue. The infantile form of fibrosarcoma is rare and those occurring on the penis are even rarer in the paediatric age-group. Surgical intervention has a favourable prognosis in the paediatric age group with long-term survival of 90% in sporadic cases [1329]. Myofibroma is a benign congenital lesion that occurs either as a solitary lesion or as a part of myofibromatosis with multiple soft tissue tumours. Excision is necessary for histological diagnosis [1318].
Primary penile teratomas are extremely rare subtype of congenital germ cell tumours, and they tend to be asymptomatic and are subdermal on US with no blood flow on Doppler [1330]. They need aggressive treatment with surgical resection due to their unpredictable behavior and unresponsiveness to chemotherapy. Mature teratomas are benign but immature teratoma or even mixed teratomas with immature components can turn malignant and have the potential to metastasise and recur. Penile Lymphedema
Lymphedema in adults is usually secondary to malignancy or infectious disease affecting lymphatic drainage. In the paediatric age group, however, lymphedema is usually primary and generally very rare, affecting 1.2 per 100.000 persons under the age of 20 years [1331]. Of these, only a very small fraction relates to the genital region. Regardless of underlying aetiology, inefficient lymphatic drainage leads to accumulation of subcutaneous lymph which causes tissue swelling and inflammation. This in turn stimulates adipose deposition and fibrosis further exacerbating enlargement. With time the edematous tissue becomes vulnerable to infection, chronic cutaneous changes and disfigurement [1332]. Additionally, when occurring in the genital region urological complications may ensue; such as phimosis, haematuria, bleeding, bladder outlet obstruction, pain, dysuria, lymphorrhea and severe psychological distress due to resultant deformity [1333,1334].
In the largest cohort of male genital oedema in the paediatric age group, 92% of cases were primary; of these only 25% had a discernable familial or syndromic association such as Noonan syndrome, lymphedemadistichiasis or Milroy disease [1333]. Secondary genital lymphedema in children has been reported after inguinal surgery, and non-caseating granulomatous lymphangitis as seen with metastatic Crohn’s disease [1333-1335]. Average age of onset was reported to be 4.5 ± 6.3 years with 61% presenting in infancy, 13% in childhood and the remaining 26% in adolescence. Edema is usually penoscrotal in 72%, isolated scrotal in 24% and very rarely confined exclusively to the penis in 4%. Moreover, concomitant lower limb edema is the rule in two thirds of cases [1333].
There is no general consensus on diagnostic work-up of these patients. History and physical examination (including family history) is usually sufficient. However, lymphoscintigraphy can be used as a confirmatory test, more so for limb than genital edema where results can be difficult to interpret [1333]. Ultrasonography is non-specific, but has been advocated by some to exclude secondary lymphedema by examining the patency of iliac and caval vessels [1336]. Magnetic resonance imaging is useful to exclude other differential diagnoses such as other venous or lymphatic anomalies [1333].
Conservative treatment is the accepted first-line treatment. The mainstay is compression therapy to maintain and prevent further swelling. This can be achieved by compression stockings and undergarments. Additionally, close observation and protection of the skin to prevent excoriations and infection is essential [1333,1336]. Compression therapy is, however, less effective on genital oedema than it is on limb edema, especially in growing children. When conservative management fails, and especially in symptomatic cases, or in patients with functional impairment, surgical debulking may be necessary. This can either take the form of circumcision in cases where the foreskin is affected or excision of affected skin and subcutaneous tissues with restructuring and contouring for optimal cosmetic outcome. Complete skin excision and grafting may also be required [1333-1336]. Surgical management can be challenging and needs to be restricted to patients with significant symptoms. Complications include recurrences, continuous lymphatic leakage, haematoma, infection and poor cosmetic outcome [1331,1336,1337].
Summary of evidence | LE |
Cystic penile lesions are the commonest paediatric penile lesions followed by vascular malformations and neurogenic lesions. | 3 |
Neurofibroma patients require long-term followup due to risk of recurrence, new tumour formation and malignant transformation. | 3 |
Mesenchymal tumours are rare and require excision in order to differentiate between benign and malignant neoplasms. | 3 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Treatment of penile cystic lesions is by total surgical excision, it is mainly indicated for cosmetic or symptomatic (e.g. infection) reasons. | Weak |
Propranolol is currently first-line treatment for infantile hemangiomas. | Strong |
Conservative management is the first-line treatment for penile lymphedema. | Strong |
In symptomatic cases or in patients with functional impairment, surgical intervention may become necessary for penile lymphedema. | Weak |
3.21. Emergencies in Paediatric Urology
3.21.1. Acute Scrotum
Refer to Chapter 3.6 “Acute Scrotum”
3.21.2. Paraphimoasis
Refer to Chapter 3.1 on Phimosis and other abnormalities of the penile skin.
3.21.3. Priapism Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Priapism is a prolonged full or partial erection of the penis unrelated to sexual stimuli lasting ≥ 4 hours. Although the prevalence of priapism in children is not well reported in literature, it is considered a rare disease. The most common cause of priapism in children is sickle cell disease (SCD), which accounts for about 65% of all cases, followed by leukemia (10%), trauma (10%), idiopathic (10%) and drugs (5%) [1338]. In patients with SCD, the mean age of the first episode of priapism has been shown to be fifteen years old, with 25% presenting prepubertally [1339]. Classification
Priapism in children can be divided in four groups: ischaemic (low-flow) priapism, stuttering priapism, non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism, and neonatal priapism.
Ischaemic (low-flow, veno-occlusive) priapism is the most common form (95%) in children. It presents as a painful, rigid erection, with decreased or absent intracavernous arterial inflow. This is considered a medical emergency, since a duration of ≥ 4 hours can cause ischaemia within the corpora cavernosa, and eventually irreversible damage, such as smooth muscle necrosis, corporal fibrosis and erectile dysfunction [1340].
Stuttering priapism presents as recurrent, self-limiting prolonged erections, with intervening periods of detumescence. This often precedes an episode of ischaemic (low-flow) priapism [1341].
Non-ischaemic (high-flow, arterial) priapism is a prolonged erection of the penis lasting ≥ 4 hours not associated with ischaemia. The most common cause is penile, perineal or pelvic trauma, which can lead to the development of an arteriolar-sinusoidal or arteriocavernous fistula, and usually has a delayed presentation after trauma
(three hours – seven days) [1342].
Neonatal priapism is a very rare condition, with only a few case series described in literature. It presents as a prolonged erection of the penis ≥ 4 hours in a new-born. Sickle cell disease is not associated with neonatal priapism due to the presence of foetal haemoglobin. It is most commonly idiopathic, but polycythaemia is the most common cause among the identifiable causes [1343]. It has a favourable natural history and benign pathophysiology. Diagnostic evaluation
A comprehensive history is critical in priapism and can determine the underlying priapism subtype and cause. Key points in the history of a child with priapism are shown in Table 8.
Table 8: Key points in the history for a child with priapism (adapted from Broderick et al. [1344])
Key points in the history for a child with priapism |
Duration of erection |
Presence and severity of pain |
Previous episodes of priapism and methods of treatment |
Medications or recreational drug use |
Sickle cell disease, haemoglobinopathies, hypercoagulable states, vasculitis |
Trauma to the pelvis, perineum or penis |
Physical examination
Inspection and palpation of the penis is recommended to assess the degree of tumescence and rigidity and the involvement of the corpora cavernosa, spongiosum and glans. In ischaemic (low-flow) priapism, typically the glans and corpus spongiosum are flaccid. In non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism, typically the corpora and the glans are tumescent but not fully rigid (Table 9). If perineal compression results in detumescence, this is suggestive of a non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism.
Penile imaging
Colour doppler ultrasonography of the penis and perineum should be performed in all patients. This can support clinical differentiation between ischaemic (low-flow) and non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism with 100% sensitivity and 73% specificity in adults [1345], where a peak systolic velocity < 50 cm/s and a mean velocity
< 6.5cm/s are suspicious for ischaemia [1346].
Laboratory testing
Laboratory testing with complete blood count (white blood cell count with blood cell differential platelet count) and specific tests for SCD or other haemoglobinopathies should be performed. When ischaemic (low-flow) priapism is suspected, penile blood gas analysis should be performed to differentiate between ischaemic (low-flow) and non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism (Table 10). However, when non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism is suspected, penile blood gas analysis should not be the diagnostic of first choice, due to the invasive nature and need for anaesthesia.
Table 9: Key findings in paediatric priapism (adapted from Donaldson et al., and Broderick et al., [1338,1344])
Ischaemic (low-flow) priapism | Non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism | |
Corpora cavernosa fully rigid | Typically | Seldom |
Penile pain | Typically | Seldom |
History of stuttering priapism | Typically | Seldom |
Haematological abnormalities | Typically | Seldom |
Abnormal penile blood gas | Typically | Seldom |
Perineal trauma | Seldom | Typically |
Table 10: Blood gas analysis (adapted from Broderick et al., [1344])
Source | pO2 (mmHg) | pCO2 (mmHg) | pH |
Normal arterial blood (room air) (similar values are found in non-ischaemic priapism) | > 90 | < 40 | 7.40 |
Normal mixed venous blood (room air) | 40 | 50 | 7.35 |
Ischaemic priapism (first corporal aspirate) | < 30 | > 60 | < 7.25 | Disease Management
Differentiation between ischaemic (low-flow) and non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism is essential, since clinical management differs between the two. Ischaemic (low-flow) priapism is a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment, where non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism does not. The management of a child with ischaemic (low-flow) priapism is in most parts similar to adults [1347].
Ischaemic (low-flow) priapismConservative
Although the amount of evidence is low, conservative treatment should be advised (e.g., physical exercise, urination, cold bath, ejaculation, oral/IV fluids, and analgesia); however, if symptoms persist ≥ 2 hours, urgent medical care should be sought [1348].
If conservative treatment fails, a step-up approach should be used for the management of priapism [1338]. Firstly, anesthesia should be given for the child, either local anesthesia, dissociative sedation or general anesthesia, depending on availability of paediatric anaesthetic expertise and the age and condition of the child. In SCD there are increased risks for general anaesthesia which should be taken into account [1349]. Subsequently a step-up approach should be used for treatment (Figure 13), adapted from Donaldson and adult priapism guideline [1338,1347].
Figure 13: Step-up approach for the management of Ischaemic (low-flow) priapism in childrenNon-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism
This is a very rare entity in the paediatric population. The treatment of non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism is not emergent. One study demonstrated that conservative management and long-term follow-up yielded no evidence of erectile dysfunction after a median follow-up of 55 months [1350]. Conservative treatment, such as perineal compression or application of ice to the perineum can be successful. If symptoms persist, super-selective angio-embolisation can be performed; however, this is technically challenging in children and requires a specialist paediatric vascular radiologist [1351]. Children should be initially treated with conservative management, reserving embolisation for refractory cases [1352].
Stuttering Priapism, and Priapism associated with Sickle Cell Disease
The management of a prolonged erection in stuttering priapism is similar to ischaemic (low-flow) priapism. Further management should focus on the prevention of further episodes. Several agents are proposed in literature, such as α-adrenergic agonists, PDE-5 inhibitors, hydroxyurea, β-agonists, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, but evidence is limited.
The acute management of SCD priapism is closely related to that outlined above. The main caveat is that those with SCD should have their disease medically optimised in close conjunction with paediatric haematology/oncology through a multidisciplinary approach. Hydroxyurea may decrease crisis frequency and severity in SCD-associated priapism [1353]. Unlike urgent surgical management performed in the adult population, a minimally invasive management strategy can be implemented in the paediatric population where an extended period of conservative management that avoids operative management under general anesthetic can be effective in about 60% cases [1354].
Neonatal priapism
Neonatal priapism is usually self-limiting and rarely requires treatment. Careful observation is appropriate in most cases since the majority resolve spontaneously without sequelae. If underlying polycythemia is present, this could be treated by venesection and fluid resuscitation [1355].
3.21.4. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the diagnosis and management of priapism
Summary of evidence | LE |
The most common cause of priapism in children is sickle cell disease. | 3 |
Ischaemic (low-flow, veno-occlusive) priapism is the most common form (95%) in children and is considered a medical emergency. | 3 |
Colour doppler ultrasonography of the penis and perineum can support clinical differentiation between ischaemic (low-flow) and non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism in children. | 2b |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Perform a doppler ultrasonography in all patients presenting with priapism. | Strong |
In children with ischaemic (low-flow) priapism, perform a full blood count and haemoglobinopathy screen to exclude sickle cell disease or other haematological disorders. | Strong |
Adopt a multidisciplinary approach when managing patients with SCD-associated priapism. | Strong |
Use a step-wise approach starting with the least invasive therapy in patients with ischaemic (low-flow) priapism. | Strong |
Manage neonatal and non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism conservatively in the initial management period. | Strong |
3.21.5. Stones
Refer to Chapter 3.16 on Urinary stone disease.
3.22. Paediatric urological trauma
Trauma is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children [1350]. This is generally caused by either blunt injuries from falls, car accidents, sports injuries, physical assault, sexual abuse, or penetrating injuries, usually due to falls onto sharp objects or from gunshot or knife wounds.
3.22.1. Paediatric renal trauma Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Of all renal injuries, about 25% occur in children, of which 79% is low-grade (I, II or III) and 21% is high-grade (IV or V) [1351]. The most common cause is blunt abdominal trauma (90%), and in blunt abdominal trauma the kidney is the most commonly affected organ, accounting for about 10% of all blunt abdominal injuries [1352]. Children are more likely than adults to sustain renal injuries after blunt trauma due to several anatomical factors, including decreased perirenal fat, weaker abdominal musculature, a relative large size of the kidney in relation to the rest of the body, foetal lobulations which result in a higher likelihood of a local parenchymal disruption, and a less ossified rib cage [1356]. Blunt renal trauma is frequently associated with injury to other organs as
well [1357]. Classification systems
Renal injuries are classified according to the kidney injury scale of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (Table 11) [1358].
Table 11: Renal injury classified according to the kidney injury scale of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma [1358]
Grade | Type of injury | Description |
I | Haematoma and/or contusion | Subcapsular hematoma and/or parenchymal contusion without laceration. |
II | Haematoma | Perirenal hematoma confined to Gerota fascia. |
Laceration | Renal parenchymal laceration ≤ 1 cm depth without urinary extravasation. | |
III | Laceration | Renal parenchymal laceration > 1 cm depth without collecting system rupture or urinary extravasation. |
Vascular | Any injury in the presence of a kidney vascular injury or active bleeding contained within Gerota fascia. | |
IV | Laceration | Parenchymal laceration extending into urinary collecting system with urinary extravasation; Renal pelvis laceration and/or complete ureteropelvic disruption. |
Vascular | Segmental renal vein or artery injury Active bleeding beyond Gerota fascia into the retroperitoneum or peritoneum; Segmental or complete kidney infarction(s) due to vessel thrombosis without active bleeding. | |
V | Laceration | Shattered kidney with loss of identifiable parenchymal renal anatomy. |
Vascular | Main renal artery or vein laceration or avulsion of hilum Devascularized kidney with active bleeding | |
Vascular injury is defined as a pseudoaneurysm or arteriovenous fistula and appears as a focal collection of vascular contrast that decreases in attenuation with delayed imaging. Active bleeding from a vascular injury presents as vascular contrast, focal or diffuse, that increases in size or attenuation in delayed phase. Vascular thrombosis can lead to organ infarction. Grade based on highest grade assessment made on imaging, at operation or on pathologic specimen. More than one grade of kidney injury may be present and should be classified by the higher grade of injury. Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to Grade III. | Diagnostic evaluation
In a child who has sustained blunt abdominal trauma, renal involvement can often be suspected from the history, physical examination and laboratory evaluation. Renal involvement may be associated with abdominal or flank tenderness, lower rib fractures, fractures of vertebral pedicles, trunk contusions and abrasions, and haematuria. Vital signs should be monitored during the initial evaluation and give the most reliable indication of the urgency of the situation. It is important to consider that children, unlike adults, are able to maintain their blood pressure, even in the presence of hypovolaemia, due to compliance of the vascular tree and mechanisms for cardiac compensation [1353]. It is compulsory to consider all the clinical aspects involved, including the history, physical examination, consciousness of the child, overall clinical status and laboratory findings to decide on the diagnostic algorithm and whether or not a child needs further imaging studies. In severe renal injuries, 65% of patients suffer gross haematuria and 33% non-visible haematuria, while 2% have no haematuria at all [1354]. There have been several reports of significant renal injuries that manifest with little or even no blood in the urine [1355]. Choice of imaging method
In severe trauma or haemodynamically instable patients, FAST (Focussed Assessment Sonography in Trauma) can be used to identify a hemoperitoneum, with a high specificity (95%) but low sensitivity (33-89%) and negative predictive value (50%). However, sensitivity and specificity for kidney trauma and retroperitoneal hemorrhage is low; therefore, it is not recommended as a sole diagnostic tool [1359].
Computed tomography
Computed tomography scanning is the imaging modality of choice in patients with suspicion of renal injuries, since it is widely available, quick and provides accurate grading [1360]. Ideally it is performed in three phases: the arterial phase to detect vascular injury or active bleeding, the nephrogenic phase to detect parenchymal lacerations, and the delayed phase to detect injury of the collecting system or ureter. Furthermore, CT scanning can detect associated other intra-abdominal injuries, which are frequently associated with renal trauma, especially in grade III – V [1357]. Scanning protocol should be adapted for paediatric patients according to ALARA (as low as reasonable achievable) principles to reduce the amount of ionising radiation as much as possible.
(Contrast-enhanced) US can be considered as the sole investigation in patients with mild symptoms and no other indications for CT-scanning, where the mechanism of trauma and the condition of the patient do not suggest the presence of injury to other organs or the urinary tract. Although conventional US is not accurate to grade renal trauma, there could be a role for contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to identify parenchymal lesions; however, this technique cannot detect injuries to the urinary tract or collecting system since the contrast agent is not excreted by the kidney [1361]. Ultrasound can be performed in follow-up of a renal trauma to reduce the amount of radiation. However, even in high-grade renal trauma, routine repeat imaging may be avoidable in asymptomatic, stable patients [1362]. Disease management
The modern management of trauma is multidisciplinary, requiring paediatricians, emergency physicians, surgeons, urologists, and other specialties as required.
Non-surgical conservative management with bed rest, fluids and monitoring has become the standard approach for treating blunt renal trauma. In high-grade renal injuries, a conservative approach is effective and recommended for hemodynamically stable children [1363]. However, this approach requires close clinical observation and intermittent re-assessment of the patient’s overall condition. Therefore, a good initial trauma CT with delayed images to check for urinary extravasation is recommended, since patients with a urine leak have higher morbidities, including febrile episodes and an increased requirement of operative or image-guided interventions [1364]. However, early drainage does not seem to prevent persistent urinary extravasation or complications [1365]. Therefore, reserve stenting and/or percutaneous drainage only when the patient is symptomatic [1366]. Emergency intervention is indicated only for haemodynamic instability, and if available angio-embolisation for ongoing or delayed bleeding is preferred compared to open surgery. The results of angio-embolisation were evaluated and were successful in 92% of patients with grade III-IV (294/322) and 76% of grade V (63/82) injuries. Furthermore, the success rate was 90% (312/346) in hemodynamically stable patients, but only 63% (42/66) in hemodynamically unstable patients [1367]. Absolute indications for surgery include persistent bleeding into an expanding or unconfined haematoma with haemodynamic instability. Relative indications for surgery are massive urinary extravasation and extensive non-viable renal tissue [1368].
In paediatric patients with renal trauma, routine blood pressure checks to diagnose hypertension is recommended in the long-term follow-up since post-traumatic renal hypertension rate varies between 4.2 – 18%, especially in cases with concomitant vascular injury [1363,1369]. However, there is a dearth of long-term data on the risk of developing hypertension in children. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of paediatric renal trauma
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use imaging in all children who have sustained a blunt or penetrating trauma irrespective of the presence of haematuria, especially when the history reveals a deceleration trauma, direct flank trauma or a fall from a height. | Strong |
Use contrast-enhanced computed tomography-scanning with delayed images for diagnostic and staging purposes. | Strong |
Manage most injured kidneys conservatively. | Strong |
Perform angio-embolisation or surgical intervention in case of haemodynamic instability or a Grade V renal injury. | Strong |
3.22.2. Paediatric ureteral trauma
Injuries to the ureter are rare. The ureter is well protected; the upper part is protected by its close approximation to the vertebral column and paraspinal muscles and the lower part by its route through the bony pelvis. In addition, the ureter is a small target, and both flexible and mobile. This also means that ureteral injuries are caused more often by penetrating trauma than blunt trauma [1370]. Since the ureter is the sole conduit for urinary transport between the kidney and the bladder, any ureteral injury can threaten the function of the ipsilateral kidney. Diagnostic evaluation
As there are no classical clinical symptoms suggestive of ureteral trauma, it is important to carry out a careful diagnostic work-up using different imaging modalities. Unfortunately, initial imaging studies, such as IVP and routine CT scans, are unreliable. A study of eleven disruptions of the ureteropelvic junction found that 72% had a normal or non-diagnostic IVP on initial studies [1370]. Diagnostic accuracy of CT scanning can be improved by performing a delayed CT scan up to ten minutes after injection of the contrast material [1371]. The most sensitive diagnostic test is a retrograde pyelogram.
It is not uncommon for patients to present several days after the injury, when the urinoma produces flank and abdominal pain, nausea and fever. Due to symptoms being often vague, it is important to remain suspicious of a potential undiagnosed urinary injury following significant blunt abdominal trauma in a child. Management
Immediate repair during abdominal exploration is rare. Minimally invasive procedures are the method of choice, especially since many ureteral injuries are diagnosed late after the traumatic event. Percutaneous or nephrostomy tube drainage of urinomas can be successful, as well as internal stenting of ureteral injuries [1372]. If endoscopic management is not possible, primary repair of partial lacerations should be followed by internal stenting. The management of complete lacerations, avulsions or crush injuries depends on the amount of ureter lost and its location. If there is an adequate healthy length of ureter, a primary ureteroureterostomy can be performed. If primary re-anastomosis is not achievable, distal ureteral injuries can be managed using a psoas bladder hitch, Boari flap or even nephropexy. Proximal injuries can be managed using transureteroureterostomy, auto-transplantation or ureteral replacement with bowel or appendix [1373]. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of paediatric ureteral trauma
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Diagnose suspected ureteral injuries by retrograde pyelogram. | Strong |
Manage ureteral injuries endoscopically, using internal stenting or drainage of an urinoma, either percutaneously or via a nephrostomy tube. | Weak |
3.22.3. Paediatric bladder injuries
The paediatric bladder is less protected than the adult bladder, and is therefore more susceptible to injuries, especially when full, due to:
- Its higher position in the abdomen and its exposure above the bony pelvis.
- The fact that the abdominal wall provides less muscular protection.
- The fact that there is less pelvic and abdominal fat surrounding the bladder to cushion it during trauma.
Blunt trauma is the most common cause of significant bladder injury. In adults, bladder injury is often associated with pelvic fractures. This is less common in children because the paediatric bladder sits above the pelvic ring. In a large prospective study, only 57% of children with pelvic fractures also had a bladder injury compared to 89% of adults [1374]. Diagnostic evaluation
The characteristic signs of bladder injury are suprapubic pain and tenderness, an inability to urinate, and visible haematuria (95% of injuries). Patients with a pelvic fracture and visible haematuria present with a bladder rupture in up to 45% of cases [1375].
The diagnosis of bladder rupture can be difficult in some cases. The bladder should be imaged both when fully distended and after drainage using standard radiography or with axial imaging (e.g., CT scan). Optimal imaging results are achieved through retrograde filling of the bladder using a catheter. Despite advances in CT imaging, the bladder must still be filled to capacity to accurately diagnose a possible bladder injury [1376].
Blunt injuries to the bladder are categorised as:
- Contusions with damage to the bladder mucosa or muscle, without loss of bladder wall continuity or extravasation.
- Ruptures, which are either intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal.
Intraperitoneal bladder ruptures are more common in children because of the bladder’s exposed position and the acute increase in pressure during trauma. These cause the bladder to rupture at its weakest point, i.e., at the dome. Extraperitoneal lesions occur in the lower half of the bladder and are almost always associated with pelvic fractures. A cystogram should demonstrate extravasation into the perivesical soft tissue in a typical flame pattern and the contrast material is confined to the pelvis. Management
Contusions usually present with varying degrees of haematuria and are treated with catheter drainage alone. Intraperitoneal injuries
The accepted management of intraperitoneal bladder ruptures is open surgical exploration and primary repair. Post-operative drainage with a suprapubic tube is mandatory. Recent data suggest that transurethral drainage may be as effective, with fewer complications, resulting in shorter periods of diversion [1377]. Usually, after about seven to ten days, a repeat cystogram is performed to ensure adequate healing. Extraperitoneal injuries
Non-operative, supportive management with catheter drainage for seven to ten days is the method of choice for extraperitoneal bladder rupture. However, if there are bone fragments within the bladder, these must be removed and the bladder must then be repaired and drained, according to the principles for treating intraperitoneal ruptures [1378]. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of paediatric bladder injuries
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use retrograde cystography to diagnose suspected bladder injuries. | Strong |
Ensure that the bladder has been filled to its full capacity and an additional film is taken after drainage. | Strong |
Manage extra-peritoneal bladder ruptures conservatively with a transurethral catheter left in place for seven to ten days. | Strong |
Perform surgical exploration in cases of intra-peritoneal bladder ruptures. | Strong |
3.22.4. Paediatric urethral injuries
Except for the penile part of the urethra, the paediatric urethra is quite well protected. In addition, its shape and elasticity means that the urethra is seldom injured by trauma. However, a urethral injury should be suspected in any patient with a pelvic fracture or significant trauma to the perineum until confirmed otherwise by a diagnostic work-up. Diagnostic evaluation
Patients with suspected urethral trauma and pelvic fractures usually present with a history of severe trauma, often involving other organ systems.
Signs of urethral injury include blood at the meatus, visible haematuria, pain during voiding, or an inability to void. There may also be perineal swelling and haematoma involving the scrotum. A rectal examination to determine the position and fixation of the prostate is important in any male with a suspected urethral injury. The prostate (although small), as well as the bladder, may be displaced up out of the pelvis, especially in membranous urethral trauma.
Radiographic evaluation of the urethra requires a retrograde urethrogram. It is important to expose the entire urethral length, including the bladder neck. If a catheter has already been placed and there is a suspected urethral trauma, the catheter should not be removed. Instead, a small infant catheter can be placed into the distal urethra along the catheter to allow the injection of contrast material for a diagnostic scan [1379]. Disease management
As these patients may be unstable due to the nature of their injuries, the urologist’s initial responsibility is to provide a method of draining and monitoring urine output.
A transurethral catheter should only be inserted if there is a history of voiding after the traumatic event, and if a rectal and pelvic examination, as described above, has not suggested a urethral rupture. If the catheter does not pass easily, an immediate retrograde urethrogram should be performed. A suprapubic tube may be placed in the emergency department percutaneously, or even in the operating room if the patient has to undergo immediate exploration because of other life-threatening injuries.
There are often no associated injuries with a bulbar urethral or straddle injury and management is therefore usually straightforward. In these cases, a transurethral catheter is the best option for preventing urethral bleeding and/or painful voiding [1380].
The initial management of posterior urethral injuries remains controversial, mainly regarding the long-term results with primary realignment compared to simple suprapubic drainage with later reconstruction.
The main goals in the surgical repair of posterior urethral injuries are:
- Providing a stricture-free urethra.
- Avoiding the complications of urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
Anterior urethral injury
The data for anterior urethral injury repair is much the same as for adults. Small lacerations can be repaired by simple closure. Complete ruptures without extensive tissue loss are treated with anastomotic repair [1381]. Penetrating injuries require peri- and post-operative antibiotic treatment [1382].
Immediate urethroplasty is generally performed in blunt injuries. The long term-outcomes (patency rate, potency rate) of adult patients treated with immediate urethroplasty is similar to these initially treated with suprapubic diversion and delayed urethroplasty [1383]. The main advantage of performing immediate urethroplasty is that this strategy significantly reduces the time to spontaneous voiding from two to six months to three weeks on average. Spongiosal contusion and haematoma during immediate urethroplasty will make the operation technically more demanding; therefore, immediate urethroplasty should be performed by a dedicated urethral surgeon [1384].
Posterior urethral injury
Unlike anterior urethral injuries with immediate realignment, in children with posterior urethral injuries, a staged approach with delayed repair may be more appropriate.
In children, there is significantly less experience with delayed repair, with a large paediatric series of delayed repair in 68 boys reporting succesful voiding and a continence rate of 90% [1385]. Another study reported strictures and erectile dysfunction in 67% of boys, although all the boys were continent post-operatively [1187]. A follow-up study on fifteen patients who underwent delayed urethroplasty for blunt urethral trauma during childhood reported high long-term success rates, with a low rate of long-term urinary and sexual dysfunction in adulthood [1386].
Revision surgery
A large study of revision urethroplasty analysing revision urethroplasty following pelvic floor urethral injuries in children and adolescents demonstrated that these injuries appeared to be more common in the developing world, with more complex findings and longer gaps. These patients in support of the above findings were best managed with delayed transperineal repair with self-reported success of up to 85% [1387]. On the other hand, a small prospective study demonstrated good results with immediate primary endoscopic realignment in patients with posterior urethral and bladder neck injuries [1388]. This may serve as an alternative to those with permitting endoscopic anatomy post-injury. A large study exploring outcomes on different urethroplasty techniques in both boys and girls demonstrated that most paediatric pelvic floor urethral injuries can be addressed through a transperineal approach with reasonable long-term outcomes (> 80%), however up to 25% of patients require further endoscopic/open procedures during follow-up. In challenging cases salvage procedures utilising vascular-based flaps as a urethral substitute can yield good results; however, the numbers lost to follow-up were significant at 40.6% [1389].
In a study of eighteen boys undergoing urethroplasty for strictures (traumatic/iatrogenic), post-void dribbling and urgency were the main patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) following surgery, with universally high satisfaction rates. Patient-reported outcome measures are an important consideration for urologists performing these procedures on children, as they will likely need continued long-term follow-up [1390]. In those who have previously experienced a failed urethroplasty following pelvic-fracture associated urethral injuries, most cases of recurrent posterior urethral strictures of < 3 cm in length can be operated through a perineal urethroplasty with reasonable success rates. Complex and long-segment (higher than 3 cm) strictures require use of ancil¬lary procedures like trans-pubic urethroplasty, substitution urethroplasty and Mitrofanoff appendicovescostomy with complication rates in adolescents of 33% [1391]. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of paediatric trauma
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Assess the urethra by retrograde urethrogram in case of suspected urethral injury. | Strong |
Perform a rectal examination to determine the position of the prostate. | Strong |
Manage urethral injuries conservatively initially if a transurethral catheter can be placed. | Strong |
Manage posterior urethral injuries by either: primary drainage with a suprapubic catheter alone and delayed repair; primary re-alignment with a transurethral catheter. | Weak |
3.22.5. Urosepsis
Refer to Chapter 3.10 on Urinary tract infections in children.
3.23. Peri-operative management
3.23.1. Pre-operative fasting, intra-operative fluid therapy, post-operative feeding, fasting and fluid management Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
Children have a different total body fluid distribution, renal physiology and electrolyte requirements, as well as weaker cardiovascular compensation mechanisms, compared to adults [1392]. During development, children have a high metabolic rate and lower fat and nutrient stores which means they are more susceptible to metabolic disturbances caused by surgical stress [1393]. The metabolic response to anaesthesia and surgery in infants and children is related to the severity of the operation [1394]. Disease management Pre-operative fasting
Pre-operative fasting has been advocated for elective surgery to avoid the complications associated with pulmonary aspiration during induction of anaesthesia. New regimens include an one hour limitation for clear liquids [1395,1396] without increased risk of pulmonary aspiration [1397]. Several studies have shown that fasting times in clinical practice often exceed the guidelines with average fasting times of six to ten hours [1396-1398]. Compared to adults, children have a higher metabolic rate and low glycogen stores and impaired gluconeogenesis, which makes hypoglycaemia an important issue to consider, especially in children < 36 months old [1396]. Therefore, it is important to prevent extended fasting times. Clear-liquid carbohydrate drinks have been proposed to reduce these fasting times [1399]. The presence of Type I diabetes does not necessitate different fasting instructions from those for healthy children [1400]. Depending on the length and the scale of the procedure, special attention to appropriate insulin administration, management of hypo- and hyperglycaemia as well as other metabolic abnormalities, is required [1401].
Table 12 provides the current guidelines for pre-operative fasting for elective surgery [1400].
Table 12: Pre-operative fasting times for elective surgery
Ingested material | Minimum fasting period (hours) |
Clear liquids | 1 |
Breast milk | 3 |
Formula milk-based products | 4 |
Light meal | 6 | Maintenance therapy and intra-operative fluid therapy
The goal of intra-operative fluid management is to sustain homeostasis by providing the appropriate amount of parenteral fluid; this maintains adequate intravascular volume, cardiac output, and oxygen delivery to tissues at a time when normal physiological functions have been altered by surgical stress and anaesthetic agents.
The main goal of intra-operative fluid management is to maintain a normal extracellular fluid volume (EFV). During the intra-operative period fluid deficits may be induced by pre-operative fasting, blood loss or third-space losses. Post-operative feeding, fasting and fluid management
It is not obligatory to check serum chemistry after uncomplicated surgery in children with normal pre-operative renal and hepatic function. However, if oral intake has been postponed for > 24 hours (e.g., as in intestinal surgery), there is an increased risk of electrolyte abnormalities, requiring further assessment and subsequent management, particularly with potassium. Post-operative findings, such as decreased bowel movements and ileus, may be signs of hypokalaemia.
Children who undergo interventions to relieve any kind of obstructive diseases deserve particular attention, especially due to the risk of polyuria as a result of post-obstructive diuresis [1402]. In children who develop polyuria, it is important to monitor fluid intake and urine output, as well as renal function and serum electrolytes. If necessary, clinicians should not hesitate in consulting with a paediatric nephrologist.
In children who have undergone non-abdominal surgery, studies have suggested that gastric motility returns to normal one hour after emergence from anaesthesia [1403]. Early post-operative intake of fluid in children who have undergone minor or non-abdominal urological surgery is associated with reduced post-operative vomiting and lower opioid use [1404] and is therefore encouraged.
Intraperitoneal surgery and the use of bowel may lead to decreased bowel motility in the post-operative period which can lead to paralytic ileus. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that traditional restriction of oral intake, after abdominal surgery, has no basis on scientific evidence and adverse effect on tissue regeneration and enzymatic function has been reported. Due to those deleterious effects of fasting, early enteral nutrition is preferred to parenteral nutrition [1405]. In new-borns, early intragastric, small-volume breast is well tolerated in the post-operative period and seems to provide a trophic effect on gut mucosa [1405].
Chewing gum is a type of sham feeding that promotes intestinal motility, via cephalic-vagal stimulation. It is usually well tolerated and accepted by older children without any contraindication. Although the evidence is limited, it can potentially enhance bowel recovery in the postoperative period in children [1406].
The ERAS protocol is a patient-centred, multimodal approach to optimise post-operative recovery. This protocol includes pre- and intra-operative element such as minimal pre-operative fasting and careful intra-operative fluid management and focuses on post-operative care. The post-operative ERAS protocol suggests starting clear fluid intake on the evening of surgery and a normal diet the day after surgery and thereby early discontinuation of IV fluids. Further focus is on early mobilisation, preventing epidurals and omitting or early removal of external tubes [1407].
The implementation of an ERAS protocol has resulted in a shorter length of hospital stays, faster bowel recovery and reduced the needs of post-operative opioid-free administration [1407,1408]. The implementation of ERAS protocols does not seem to result in higher complication and readmission rates; instead, some studies have even demonstrated a significant reduction in complication occurrence [1407]. When implementing ERAS in children with neurological abnormalities special attention should be given to bowel management with pre-operative treatment of constipation and early post-operative continuation of routine bowel management. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of peri-operative fluid management
Summary of evidence | LE |
The current evidence recommends reducing clear fluid fasting to 1 h, reducing breast milk fasting to 3 h, reducing formula milk-based products to 4 h and allowing a light meal 6 h before anaesthesia induction for elective procedures. | 1 |
Following abdominal surgery ERAS protocols can be used to reduce recovery times and complications. | 1 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Ensure shorter pre-operative fasting periods for elective surgeries (one hour for clear liquids, three hours for breast milk, four hours for formula milk-based products and six hours for a light meal). | Strong |
Start early post-operative oral fluid intake in all patients scheduled for minor surgical procedures. | Strong |
Use enhanced recovery after surgery protocols for abdominal surgery in children with pre-existing normal bowel function. | Strong |
3.23.2. Post-operative pain management: general information Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
The provision of adequate pain control requires proper pain evaluation, accurate choice of drug and route of administration, and consideration of age, physical condition and type of surgery and anaesthesia [1409]. Diagnostic evaluation
Assessment of pain is the first step in pain management. Several pain assessment tools have been validated according to the child’s age, cultural background, mental status, communication skills and physiological reactions [1410]. Depending on the child’s age, the 0-10 Numeric Rating Scale, Faces Revised Pain Scale, Face Legs Activity, Cry and Consolability Scale (FLACCS) or Colour Analog Scale, can be used [1411]. One of the most important topics in paediatric pain management is informing and involving the child and caregivers during this process. Patient-family-controlled- analgesia is the preferred pain management in the hospital and at home if the child and caregivers are provided with the correct information [1412,1413]. Disease management Drugs and route of administration
Pre-emptive analgesia is an important concept that aims to induce the suppression of pain before neural hypersensitisation occurs [1414]. Regional anaesthesia is given intra-operatively which can include a regional nerve block or local wound infiltration and has proven to reduce the need for post-operative analgesia [408]. The WHO’s ‘pain ladder’ is a useful tool for the pain management strategy [1415]. Paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the first choice. As they become insufficient to prevent pain, weak and strong opioids are added to oral drugs to achieve balanced analgesia. A proposed strategy for post-operative analgesia may be as follows:
- Intra-operative regional block and/or local wound infiltration.
- Paracetamol + NSAID.
- Paracetamol + NSAID + weak opioid (e.g., tramadol or codeine).
- Paracetamol + NSAID + strong opioid (e.g., morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone or pethidine).
The use of opioids in children has long held a standard role in the post-operative management of pain. Increased recognition of the adverse effects of opioids and prolonged opioid dependency demand a balanced intra-operative administration of opioids [1416]. Intra-operative adequate dosage of paracetamol and NSAIDs results in a decrease in opioid requirement in children [1417,1418]. Circumcision
Circumcision requires anaesthesia and proper pain management [1419]. Potential analgesic interventions during circumcision include the use of a dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB) or ring block, topical anaesthetics (depending on age, weight and body surface), and sucrose preferably in combination [408,1420]. Caudal blockade methods have similar efficacy compared to DPNB [1421]. However, caregivers should be informed about the more frequent incidence of post-operative motor weakness and micturition problems [1420,1421]. Penile, inguinal, and scrotal surgery
Caudal blocks and peripheral nerve blocks (DPNB and pudendal) are commonly used methods for analgesia in hypospadias surgery. Several agents with different doses, concentrations and administration techniques have been used. All have been shown to have adequate post-operative analgesic properties and no increase in post-operative complications was seen [407-409]. Severe bladder spasms caused by the presence of the bladder catheter can be managed with antimuscarinic medications.
For inguinoscrotal surgery, various regional anaesthesia methods have been investigated, such as transversus abdominis plane block, quadratus lumborum nerve block, ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks and caudal blocks. All have been shown to have adequate post-operative analgesic properties [1422]. Additional local anaesthetics such as clonidine or dexmedetomidine has been shown to prolong the analgesic effect [1423,1424]. Bladder and kidney surgery
Continuous local infusion (pain catheter) reduces the need for post-operative opioids [1425-1427], as well as systemic (intravenous) application of analgesics [1428], has been shown to be effective. Ketorolac (NSAID) is an effective agent that decreases the frequency and severity of bladder spasms, the length of post-operative hospital stay and costs, and intra-operative opioid administration [1429]. Open kidney surgery is particularly painful because all three muscle layers are cut during conventional flank incision. A dorsal lumbotomy incision may be a good alternative in small children because of the shorter post-operative hospital stay and earlier return to oral intake and unrestricted daily activity [1430]. Caudal and paravertebral blocks continuous epidural analgesia, as well as rectus sheath and transversus abdominis plane blocks, have been shown to decrease post-operative morphine requirement after abdominal and renal surgery [1431-1433]. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of post-operative pain
Summary of evidence | LE |
Adequate paracetamol and NSAIDs use reduces opioid need post-operatively. | 1 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Prevent/treat pain in children of all ages. | Strong |
Evaluate pain using age-compatible assessment tools. | Strong |
Use pre-emptive and balanced analgesia in order to decrease opioids requirements. | Strong |
3.23.3. Antibiotics management: general information
It is well established that peri-operative antibiotics prevent infections following surgery, but limited data are available for antibiotic management in paediatric genitourinary procedures. Antibiotic prophylaxis carried the risk of developing drug-resistant bacteria and adverse effects such as allergic reactions. Furthermore, in childhood some antibiotics are not recommended and their use is discouraged except for in severe cases.
In 2020 Snyder et al., conducted one of the first systematic reviews on peri-operative antibiotic practices in the paediatric urology literature [1434]. They reported that the majority of the articles did not provide accurate information on peri-operative antibiotic practices. Other studies demonstrated wide variations in practice patterns for antibiotic usage among paediatric urologists [403,1435].
Peri-operative prophylactic antibiotics in hypospadias repair have been widely debated in the literature. A meta-analysis demonstrated a high risk of bias and a low level of evidence, in terms of post-operative prophylactic antibiotics preventing complications following hypospadias repair [406]. On the contrary, a consensus exists for no peri-operative antibiotics following circumcision [1434].
A prospective, randomised, controlled, non-blinded, non-placebo study was performed on the effectiveness of continuous antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with JJ stents, with a total of 105 patients. They concluded that continuous antibiotic prophylaxis reduced the incidence of febrile UTIs, especially in children with a history of febrile UTI and LUTS [1436].
There is a need for standardisation of peri-operative antibiotic usage for paediatric urological operations; however, a lack of prospective studies and RCT’s are the main barriers for creating evidence-based guidelines on this particular topic.
3.23.4. Thromboprophylaxis management: general information
Thromboprophylaxis in children involves preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of blood clot formation. Unlike adults, the majority of children do not require thromboprophylaxis after surgery. It is only considered in certain high-risk situations such as underlying medical conditions like malignancies, congenital heart disease etc. Moreover, there are very limited data on the safety and efficacy of anticoagulants in paediatric practice. Epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology
The incidence of venous thrombo-embolism (VTE) in children is low, but has increased due to an increased use of central venous catheters (CVL) and an improvement in detection [1437]. Some authors suggest an incidence of five to eight cases of symptomatic VTE per 10.000 hospital admissions (0.05%-0.08%) but the true incidence may be higher as the majority of VTEs are clinically silent in children [1438]. In infants, VTE is most often associated with sepsis, congenital haematological disorders, and malignancies. At adolescence, the physiology of the coagulation system matures and additional risk factors such as smoking, obesity, pregnancy, and oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives become relevant. There is a 2:1 preponderance of females among adolescents who develop VTE.
The risk of VTE after urological surgery has been shown to have an incidence of 0.12%, which increases to 0.2% for prolonged hospitalisation [1439,1440].
Before adolescence, the absolute risk of VTE following major surgery, trauma, or immobilisation is low, even in children who have thrombophilia [1441]. Therefore, thromboprophylaxis is not recommended.
The risk of developing VTE should focus on adolescents (> 13 years) particularly those with one or more risk factors, such as those mentioned above [1442].
General preventive measures are fundamental to prevent VTE and should include: adequate peri- and post-operative hydration, early mobilisation after surgery and removal of CVLs as soon as possible. In post-pubertal girls undergoing any kind of surgery, consideration should be given to withholding the combined contraceptive pill for four weeks prior to planned surgery, particularly if there is a strong family history of thrombosis or a known thrombophilic risk factor [1438]. Diagnostic evaluation
Identifying thrombophilic risk factors in the family and patient history is important. Symptoms are similar to adult patients with pain, oedema of the dependent areas and development of collateral vessel circulation. However, children with VTE also have some unique presentations such as purpura fulminans. As with adults, the diagnosis of VTE in the upper venous system, is confirmed using doppler US and if necessary with venography. However, the optimal diagnostic test for lower limb VTE and pulmonary embolism in children is undefined at the present time but US is the first approach [1443]. Disease management
The aims of antithrombotic therapy in children are similar to those for adults with VTE. Management of childhood VTE is often complex, due to the frequent co-existence of medical and surgical diseases, and the fact that limited data is available on the efficacy and safety of these drugs in paediatric practice. A multidisciplinary management approach should be sought.
Medical device and physiological mechanism for thromboprophylaxis
Physical treatments for thromboprophylaxis are the same used for adult patients: graduated compression stockings (GCS), intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices and venous foot-pumps (VFPs). No paediatric sizes of GCS or IPC are yet available, so they are applicable only to older patients, usually those over 40 kg in weight or older than thirteen years. Intermittent pneumatic compression devices have been used for intra- operative use in children aged thirteen years and over, who weigh > 40 kg and who are expected to have prolonged surgery [1438,1442].
The evidence to use these devices is significantly less than for anticoagulant options and few data are available in children and adolescents [1444]. They should be combined with pharmacological prophylaxis. Early mobilisation and good hydration should be encouraged in all age patients. Pharmacological treatment for thromboprophylaxis
The use of anticoagulant agents to prevent VTE is very limited in children. None of the preparations are licensed in the paediatric age group. Low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) have become the mainstay anticoagulant in the paediatric population, both for prophylaxis and treatment due to the more predictable pharmacokinetics compared with unfractionated heparin. Low molecular weight heparins allow less frequent monitoring, and have a lower incidence of serious side-effects. Compared with adult patients, children require higher doses of LMWH, which decrease with age due to a decreased thrombin production and a high renal clearance. The most commonly used drugs are enoxaparin and dalteparin and the major bleeding rate for prophylactic use of LMWH is low [1438,1442,1445].
Children older than thirteen years with multiple risk factors for thrombosis should be considered for thromboprophylaxis with LMWH especially if immobilisation for more than 48 hours is expected [1445]. Prevention of CVL-related VTE
The presence of a CVL is the most significant risk factor for VTE in children. Central venous catheters placed in the right internal jugular seem to be associated with a lower risk of VTE. There is also evidence that femoral CVLs are associated with a particularly high risk for thrombosis in children [1438].
Thromboprophylaxis did not prevent CVL-related VTE both in prospective studies and RCTs because the majority of these thrombi were transient and resolved spontaneously without therapy [1446]. Summary of evidence and recommendations for the management of thromboprophylaxis management
Summary of evidence | LE |
The incidence of peri-operative thromboembolic events in the paediatric population is generally very low. | 1 |
Patients > 13 years of age with additional risk factors should be considered for venous thrombo-embolism prophylaxis. | 1 |
Standard anti-thrombotic prophylaxis is not recommended due to a lack of high quality RCTs and accepted guidelines concerning peri-operative thromboprophylaxis in children. | 4 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use physical methods for venous thrombo-embolism prophylaxis (VTE) risk reduction in older children and adolescents who are at increased risk of VTE. | Strong |
Consider low molecular weight heparin VTE prophylaxis in children, particularly adolescents, with additional risk factors. | Strong |
3.23.5. Premedication management: general information
The majority of children undergoing anaesthesia and surgery develop anxiety that could lead to adverse reactions. Many factors may influence pre-operative anxiety [1447]. Anxiety and distress can be prevented or relieved combining: premedication, distraction techniques and parental or caregivers presence. Non-pharmacological age-appropriate methods such as play therapy, toys, storybooks, videos, tablet, mobile phone, can all be useful. A successful plan must therefore take into account the age and temperament of the child [1448].
The most important goal of premedication is to alleviate patients’ anxiety and facilitates a smooth separation of the child from their parents/caregivers. Pre-anaesthetic sedatives in children have to be given in a timely fashion pre-operatively, and include midazolam, clonidine, ketamine and dexmedetomidine are used as premedication but no consensus has been reached on the best choice against pre-operative anxiety. Clinicians should select the appropriate premedication depending on the patient’s age, disease and psychological status [1449].
Topical anaesthesia should be used to reduce or eliminate the pain and anxiety of an intravenous access placement when an intravenous induction is required. The most commonly used local anaesthetic creams requires 20 to 60 minutes for maximal effect but they can cause vasoconstriction that could make the vein harder to see and cannulate [1447,1449]. Recommendations for premedication management: general recommendations
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use non-pharmacological age-appropriate premedication methods to decrease anxiety levels in children before surgery. | Weak |
Use pharmacological premedication to decrease anxiety levels in children and monitor for potential side effects. | Strong |
3.24. Basic principles of laparoscopic surgery in children
3.24.1. Epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology
The use of laparoscopy and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery is rapidly increasing and has gained widespread acceptance for many urological surgeries in children [1450]. Laparoscopy is commonly performed for non-palpable testis, nephrectomy, heminephrectomy, varicocelectomy, pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplantation. This expanding scope related to technological advancements allows surgeons to perform more complex procedures in a minimally invasive fashion even in infants and younger children. Generally, well established benefits of minimally invasive surgery are decreased pain, shorter convalescence and better cosmetics compared to traditional open surgery [781,1451]. When comparing the transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approach, there was no difference in recovery of bowel function [1452]. Additional advantages of robotic surgery over conventional laparoscopy include ergonomics, 3D vision, better manoeuvrability, decreased tremor and easy learning curve. Limitations to be considered are increased operative time, smaller working space at young age, cost and experience of the surgeon and anaesthesiologist. While the success and complication rates are comparable for nephrectomy and pyeloplasty, advantages of laparoscopy and robotic surgery for ureteral reimplantation have not been proven and this can only be recommended for experienced centres.
As worldwide experience increases, there is an accumulating awareness about the physiological consequences related to intra- and retroperitoneal CO2 insufflation in children. In contrast to traditional open surgery, pneumoperitoneum may have physiological responses which require close monitoring during surgery and should be taken seriously.
3.24.2. Technical considerations and physiological consequences Pre-operative evaluation
Laparoscopy in children requires specific anaesthetic precautions. Physiological effects of CO2 pneumoperitoneum, positioning of the patient, and potentially increased operative time need to be considered by the anaesthesiology team. Therefore, a detailed medical examination and risk assessment is mandatory pre-operatively. Especially, the cardiac and pulmonary systems should be assessed, as increased intra-abdominal pressure may lead to decreased ventricular preload [1453]. Abdominal insufflation
Abdominal insufflation is the main principle of laparoscopic surgery to create working space for the surgeon. Carbon dioxide is most commonly used for insufflation in laparoscopic centres throughout the world. Other alternatives reported are nitrous oxide, helium, argon and air. However, CO2 is considered to be the best available gas as it is colourless, cheap, has high solubility in the vascular system [1454] and is excreted by the pulmonary system making it the safest option. Smaller children and infants absorb more CO2 than older children [1455], suggesting the need for more attention both during and early after laparoscopic surgery for these children.
Most complications of laparoscopy are attributable to gaining access to the abdominal cavity. One study reporting complications of > 5,400 paediatric laparoscopic surgeries showed that there was an overall complication rate of 5.3% of which 4.2% were related to problematic insufflation (subcutaneous emphysema, gas embolism, injury to the organs and vascular structures, mis-insufflation etc.) [1456]. There are two main and well-established techniques for initial access to the abdomen or retroperitoneum: open technique (Hasson) and Veress needle. Studies comparing these two different access techniques in paediatric laparoscopic urological procedures showed similar complication rates [1457]. The vast majority of the complications were minor and related to lack of surgical experience. Particularly in infants and smaller children, the open access technique is recommended by the Panel to reduce the chance of complications.
Elasticity of the abdominal wall is age-related and is higher in infants and small children compared to older children [1458].
Pneumoperitoneal pressure (PnP in mmHg) is one of the critical points that needs to be carefully considered by laparoscopic surgeons. An RCT compared two different pneumoperitoneal pressure groups (6-8 mmHg vs. 9-10 mmHg) in infants less than 10 kg [1459]. It demonstrated that higher pressures were associated with more pronounced respiratory and haemodynamic changes as well as increased post-operative pain scores and prolonged time to resume feeding. Pulmonary effects
After intra-abdominal insufflation the diaphragm is pushed upwards due to increased abdominal pressure. This leads to decreased total pulmonary compliance. Combined with CO2 absorption this may lead to hypercarbia and acidosis, particularly in case of prolonged operative time or low pulmonary reserve such as in infants. Trendelenburg position may also aggravate the situation in operations in the pelvic region, such as anti-reflux or bladder neck surgeries. Several studies revealed increased end tidal CO2 (ET CO2) related to CO2 absorption [1455,1460,1461]. One study showed a 33% increase in ET CO2 in the majority of neonatal laparoscopic and thoracoscopic procedures [1462]. Shorter operative time and lower intra-abdominal pressures decrease the risk of increased ET CO2. Hypoxemia is rarely seen, even in neonates and can easily be adjusted by increasing minute ventilation. These findings highlight the importance of close monitoring of the children. Cardiovascular effects
Intra-abdominal pressure, CO2 absorption and positioning may also affect the cardiovascular system. It has been shown in adults that after initiation of pneumoperitoneum, cardiac output and stroke volume decrease while mean arterial pressure, central venous pressure and systemic vascular resistance increase [1463]. Similar outcomes have been reported during paediatric laparoscopy with some nuances. Cardiac output was 30% decreased while blood pressure remained stable during laparoscopic orchidopexy with PnP of 10 mmHg in children between aged 6-30 months [1464]. When PnP was lowered from 12 mmHg to 6 mmHg, cardiac index and other vascular parameters normalised [1465]. Using high intra-abdominal pressures in infants with congenital cardiac abnormalities may result in re-opening of cardiac shunts such as the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus [1466]. Although cardiovascular effects of using high PnP are clinically measurable, they may not have a significant clinical impact on healthy children. However, it is clear that using lower pressures is safer especially in smaller children. Effects on renal function
A study measuring renal oxygenation with NIRS (Near-infrared spectroscopy) during laparoscopy showed that pneumoperitoneum might have a negative effect on renal oxygenation [1467]. However, this effect was reversible after desufflation. Other studies showed pneumoperitoneum may also have adverse effects on renal blood flow [1468]. High intra-abdominal pressures and reverse Trendelenburg position may cause decreased glomerular filtration rate and decreased urine output. One study has shown that 88% of infants and 14% of children more than one year old develop anuria within 45 minutes after initiation of PnP with 8 mmHg [1469]. However, urine output recovers with temporary polyuria after the operation. Although the clinical relevance of decreased urine output seems insignificant, it is important to monitor the fluid and electrolyte balance of the children during and after laparoscopic surgery. Effects on neurological system
Another effect of pneumoperitoneum is increased intracranial pressure (ICP) which normalises after desufflation of the abdomen [1470]. Trendelenburg position, high PnP and hypoventilation are additional risk factors for increased ICP. Laparoscopy is therefore contraindicated in patients with intracranial space occupying lesions [1471]. Children with ventriculo-peritoneal shunts require precautions with regards to shunt drainage; however, laparoscopy is not contraindicated [1472]. Comparison of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery versus laparoscopic surgery
No physiological differences are expected between the two approaches since pneumoperitoneum needs to be achieved in the same manner. However, a systematic review comparing robot-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty to conventional laparoscopy in infants and children showed no differences in terms of operative success and redo rates between the two techniques [1473]. As for operative time, length of hospital stay, and complication rates, the robotic approach appears to be slightly superior in children [783,1474]. However, in the infant population, operative time was longer in the robot-assisted approach as compared to conventional laparoscopy and there was a higher complication rate, mainly due to a higher rate of port-site hernias [1475]. The robot-assisted approach might aid in filling the gap to minimally invasive surgery for paediatric urologists as it has a shorter learning curve and does not necessarily require prior laparoscopic experience. Downsides to the robotic approach are the size of the instruments, accessibility and costs [783,1473].
3.24.3. Summary of evidence and recommendations for laparoscopy in children
Summary of evidence |
Laparoscopy and robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery can safely be performed in children. |
The general benefits of laparoscopy are decreased pain, shorter convalescence and better cosmetics compared to traditional open surgery. |
Limitations to be considered are increased operative time, smaller working space with young age, cost, surgeon and anaesthesiologist experience. |
Pneumoperitoneum may have physiological effects which require close monitoring during surgery and should be taken seriously. |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Use lower intra-abdominal pressure (6-8 mmHg) during laparoscopic surgery in infants and smaller children. | Strong |
Use open access for laparoscopy in infants and smaller children. | Strong |
Monitor for laparoscopy-related cardiac, pulmonary and diuretic responses. | Strong |
3.25. Transitional urology
3.25.1. Introduction
Transition in urology is defined by the process where an adolescent or young adult with a congenital or acquired urogenital anomaly transitions into adult services and begins to assume increasing responsibility for their own health care thus, becoming the primary decision-maker in their own care. The main goal of the transition process in urology is to preserve renal function, to optimise QoL by achieving and maintaining continence, to treat and manage issues related to sexuality and infertility, and to monitor for progression of the disease process or complications related to interventions [1476-1478].
3.25.2. Barriers in transition
The process of transition is different for each individual. It is dependent on a complex interplay of factors such as psychosocial development, the onset of puberty, and the persistence and severity of physical and congenital disabilities. The child, caregivers and urologists often have different views and expectations during transition, which can lead to inherent difficulties with non-compliance and failure of attendance. Adolescents expect to be more like their able-bodied peers and experience changes due to puberty, including the willingness to participate in health care agreements. Concurrently, paediatric urologists may opt to increase the number of visits to enable a smoother transition to the adult urologist, without any significant outstanding therapeutic issues. Caregivers may be reluctant be discharged by the paediatric urologist with whom they had a long-standing relationship.
Finding an adult urologist with expertise in functional and reconstruction urology and with knowledge of both underlying congenital conditions and their optimal treatment, can be challenging. The adult urologist must be focused on the overall care of the patient and be able to work in a multi-disciplinary team to fill in the gaps of each individual discipline. Strong lines of communication between the relevant specialists are essential (e.g., nephrology, neurosurgery, gynaecology, rehabilitation doctors, orthopaedics) [1476-1479]. Specific key features have been identified that can pose difficulties in the transition process (Table 13).
Table 13: Key structural differences between paediatric and adult care that can pose difficulties in the transition process (adapted from Claeys et al., 2021 [1478])
Feature | Paediatric care | Adult care |
Patient management | Involvement of a large multidisciplinary team, often lead by a single provider (referrals within the team) | Smaller teams with subspecialty expertise (referrals to other specialties as needed) |
Care approach | Family centred | Patient centred |
Patient functioning | Limited independence | Expected independence |
Clinic management | Time allotted for detailed discussion with intensive coordination | Usually, shorter appointment times and focused care coordination |
Access to psychology | Good access | Often limited access |
Follow-up | Regular active follow-up | More passive follow-up |
3.25.3. The transition process
The optimal age at which patients should transition into the care of adult providers has not been firmly established and may need to be individualised to the patient based on their unique situation. Overall, it is important to address transitional care from the age of twelve years and by sixteen years at the latest. A gradual introduction of the adult urologist into the health care team, several years before targeted time of transition, may facilitate the process of transition, as the child and the caregivers gain trust in the new provider [1480].
Early childhood transition planning should focus on developing long-term goals and expectations to promote optimal health and independence, lifelong care access, and financial planning. During the adolescent years, transition preparation should include developing a care plan, decision-making supports, supporting self-management development, and addressing care co-ordination [1481].
Various models of a transition programs have been proposed. Although, no single approach has been demonstrated as superior [1482]. The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health (https://www.gottransition.org/six-core-elements) has identified six core elements to support transitional care across specialties. For each element, several measures are proposed in order to allow for a successful transition to adult care. An ideal age for completion of each step is only a reference and may require adjustment based on the developmental stage of the child and legal definitions of the age of majority between country jurisdictions. Recommendations include but are not limited to the core elements shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Six core elements to support transition care across specialities
(adapted from https://www.gottransition.org/six-core-elements)
Assessment of readiness may be formalised using readiness assessment questionnaires completed by both the child and caregivers to provide insight into their ability to cope with the transfer process and, therefore, represents a way of determining when the right time is for them to meet adult focused health-care providers [1478]. Adaptation of the six core elements to urology transition allows for the creation of a checklist of active and resolved issues, operative reports, and elements for conditions surveillance (i.e., surveillance imaging studies, blood work) and an updated inventory of renal function, continence status, fertility/sexual function, bowel function, and psychosocial status [1478,1483].
3.25.4. Specific genitourinary conditions Neurogenic Bladder
Renal and bladder function are closely linked in children, and those presenting at an adult urological clinic may have evidence of dysfunction or deterioration (without or without reconstruction) which increases the risk of renal damage. There is a wide range of aetiologies for bladder dysfunction in childhood ranging from bladder outlet obstruction, smooth muscle/sphincter dysfunction, abnormal bladder function, and spinal cord/brain abnormalities. These dysfunctions may also be acquired and include recurrent UTIs, stones, trauma, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, and iatrogenic interventions. The most common cause for neurogenic bladders in adolescent and transitional clinics is spinal dysraphism, of which myelomeningocoele is the most likely to cause bladder and bowel dysfunction [1484]. With advances in neonatal and paediatric care, 50-94% of infants born with spina bifida are now estimated to survive into adulthood [1485]. This means that adult urologists are increasingly encountering such patients and are tasked with managing the urological manifestations of this condition and/or its treatments, with healthcare providers requiring more than a basic knowledge of neurogenic bladder management. Specific urological issues at transition require surveillance and management of renal function, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, bowel function, sexual function, urolithiasis, and complications from urinary tract reconstruction [1486]. The risk of bladder cancer following augmentation in children appears to be very low; however, the data from a systematic review analysing this data was only able to include two studies with more than five years follow-up. Therefore, long-term oncological outcomes remain uncertain [1487].
Several studies have demonstrated ongoing, underlying issues at presentation to adult urological clinics in this cohort. A joint study from Utah and Minnesota demonstrated that 77% patients were performing intermittent catheterisation, with 84.6% having an identified urological problem, the most common of which was bothersome urinary incontinence affecting 52% patients. Overall, 97% required an intervention [1488]. Another study demonstrated that following attendance at a transitional care clinic for spina bifida, 71% of adolescent/adult patients required changes in bladder management and 38% underwent a major surgery [1489]. In Canada, only a minority of paediatric urologists perceive that the transition process should begin at the age of eighteen or older; however, there is no defined ongoing urological care as a component of this process, suggesting the potential for substandard quality of care [1490]. This is in contrast to the 2023 Spina Bifida Association’s Transition to Adult Care Guidelines which recommended that transition discussions should ideally begin at birth.
The process of transition is critical to a smooth transfer of care to adult services. A US study demonstrated that 40% patients had never wanted to transition and that parents thought about this more than patients did. Only 34% patients had a transition plan, with the only significant predictor of transition being a history of urolithiasis [1491]. In a study examining sexual and reproductive health in adolescents with spina bifida, 95% patients stated that they had inadequate knowledge of these issues [1492]. Factors affecting transition readiness have included higher validated assessment scores (e.g., TRAQ; Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire) which is negatively associated with urinary incontinence, and positively associated with health literacy [1493,1494]. Despite this, a study from the US showed that transitioned adults with spina bifida demonstrated on TRAQ scoring, that they were still not fully ready to transition with males affected more than females. This suggested that an increased attention to transition readiness and consideration of a longer transition process in this population may be necessary [1495,1496]. The frequency of clinic surveillance also appears important. Most adult spina bifida patients have symptomatic urological issues within a two-year follow-up interval, with 34% having significant issues within three years, which suggests a narrower interval frequency [1497]. The barriers to successful transition in spina bifida patients within TRAQ domains include ‘appointment keeping’ and ‘tracking health issues’, as well as financial difficulties and the utilisation of community services. These indirect medical issues suggested that an increased awareness around transition readiness and the involvement of social work and specialist nursing to be an integral part of the process [1498,1499].
Several studies have shown improved outcomes in spina bifida patients who have undergone formal transition compared to an ad hoc referral to adult services, with much of this data currently originating from North America. A study from Texas demonstrated the improved the use of a bowel regimen at the time of transfer to adult care and better planning regarding decision-making and transportation to clinic appointments [1500], with another study from Michigan illustrating that females were more likely to attend clinics than males following transition to adult services, and that those who did not transition to adult care had similar outpatient visit types but higher utilisation of inpatient and emergency care [1501]. A study from Indiana showed that spina bifida patients who transitioned tended to have more active health issues and more radiographic tests prior to discharge, and were less likely to use emergency department services, however there remained a significant issue with outpatient attendance compliance [1502]. However, a subsequent study from Oklahoma found that those who participated in a transition clinic were more successful in transferring from paediatric to adult care, with improved subsequent clinic attendances, and that early introduction to adult providers as well as an increased number of visits positively impacted compliance [1503]. It has been shown that transition readiness can be improved with clinic experience, and the relationship with the paediatric urologist can further facilitate this process [1504]. Overall, successful transition of spina bifida patients results in a relative decrease in unplanned hospital admissions, unplanned outpatient clinic attendances, and preventable emergency department visits [1505]. Posterior urethral valves (PUV)
Despite early intervention, many PUV patients have inherently abnormal bladders. The ‘valve bladder’ is a progressive condition that continues to evolve over years, despite surgically alleviated bladder outlet obstruction during infancy. Clinically, this can present as urinary incontinence or polyuria, due to poor bladder compliance, detrusor overactivity, VUR, uretero-vesical junction obstruction or myogenic failure [1479,1506]. It is essential to the adult urologist to recognise risk factors (dilatation of upper urinary tract, progressive loss of renal function, detrusor non-compliance) for progressive lower urinary tract dysfunction in adult men with PUV. Life-long monitoring, including serial renal function blood tests, upper tract imaging and urodynamic studies, has been advocated [1506]. Treatment options, analogous to neurogenic bladder patients, are tailored to the specific patient and includes behavioural modifications, nocturnal bladder emptying, pelvic floor muscle therapy, anticholinergics, CIC, alpha antagonist, and in selected cases, bladder augmentation [1506].
Chronic kidney disease develops in up to 32% of PUV patients and about 20% of these progress towards ESRD [1171]. Renal transplantation in these patients can be performed safely and effectively [1239,1240]. Prior to transplantation, a full bladder and voiding assessment is recommended. Renal function should be monitored throughout life by both an adult urologist and a nephrologist [1479,1506]. See Chapter 3.19 on Congenital lower urinary tract obstruction). Hypospadias
Hypospadias is usually diagnosed and treated in early childhood. Being a dynamic condition, hypospadias and its surgical approaches to repair tend to pose continuing challenges with time. Appropriate long-term follow-up remains controversial, because most patients with hypospadias do well with minimal further urologic issues after initial repair [1480]. Penile development, especially during puberty, can result in new functional concerns. Additionally, some complications, including fertility, sexual dysfunction, and cosmetic dissatisfaction, only become apparent as patients became sexually active [1479,1507]. In adult hypospadias patients with urological issues, urethral strictures and lower urinary tract symptoms (45-72% and 50-82%, respectively) are the most commonly presenting conditions. This is followed by urethrocutaneous fistula (16-30%), uncorrected hypospadias (14-43%), spraying of the urinary stream (24%), UTI (15-25%), ventral curvature (14-24%), lichen sclerosus (8-43%), dysuria (10%), and general genital dissatisfaction [1507]. It is recommended that adult patients are therefore best addressed by a urethral reconstructive urologist, as a general urologist may have limited exposure to the complex urethral reconstructive procedures often required to address these issues [1479].
To lessen the difficulties in transitioning hypospadias patients from a paediatric to an adult urologist, follow-up throughout childhood and adolescence is advisable [1507]. Furthermore, it may be prudent to educate adolescent patients, in order to enable them to take ownership of their condition and an awareness of prior surgical management (See Chapter 3.7 on Hypospadias). Bladder-Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex
The management of Bladder-Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex (BEEC) in infants is well established and continence outcomes in specialist centres are well-described [1508]. On the contrary, adolescent and adult care is rarely formally centralised, even though similar complex challenges exist [1477]. Children with cloacal or bladder exstrophy may require bladder augmentation or diversion with closure of the bladder neck and the creation of a catheterisable channel. These children are at risk of long-term complications associated with the interposition of bowel segments into the bladder [1479,1508]. In addition to urinary function, sexual and reproductive function can be impaired for both sexes. In men, dorsal penile curvature, a reduced corporal volume and a widened pubic symphysis can result in a short functional penile length. Men with epispadias can also experience difficulties with retrograde ejaculation. In women, vaginal stenosis (31%) and pelvic organ prolapse may be present. Pregnancy is possible but with an increased risk of preterm labour. It should be considered that these patients be scheduled for an elective caesarean section in order to avoid potential complications associated with spontaneous vaginal delivery [1477,1479,1480,1509].
Individuals with BEEC are at an increased risk of developing cancer, with the majority being diagnosed at a younger age compared to the general population and typically presenting with non-urothelial types [1508,1510,1511]. A systematic review indicated that 56% of BEEC patients with cancer are diagnosed between the ages of 45 and 67, while 37% are diagnosed between 0 and 44 years of age. The male-to-female ratio among these patients is 2.7:1, and adeno-carcinoma accounts for 68% of the tumour types identified [1510]. Although screening for symptoms of urothelial cancers in individuals with BEEC has been suggested, no standardised surveillance protocols have been established to date [1508,1510].
Due to the complexity involved in the management of the paediatric BEEC patient, a similar transitional approach and infrastructure is recommended for this cohort who transition to adult care [1509]. Differences of sex development (DSD)
Differences of sex development encompass a broad spectrum of diagnoses, of which the majority of individuals present with ambiguous genitalia at, or shortly after birth and are cared for by paediatric services throughout childhood. However, a proportion of children with DSD present in early adolescence and spend only a short time in paediatric care before transition to adult services.
During transition, a general move towards independence and self-responsibility is pertinent, but also a more specific focus on discussing the DSD diagnosis with the individuals themselves along with the details of any treatment history and potential further management as the individual mature [1512,1513]. Studies of children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), have shown that providing the adolescent with knowledge regarding the pathophysiology of CAH, an understanding of their medication regimen, skills to self-mange stress-dose steroids during illness, knowledge of sexual function and fertility expectations, has empowered them to take primary responsibility of their care and transition into adulthood [1514]. It has also been shown that transition readiness is higher among CAH adolescents with good medication adherence rates [1515]. Transitional care for children with DSD requires continuity of an expert multidisciplinary team, supporting the child and their families in an environment comprising specialists (endocrinology, surgery, urology, psychology/psychiatry, gynaecology, genetics, social work, and nursing) with experience from both paediatric and adult practice (See Chapter 3.18 on Disorders/Difference of sex development).
3.25.5. Summary of evidence and recommendations for transitional urology
Summary of evidence | LE |
There are several paediatric urological conditions requiring long-term follow-up which would be unfamiliar to solely adult-trained urologists. | 4 |
Involvement of paediatric and adult urologists working in a multidisciplinary team with expertise in the management and treatment of congenital conditions is essential. | 4 |
Assessment of readiness may be formalised using readiness assessment questionnaires completed by both the child and caregivers to provide insight into their ability to cope with the transfer process and, therefore, represents a way of determining when the right time is for them to transition to adult services. | 4 |
A gradual introduction of the adult urologist into the health care team, several years before targeted time of transition, may facilitate the transition. | 4 |
Recommendations | Strength rating |
Develop a standardised transition-of-care program and collaborate with adult providers to facilitate safe, successful, and sustainable transition. | Strong |
Start transition at the onset of adolescence involving both paediatric and adult urology providers in a multidisciplinary approach to ensure better transition readiness and subsequent adult clinic adherence. | Weak |
Use a validated transition assessment tool to objectively assess for transition readiness. | Strong |